Flooded Star Road

Chapter 841: 0 homes contend?

  Chapter 846 A hundred schools of thought contend?

   Just in Feng Zichen pretending to be Guixu, while preaching to the congenital gods and demons, in the boundless starry sky, there was no peace within the Da Luo days.

  The grand occasion of Da Luotian's Daoism is gradually coming to an end.

  This discussion on the Tao was initiated by the Great Emperor Ziwei, and naturally started with him, and similarly, it will end with him.

  When Emperor Ziwei finished his sermon, it was an indication of this discussion and a successful conclusion was drawn. It took 10,000 years to discuss Taoism since its inception.

  After the preaching, Emperor Ziwei, the saints sitting on the platform, and the Golden Immortals of Hunyuan Daluo did not speak, but silently watched the many great supernatural powers below and the innate Taoist priests.

  At this moment, they are still immersed in the sentiment of the Dao, watching their expressions, as if they have comprehended, as if they were about to take that crucial step.

  Everyone speaks at this time, if this interrupts their chance of enlightenment, the sin will be great.

  Yes, before everyone wakes up from enlightenment, they should remain silent.

  So, another thousand years have passed, and all the great supernatural powers and the innate Taoist priests have also woke up one after another.

  Feng Zichen and the others, looked at everyone with a little expectation, hoping that among them, several Hunyuan Daluojinxians could be born.

  Unfortunately, they are destined to be disappointed. After everyone is sober, no one has achieved the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

   Even among the great supernatural powers, the ancestor of Styx, who has the highest cultivation base and is closest to the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, failed to break through to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

  However, with the conclusion of this discussion, the ancestor of Styx has not broken through the realm, but it seems that he has become different from before. It's difficult to describe how it is different in words. If you really want to describe it, he has become more perfect.

  Yes, it's perfect!

  The current ancestor of Styx is more perfect for him before discussing the Tao. Although he has not broken through to become a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, he faintly gives people a sense of Hunyuan as one.

   Facing the ancestors of the Styx River is like facing the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. If Feng Zichen expected it to be true, the current ancestor of the Styx already had a combat power comparable to that of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

   is the realm, and also touched the critical point of that level. But this is the weird place. The combat power and realm have touched the realm of Hunyuan, but the ancestor of Styx has not been able to truly break through.

  Feng Zichen continued to look down, and found that there were not a few great supernatural powers who were in the same state as the ancestor of the river.

  Dozens of great supernatural powers such as Kunpeng ancestor, Zhenyuanzi, Xiwangmu, Xuanming ancestor witch, etc., are also in this strange realm.

"This is……"

Doubtful in his heart, Feng Zichen looked at Hongjun Daozu.

  Among the tens of thousands of people present, he belongs to the elderly with the highest realm and the strongest strength. Feng Zichen couldn't see the reason, but Hongjun Daozu should be able to.

  Even if Feng Zichen was arrogant, he would not think that in terms of experience, he could beat Hongjun Daozu.

  Is this a joke?

  Hongjun Daozu is the same age as Honghuangtiandi, and his experience can be called the most prehistoric, no one can compare with it. This is a great existence that has truly witnessed all the history of the prehistoric times.


  Not only Feng Zichen was wondering, but the other Hunyuan Daluo Jinxians were also wondering. They also looked at Daozu Hongjun with their doubts.

   Sensing the doubtful eyes of everyone, Hongjun Daozu nodded, and said to the sober people below: "Congratulations to you, the gate of Hunyuan has been opened, and it is not far away from enlightenment."

  When everyone heard the words, not only were they not happy, but they were all incomprehensible. He knows his own situation, clearly that his realm, mana, and origin have all met his requirements for promotion to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

  But everyone always felt that there was an invisible obstacle between themselves and Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. It is this obstacle that prevents them from being able to complete that crucial step.

  Everyone now feels really uncomfortable in their hearts.

  It is clear that Hunyuan Daoguo is right in front of them, within reach, but in any case, they just can't reach it. That feeling is really like a cat scratching it, really scratching it to death.

  While doubting in their hearts, everyone hurriedly bowed to the direction of Hongjun Daozu, and begged his old man to answer their questions: "Please also ask the teacher to teach me, how can I become enlightened?"

Daozu Hongjun smiled and said, "You don’t have to worry about it. You already have the qualifications for enlightenment. What you lack is just verifying your own way. After verifying your own path, naturally, you will be able to break through and become Hun Yuan Da Luo Jin Xian."

  Everyone seems to have realized what they said!

  Verify Avenue? Want to verify now?

Although    had doubts in their hearts, everyone did not ask Hongjun Daozu for advice, because they knew it by looking at Daozu's expression. Obviously, they didn't intend to tell them, but let them realize it by themselves.

  Verify the avenue. Although the great magicians have found a way to solve their own problems, they can’t understand the meaning they represent for a while, so they have to secretly write down in their hearts, and after they leave here, they slowly think about it.

When the great magicians were in doubt, Feng Zichen (the incarnation of Gouchen), who had nothing to do with the matter, suddenly jumped in his heart after hearing the words "Verify Avenue". , Is related to the human race.

  Subconsciously, Feng Zichen's mind crossed the infinite void, escaped into the long river of time and space, and quickly traced downward.

  In an instant, all the future will be reflected in Feng Zichen's heart.

   Then, he saw that in a certain day in the future, the long river of time and space was shaking, and one after another, one of the peerless powerful men, separated a strand of innate immortal true spirits, fell from the sky of the long river of time and space, and fell into the world.

After   , the innate immortal spirits of these strong men were reincarnated into the Central China and became ordinary creatures, growing up and spreading their own principles and principles.

  In that central China, scenes of magnificent scenes were staged.

Seeing this, the picture suddenly disappeared. At the same time, the long river of time and space vibrated, and an unparalleled force struck Feng Zichen’s mind, blasting him out of the river of time and space~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to recover, Feng Zichen was still in a daze. He seemed to know what Daozu's so-called verification avenue was.

It is to let those great supernatural powers reincarnate into the Central China, spread their doctrines and principles among the human race, let these doctrines continue to collide and merge, and shoot out the sparks of wisdom, so as to verify their discussion in this time. The harvest in the avenue makes the road more and more perfect, until it is enough for them to become enlightened.

  Hundred schools of thought contend!

   Recalling what she had just seen before, these four words could not help appearing in Feng Zichen's mind.

  Ps: I wrote so much today.


  Stroke the plot, and continue to write when you are done.

  Stroke is not good, it's almost over.

  I have a headache. I obviously still have a lot of ideas in my mind, but I just can’t write it in a hot style.

  It's really uncomfortable.

  Hey, improving writing style is imminent.

  Is there any good way

  (End of this chapter)

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