Flooded Star Road

Chapter 753: Pangu Imprint

The imprint of Pangu!

   The mysterious mark that appeared on the eyebrows of Emperor Feng Zichen and Emperor Ziwei was the Pangu mark.

   As Pangu authentic, the two of them naturally bear the mark of Pangu to show their noble origin.

   Because the two of them used the Pangu Seal, the entire battlefield was shrouded by the incomparably stalwart Pangu power.

   Under this mighty force, everyone who was in the battle unconsciously stopped their movements and looked at the two Feng Zichen with a look of uncertainty.

   After endless years, someone has used the Pangu Seal again, and they are still two authentic Pangus that have never been shot before.

   The 12th Ancestral Witch uses the Pangu Seal to transform into Pangu flesh. Sanqing uses the Pangu mark, which can theoretically be transformed into the Pangu primordial spirit.

   What about Feng Zichen and Ziwei Emperor? What can they turn into by using the Pangu Seal? Pangu Yuanshen or Pangu Body?

  Because no one has ever seen the two use the Pangu Seal, everyone is looking forward to it, and they all watched it with interest.


   Ignoring everyone, Feng Zichen and Emperor Ziwei said in unison: "Taoqing fellow, how about this magical ability to pick me up?"

   The words fall, magical powers come out!

   I saw the Pangu mark on the eyebrows of the two of them, and a bright light burst out suddenly, condensed behind them, and gradually formed two vague figures.


   These two vague figures are Pangu.

   However, the difference is that behind Feng Zichen is the body of Pangu, while behind Emperor Ziwei, the body of Pangu is condensed.

  Feng Zichen mainly cultivates the way of gods and demons, and what he cultivates is the real body of Pangu. Therefore, after he uses the mark of Pangu, he will naturally condense the body of Pangu.

   And Ziwei the Great, born in Ziwei Star, was originally the God of Pangu. He used the Mark of Pangu and he naturally summoned him as the Yuanshen of Pangu.


   After the Pangu Yuanshen and Pangu's flesh body manifested, they saw the two emperor Ziwei and Feng Zichen.

   Then, the two Pangu statues seemed to have suddenly become sane, suddenly clenched their fists, and blasted towards the Sanqing Taoist who was transformed into the Taiqing saint.

   This punch was like a punch that was blasted casually. It didn't use magic weapons or magical powers. It didn't have any bells and whistles. It was ordinary.

   But in the eyes of the Taiqing saint, this punch is like the Tao, governing everything, encompassing everything, and letting him give birth to invincible thoughts.

  In front of this punch, any magical powers will be invalidated, and any avenue will be suppressed.

   This punch is invincible!

   One punch can be called invincible, not to mention, the Taiqing saints are not facing one punch, but two punches!

   Double fists, double happiness.


   I saw that the fist marks were bright, penetrated the chaos outside the sky, shattered the infinite universe, swayed a terrifying tide of destruction, and hit the Taiqing saint fiercely.

   There was a bang, and the earth-shaking power burst out, and the golden bridge transformed into the Taiji figure was stunned. Without the guardianship of Taiji Tu, that powerful force spread out, and directly drowned the Taoist of Sanqing.

   bang bang bang!

   Three shocking sounds came, and the body of the Sanqing Taoist shattered one after another under these two punches, turning into fragments of Qingqi in the sky.

   The supreme supernatural powers, one qi transforms three clears, breaks!

Whirring whirring……

   After a while, the fist wind ceased, the chaos returned to calm, and the clear air gathered again and gradually turned into the figure of the Taiqing saint.

   But, at this moment, this quiet and inaction saint looks a bit miserable.

   I saw that his face was pale, the corners of his mouth were bleeding, his hair was scattered, and the robe on his body became even more tattered, like a beggar, and there was no previous grace.

   Obviously, the supernatural power was broken, and it was hit by two punches. Even if it was as strong as him, it was uncomfortable and suffered a lot of trauma.

   Logically speaking, the Taiqing saint was wounded and the Dao body was broken. Feng Zichen and Ziwei the Great should take advantage of the victory to expand the battle decisiveness and never give him a chance to recover his body.

   But the two of them did not do that, because they had more important things to do.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of Taiqing Saint’s Dao body shattered, Feng Zichen and Ziwei Great Emperor directly withdrew and came to the side of Tiandi Xuanhuang Pagoda. .

   At this moment, the Taoist body of the Taiqing Sage is broken, and in order to reconsolidate the Taoist body as soon as possible, there is no time to take care of the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Pagoda. And this period of time is the best opportunity for the two Feng Zichen to refine the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Pagoda.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   As for the pursuit of victory, don't be kidding, it is to completely shatter the body of the Taiqing saint, what can you do? At most, he lost face and couldn't kill him.

   Can't get results, why should Feng Zichen do it? It is better to take this opportunity to refine the heaven and earth Xuanhuang Pagoda so that you can completely control this treasure in your hands.

  Only this is the biggest blow to the Taiqing saints.

   Losing the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Pagoda, for the Taiqing Saints, the loss of strength is not a little bit.

   is air luck, and I am afraid that I will lose a fraction of it.

   Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Pagoda is in hand, Taiqing saint is equivalent to two saints alone, and without the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Pagoda, he is just a saint.

   Such a gap is already obvious.


   The Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Pagoda is the first treasure of the day after tomorrow. There are forty-nine God Forbidden in the body, like a chain of order, all over the core of the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Pagoda.


   I saw the divine mind of the two surging out, like raging waves, rushing into the heaven and earth Xuanhuang Pagoda.

   The indestructible Houtian Divine Forbidden in that tower, under the spirit of Feng Zichen and Ziwei Great Emperor, is like muddy, and there is no resistance at all, it is broken by the two.


   The imprint left by the Taiqing saint in the forbidden forbidden gods was shattered by the divine will of the two people one after another, and turned to imprint his own imprint.

   In this way, in a short moment, the divine consciousness of the two of them was like a broken bamboo, directly breaking through the forty-five divine bans in the heaven and earth Xuanhuang Pagoda, and all the marks left by the Taiqing saints inside were shattered.

   And when they hit the forty-sixth path, the Heavenly God Forbidden, which is the core part of the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Pagoda, the two finally encountered resistance.

   You can see the core of the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Pagoda. In the mysterious yellow light, a dazzling purple light floats there, blooming endless mystery.

   The mysterious yellow light is the original energy of ninety percent of the birth of the mysterious yellow at the beginning of the world.

   As for the purple brilliance, it is naturally the most precious treasure in the prehistoric times, the great merits, which is also the legendary merits of opening the sky.

   The heaven-opening merits in the heaven and earth Xuanhuang Pagoda have a full layer, which is the merit that can create the heavenly saints.

   Whoever refining, who is the destined saint, is destined to become a saint.

   And the last four gods forbidden in the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Pagoda are also here. Among them, the first three divine bans, among the qi of the Xuanhuang origin, the last divine ban, is in the opening of heaven.

   As long as this place is fully refined, it is considered to have completely mastered the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Pagoda.

   But, in front of the two of them, amidst the overwhelming black and yellow air, there was an extraordinary figure standing quietly.

   Look at his face, it is the Taiqing saint!

   "The Taiqing Daoists are so precious to the heaven and earth Xuanhuang Pagoda that they sent an avatar to stay at the core of the heaven and earth Xuanhuang Pagoda to prevent it from being taken away by outsiders."

   "I'm really careful too."

   Seeing at the core of the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Pagoda, a Taoist who was exactly the same as the Taiqing Saint appeared, Feng Zichen shook his head and said with a smile.

   It is obviously impossible to say that he is the Taiqing saint himself, because the Taiqing saint is now outside.

   If it is said that he is the mark left by the saints of Taiqing, that would be wrong, because he has a complete body, flesh and blood, this is not the state that the mark should have.

   And his strength is too strong, already standing in the realm of Hunyuan.

   These conditions are added together, and the identity of the Taoist is ready to be revealed. It must be one of the incarnations of the three corpses of the Taiqing saints, only in this way can they have this powerful strength.

   After dealing with Taiqing saints for so many years, Feng Zichen almost knew what his three corpses were.

   Moral Tianzun, Taishang Laojun, Pangu Taiqing Taoist, these three are the three corpses of Taiqing saints.

   As for the Taoist in front of him, it is not clear which Feng Zichen is.

   However, if you don’t know, you can ask.

   saw Feng Zichen hit an inspector, and asked the Taoist: "I don't know how to call a friend?"

   Taoist returned a gift, saying: "Pangu Taiqing Taoist, I have seen Taoist Gouchen."

  Pangu Taiqing Taoist, when he heard this name, Feng Zichen already knew his origin. The third corpse of the Taiqing saint is also the self corpse, and it is also the most powerful one among his three corpses.

   After knowing the origin of the other party, Feng Zichen couldn't help frowning, which was troublesome.

   With the strength of the two of them, it is not difficult to suppress the Taiqing Taoists, but it takes time. At this moment, what he lacks most is time.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Because, in the outside world, he is fighting against the Taiqing saints. Where can I separate my energy and fight against the Taiqing Taoists?

   At this point, the spirit of Feng Zichen and Ziwei the Great, quietly withdrew from the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Pagoda.

   At this moment, it's not an opportunity to get hands-on, we need to wait a while.

  Although there are still four gods forbidden and unrefined, the Heaven and Earth Profound Yellow Pagoda that has been refined by him for forty-five gods is almost equivalent to falling into his hands.

If    is the most, it will not be able to exert its full power.

   For the current Feng Zichen, the less powerful is the second, as long as the Heaven and Earth Profound Yellow Pagoda is in your hands.

  When the purpose is achieved, He is satisfied.

   As long as the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Pagoda is in his hands, is he still worried that he can't refine the last four gods?

   After today, just take the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Pagoda and return to the human race. Even with time, Feng Zichen can also grind the Taiqing Taoist to death.



   Divine Mind was reset, Feng Zichen and Ziwei Great Emperor immediately looked at the Taiqing Saint.

   At this moment, he has completely restored the Taoist body, that is, even the scattered hair and temples on his head and the torn Taoist robe on his body have also been restored.

   It’s just that his pale face and the wilting breath on his body are not so easy to recover.

  The influence left by the power of Pangu can't be directly erased even by a Taiqing saint, and it takes time to slowly recuperate.

   Quietly, Yuanshi Tianzun appeared beside Taiqing Saint. And the Master Tongtian, also taking advantage of Houtu Empress's stunned effort, came to the front of the Taiqing Saint.

   The three cleansers gather together, forming horns for each other, and are strong against the two emperors Zichen and Ziwei.

   is just refining the heaven and earth Xuanhuang Pagoda kung fu, such a change occurred in the field, the two of Feng Zichen and the Ziwei Great Emperor could not help but feel a little stunned. Then, he looked at Sanqing dignifiedly.

   Sanqing teamed up, Dao Ancestor would frown, not to mention his Feng Zichen.


   No nonsense, Sanqing directly joined forces to form an inexplicable array, and blatantly killed the two emperors Feng Zichen and Ziwei.

Next to   , the Empress Houtu saw this and wanted to help, but was joined by the three of Taiyi, Zhunti, and Jiuyi, and was involved in their battle.

   These three people really want to see what kind of sparks the five Pangu authentic fights will arouse. At the same time, they also want to know what the cards of these five are.

In   Pangu authentic sect, only the Wu clan revealed his trump card, the twelve capital gods are in a big formation.

  While Sanqing, and Emperor Feng Zichen Ziwei, they rarely use the Pangu Seal, so that everyone is not very clear about their methods.

   Now that the two sides finally have a shopping experience, they have to reveal each other's cards. How can the three of them allow outsiders to destroy?

   Helpless, Houtu Empress was forced to be involved in this melee.

   The three parties have enmity with each other, and this time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ they all went all out. For a while, the horrible fluctuations spread, and it actually overwhelmed the limelight next door.



   The combination of Sanqing does not mean to summon the Pangu Yuanshen, it is a means of fighting for life, and it cannot be used if it is not a last resort.

   Like the Twelve Capitals of the Gods, the most obvious function is to integrate the power of the Twelve Ancestor Witches and condense them into one. Until the end, Pangu's physical body can be summoned.

   Right now, Sanqing hasn't reached the desperate situation, and it hasn't reached the point of summoning Pangu Yuanshen. At this moment, they have joined forces to just integrate the strength of the three, making their own strength climbing to a peak.

   At that time, I saw Sanqing's Qi machine connected into one piece, as if it became a normal one, with infinite aura.


   At this moment, Sanqing is like a trinity god. From the past, the future, and the present, Qi Qiqi will kill Xiangfeng Zichen and Emperor Ziwei.

   Seeing this, the two dared not hesitate, and once again urged Pangu Mark.


   In the vast and vast aura, they saw the Pangu Yuanshen that the two turned into, suddenly fusing with Pangu's body.

   Boom boom boom boom...

   Inexplicably, the Chaos Outside the Sky became agitated at this moment, seeming to show fearful emotions, and then it started to disintegrate layer by layer.

   The chaos collapsed, the world derives, and endless road rules are born, extending from the world, surrounded by a ray of light in the void.

   That is the light formed by Feng Zichen and Emperor Ziwei.


   At this moment, Sanqing brought the supreme mighty power to kill, and blasted the light in the sky.

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