Flooded Star Road

Chapter 842: Terrible future

   Chapter 847 Terrible Future

  Many great supernatural powers preached in the lower realms, competing with each other, verifying the path, and how similar it is to the time of contention in the past life of Feng Zichen.

  Can't be wrong!

  The opportunity for the enlightenment of the great supernatural powers lies in the contending of a hundred schools of thought.

  It’s just that it’s not easy to preach in the human race.

   Thinking of this, Feng Zichen's expression couldn't help but become playful. So many great magicians want to enter the human race to preach, it is bound to bring the human race's civilization one step closer.

  However, if they want to enter the human race to preach, they need to seek the consent of Feng Zichen. Of course Feng Zichen would not refuse, nor could he refuse.

  Because there are too many great supernatural powers to be reincarnated from the human race, Feng Zichen dare not refuse at all. These great supernatural powers are not ordinary great supernatural powers, but great supernatural powers whose combat power is comparable to that of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

  If they join hands, their strength is strong enough to earthshaking, even if Feng Zichen and the power of the entire human race can not be blocked.

  The power of these great supernatural powers is too strong, and they reincarnated human races for enlightenment. Anyone who dares to stop them is their mortal enemy.

  The hatred of obstructing the road will never stop.

  Feng Zichen did not dare to prevent them from being reincarnated into the human race, nor did they dare to fight.

  Human race can't offend hundreds of great supernatural powers who are strong enough to compete with Yuan Da Luo Jinxian.

  However, although these great supernatural powers cannot be prevented from reincarnation of the human race, they can beg for favor from them.

  In the future, Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian's favor, and still enlightenment, can be said to be precious. At the very least, they can unconditionally ask them to do their best for the human race once.

  Great magical powers to enter the human race, need to owe Feng Zichen a favor. And they preach in the human race, and can enhance the strength of the human race.

  Feng Zichen's deal is too worthwhile.

  Thinking about this, Feng Zichen couldn't help laughing in her heart.


After   Hongjun Daozu finished speaking, Ziwei Great, the master of this place, slowly said, "Dear friends, this time Da Luotian's discussion on Dao has ended. From my perspective, everyone has gained a lot."

After hearing the words, everyone hurriedly replied in unison: "It is true that I have gained a lot. This discussion at least saved me from waiting for countless years of hard work. It also made me wait for my understanding of the path, which is no less than a great event. Chance."

  Seeing that everyone has something, the Emperor Ziwei nodded in satisfaction and said: "Since everyone has a feeling, it shows that this discussion is undoubtedly a success."

   "If this is the case, why don't I wait for this discussion of the Taoist matter as a routine, and continue to hold it, you guys, think this is good?"

  Everyone must agree, and then replied: "The emperor said it is very true, but I don't know, how often should this discussion be held?"

  The Taiyi Daojun and Daluo Jinxian who came here to listen to the questions of the great supernatural powers really want to scream in their hearts. It is held every 100,000 years.

  As far as they are concerned, it is natural to make appointments at a shorter interval. Because, because of the low level of a sermon, they will not gain much at all. It would be nice if they could listen to it a few more times.

However, one hundred thousand years, many innate Taoist priests, and great magical powers, it is still too short. That's why, the Great Emperor Ziwei thought for a while and said: "If it's not a million years, what do you think? "

  Everyone thought about it, and replied: "Good."

  Obviously this is agreeing to the proposal of Emperor Ziwei. As for the opinions of Taiyi Daojun and Daluo Jinxian who were in attendance, who would care about these innate Daoist priests.

   Seeing that no one objected, Emperor Ziwei smiled and said: "Well, that's it, fellow daoists, I will wait a million years and see you again."

  Let’s talk, Da Luotian's exit opens again.

  Seeing this, everyone said goodbye to Emperor Ziwei, and they all left. They have to go back to retreat and sort out their recent gains.

Emperor Gou Chen also hurriedly returned to the human race. He wants to go back and wait for those great supernatural powers who are eager to enlighten to be sent to the door. When they have communicated what Dao Ancestor said, they will come to see Feng Zichen.

  At this time, it is time for Him to slaughter people.

  After everyone left, the 3,000 Innate Dao Venerables of the original Da Luotian also left one after another, and went back to retreat and reorganize the theory.

  For a time, Emperor Ziwei actually became idle. However, it doesn't matter. He is just an incarnation, just pretend to be the deity.

  So, three thousand years have passed.



  On this day, at the bottom of Guixu, in the Eternal Demon Abyss, the two of Guixu and the Heart Demon who had been closed for thousands of years finally woke up one after another.

  This retreat, the two have obviously gained a lot. Its realm, from the realm of the quasi-sage Dzogchen, to the half-step Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

  Finally took that crucial half step and truly became the top supernatural power in the world.

When Guixu and the Heart Demon woke up, there was no need for Feng Zichen to pretend to be them here and preached to the nine innate demon gods. Quietly, Feng Zichen and Guixu exchanged their identities while everyone was not paying attention. , Left the Eternal Demon Abyss and returned to the boundless starry sky.

  Going back this time, Feng Zichen planned to retreat for a while. He was not without gains in this discussion of the Tao. Everyone has to dedicate the results of the theory, and he is no exception.

  However, in the middle of the journey, Feng Zichen suddenly felt a palpitation, as if there was some danger about to fall on him.

not good!


   Immediately, Feng Zichen knew that there was a danger that he did not know, and was quietly attacking him.

  With his realm, there will never be an illusion. Since there is a feeling of palpitation, it means that there must be danger, and this danger is enough to threaten his life.

  This is weird!

  Based on Feng Zichen's current cultivation base of Hunyuan Nine Heavens, there are only two or three people who can overcome him in the precipice, and there are no people who can kill him at all.

  What kind of danger would it be that would make him feel the danger of his life?

  Feng Zichen was very curious about this, but he thought about it for a long time, but he didn't think of an answer.

  In this way, Feng Zichen returned to the endless starry sky with doubts.

  As soon as he stepped into the boundless starry sky, Feng Zichen felt a sense of dangerous discomfort, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

  Seeing this, Feng Zichen blinked imperceptibly.

   Entering the endless starry sky, this feeling of palpitations is gone, indicating that under the blessing of the endless starry sky, the crisis can no longer threaten him.

  It’s interesting enough to think about it this way. It’s strange enough that there is still power that can threaten the Hunyuan Nineth Layer Master in the prehistoric age.

   Thinking of this, Feng Zichen simply gave up on sorting out the recent harvest, but instead used his magical powers to explore where the power that made him feel palpitation came from.

  However, after that, Feng Zichen spent thousands of years of work to sort out the entire Three Realms, and he did not find any information about the power that made his heart palpitate.

   Finding this, Feng Zichen has faintly realized that the power that makes him feel threatened should not come from the Three Realms, but from outside the Three Realms.

  Outside the Three Realms...

  Who would it be?

   Soon, Feng Zichen locked the target. Outside of the Three Realms, who had enemies with him, besides the Chaos Demon God, who else could it be?

  In this way, the power that made him feel threatened should have originated from the Chaos Demon God. I just don't know how the Chaos Demon God will deal with him.

  Thinking about it, the feeling of heart palpitations that made Feng Zichen uncomfortable, unexpectedly resurfaced.

not good!

  I was taken aback for a moment, and then Feng Zichen's expression completely changed. Being in the endless starry sky can make him feel the feeling of heart palpitations. What does this show is that the imminent danger, even the endless starry sky, may not be able to stop it.

   Thinking of this, Feng Zichen's face became more and more ugly.

   "Trouble, the Chaos Demon God is forced to be anxious this time, and it's going to be true."

  At this time, Feng Zichen almost guessed the reason for the Chaos Demon's attack on him. Eighty percent has been calculated by him many times, and the anger in his heart is hard to contain, so he decided to use the chassis to obliterate him.

   Although I don’t know what method the Chaos Demon God will use to deal with himself, only from the feeling of palpitation that comes from deep in his heart, Feng Zichen roughly guessed that the means by which the Chaos Demon God will deal with him is definitely unimaginable.

Feng Zichen still underestimated the Chaos Demon God. If he had known that the Chaos Demon God had these other methods, Feng Zichen would not be so ruthless when he calculated the Chaos Demon God before.

   However, regretting now is of no avail. The Chaos Demon God’s killing intent has been determined, and Feng Zichen can only be stopped by soldiers.

  At the moment, the first thing to do is to strengthen one's own defenses as much as possible, and secondly, to find a way to figure out how the Chaos Demon God is going to deal with him.

  Only when the Chaos Demon God's methods are understood, Feng Zichen will formulate appropriate defense methods and prepare for the next stage of the plan.


   Feng Zichen's heart moved, the endless starry sky suddenly brightened, the galaxy cosmic light array quietly revolved, the mighty galaxy galloped in the starry sky, and the bright cosmic light continued to flicker in the starry sky.

  At this moment, Feng Zichen urged the galaxy cosmic light array, but he did not use all the power of the galaxy cosmic light array, but only used a part to manifest the first form of the large array.

  At the moment when the galaxy universe light array began to operate, the palpitations in Feng Zichen's heart gradually faded and then disappeared.

   However, Feng Zichen's face did not relax because of this, but became more tense, paying attention to the changes in his body.

  Sure enough, but after several years of work, the familiar feeling of palpitation resurfaced in Feng Zichen's heart, and with the passage of time, it became stronger and stronger, making Feng Zichen's heart beat unstoppable.


  At this time, Feng Zichen still didn't know that the Chaos Demon God wanted to use the power of everyone to curse him.

  Thousands of years have passed. The Chaos Demon God has assembled and started to work together to build an altar to curse Feng Zichen.

  With the preparations of the Chaos Demon God, the more perfect it is, the closer the shadow of death will be to Feng Zichen.

  So, under the threat of death, Feng Zichen will naturally feel palpitation. This is his road warning him.

  The stronger the heart palpitations, the closer it will be before the Chaos Demon God attacked Feng Zichen.



  Under the control of Feng Zichen, the galaxy cosmic light array regenerates and changes, and the second form quietly appears, the galaxy is converging, the cosmic light is also condensing, and soon, a huge Dao wheel appeared in the starry sky.

  That is the wheel of time and space, with the power to distort the void. At the moment when the wheel of time and space appeared, the feeling of heart palpitations disappeared again.

  But Feng Zichen did not stop urging the galaxy array, and saw more and more stars converge towards the wheel of time and space, causing it to start to rotate slowly.

  Pictures about the future are quietly reflected by the wheel of time and space.

  Feng Zichen This is to use the power of the wheel of time and space to forcibly spy on the future. He wants to see how the Chaos Demon God will deal with him.


  As the wheel of time and space rotates, more and more images of the future are reflected by it.

Then, Feng Zichen saw that about three thousand years later, a terrifying gloomy light, exuding endless indeterminate air, struck from nowhere, blasted through the blockade of the endless starry sky, and hit cross-sitting. Him on the purple star.

  After that, Feng Zichen saw that under this gloomy light, his body, which was comparable to the innate treasure, was like a piece of paper, and it was easily torn apart.

  Next, it was his soul, which was burned to ashes. Then, it was his innate immortal true spirit, struggling for a while in the gloom, and then disappearing.

  Finally, the gloomy light turned into a jet-black flame, exuding a strong force of extinguishment, and burned his avenue into nothingness.

  At this point, Feng Zichen has completely fallen, and there is nothing left, just want to resurrect, and I don’t know how many years later it will be.


At this point in the picture, Feng Zichen still wants to keep watching~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but an inexplicable force rippled and interrupted the continued deduction of the wheel of time and space, and the picture became blurred and nothing was visible. NS.

   "What a ruthless method!"

  Seeing this scene about the future, Feng Zichen couldn't help but feel a chill in her heart. The Chaos Demon God is really too ruthless. Although I don't know what that gloom is, but only from the consequences it causes, I know that it is particularly terrifying.

The master of   Feng Zichen Tangtang Hunyuan Nine Heavens, under that gloomy light, only persisted for a while, and was completely burned into nothingness. This power looked scary.

   absolutely surpassed the category of Hunyuan, reached the point where the Wuji Luo Jinxian was, and it was still the pinnacle of it, and even surpassed the Wuji Luo Jinxian.

   Killed by this force, without thinking about it, it must be difficult to resurrect. I'm afraid that there is not much time for calamity, and I can't come back at all.

   Chaos Demon God, this is going to cut Feng Zichen’s road to promotion! Judging from the current changes in the prehistoric world, it really took a few moments to waste a few calamities. Feng Zichen's realm would be overtaken by everyone, from the strongest to the last.

  Fortunately, what Feng Zichen had seen before was only a possibility in the future, not what really happened. There was still room for change.

  (End of this chapter)

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