Flooded Star Road

Chapter 723: Salaries drop

   Chapter 728

  No one knows what Feng Cangmang discussed with the contemporary king in the palace. In short, the final result is that as a human sage, Feng Cangmang walked out of the palace with a helpless expression.

  Obviously, He failed to persuade the King of People.

Although Feng Cangmang decided to support Feng Zichen, in order to cooperate with his plan, he still pretended to fail in persuasion.

  I have to say that those who can cultivate to Daluo Dao Zun are all acting schools. The wind and boundless expression and actions are almost the same as the real one, making people completely unable to see the flaws.

  After returning home, several human sages went to the palace to persuade the king to abdicate, but without exception, they all failed.

  At this moment, most of the people understand that the modern king is afraid that he is determined to prove the Taoist king, even if he died for it.

  The other masters of the human race saw this and naturally admired the ambition of the king. But in the eyes of those great supernatural powers, the king's move was a bit silly, just like Xia Qi back then.

  How naive is it to bet on the slightest unrealistic possibility with your own life?


  This is what the saint made after hearing about the determination of the King of Man.

The word    is ridiculous, and it says that the king’s actions are useless. What can he do if he suffers to the end? Heaven does not allow him to be the emperor, nor will the saints allow him to be the emperor.

  Go against the sky, you must die!

  The terrible calamity of blocking the road has been verified by Dayu. Even the great Yu, who is not inferior to the Five Emperors, could not survive the catastrophe. How can the contemporary king survive?

   With a cold smile, the saint no longer pays attention to the contemporary king.

  After the death of this person, the big business will collapse, and the immortal gods will be killed. In a moment of thought, the saint set out the next charter.

  After the fall of the contemporary king, Dashang will be destroyed, in order to kick off the prelude to the killing of immortals and gods.

  The reign of the king of this generation has been too long, and the immortal killing has been delayed for a long time because of the robbery, but it cannot continue to be delayed.

  Otherwise, under the counterattack of the immortal gods killing the robbery, the scale must be larger than expected.

  Furthermore, in the hands of this king, Dashang seemed to be prospering a little too far, and the luck was strong enough to make the saint moved.

In the sage’s sight, one can see that the wispy lines extend upward from the mysterious bird transformed by the great shangqi luck, and spread to the unknown void, where the mysterious and unknowable destiny lies, and what is in it. The human spirit and luck are closely linked together.

  A line of undetectable Qi Luck, following these lines, flows from Xin Huo's body and rushes into Xuan Niao's body, making Da Shang Qi Luck stronger and stronger, and there is a faint tendency to completely merge with Xin Huo.

  This is a symbol that Dashang is about to move closer.

  When Xinhuo and Xuanniao are fully integrated, the human race will reappear in the ancient times of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors.

  And this scene is something the saint does not want to see.

  The stronger the human race, the more difficult it is for the saints to control, so they don’t want to see the human race too powerful.

After Dayu, in order to weaken the strength of the human race, under the calculation of the Tao of Heaven, Xia Qi established Daxia and changed the world to the world.

  For this, the human luck is double-pointed.

  One part is in the dynasty, and the other part is in the ancestral land.

  The ancestral land respects the emperor, but does not respect the emperor. Naturally, he will not submit to the dynasty. And with the power of the dynasty, it was impossible to conquer the ancestral land, and it was not even an opponent of the ancestral land.

  In this way, the two sides are in their own affairs, and the luck will be divided accordingly?

  Heaven’s move, without damaging the luck of the human race, weakened the strength of the human race, which is not unwise.

  Why couldn’t the human race give birth to the supreme emperor after the Great Yu? The backlash of humanity dragon energy is one aspect, but more, but it is the reason for insufficient air luck.

  Only half of the previous air luck, how can the existence comparable to Dayu be born?


  Whether it is to provoke the immortal gods to kill the robbery, or to prevent the big business from taking a step closer, after the death of this generation of kings, the big business does not need to exist.

  Strong, sometimes, it is also a sin!



  The saints can ignore the King of Humans, but the sages of the human race can’t.

  After persuading the King to abdicate to no avail, the sage of the human race decided to help the King after several discussions.

  Is the king of the human race, how can the sages of the human race watch his fall?

  So, in any case, the sages of the human race have to help the king.

  Thinking about it, the sages of the human race took the treasures enshrined in the temple from their ancestors and handed them to the king of humans, trying to use this method to help resist the backlash of humanity and dragon energy.

  The most treasures enshrined in the Taimiao were the guqin used by Emperor Fuxi to play music, the divine cauldron used by the emperor Shennong to refine medicine, and the three tripods of heaven, earth and people refined by Emperor Xuanyuan.

These three treasures follow the three emperors all the year round, each with a trace of the emperor’s aura, and coupled with the perennial worship of the human race, they can more or less resist the humanity dragon’s backlash for a certain period of time for the human king, so that he can live a little longer. time.

  Perhaps, during this period of time, the king has figured it out on his own, and it is not always necessary to change his mind and decide to abdicate.

  In any case, using these treasures is already the limit of the ancestral land. If the King of People still hasn't changed his mind, there is no way for the ancestral land.

  They have exhausted their manpower, and then they can only obey the fate.


  Under the blessing of the Three Treasures, the King of Humanity swept away the decline that had gone first, rejuvenated, and once again reigned over the world with a strong posture.

The   Human King's posture lasted for a full 10,000 years. Only when the three treasures reached the limit and could not continue to resist the backlash of the human dragon energy for him, he slowly faded and returned to the end of the strong crossbow state.

  In other words, the king is going to die of old age again.

  However, He still had no intention of changing his mind. But at this time, there was no more treasure for Wang to continue his life.

  For a time, the safety of King Ren once again became the focus of everyone's attention.

  In this case, someone put forward a bold idea.

  Since the treasures left by the three emperors, they can resist the backlash of humanity and dragon energy. Isn’t that the treasure of Enlightenment of the Three Emperors, too?

  As soon as this idea came out, it immediately ushered in everyone's unanimous approval. After having a solution, the human race sages immediately took action.

   Seeing that they had spoken to the King of Humans, they hurried to the Huoyun Cave and borrowed treasures from the Three Emperors and Five Emperors.

  The treasures of the Three Emperors are fine, and the treasures of the Five Emperors are naturally fine. Maybe, under the blessings of the eight treasures of the human emperor, the human king can really become the ninth human emperor of the human race.

  The weakest human sages are Da Luo Dao Zun. When they rushed to the road with all their strength, the speed was naturally extremely fast, so they rushed to the Huoyun Cave very quickly.

   "Your Majesty, please save the King!"

In the   dong, everyone saw the three queens and quickly reported the current situation of the king to them, hoping to get help from the three queens.

  However, the result was completely different from what everyone expected. They thought that after they had reported the situation, the three emperors would immediately help.

  But it turned out that what awaited them was the silence of the three emperors.


  Silence, endless silence.

  In the Fire Cloud Cave, after listening to the reports of the people, the three emperors fell into weird silence and said nothing.

  Aren’t they going to help the King of People?

  No, it is not.

  It is not unwilling, but not possible.

  With the strength of the Three Emperors, how can you hide everything that happened in the human race? They naturally knew the king's situation.

   Long before everyone came, the three emperors wanted to help the king, but the result was...


   "Let's take a look outside!"

   sighed, the Emperor Shennong said helplessly.


  Everyone heard the words, they were all heads full of question marks. This is so good, what do they let them look outside?

   However, puzzled, they still looked out of the cave in accordance with their words. But with this look, they were horrified at seeing them.

  See you, above the Huoyun Cave, there are five most treasured phantoms hanging impressively.

  Tai Chi picture, Pangu flags, four swords of Zhu Xian, oriental blue Baolian banner, twelfth-grade meritorious golden lotus.

  Five magic weapons of saints!

  Except for Nuwa Empress and Houtu Empress, the other five saints have all shot.

  The crowd hadn't noticed when they came, but now they saw these five treasures of saints, and they were only surprised that the three emperors fell silent.

  They want to help the king, but under the prying eyes of the five saints, where do they have the opportunity to make a move?

  One or two saints come forward, the three emperors may be able to deal with it, but five saints come forward at the same time, that is, the three emperors and five emperors are added together, and they are not opponents.

  There are saints blocking the fire cloud cave, but the three emperors and five emperors can't take action.


  Seeing this, everyone couldn't help being speechless.

  This is too exaggerated!

  In order to deal with a king, as for the five saints to shoot together?

  They don’t know, at this moment, the saint is also a little anxious. After waiting ten thousand years and ten thousand years, the king of humanity still did not die.

Seeing that the King of Humans is about to fall, but everyone has figured out a way to extend the life of the King of Humans. If this really makes them successful, the King of Humans will live for hundreds of thousands of years, and the immortal gods will not have to kill and robbery. coming.

   was anxious in his heart, and the saint was not too cold anymore. He directly blocked the fire cloud cave and prevented the three emperors and five emperors from saving people.


   is the origin of the scene before everyone.

  As for the saint's shot against Huoyun Cave, why did Feng Zichen not help?

  Because there is no need anymore!

  Human King has almost accumulated. Although he has not yet reached the point of becoming a Human King, he also has the capital to contend with the saint.

  In other words, the King of Humans no longer needs to hide his strength. It is time for him to show his edge in front of everyone.

  Blindly hiding, it is impossible to become the emperor. Looking at the emperors of the past dynasties, which one is not the emperor who has witnessed the great calamity of the world?

  The emperor Fuxi calmed down the chaos of the beasts, the emperor Shennong re-organized the line of the wasteland, the emperor Xuanyuan unified the prehistoric, the emperor Shaohao kept pressure on the ten thousand clan, and the emperor Zhuanxu had the world...

  This piece is the merit of the emperor. It is precisely because of these feats that they have become the masters of all races and the emperors of the land.

  And if the King of Humans wants to become the King of Humans, he must also accomplish the corresponding feats. Otherwise, he would become Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and he could not become a human emperor.

  If you want to become a human emperor, it is not enough to have a strong strength, you must have corresponding merits.

  The killing of immortals and gods is the achievement of the king of human beings.

  The saint wants to kill the big business with the immortal gods, why not think that the king wants to use the immortal gods to complete his feat of becoming an emperor.

  The celestial killing robbery is a chessboard, where Feng Zichen and the saint are on their own sides and fight each other. Whether the two sides are strong or weak depends on their respective methods.



  Just when the five saints put all their energy into the direction of Huoyundong, the capital of the great merchant king was a variable rebirth.


  In the palace, the contemporary king is not concealing his strength. The coercion that belongs to the quasi-sage late stage ripples from his body, and in an instant, it swept the entire prehistoric land.

  For a time, the world and the earth shook together, and the day after tomorrow saw the surrender, trembling and wailing in front of this power.

  The acquired way, after all, is not as much as the innate way.


  As the contemporary king unscrupulously showed his strength, a huge hole suddenly opened in the sky above the capital of the big business king, and the vast and unpredictable time and space in it were vaguely visible.


  A river flowed from the crack, carrying a five-colored fire to the sky above the capital of the Shang Dynasty.

  That is the fire, it is the luck of the human race!

  And that river is naturally the river of fate.

  Human luck came to the capital of Dashang, indicating that the contemporary king of humanity has the qualifications to become a human emperor. Like Dayu, he can dominate the human luck and open his own way to become an emperor.


   Seeing the arrival of the human luck, the mysterious bird screamed and turned into a black light, which merged into the fire.


  For a time, the momentum of the firewood skyrocketed, and the figure was completely stabilized, standing in the sky above the capital of Dashang.

  At this moment, the Xinghuo generation of Xuanniao, human luck reappeared.

  The human luck that has swayed endless years since the fall of Dayu, today, it finally ushered in its owner and stabilized again.

at the same time,

  This also marks,

  A new emperor of the human race has risen.


  Xinhuo was added, Feng Zichen's power immediately began to skyrocket, and in an instant, he surpassed the quasi-sage level and reached the realm of Hunyuan.

  Yes, it is Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

  The current human luck ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is much stronger than it was in the past.

  In the past, human luck can raise the strength of the human emperor to a level comparable to that of the half-step Hunyuan. Now that the human aura is stronger, it can naturally raise the power of the human emperor to the level of Hunyuan.

  This means that Feng Zichen’s current human emperor status is not yet complete. Otherwise, under the blessing of human luck, his strength will not stop there, at least it will reach the stage of the middle stage of the Hunyuan.

  Human King!

Feng Zichen, who has added Xinhuo to his body, can already be said to be the emperor of humanity. It's just that he, the emperor, is not yet complete, and he can't enjoy the same treatment as the three emperors and five emperors.

When    was in power, he was the emperor.

After    can abdicate, he can only be the king of men.

  Want to become a real emperor, Feng Zichen still lacks a large enough feat.

  The death of the immortal gods is his opportunity.

  Canonized the gods, as the emperor!

    Ask for a monthly pass!



  (End of this chapter)

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