Flooded Star Road

Chapter 736: Kunpeng? Who counts who?

   Chapter 741 Kun Peng? Who counts who?

  In other words, the Hundred Demon Gods are the Hundred Da Luo Dao Zuns. The background of the Beihai Demon Race can be seen from this.

  If it were not for the low-key Kunpeng ancestor and the suppression of the great gods of all walks of life, I am afraid it was not after the decisive battle of the Lich, the North Sea Monster Clan was born, it would be the greatest power in the prehistoric lands.

  If the Beihai Monster Race was fighting for the hegemony of the world at that time, there would really be nothing wrong with the race.

   But unfortunately, only then, the ancestor Kunpeng did not dare to come out and jump. Otherwise, those who greet him will be besieged by the great gods from all walks of life.

  Because, at that time, no one wanted to see the re-emergence of the Yaozu. Therefore, if the ancestor Kunpeng, the demon master, didn't want to be killed by others, he could only hide in the North Sea.

   and missed that opportunity, waiting for the human race to rise from decline, the North Sea monster race also lost the opportunity to contend for the world.

  If this were not the case, the situation of the ancestor Kunpeng would not be so embarrassing. He who holds such a power is far from being as powerful as he imagined, but he has just entered the realm of a half-step Hunyuan.

   However, if the Beihai Monster Race chose to fight for the supremacy of the world back then, then the current Kunpeng ancestor has a high chance of becoming the Golden Immortal of Hunyuan Daluo.

  It's a step difference, a step difference!



  With the strength of the North Sea Monster Race, dealing with the human army stationed in the North Sea is naturally extremely simple.

  It didn’t take long. The Demon Race of the North Sea even broke through the cities of the Human Race, and drove straight in, and soon hit the door of the Human Race.

  If it weren't for the protection of the Kyushu enchantment, and the North Sea Monster Clan could not enter the territories of the Human Race, then it is estimated that the North Sea Monster Clan would have already hit the human ancestry.


When Feng Zichen got the news, the army of the North Sea Monster Race had already taken root outside the territory of the Human Race.

  Feng Zichen didn't know anything about the actions of the Beihai Monster Clan in advance, nor did he know it for the first time afterwards.

  Because he was calculated by the saints!

  I also don’t know what method the saint used to force Feng Zichen’s perception, making him completely lose the sense of the outside world.

  The news that notified Feng Zichen was also intercepted by the saint using various methods, and could not be notified to him in time. This also led to Feng Zichen being a step behind others when he got the news from the Beihai Monster Clan.

  The North Sea Monster Clan attacked the Human Clan, the entire great supernatural powers knew about it. However, Huang Feng Zichen, who was one of the parties, was the last one to know.

  What an irony!

  This time, Feng Zichen’s face is really ashamed!

  Hey, it's not right. It's not a shame to be calculated by the five saints, but it's a kind of glory.

after all,

  How many people can get this treatment in the prehistoric times?


   "Damn it!"

   "Asshole Kunpeng!"

   "The Saint of Dog Day!"

  In the Palace of the Human Emperor, Feng Zichen with an angry face yelled at the saint and Kunpeng.

  As far as he is concerned, the shame is still a small matter, mainly because the matter is a little bit beyond his expectations.

  He did not expect that the saint would invite Kunpeng to deal with him. This is really an outrageous move.

  To be honest, this matter is extremely incredible in Feng Zichen's eyes. You know, that is the ancestor of Kunpeng, how could he get involved with the saint?

   Doesn’t he hate saints the most? If there was no Yuanshi Tianzun, and the spoiler of the two saints who were introduced to Zhunti, in the Zixiao Palace that year, the holy throne would have belonged to the ancestor of Kunpeng.

  Unfortunately, they were all disturbed by the Three Saints.

  The sentence of Yuanshi Tianzun, "The generation with feathers and feathers, An Neng is also the same as me", completely ruined the opportunity of Kunpeng ancestor's sanctification.

  For this reason, the ancestor Kunpeng hated the three of Yuanshi Tianzun and the reference Zhunzi. It was hatred, so how could he cooperate with them?

  Also, Yuanshi Tianzun and Zhunti received the three people. What happened to them? Don't they look down upon the ancestor Kunpeng very much?

How can    get involved with Him?

  Sure enough, there are no eternal enemies, only eternal benefits. This sentence can be used everywhere.

  I don’t know what benefits the saint promised to the ancestor Kunpeng, so that he could abandon his principles and choose to cooperate with them.

  What a fuck!

  However, although he does not know the specific transaction between the two parties, Feng Zichen can also guess a general idea.

  It is nothing more than a promise to help Kunpeng become enlightened. Besides, the saints have nothing to impress Kunpeng.

  As for Feng Zichen's alliance with Kunpeng ancestors back then, he himself did not take it to heart. How could Kunpeng ancestors take it to heart?

  Kunpeng old ancestor, even Emperor Jun Taiyi can betray, let alone his Feng Zichen.

Just listen to the words of the ancestor Kunpeng, even if you can't believe the great oath. If anyone really believes, he will be a fool.

  This can be seen from Emperor Taiyi's body, to see how the Lich was pitted by the Kunpeng ancestor during the decisive battle.

  The decisive battle entered a critical moment, and he ran away after stealing the Hetu Luoshu. This matter, the ancestor Kunpeng did really shamelessly. He was not afraid of Taiyi Emperor suddenly resurrected one day, and went to find him desperately.

   Feng Zichen didn't believe it, when Kunpeng ancestor joined the heavenly court, he didn't take any oath. Even if the ancestor Kunpeng didn't want to stand up, his personality would force him to stand up.

  But that's the case, the ancestor Kunpeng still betrayed when he said that he was betrayed. From this we can see that the oath does not have much binding force for him.

  This person still treats Heavenly Court like this, let alone the verbal agreement between him and Feng Zichen, how can he keep it?

  You must know that when I knew the Primordial tribes long ago, Kunpeng had relied on his special background to jump repeatedly between the line of scales and birds.

When    is Kun, it is an aquarium;

When    is Peng, it is a bird tribe.

  Betrayal, for Kunpeng, it is really commonplace.

  That's why, from beginning to end, Feng Zichen never believed in the alliance that the ancestor Kunpeng said.

  Since this is the case, why did he still agree to the alliance of the ancestors of Kunpeng? Naturally, it was to dig a hole for the ancestor of Kunpeng.

   Knowing that Kunpeng ancestors did not believe in words, how could Feng Zichen be unprepared?

  He didn’t know how Kunpeng ancestors could conceal the perception of the Dao and invalidate the Dao’s oath, but Feng Zichen knew that his methods could conceal the Dao of Heaven, but he determined that he could not conceal the Dao.

   Therefore, when he made an alliance agreement with Kunpeng that year, Feng Zichen secretly urged his real name to use the real name given by his avenue to conclude a contract with Kunpeng ancestors.

  In this way, the agreement between the two of them was carried out under the witness of Dadao.

Under the avenue, it would be okay if the ancestor Kunpeng obeyed the agreement, if he violated it, the cost would really only be paid for by his life.

  As for this, the ancestor of Kunpeng had no idea. He thought that the agreement this time was the same as before.

  For this reason, the ancestor Kunpeng was destined to be unable to escape.

  However, Feng Zichen did not rush to do it. The current ancestor of Kunpeng is not deep in the trap, and there is still room to look back. Therefore, he is waiting, waiting for the ancestor Kunpeng to personally make a move to the human race.

  At that time, there will be no room for change, and Feng Zichen can send Kunpeng ancestors on the road with peace of mind.


   With cares in his heart, Feng Zichen directly expelled two hundred Da Luo Dao Zun, stationed at the border of the Human Race, and confronted the Beihai Monster Race in the air.

  Aren’t you North Sea Monster Race a hundred demon gods? Then my human race directly sent two hundred Daluo Dao Zun to confront you. The double gap is not so easy to make up.

  What does it mean to overwhelm people with power? That's it!

   Regardless of your conspiracy, I will break it by myself.

  After finishing the deployment, Feng Zichen did not appear in a hurry, but silently displayed supernatural powers, running the air of war and killing between heaven and earth...

  After the Beihai Demon Race, Feng Zichen has deeply understood that it is too reluctant to deal with the five saints with his own power.

  You see, when the saint takes his hand, he blinds his perception and makes him insensible at all.

  This kind of thing happens once is enough, if it happens one after another, it can really become a terrible thing.

  However, Feng Zichen really has no good way to solve this kind of thing. Because people rely on strength far beyond you to forcibly shield your perception. So, there is nothing good for you besides being stronger than them.

  That’s why Feng Zichen thought about it, and decided to be a little bit simpler. Since I can’t prevent this from happening, I’ll simply let everyone lose the ability to calculate secrets together.

  In this way, everyone is on the same level, and how they win or lose depends on their own means.

  It is difficult to contend with the Five Saints on their own, but it is not difficult to let everyone lose the means of deducing the secret, especially at this time, it is even simpler.

  Every time there is a calamity, Heaven will lose its perception of the prehistoric world. In this way, all beings are allowed to act freely in order to settle the cause and effect between heaven and earth.

  This is also the reason why everyone beats lives and kills during the tribulation period, which is the reason why the heaven and the earth are shattered, and the way of heaven is not seen.

  The Dao of Heaven can't perceive the situation in the prehistoric world, how can it come forward to stop it? Only when the calamity is over, when he re-perceives the situation of the heaven and the earth, will he come out to clean up the mess.

  The phenomenon that the Dao of Heaven often appeared after the destruction of the prehistoric world was born.

  This is also the effect of the amount of calamity, and this situation will occur. If it is changed to an ordinary period, and everyone hasn't started fighting, Tiandao will have appeared to stop it.

  Just like several times before, Feng Zichen planned to break out a decisive battle with the saint, but at every critical moment, he would be interrupted by Heaven.

  Destruction of the heavens and the earth will only happen during the calamity period. In normal times, you can't even fight, let alone destroy the world.


   Knowing the reason, you can use it, just like Feng Zichen is doing now.

  He wanted to use the killing air and the air of war and fighting that permeated the heavens and the earth, to affect the sage suppressed by the saints, so that it would permeate the heavens and the earth.

  Only wait for the concentration of tribulation between heaven and earth to rise to a certain level, heaven and earth will naturally lose their perception of the prehistoric heaven and earth.

  And after the way of heaven loses its perception of the prehistoric, all beings can be free.

  True freedom!

   do whatever you want,

  So there is no need to worry about being targeted by heaven.

  Similarly, the deduction method that relies on the heavenly path has completely lost its effect during this period when the heavenly path fades.

  Even a saint cannot deduct anything during the calamity period. If it weren't for this, how could later generations of cut-off teaching lose so miserably?

  My own disciples went to die one by one, but the Master Tongtian didn’t respond at all. Isn’t it because he couldn’t count as a disciple?

  Thinking that his disciples are all in accordance with his instructions, each quietly chanting to Huang Ting in the Dong Mansion.


   Gou Chen the Great, the master's battle.

  It is Feng Zichen's duty to run the military force between heaven and earth.

  For this reason, under the condition that He used the power of authority, the air of war and fighting between the earth and the day, like a storm, instantly swept the entire prehistoric world.

  Boom boom boom!

  Under the impact of the aura of war and killing, the world oscillated inexplicably.

   Then, I saw strands of tribulation qi emerging from the void, gradually spreading between heaven and earth in an unstoppable trend.



   "Damn it!"

   "What is this **** Gouchen doing?"

   "How can he dare to do this?"

  The changes between heaven and earth, the saint felt the first time. Then, their faces went black directly.

   are all human beings, and they naturally guessed Feng Zichen's plan the first time.

  The calamity is permeated, and the innate divine calculation loses its effect, which is obviously detrimental to the saint. Because the sages work together to make Feng Zichen completely lose the ability to deduce the secret of heaven.

  Feng Zichen, however, cannot make them lose their ability to deduct the secrets of heaven.

  This is the advantage of the saint.

   But as the tribulation qi spreads between the heaven and the earth, this advantage of the saint no longer exists. Seeing that their own advantages are about to disappear, it's weird that they can be happy.

   But unfortunately, even after guessing Feng Zichen's plan, they couldn't stop it.

  Since the tribulation has already appeared, it is not easy to suppress it. Otherwise, even the saints won't feel good when the calamity is bitten back.


   "Emperor Gouchen is still as strong as ever!" Perceiving the changes between the world and the earth, everyone said in general.

  The sage of the front foot calculated Emperor Gou Chen, and he returned the back foot. Such a strong posture is really enviable!

In the predicament, there are not many who dare to slap a saint in the face~www.wuxiaspot.com~ And like the Emperor Gouchen, he still feels that he is not enough after one hit, and he has to continue to hit the saint. One.

  He is so strong that he can be called the first person to fight the face.


  The catastrophe continues to permeate between heaven and earth. Although it has not yet reached the point of covering the heavens, according to this trend, it is estimated that it will not be long.

  At this time, anyone with a bit of knowledge knows that the calamity is about to come, and it is time to start preparing.

  Wait when the amount of calamity has completely come, you can have revenge and complain.



   "It's really a ruthless method to hook up fellow Dao Chen. If that's the case, don't blame the poor Dao and others for being cruel."

In the Yuxu Palace, the Five Saints gradually recovered their calm after a brief period of anger. At the same time, they are also thinking about counterattacks.

  Since Gouchen had already made a move, they had to fight back so as not to be ridiculed.

   And their way of fighting back is simple.

  (End of this chapter)

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