Flooded Star Road

Chapter 737: Angry Haotian

  Chapter 742 Angry Haotian

  That is the perfect connection!

  Ten thousand years ago, Emperor Zhuan Xu followed the destiny of heaven and earth, and the sea of ​​rule of law established the situation of the human race on the prehistoric land in one fell swoop.

  To this day, the role of the sea of ​​law has been understood by the world, and it may have restrictions on ordinary monks, but for big people, it has almost become a decoration.

  There are too many ways to avoid it.

  Look, nowadays, all races on the wild land are conquered continuously, and no one has been forcibly led to the heavens.

  This all means that the world already has a way to circumvent the sea of ​​laws.

   But that's the case, it's just saying that the sea of ​​the sea has lost its effect, not that the world of heaven and earth has lost its effect.

  The sea of ​​laws lay between the heaven and the earth, and there were still many people in the realm that couldn’t get down. Humans, however, can communicate freely.

  This is the advantage of Terran.


  The current situation is that the human world can go up, but it is unwilling to go up. The Heavenly Realm wanted to come down, but couldn't.

   Therefore, what the saint has to do is to eliminate the advantage of the human race, reopen the passage between heaven and earth, and abolish the connection between heaven and earth.

  You must know that after Emperor Zhuanxu's unparalleled access to the world, most of the innate races that were enemies of the human race, except for a small number of people who took refuge in the great supernatural powers, entered the heavens.

  They cultivated health in the heavens, accumulated their strength secretly, in order to counterattack the human race in the future and re-occupy the wild land.

  The sea of ​​laws lay there, but it completely blocked the passage for their counterattack. No matter how they can improve their strength, it is useless if they can't come down.

  In today's world, the Beihai monsters attacked the human race, which dragged most of the human race's energy, and it was a great time for them to counterattack the human race.

  If this opportunity is missed, with the strength of the Celestial Clan, I am afraid that there will never be any hope of counterattack Human Clan.

  Unfortunately, they can't get down.

   However, if everything is broken, the situation is completely different.

  The Celestial Clan can take advantage of the opportunity of the Beihai Monster Race and the Human Race to raid the Human Race’s rear, stabbing the Human Race fiercely.

  In this way, the human race can be placed in a realm of enemies. In this case, the human race is in danger, and if you are not careful, you risk shaking the foundation.



  The Celestial Races are just one of the sages used to deal with the Human Race. It is also one of the saint's plans to disarm Jue Tian Di Tong.

   However, although they have this plan, they have no plans to use it at this time.

  According to the original plan of the sage, it was prepared to take advantage of the situation of the North Sea Monster Race and Human Race to further deteriorate before starting this back move.

  But now, since Feng Zichen has mobilized the power of killing calamity, it has wiped out their superiority, making them fall into passivity.

  The saint had to activate this backhand in advance to offset the adverse effects of Feng Zichen’s move on them.

   "Dear fellow daoists, take action."

  In the Yuxu Palace, after the five saints were ready, they simultaneously sacrificed the magic weapon and blasted towards the sea of ​​law.

  If it is normal, they naturally dare not act in the sea of ​​law. If you really want to do that, God will not be able to spare them first.

   But today is different, thanks to Feng Zichen’s blessing, the tribulation is spreading all over the world, blinding the perception of heaven. And this gave the saint a chance to attack the sea of ​​law.

  The Dao of Heaven can't see the majestic world, so what are they afraid of? The view is uncomfortable, and it's over directly.

  There is nothing that can’t be solved. If there is, it must be not thorough enough.


  Five bright changhong, rising from the Kunlun Mountain, hitting the sea of ​​law that traverses between heaven and earth.


   Just heard a shocking sound, the sea of ​​laws that had been lying between the sky and the earth for thousands of years, crashed to pieces, turned into boundless innate air, and fell onto the wild land.


  At this moment, on the wild land, there is rain and smallpox falling, and the spiritual energy of that day is skyrocketing at an unimaginable speed.

  In an instant, it became more than a hundred times richer, and it continued to climb at a terrifying speed.

  You should know that the aura that suddenly appeared is not acquired, but extremely pure innate aura.

  The sea of ​​law has existed for thousands of years. Who knows how many innate auras have accumulated, and now it bursts open, and the innate auras have rolled back into the wild land, and the changes it brought to it can be imagined.

  Under the nourishment of innate aura, the earth revived, giving birth to countless vitality. There are fairy fruits and grasses rising from the ground, and there are spirit treasures and spiritual things slowly taking shape.

  There are countless birds, beasts, fish and insects, flowers, plants, and trees. Under the nourishment of innate aura, intelligence can be born and transformed into form.

  Of course, among them, the human race will benefit the most.

  At the time when the innate aura was rewinding, the Human Race didn’t know how many people were able to break through, moving from the mortal to the immortal, and cultivating one step closer.

  In this situation, this scene seems to be revived.

  Looking at the congenital aura pervading the world, if it weren’t for the acquired way at this moment, rather than the innate way dominating everything, when everyone was in a trance, they thought that the congenital era had come again.



  The saint’s attack did not subside after breaking the sea of ​​laws, but continued to attack upwards, blasting into the unknown void.

  The sea of ​​laws is broken, but it does not mean that the world has been broken. Because the Sea of ​​Law is only the power of Emperor Ziwei to move the heavens and the earth, the heaven and earth barriers transformed into the heavens and the earth are not the main body of the heaven and the earth.

  The main body of the connection between heaven and earth is still the human aura in the dark. Only by repelling the human luck that is shrouded between the heaven and the earth, the Jue Tian Di general can be regarded as completely broken.

  The passage between the two realms of heaven and man is considered to be penetrated, allowing everyone to come and go.

  Humans have strong luck, but how can they be against the joint efforts of the five saints? Not to mention, the air luck that enveloped the heavens and the earth is only a part of the human air luck, which is even more unable to compete with the saints.

With a bang, part of the human luck that was shrouded between heaven and earth was repulsed by the saints, rumbled back, and reintegrated into the human luck.


  At this moment, the human luck shook suddenly, and the Three Emperors and Five Emperors sitting in the Fire Cloud Cave tried their best to suppress the shock.

  The air fortune that isolates the heavens and the earth has returned, and the air fortune of the human race has skyrocketed. Feng Zichen's strength has naturally risen with the tide, and it has become stronger by a few points.


"not good!"

   "It was counted!"

  At the moment when the sea of ​​laws shattered and the innate aura returned, the five sages in the Yuxu Palace understood that they and others had been calculated by Feng Zichen.

  He has long known that someone will destroy the world, so he made the arrangement in advance.

   Just waiting for someone to destroy the Heaven and Earth Link, the innate aura inside will return to the world, so as to enhance the strength of the human race.

   "Gou Chen is really treacherous!" After realizing that he was being calculated, the saint's face went black.

After   Jue Tian Di Tong was broken, although the advantage of the human race was wiped out, it also made the strength of the human race enter a blowout period. It is not clear whether it is good or bad.

   But fortunately, Jue Tian Di Tong was broken by them after all.


"Ha ha!"

  In the Palace of Human Emperor, Feng Zichen couldn't help but laughed loudly when he felt the soaring human luck.

  The saint would destroy the Jue Tian Di Tong. To be honest, Feng Zichen really did not expect it. But he knew that sooner or later, someone could not help but attack the sea of ​​laws.

  There is no other reason, it is that the unparalleled communication is too obstructive, and it affects the "freedom" of some people. Therefore, from the very beginning, Jue Tian Di Tong was destined to not survive for long.

  To tell the truth, Jue Tian Di Tong's ability to last for more than ten million years has greatly exceeded Feng Zichen's expectations. These majestic great supernatural powers were more tolerant than he imagined.

  Since the Sea of ​​Laws had long been expected to be destroyed, how could Feng Zichen not prepare early? He secretly used means to evaporate the entire sea of ​​law, just waiting for it to break, so that he could give back to the world.

  Unexpectedly, it was just a casual move back then that actually counted the saints, and it was really time and fate.

It's a pity that these innate auras are rootless trees. Although there are a large number of them, under the consumption of countless monks, at most ten thousand years of effort will be exhausted.

  However, it is good to be able to persist for ten thousand years, and it is enough to bring about unstoppable changes in this world.


  Jue Tiandi disappeared, the monks of the realm of that day sensed it for the first time, and then they knew that their chance to counterattack the prehistoric land had come.

  So, under the leadership of ten Dao Zun Dao Zun, there are more than one hundred innate races in the heavens quietly lowering the realm, planning to take advantage of the human race's precautions to give the human race a ruthlessness.

  This is the Hundred Innate Races, which can also be called the Hundred Races in the Celestial Realm.

  This kind of race thinks that its actions are very secretive, and no one is aware of it.

  But they didn't know that their actions were all seen by the three emperors of Ziwei, Jade, and Nanji.

  As the master of the heavens, if someone is doing something under their noses, and they can't detect it, then they, the emperor, would be a little bit useless.

  In the Tianting Tongming Hall, the three heavenly emperors gathered together, silently watching the actions of the hundreds of people.

"Friend Ziwei, do you want to help Dao Chen? The current situation of the human race is not very optimistic. With the addition of the innate hundred races, the human race is really dangerous." Suddenly, the Jade Emperor turned his head to face Ziwei Said the emperor.

  Because Haotian prevented the two great emperors of Ziwei Antarctica from avenging him after Gouchen's death, Haotian has always felt guilty for him.

   Therefore, now that Gouchen is in trouble, Haotian didn't even think about it, so he wanted to help him, so that he could understand his thoughts.

   Practice, practice, and practice freely. I'm not able to understand my thoughts anymore, and I still fix my ass.

  That's why, in this war, Haotian did not hesitate to stand on Gouchen's side.

  Don’t do anything else, just ask for the understanding of your thoughts.

  Haotian is really a little bit desperate now, just waiting to break through Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, so that he can retreat to the position of Emperor of Heaven and go free and happy.

"Need not!"

   "In the ancient times, the combination of ten thousand races could not beat the human race. Now there are only a hundred races, and it is not the opponent of the human race."

   "I don't need to worry about the matter of confession. If he is defeated, he will ask us for help."

   shook his head, the Emperor Ziwei said.

   "Yes!" Hearing this, Haotian thought about it, and nodded, and stopped talking.

  "These hundreds of tribes also have some meaning. Those who eat my heavenly realm use my heavenly realm. Now they are enemies of my heavenly court under the command of outsiders."

   "It's so good."

  At this time, Emperor Nanji spoke.

As soon as    spoke, he expressed his dissatisfaction with the Hundred Clan.

   "Indeed, these hundred tribes are a little bit ignorant to promote them. I have raised them for nearly ten million years in the heavenly court. It's time for a cold sword to warm up."

   "Look at what they did, but just a word from the saint, they can't wait to rush to the world and become an enemy of Daoist Gouchen."

   "This is really chilling."

   "I don't know what benefits the saints have given them, so they can do it."

Haotian also said with an ugly face after hearing the words of Antarctica.

  Hundreds of races are in the heaven realm. I don’t say that it’s so good, but the three of them absolutely didn’t embarrass them and treat them equally.

  Can you see how they give back to Heaven?

  On this occasion, they didn't say that the lower realm helped Emperor Goochen, but they were enemies. How could this not make the three of them feel chilly?

  In fact, for Haotian, the Lower Realm of the Hundred Races is nothing against the Human Race. What really made him unbearable was that the Hundred Clan descended under the orders of the saints.

  Here is the heaven, it is his territory.

  Hundreds of people did not listen to his orders, but instead obeyed the orders of the saints. What does this mean? It means that the Hundred Clan didn't take him as the emperor in their eyes at all.

  Especially in today's situation where Haotian and the saint have completely turned their faces. The Hundreds acted like this, they were hitting him in the face severely.

   Haotian is wanting without desire, and can't stand this grievance. The anger in his heart can be imagined.

   "A group of unfamiliar white-eyed wolves is really annoying." The Great Emperor Ziwei nodded and said.

  "This group of people cannot stay. Even if it is not to help Daoist Gouchen, they cannot be kept."

   "Otherwise, if the lower realm is allowed, the other races in the realm will see this on that day, how can we learn how to dominate the heavenly realm with majesty?"

   "At that time, it will be hard to say whether this heaven is ours or the saints."

  After listening to the words of the two, Haotian had a decision in his heart that these hundred clans could not stay.

  Not so, it is not enough to frighten the celestial races.

  In the heavenly realm, all races that are implicated in the saints should see one kill another. Only in this way will they know who is the master of the heavenly realm.

After   , they will understand how to go in the future.

   "Fellow Daoist's statement is reasonable, so let people take the heavenly soldiers and intercept them?" Upon hearing this, the corner of his eyes jumped, knowing that Haotian had a murderous heart.

  These hundreds of people are too anxious and narrow the road. If they were before the lower realm and knew that Haotian had been told to tell him, they wouldn't have such an incident.

   "Hey~www.wuxiaspot.com~ don't have to be so troublesome."

   shook his head, and saw Haotian's thoughts move, a wave of destruction suddenly appeared between the heavens and the earth, sweeping toward the army of a hundred tribes who were passing through the passage between the heavens and the earth.

  Ps: Warmly celebrate the first anniversary of the book’s release.

  I planned to add more today.

  But unexpectedly, I stayed in the hospital for three days and two nights.

  So the plan had to be changed.

  The plan to add more will probably start tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow.

  Hope my brothers forgive me.

    originally planned to add more today.

     But unexpectedly, I stayed in the hospital for three days and two nights.

     So the plan had to be changed.

     The plan to add more is probably from tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow.

     Hope my brothers will forgive me.



  (End of this chapter)

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