Flooded Star Road

Chapter 735: North Sea Monster Race

  Chapter 740 North Sea Monster Clan


  The vast and boundless mana rushed out of the ancestral land of the human race, wrapped in the luck of the human race, like a torrent of humanity, swept everything, and crashed into the three people who were about to enter Kunlun Mountain.


   Hearing a shocking sound, the three Daluo Dao Zun, at the foot of Kunlun Mountain, were blasted to pieces by this mana.

  Not even the true spirit remained, completely disappeared.

  And this scene was not only seen by the Five Saints in Kunlun Mountain, but also by the great supernatural powers who were watching the show.

  For a time, the whole world seemed to be in peace.

  Everyone knows that something big has happened.

  Blood in the Holy Land is not a trivial matter!


  There is no doubt that this is Feng Zichen's hand. With his strength and coordinating with the luck of the human race, even the quasi-sage can easily obliterate it, let alone Da Luo Dao Zun.

The reason why Feng Zichen did not take action at the beginning, but chose to take action at this moment, was to wait for them to rush to Kunlun Mountain. Fortunately, here, in front of the saints, the three of them Beheaded.

  Otherwise, it cannot demonstrate the majesty of the human race.

  If the people of the world see this scene, they will know that if they are enemies of the human race, then even the saints cannot protect him.

  In this way, they are bound to be jealous, and when they are enemies of the human race, they will carefully weigh the pros and cons.

  Feng Zichen's move is intended to deter sentient beings, so that they no longer dare to be enemies of the human race. This is true even if there is a saint supporting him behind his back.

  I didn’t see that the three Dao Zun Daluo with the saints standing behind had been beaten to death by Feng Zichen at the door of the saint’s house?

  Kill chickens and monkeys, that's it.

  The three Da Luo Dao Zuns are able to live to this day because they are the chickens Feng Zichen is preparing to attack the monkeys.


   "Too much bullying!"

In the Yuxu Palace, seeing the pool of blood at the foot of Kunlun Mountain, Yuanshi Tianzun's face was blue with anger. The faces of the other saints are not very beautiful.

  Feng Zichen this time, it was really too much. His move, it can be said that he killed their people at the door of the saint's house.

  This is no longer a face slap, but a complete tear of the face.

  If the saint does not find the place back, then Hong Huang is afraid that he will not dare to follow them in the future.


   With hatred in his heart, Yuanshi Tianzun's thoughts moved, and anger burst into the sky. In an instant, boundless dark clouds gathered above the human border, directly dyeing the sky black.


  In the dark clouds, the thunder snake danced wildly, revealing an aura of destruction.

  The thunder and the dark clouds were all transformed by the anger of Yuanshi Tianzun. When the saint became angry, the world changed color.


   Endless thunder bursts, blasting towards the human border. The dazzling light reflected the entire world into white, and at the same time, it also reflected the terrified complexion of the human race below.

  This is Yuanshi Tianzun venting his anger, echoing the heaven and the earth, generating the punishment of heaven and coming to the world, wanting to destroy everything.

  The thunderbolt, turned into a catastrophe, was actually going to destroy the human border and the millions of human troops stationed in it.

  Obviously, Yuanshi Tianzun was really angry.

  Feng Zichen kills his three subordinates, and he will use the millions of human army to bury him.

   Seeing, the punishment of heaven was about to fall, and all the millions of human races would be wiped out. In this world, among the ancestors of the human race, Feng Zichen suddenly stood up.


  Along with Feng Zichen's getting up, an invisible general trend rose from his body, and in an instant, it swept across the entire prehistoric world.

   Then, time stood still at this moment, and all people or things stayed in place, including the heavenly punishment that was about to fall.

   "Friend Yuanshi Daoist, do you want to turn your face with the widow?" In the ancestral land, Feng Zichen called Tianzun Yuanshi from far away.

  While speaking, the humane emperor's seal rose from his body, left and right with the luck of the human race, wrapped around his sides.

   "How about turning your face?" In the face of Feng Zichen's threat, Yuanshi Tianzun was not afraid, and also offered sacrifices to the Kaitian Supreme Treasure Pangu Banner, facing it far away.

  The two sides will not let anyone else, the war will be triggered at any moment.

  But at this moment, thirty-three days away, a treasure suddenly flew out of the splendid sky and hung above the sky. It was the innate treasure Qiankun Ding.

  At the same time, in the endless starry sky, a map of the stars of the week appeared. In the heavenly court, the phantom of the Miluo Tianyuan Shi Pagoda is looming.

  It is the Emperor Ziwei and the Jade Emperor who have taken action!

  Three supreme powers descended at the same time, coordinating with Feng Zichen's momentum, they pressed towards Yuanshi Tianzun together.

  Nuwa is undoubtedly on the side of Feng Zichen. As for the Emperor Ziwei and the Jade Emperor, both Emperors of the Heavenly Court, they have no reason to help outsiders deal with their own people.



  At this moment, the avenue continued to mourn, and the void showed signs of instability, and there was a faint tendency to collapse.

   "Enough, let's end this matter. In this round, poor Dao and others lost." At this moment, the Taiqing saint said.

   is a surprising confession.

  The words fell, Yuanshi Tianzun put away the Pangu banners, turned his head back to Yuxu Palace. Seeing this, Feng Zichen and others also withdrew their momentum.

   "Brother, what do you mean?" Back to Yuxu Palace, Yuanshi Tianzun shouted angrily towards the Taiqing Saint.

   "If you lose, you lose. It's no big deal. The next sentence is to get it back." The Taiqing saint glanced at Yuanshi Tianzun and said, "Why, do you really want to fight Goochen?"

   "Oh!" Hearing this, Yuan Shi Tianzun was stunned, but didn't say anything, just sighed.

  This battle is destined to fail. If the trouble is really to the end, it will definitely attract Dao Ancestor's intervention. At that time, the face of both parties will not look good.

   "Then, let this matter go?" After a long while, Yuan Shi Tianzun asked unwillingly.

   "Of course not. Although the attempt to test the human race failed this time, it can be seen that Daoist Gouchen is still as straightforward as ever."

   "If you don't agree with me, I will fight. It's really free and easy. I should be a role model for my generation."

   "However, it is precisely this way that makes this battle more and more fun."

   "I just don't know, such a free and easy Daoist Gouchen, when facing the next plan of the poor Dao, can he be free and easy?"

   shook his head, Taiqing Saint said mysteriously.

  According to what he said, another plan for the human race began.



  Beihai! North Sea!

  Since the fall of the ancient heavenly court, the Beihai has been plunged into silence. At this moment, there was a sudden wave of waves.


  In the North Sea, huge waves swept to the sky, one after another, toward the landing place.

  And just under these huge waves, you can vaguely see the figure of countless monster soldiers, all of them wearing battle armor and holding spears, exuding a terrifying aura.

  That is the North Sea Monster Race!

  They moved!

  The North Sea Monster Clan, who had been silent for many years, stepped out of the North Sea, and came to the land in droves, following the ancient Monster Clan's army formation, and sent forward.

  The goal is to directly target the human race!

  The battle between humans and monsters has begun to show its brows.


  In just a few days, the Beihai monster clan reappeared, and the news of Chen Bing Beihai spread throughout the entire prehistoric land.

  For a time, Hong Huang was in an uproar, and they were all shocked by the news!

  That is the North Sea Monster Clan, a force that has existed since ancient times, it can be said that it is the descendant of the ancient Monster Clan, and it is now the most powerful force of the Monster Clan.

  The North Sea Monster Race can almost represent the entire Monster Race today.

  Their strength is beyond imagination, only the demon **** of Da Luo Dao Zun realm ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is no less than Hundred Zun.

  After all, not all the monster races participated in the decisive battle of the Lich. How can the ancestor of Kunpeng be so shrewd that he would put his direct line in danger?

  That's why, there are not a few demon gods of the North Sea Demon Race participating in the Lich decisive battle. Because of this, the strength of the North Sea Monster Clan was preserved, basically not suffering any loss.

  And this has also created the prosperity of the North Sea monster clan, and the coexistence of hundreds of monsters and gods.

  In ancient times, the demon **** was the name of Da Luo Dao Zun by the demon clan.

  Ps: Brothers, I tried my best, I can only write so much. Codewords are too difficult in the hospital.

  However, this is the last day. You can change people after today.

    tweets the book "I am a writer in the underworld"

     Above the river Styx, a river lamp is shining through yin and yang.

     Under the Nie Yuan tree, the gods and ghosts are led by the Nie Yuan.

    PS: No system, non-system text.



  (End of this chapter)

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