Flooded Star Road

Chapter 754: Hard and Gang Hongjun Daozu


   Daoguang shattered, revealing the supreme figure inside.

  Pangu! The real Pangu!

   has the body at the same time as the soul.

   This Pangu, which was derived from the joint efforts of Feng Zichen and Ziwei Great Emperor, can be called a small Pangu, and its strength is enough to compare with the master of the twelfth layer of Hunyuan.

   Feng Zichen, possesses the power comparable to the Hunyuan Quadruple Heaven; Ziwei Great Emperor, possesses the realm of Hunyuan Sixth Heaven. It is the two people who work together, and at most they can compete with the masters of Hunyuan Eighth Heaven.

   But at this moment, after the two turned into a small Pangu, the power that burst out was actually enough to compare with the master of the twelfth layer of Hunyuan, Dzogchen.

   This power increase is simply terrifying.

   You must know that today's Xiao Pangu is just Feng Zichen and Ziwei Great, who were formed by purely using their own strength, without borrowing any external force.

   The boundless starry sky and the power of the wild earth are useless.

   If the power of these two is added, the power of that small Pangu, I am afraid that in an instant, it can directly enter the realm of the impossibly Luo Jinxian and become the true peak of the prehistoric.



   Feeling the powerful force in his body, Feng Zichen felt that he was floating.

  At this moment, He is the only one of heaven and earth, the center of the universe, the very beginning, the oneness of ten thousand sources, the incomparable greatness and vastness.

  All the ways must bow their heads under His feet, and everything between heaven and earth must obey His orders. He holds all the authority of heaven and earth, and he can change heaven and earth in his thoughts.

   This is not an illusion, but He really has this ability.

Do not,

   It's not that Feng Zichen has this ability.

   is Little Pangu, who has the ability to master everything in this world.

  As the pioneer of the prehistoric world, Pangu has the highest power in this world, and no one can compete with it. If Pangu really came, no one in this world could move forward.

   It's a pity. Although Xiao Pan Gu is also Pan Gu, it still has a small print and cannot be compared with the real Pan Gu.

   Although his power is strong, it still has a limit after all. If someone's power can surpass him, he can naturally break his limit.

   This is called, one force breaks ten thousand magic!

   However, although these characters are not uncommon, they obviously won't be Sanqing.

   Although the Sanqing team is strong, the strength is enough to be comparable to the existence of the Hunyuan Twelfth Heavenly Great Perfection realm, but the same is the Hunyuan Great Perfection realm, and there are also strong and weak points.

   There is no doubt that Pangu is the strongest among them.

  History has proven that Pangu is invincible with the realm, and there is no one that can be compared in the true sense.


   With a move in his heart, Feng Zichen urged Xiao Pangu to kill Sanqing.


   Seeing Xiao Pangu blasted out with a punch, the heavens and the earth all manifested together, surrounded by his punch, surrounded him, and rushed towards Sanqing together with him.

   was originally an unmatched punch. After receiving the blessing of Wandao, it became even more extraordinary, with a faint tendency to exceed the realm of Hunyuan.

   Seeing that punch blasted out, ten thousand ways followed, and the chaos suddenly exploded, bursting out waves that opened up the world.

   At this moment, under the fist of Xiaopangu, the scene that the world opened at the beginning seems to be repeated. Because of this, the ten thousand ways are born, and the law of billions of hairs evolves.

   Seeing the horrible fluctuations spread, he immediately submerged Sanqing.


  The turbulent power that opened the sky and the earth actually shook the Dao of Sanqing, making the Dao of their painstaking practice gradually become unstable.

   It can be seen that Sanqing's body is blurring and disintegrating. Under the impact of the power of the world, like the broken chaos, it begins to transform into energy and has a tendency to become the origin of the world.

   At the same time, the great road they have worked so hard to cultivate is also distorted, as if to be stripped from their bodies and integrated into the world.

   This is a sign that the Tao is about to be transformed.

   Xiao Pangu's punch was almost completely beaten.


Next to   , Tai Yi led the three of them after seeing this scene. They all gasped and felt chills.

   This force is really too strong, can anyone really stop Honghuang?

   subconsciously glanced at the Chaos Clock in his hand, and the Eastern Emperor Taiyi secretly forgot it, and felt that even with the Chaos Clock in his hand, he might not be sure of Pangu's attack at the moment.

   Terran has really become a trend. Far more powerful than the monster race today.

   At this moment, Taiyi who has returned again has truly reversed his impression of Human Race and truly regarded him as an opponent.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   boom! boom! boom……

   Seeing that Sanqing was still struggling, Feng Zichen smiled coldly, and didn't use his magical powers to urge Pangu, so he blasted past punch after punch.

  What magical power? What avenue? These, for Pangu, completely lost their meaning. His fist is the strongest magical power and the strongest Tao.

  Because he himself is equivalent to Tao.

   The so-called supernatural power is the understanding of him by outsiders. But no matter how deep the outsider's understanding is, how can it be worthy of his punch and kick?

   Boom boom boom...

   Under the continuous bombardment of Xiao Pangu, it can be seen that a vast world is slowly taking shape in the chaos.

   Even if this world has not been fully derived, it is just a rudimentary form, but from its current scale, it can be seen that this will be a big world beyond imagination.

   Although it may not be comparable to the heavenly realm, it is definitely much larger than the ordinary Great Thousand World.

   And Sanqing's figure is in the middle of this new world.

   At this time, most of their bodies have been broken, and the dazzling blood of God gushes out and falls into the new world, becoming the nourishment for its evolution.

   What's more, under the attack of Pangu, the origins of the Sanqing were shaken, following their broken flesh, they escaped outward and merged into the new world.

   Broken flesh and blood, splashed bones, and escaped origin, one after another broke away from Sanqing's body, and then was shattered by the small Pangu, transformed into the purest innate origin, scattered into the new world.


   After devouring the origin of the Sanqing, the new world evolves faster and faster, and its origin is becoming more and more vigorous, and there is a faint tendency to be comparable to the heavens.

   The origin of the Sanqing is so huge, and the three heavens together are not as good as them.

   This new world is fortunate enough to swallow their origins and perfect themselves. Their fate is beyond the description of heaven.

   If the world is also talented, then this new world is undoubtedly the real genius, and it is also the top one.


  Feng Zichen This is to sacrifice the Sanqing alive, and use all of them to shape a new world, so as to complete their lore.

   If you can really do this and transform the Sanqing into a single supreme realm, then even if you can't really kill the Sanqing, it will hurt their vitality.

   All their origins have been transformed into a great world, so even if they are resurrected, they still have some strength left, how much can they do?

   The Sanqing without the origin may still be incapable of killing, but the threat to Feng Zichen caused by them without power is undoubtedly countless times smaller.

   At this point, Feng Zichen blasted Sanqing’s fists more and more frequently. He wanted to do his best to sacrifice Sanqing alive.

   Feng Zichen's attack became more and more fierce, and Sanqing's situation naturally became worse and worse.

   Originally, even if Sanqing lost to Pangu, he shouldn't have been so unbearable, and he would have won it by one of the tricks. But, who made them hurt before this? Makes a body unable to fully exert its strength.

   Yuanshi Tianzun broke his arm, and the Taiqing saint was severely injured, only the Lord Tongtian was intact. The three of them joined forces in this situation, and their strength was naturally greatly compromised.

"That does not work!"

   "It seems that we still have to use that trick."

   As the origin continues to pass, Sanqing knows that it cannot continue like this. Otherwise, they are in danger.

  Yes, I saw Sanqing look at each other and made a decision in their hearts to use the trick they didn't want to use.

   Three Qings in one, re-enact the Pangu Yuanshen.

   This is a life-threatening tactic, because the price is too high to be used as a last resort.

   But at this moment, Sanqing seems to have reached the time to fight for life. If you don't work hard, they will be gone.

   With a heart move, Sanqing will stimulate the Pangu imprint in the body and act as the Pangu Yuanshen.

   But at this moment, in the depths of the chaos, suddenly there was an extremely majestic voice:


   The words fell, Hongjun Daozu's figure quietly appeared in front of everyone.

   Obviously, He is here to stop fighting.

   This is the period of the calamity of the masses, although Hongjun Daozu cannot intervene in the prehistoric world, but here is not the prehistoric world, but the chaos outside the sky.

   is the site of Him, Hongjun Daozu.

   Seeing Hongjun Daozu appear, Tai 14 people over there directly stopped, and each stepped aside. And Sanqing, who was suppressed by Feng Zichen, let out a long sigh of relief and stopped using the Pangu Mark.

  Since Dao Ancestor has appeared, they don't have to fight for their lives. Re-enacting the Pangu Yuanshen method, if you don't use it, it's better not to use it.

   Nine people fought, as soon as Daozu appeared, seven of them stopped, but two of them did not stop.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   are Feng Zichen and Ziwei!

  At this moment, he actually chose to ignore the existence of Daozu Hongjun and continue to attack Sanqing.

   Why does he care about Daozu? Isn't he a member of the Xuanmen?

   Feng Zichen was very dissatisfied with the fact that Hongjun Daozu pulled off the frame last time. He wants to use his actions to vent his dissatisfaction.

   As for Hongjun Daozu is very strong?

   For this, Feng Zichen said hehe.

   Now that he has countless cards, he may not be afraid of his Hongjun Daozu.

   Yes, that's right, Feng Zichen swelled.

  Under the blessing of Xiao Pangu, he felt that he was invincible in the world, and he did not put Hongjun Daozu in his eyes at all.

   And he does have this confidence.

   After the boundless starry sky is restored, Pangu gods can exert the power of the infinite Luo Jinxian. In other words, Feng Zichen already has the capital to contend with the infinite Luo Jinxian.

   And this is just the Pangu god-man in the endless starry sky. He is already so strong, how strong is the Pangu Dharma image that stands in the prehistoric world?

   Feng Zichen has never tried it, but he knows that it is definitely better than the Pangu God-Man in the endless starry sky.

   This is his biggest trump card, a real fight for life. It is also because of this that Feng Zichen has the confidence to run wild in the land.

   This is all brought about by powerful strength.



   An extremely powerful punch was thrown from Xiao Pangu's hand, towards the Sanqing who gradually gave up resistance because of the appearance of Hongjun Daozu.

   If this punch is hit, Sanqing is afraid that he will not be able to escape a broken body.


   After seeing himself appearing, Feng Zichen did not stop his hand, but became even more fierce. Hongjun Daozu sighed, a flash, and appeared directly under Xiao Pangu's fist.

   I saw him pointing out, blocking the punch of Pangu.

   "Gouchen, Ziwei, stop!"

   "You are not a poor opponent yet."

   With a gentle force, Xiao Pangu was forced to retreat, said Hongjun Daozu.

   To be honest, Hongjun Daozu didn't want to intervene in this melee at first, but after seeing that Sanqing was in danger, he hesitated and chose to take action.

   After all, they were his disciples, and Hongjun Daozu couldn't bear to see them hurt.

   After all, Hongjun Daozu is also a person, and he also has his own emotions and preferences. Therefore, He cannot be fair and righteous.

   But Hongjun Daozu doesn't hate this feeling.

  Because, only then did he know that his heart is still hot, and he has not yet become that cold heaven.

   "Daozu, if you want to save Sanqing, let me pick me up first."

   was forced to retreat by Dao Ancestor, Feng Zichen was no exception, after all, the gap was there. Let him admit defeat, but it won't work.

   This hasn't hit yet,

   How do you know that he will lose?

Looking at Hongjun Daozu, Feng Zichen's heart moved, and he began to draw the power of the boundless starry sky~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Suddenly, Zhou Tian's stars brightened up, and the boundless star power converged into a shining galaxy, running through the chaos and filling the sky. Into the body of Pangu.

   In an instant, all the divine orifices on Pangu's body were lighted up, and the ghosts of the gods appeared, intertwined with terrifying power.

  At this moment, an astonishing transformation took place, and the power of Pangu suddenly soared, surpassing the Hunyuan realm, and entered a new realm, the Promise Realm.

   Feeling the power beyond imagination in his body, Feng Zichen thought for a while, but did not continue to draw the power of the wild land.

   For the sake of safety, it is better to test the quality of Hongjun Daozu first, and after deciding whether to continue to increase his strength.


   Seeing the changes in Xiaopangu, Daozu Hongjun nodded and said, "Not bad!"

   Then, I saw him flick the dust on his hand, and an unpredictable power erupted, directly sweeping the small Pangu away fiercely.

   Tangtang Wuju Luo Jinxian level existence, in the hands of Daozu Hongjun, it was actually unable to make a move.

   In the midair, Xiao Pangu's body began to disintegrate, and the starlight returned, and the bodies of Feng Zichen and Ziwei Great Emperor also manifested accordingly.

   They were not hurt, but their eyes were filled with blankness.

Feng Zichen knew how Hongjun Daozu defeated Xiaopangu.

   But it was because he knew that he was lost.

   Hongjun Daozu He, don't follow the routine!

   As soon as he shoots, he directly uses the power of heaven and earth. Who can stand it!

   Normally, didn't the two sides start a game first and only then started to use external forces after discovering that their own strength could not beat the other party?

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