Flooded Star Road

Chapter 724: Identity exposure

  Chapter 729 Identity Exposure


  Outside the Huoyun Cave, perceiving the changes in human luck, the faces of the Five Sages are difficult to keep calm.


   seems to be out of their control.

  The King of Humans, whom they thought was about to fall, not only did not fall, but went a step further, cultivated into the realm of quasi-sages, and aspired to the throne of the King.

   messed up!

  It's all messed up!

  All the plans of the Five Saints were completely messed up the moment the King of Humans became the King of Humans.

  Human emperor was born, how should the immortal kill and robbery proceed?

  The feeling that the matter was beyond control made the Five Sages extremely uncomfortable. The saint should be strategizing, controlling the overall situation, and should not be so passive.

   Thinking like this in his heart, the Five Sages wanted to take action, taking advantage of the fact that the king was just promoted and his luck was not stable, he was seriously injured and driven off the throne, in order to correct the chaos and bring everything back to the right track.

  Return the development of things to the trajectory they had arranged in advance.

  Boom boom boom~~

  In the void, the five treasures of the saints vibrated together, and the supreme mighty power burst from them, shattering the infinite time and space and the laws of billions, turning into a vast torrent, sweeping toward the human world.

  But at this moment, inside the Huoyun Cave, there was a burst of cheerful laughter.

"Ha ha!"

   "I can't let you hurt our emperor."

  At the same time as the sound came out, I saw the three treasures of human luck, the Innate Eight Diagrams, Shennong Chi, and Xuanyuan Sword, flying out from the fire cloud cave and hitting the saint magic weapon in the void.

  At the same time, the Fire Cloud Cave shook crazily, and then he saw eight figures standing upright in the sky, standing up from the cave and manifesting in the world.


   Suddenly, an invincible momentum burst out, vast and long, containing unmatched power, sweeping across the universe, suppressing the ancient and modern future.

  That is the Three Emperors and Five Emperors...

  They did it!

   Regarding the changes in the Great Merchants, the Three Emperors and the Five Emperors did not expect that they were thinking of a way to help the King, but before they could figure out a solution, the King had already solved the problem by himself.

  This is really beyond their expectations.

  The king of contemporary people really brought them so many surprises.

  And this is exactly what the three emperors and five emperors have come to.

  The stronger the performance of the contemporary King of Humanity, the greater the chance of him becoming the King of Humanity. As a human race, he will naturally be happy about this.

  The saint wants to kill the future emperor of the human race, or do he act in front of them. How can the three emperors and five emperors bear it?

  Shooting is inevitable.

  Before, the saints stopped them and prevented them from helping the king. Now that Feng Shui turns around, it is their turn to stop the saints and prevent them from attacking the king.


   is almost the moment when the three emperors and five emperors appeared, the rules of the day and the earth stopped operating at this moment, and time and space were also stuck in stagnation.

  In front of this power, the five great saints' magic weapons trembled for a while, and then slowly calmed down.

  After that, the five saints quietly appeared in front of the three emperors and five emperors.

  Five Saints face to face, a huge pressure, overwhelming the sky, wants to drown the Three Emperors and Five Emperors.

   "Since all fellow Taoists are here, why not come in for a comment?"

   "Leaving like this, if it is passed out, isn't it saying that I have no hospitality in Huoyun Cave?"

  At this time, Fuxi smiled and stepped forward and said. His tone is neither overbearing nor overbearing, obviously putting himself in a position equal to that of a saint.

  Yes, the three emperors are the most holy, and they are also the top karma of heaven and earth. They may not be as good as saints in power, but they are equivalent to saints in terms of identity.

  In other words, in addition to power, the three emperors enjoy the same treatment as the saints.

  This is what God said, and it must not be faked.

  In this way, facing the saints, the three emperors are naturally not afraid. What if the saint is offended and dead? Can the saints kill them? At most, it means being beaten and losing face.

  "I have seen three fellow Taoists!" ×5

  After the five saints put away their magic weapons, they met the three emperors in turn.

  In their eyes, there are only three emperors. As for the five emperors, because they are only half-step holy, they are not in their eyes.

  Although the five emperors were angry, most of them were still powerless. Because they are far from being the opponents of the saints, even if the five are teaming up. Therefore, the saints dare to look down upon them.

Do not,

  Perhaps the saints are not looking down on them.

   just simply ignores them and ignores them.

  This is the arrogance that saints are only qualified to possess. Except for the existence of their peers, the creatures under Hunyuan can be ignored.

   "Since the Daoist friends are invited, the poor Dao and others will enter it for a while."

  An imaginary battle did not break out. Facing Fuxi’s invitation, the Taiqing saint agreed beyond everyone's expectations.

  In fact, this is the right choice.

  The Five Saints teamed up, and even if the three emperors and five emperors joined together, they would not escape being suppressed.

  But this will undoubtedly delay a lot of time.

   And this period of time is enough for the king of the lower realm to stabilize the throne, and the saint will also lose the opportunity to shoot against it.

  When the King of Human is promoted, there will be a lot of calamity. The saint's shot at this moment can completely transform into a human robber. Even if he kills the King of human, he will not pay too much.

Under the calamity, where is the causal karma when everything is gone?

  So, at the moment when the king is promoted, the saint can use some means to attack him without worrying about paying too much.

  But as the King of People’s promotion is completed and the calamity disappears, if the saint wants to take action against him, the price will be too great for them to bear.

   Therefore, even if they defeated the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, the Five Saints had no chance to attack the contemporary king. That being the case, why should the Five Saints turn their faces against the Three Emperors and Five Emperors and fight against them?

  It is better to go in for a cup of tea, and then go home to discuss the next step.



  In the 330,000 years of the Great Shang calendar, the human prince Chen received the blessing of human luck and formally ascended the throne as the emperor, becoming the new generation of human emperor of the human race.

  At this point, the Human Race, who has been suspended for nearly a million years since Dayu’s abdication, finally ushered in its new master.





  Human Sovereign appears in this world, the human races scattered all over the prehistoric places stand in response, chanting the name of the Human Sovereign and praising his virtue.

  For a time, the name of the emperor resounded from the past!

  When Feng Zichen returned to the capital of King Shang, the creatures here, whether they were the former officials of the great merchants or the sages from the ancestral land of the human race, saluted them one after another:

   "The minister, wait, I have seen your majesty!"

  Human King is different from Human King.

  Human King is the king of a dynasty, but Human King is the emperor of a family. But the mortal race must respect the emperor, this is the basic etiquette.

   "Everyone is free!"

   With a wave of his hand, there was a breeze that lifted everyone up, Feng Zichen said.

   "You have something to report?"

   "If nothing happens, the widow needs to go to Huoyun Cave."

   Looking at everyone, Feng Zichen asked.

Now that    has become the emperor, he naturally wants to take a trip to Huoyun Cave. The new emperor seeing the old emperor is also a kind of inheritance.

   "The minister waits for nothing!"

  Everyone shook their heads after hearing the words, indicating that they had nothing to report.

  Seeing this, Feng Zichen's figure shook before disappearing in front of everyone, and came to the outside of Huoyun Cave.



   "The Emperor is here!"

  At this time, in the Huoyun Cave, Fuxi, who was pouring tea for everyone, felt a little bit, turned his head and glanced outside the cave, and said to everyone.

  As soon as the voice fell, a familiar and unfamiliar voice echoed in everyone's ears.

   "Renhuang Zichen, come to visit the Three Emperors and Five Emperors."

  Feng Zichen spoke up.

   "This voice..."

  At first hearing this sound, the movements of the hands of all the saints were a pause, and then they stood up, their movements were neat and uniform, and they looked out of the cave with an incredible face.

  This voice reminded them of a person who had long since fallen.

  That’s why the Five Saints were surprised, shocked, and unbelievable.

  If it is that person, then their trouble will be great. There is just one thing, but the Five Saints do not understand. If it was that person, how did he resurrect silently and reincarnate into the human race?

   was puzzled, and doubts appeared in the eyes of the Five Saints.

  Unlike the saint’s doubts, after hearing this familiar voice, the three emperors and five emperors became excited at the same time.

  Who really came back?

In a trance, everyone remembered the name of this emperor, Zichen!

   Zichen, Zichen,

  They should have thought of it long ago.

  This must be the one without a doubt.

  Because only He can accomplish such an astonishing achievement in such a short period of time and become a mighty emperor.

  Like the time immemorial, He led the human race to rise in ignorance, out of the ancestral land, piercing through thorns, thorns, and blue strands, and laid a huge world in the prehistoric, making the human race among the prehistoric and powerful.


   "Everyone, follow me to meet that majesty."

  With the answer in her heart, Fuxi said to everyone beside her with a little excitement.

   "You can do nothing!" The other emperors all agreed upon hearing this.

   "You fellow Taoists want to go together?"

  Excited in his heart, but Fuxi hadn't forgotten that there were guests, so he turned his head and asked no one such as Taiqing Saint.

   "Naturally want to go together."

   "Pan Dao and others, I haven't seen that fellow Daoist for a long time."

  Taiqing Saint nodded and said meaningfully.

   "Okay, then go with the old one!"

  In this way, a group of thirteen people walked vigorously outside the Huoyun Cave to meet the legendary emperor.

   "It really is you!"

   "Go Chen!"

  Outside the Huoyun Cave, as soon as they met and saw the familiar faces, the three of Yuanshi Tianzun and Jiuyin Zhunti were shocked, their complexions in vain became difficult to look.

  They can't forget how this great **** "fallen" into their hands that day.

  For this, the three of them paid an unimaginable price. The influence brought to them by the killing of the emperor has not been completely eliminated until today, and it has been affecting them all the time.

   Yuanshi Tianzun and the lead Zhunti, why do they sometimes drop their IQs and make all kinds of unwise actions?

   is for this.

  It is the saint who killed the emperor, and it is impossible to retreat without paying any price.

  The consequences of the killing of the emperor have always affected them, first making them sluggish, and then affecting the judgment of the three at a critical moment.

  Why do you quasi-professional Taoists run to Haotian stupidly? Why did Yuanshi Tianzun speak such unwise words in the Zixiao Palace, and ruthlessly get through the face of the heavenly leader?

  The reason is all here.

   Yuanshi Tianzun was intent on killing Haotian in the Zixiao Palace, Hongjun Daozu didn't take him, just because he saw that his state was wrong, he didn't care about him.

  Otherwise, do you really think Hongjun Daozu is a good old man?

  If these words are heard by the Five Elements Saint Beast, you will have to slobber on your face. TMD, if Hongjun Daozu were good people, would they end up like this?

  And these, Yuanshi Tianzun and Jiuying Zhunti were obviously aware of this, but they couldn't deal with it.

If the influence of   killing the emperor could be eliminated so easily, the emperor still had the majesty of a hammer that day, wouldn’t it be slaughtered every day?

  Fortunately, it’s okay to receive the guide, an old otaku, who will never step out of Mount Xumi if nothing happens. Therefore, this matter has the least impact on him.

  But Yuanshi Tianzun and Zhunti Taoist are different. They often have to run out, which causes this matter to have a great impact on them, making them miserable.

  For this reason, the two of Him hated the Great Emperor Gouchen the most.

  Tian, ​​I’m sorry, the death of Emperor Gouchen has nothing to do with them.

  Did they kill Gouchen?

  No, it's not. Gou Chen was suicide.

   just calculated the three of them before dying, and buckled the black pot of killing the emperor on them.

  Relying on the white back, he took such a **** pot and paid a huge price for it. The anger in the hearts of Yuanshi Tianzun and Zhunti Taoist can be imagined.

  At this moment, the enemy is present, the anger in their hearts is ignited all at once, and a terrifying killing intent is breeding.

  It’s just that, before the two of them started, they saw Fuxi Shennong and others step forward. Chaofeng Zichen saw the ceremony and said: "We congratulate Your Majesty on his return from the calamity.

  The voices of the eight people resounded in the ears of Yuanshi Tianzun and Zhunti Taoist, as if a basin of cold water poured down, extinguishing the anger in their hearts.

  At this moment, it is not the time to take action.

   "Dear friends, I have seen you for a long time." After the eight people saw the ceremony, Feng Zichen replied.

  At this moment, He no longer needs to hide his identity.

  Hidden his identity before, because of his lack of strength, and he was worried that after being known of his identity, he would try to destroy his plan. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

  But now, his general trend has been achieved. Although his strength has not been restored to its peak state, it has reached the point of being comparable to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

  Such strength, naturally all difficulties can be settled. Then he doesn't need to continue to hide his identity, he can appear in front of everyone openly.

  Furthermore, even if he does not take the initiative to reveal his identity, it is estimated that his identity will not be kept for long.

  The saints are not fools. A fierce man suddenly appeared under their noses, so how could they not investigate its origin.

  Feng Zichen's identity cannot be concealed in this investigation.

  After all, there are too many loopholes.

  Before the saint hadn’t paid attention, Feng Zichen could still fool around. But when the saint is serious, his disguise loses its meaning.

  Ps: I made a mistake. The name of the protagonist's reincarnation is Zichen, not Zichen. Ugh! After all, Chen is in line with the naming style of the Shang Dynasty.

  Also, tomorrow, five or five, I will take a day off.

  Man, there are always a few days a month, and I know everything.

  (End of this chapter)

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