Flooded Star Road

Chapter 843: Good fortune

   Chapter 848

  Don’t look at this future, Feng Zichen died extremely tragically, but that was the result of him not using magic weapons, nor using the boundless starry sky.

  If these two forces were used, Feng Zichen would not die as miserable and fast even if he lost to the weird gloom.

   Thinking like this in his heart, Feng Zichen once again urged the Galaxy Universe Array to evolve the third form of the array, Pangu God-Man.

Although he knew that the Chaos Demon God was going to attack him, Feng Zichen would continue to deduct it. He wanted to see what the weird and powerful gloom was. It was so powerful that it could be easily wiped out. Him.

  At the same time, he is also very curious about the methods of the Chaos Demon God. With this method, the restrictions are not big, and if not, the predicament is almost over.

  Today the Chaos Demon God can use this to attack his Feng Zichen, then the one who is attacked by the Chaos Demon God tomorrow may be the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, or the Emperor Fuxi, or other saints.

Feng Zichen must see clearly the methods of the Chaos Demon God, not only for him, but also for the great future.


   Quietly, Pangu gods and men appeared, and the power that was enough to match the Wuju Luo Jinxian, blessed Feng Zichen's body, and forcibly raised his realm to the level of the Wuji Dao realm.

  Unfortunately, even standing at the level of the Wuji Luo Jinxian, Feng Zichen still failed to figure out the plan of the Chaos Demon God. After all, the Chaos Demon God is really too powerful.

  The matter has come to this point, Feng Zichen still did not give up. He gritted his teeth, and suddenly activated the galaxy cosmic light array buried in the wild land, and coordinated with the large array in the starry sky to move together.

   Quietly, tremendous changes have taken place in the Three Realms. A majestic Pangu Dharma image stands quietly on the primordial world, without joy or sorrow, and seems to be eternal and immortal.

  This is the largest chassis of Feng Zichen, and it is also his invincible means, and the Pangu Dharma image formed by combining the power of the entire prehistoric state.

  Before, this Pangu Dharma statue, at least, also had the power of Infinite Luo Jinxian's Consummation.

   And now, with the advancement of the prehistoric world, his power has truly surpassed the level of the Immortal Luo Jinxian, reaching the realm that only the Chaos Demon God can reach in the legend, and the realm of good fortune.

Feng Zichen doesn't know the specific levels of   , because he doesn't know this realm very well. He just knows a name, and he doesn't know the specific powers he possesses.


  At the moment when the Pangu Faxiang appeared, Daozu Hongjun seemed to have a sense, suddenly opened his eyes and looked inside and outside the Three Realms. After that, after looking for a long time, he still found nothing.

  Finally, Hongjun Daozu shook his head a bit amused, and then withdrew his gaze. The inexplicable throbbing just now should be his illusion.

  Hunyuan Jiuzhong's Feng Zichen will not have an illusion, let alone the Hongjun Dao ancestor of the immeasurable Luo Jinxian realm. With his strength at his level, there will be no illusion at all.

  Ke Hongjun Daozu not only thought so, but firmly believed in it. That is to say, Feng Zichen didn't know about this, otherwise, he would definitely be amazed by the power of the realm of good fortune.

  The reason why Hongjun Daozu had this idea is naturally that Pangu Faxiang distorted his perception. This is the power of the perfect state of good fortune, one thought can produce and destroy all things, and one thought can distort everything.


  With the addition of the power of creation to the realm, Feng Zichen instantly felt that he was different, as if he could grasp everything between heaven and earth and change everything between heaven and earth with a single thought.

  Subconsciously, in Feng Zichen's mind, a thought emerged, that is, those who are enemies with him will fall.


  The moment the thought emerged, a force beyond imagination and incomprehensibility suddenly opened up between heaven and earth.

  In front of this force, the avenue was twisting, the heaven and the earth stopped moving, everything became indescribable and incomprehensible.

  Under this force, the great road that Chaos Daluo Jinxian has been holding so hard is also distorting, and all concepts are becoming chaotic.

  They suddenly couldn’t understand the avenue they were practicing, they lost all their supernatural powers, and became just like ordinary immortals.

   And this is the power of good fortune, and in an instant, it will be able to knock down the lofty Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

   Terrible, terrifying, beyond imagination, incomprehensible.

   Also at this moment, the people who were enemies of Feng Zichen, such as the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, the Western Two Sages, Yuanshi Tianzun and others, suddenly felt a sense of imminent disaster, as if they were about to die.

   However, this feeling came and went quickly. Before they were shocked, this feeling of imminent disaster disappeared without a trace.

  Did Feng Zichen change his mind? Yes. But this was definitely not his intention, it was not that he wanted to let these people go, but that he had to give up.

  At the moment when Feng Zichen's thought fell, a powerful shadow of death suddenly struck, and in an instant, it filled his heart.

  Crisis, an unprecedented crisis.

  Then, he saw that a ray of bright axe light, which never came from or where it was located, hovered above his head, shining constantly.

  It was Pangu axe light, Feng Zichen recognized it.

  Looking at this axe light, Feng Zichen naturally knew the meaning of its appearance. As long as his thoughts dare to fall, then this Pangu axe light will be cut off, and before he kills Yuanshi Tianzun and others, he will be beheaded.

  It can be said that this is the nearest time Feng Zichen has died. Then, he persuaded him and put away the thought in his heart that he shouldn't have.

  What a pity!

   almost finished the book,

  Bah, it’s not right, you can almost wipe out all the enemies and push the entire predicament horizontally.

  At this moment, how hopeful Feng Zichen is, Pangu does not exist.



   Putting away the thoughts that shouldn't be there, Feng Zichen focused on the business. Come to think of it, with the power of good fortune, it should be able to deduce the plan of the Chaos Demon God.

  Thinking about this, Feng Zichen suddenly felt a tearing pain from his body.

   Looking down, Feng Zichen unexpectedly discovered that his powerful physical body, which is comparable to the innate treasure, is constantly breaking down.

  In an instant, Feng Zichen connected everything. It must be that the power of good fortune is too strong, and his body can't carry it at all, which led to this scene.

   Thinking of this, Feng Zichen did not dare to delay, and quickly deduced it with heart. But you can't wait any longer. If the Chaos Demon God's attack hasn't arrived, he will destroy his body first, and it will be finished.


Once the power of good fortune was in operation, Feng Zichen felt an unimaginable force surging in his body. Then, he discovered that the mist that shrouded the long river of time and space completely disappeared, and everything was covered. Doesn't exist anymore.

  The entire river of time and space is meaningless before Him.

   is really addictive power.

  Though thinking like this, Feng Zichen didn't forget what was going on. He saw his huge power spreading outwards at an incomprehensible speed, and soon he came into the sea of ​​bounds.

  Without hesitation, Feng Zichen directly searched through the sea in the form of a carpet search.

  Now, his power is invincible, and he does not need to have any scruples, and he can directly use the most powerful means to find the truth.

  No matter what kind of plan the Chaos Demon God has, he can't hide his powerful perception.


  With the turbulent spirit, Feng Zichen soon discovered a simple and magnificent altar in the deepest part of the sea.

  The altar was painted with runes that Feng Zichen did not recognize, all of which released the breath of the avenue, making this altar even more extraordinary.

  This is an altar that gives Feng Zichen a feeling of extraordinary nobility, far surpassing all altars he has ever seen. Whether it is the altar used by the Xuanmen to sacrifice to heaven and earth, or the altar used by the Wu people to sacrifice to Pangu, they cannot be compared with it.

  Because this is an altar, the avenue is worshipped, the supreme avenue is also a truly perfect existence in the world.

   Below the altar, almost all the Chaos Demon Gods in the Boundary Sea have arrived. They are surrounded there, constantly forming Dao Seals, seeming to be portraying something.

  Feng Zichen looked for a while and recognized the origin of this altar. This is the cursed altar, which is used to curse the avenue.

  He was able to recognize this altar because he had seen it before. Seen in the memory of Pangu's left eye.

  In the past, at the beginning of the opening of the sky, when the three thousand demon gods were besieging Pangu, there was once the Chaos Demon God set up this altar to unite with many Chaos Demon Gods to curse Pangu together.

   Then, as strong as Pangu Great God, in front of this cursing force, he couldn't help but stagger, and a blood stain was split between the eyebrows, and the blood was low.

  Affected by this, the Great God Pangu was seized by the opportunity, and he was attacked several times in succession, and his body was almost destroyed.

  Therefore, Feng Zichen had a particularly profound influence on the altar, and only then can he recognize it at the first sight of the altar.

  The chaos set up a curse altar, it must be used to curse people, who is it used to curse?

  For a while, Feng Zichen had a bad premonition in his heart, and then raised his head, he saw that a drop of blood shining with colorful glow was placed in the center of the altar.

  If Feng Zichen did not admit his mistake, that drop of blood should belong to him. That said, it is Him that the Chaos Demon God wants to curse.

  Although he had already guessed in his heart, but at the moment of real confirmation, Feng Zichen still felt a little unacceptable.

  The Chaos Demon God, this is too exaggerated. For such a small matter, he has to set up a curse altar to curse him!

  As long as the curse, whether it is successful or not, there is a price to pay. The stronger the cursed person is and the more precious his identity, the greater the price that the cursed person will have to pay.

  As Feng Zichen's identity, the most noble person in the primordial age, the person with the deepest merit, and the person with the strongest blessings, the chaos demon **** wants to curse him, and the price he has to pay is inevitably amazing.

  At the very least, the price the Chaos Demon God has to pay is more precious than Feng Zichen itself.

  Very good, the Chaos Demon God was really mad by Feng Zichen, and in order to deal with him, he has begun to do whatever it takes.

  At this time, Feng Zichen really didn't know whether he should be honored or afraid.

   Is the power of cursing the altar strong? That is definitely strong, even if the Great God Pangu is cursed by it, he will be injured, let alone Feng Zichen.

  No wonder this warning was so strong. It turned out that the method used by the Chaos Demon God was too extraordinary. With the power of Feng Zichen, it may not really be able to resist the curse of the Chaos Demon God.

  The spirit of the mind turned crazily, and Feng Zichen tried to find a way to break the situation, but he thought for a long time, but he didn't think of any good way.

  But this discovery also made him certain that the methods the Chaos Demon God used to deal with him were difficult to use on others.

  There is no other reason, but the price is too great.

  Thinking about this, Feng Zichen felt relieved a lot. At least, Honghuang was safe.


  While looking for a way to break the game, Feng Zichen silently watched the movements of the Chaos Demon God. He wanted to see what the Chaos Demon God planned to curse him at.

  It didn’t take long for Feng Zichen to see that a Chaos Demon had intercepted one of his own Chaos True Spirits and merged it into the altar.

  Seeing this, Feng Zichen immediately guessed that the Chaos Demon God intended to sacrifice his Chaos True Spirit in exchange for the power to curse him.

  A strand of chaos true spirit of a chaos demon is definitely not enough, what if there are many chaos demon?

  Combining the power of many chaotic demon gods, it is not difficult to curse Feng Zichen.

I see!

  Seeing this, Feng Zichen communicated all the plans of the Chaos Demon God, and at the same time, he also thought of the method of breaking the game, a way to turn this catastrophe into opportunity.

  Although the method is still very dangerous, if it succeeds, Feng Zichen is bound to break into the realm of Wu Ji Luo Jinxian in one fell swoop. At the same time, you can also upgrade the innate treasure in your hands.

  Sure enough, the old saying is true. The great dangers are often accompanied by great opportunities, but it is difficult to be noticed. Fortunately, Feng Zichen discovered it.

Not waiting for Feng Zichen to be proud, he felt a strong sense of weakness coming ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then, the power beyond imagination in his body receded like a mountain, and soon disappeared. trace.

   However, Feng Zichen's physical body has reached its limit, and can no longer withstand the power of good fortune. Pan Gu Fa-xiang found that it was wrong, and then withdrew that power.

  In an instant, Feng Zichen was beaten back to his original form and returned to the realm of Hunyuan Nineth Heaven.

  At the same time, losing the support of the powerful force, the divine consciousness that Feng Zichen spread out also collapsed and disappeared.

  Divine Sense returned to the body, Feng Zichen suddenly felt that there was no pain everywhere in his body, as if being run over by someone in a millstone.

   glanced up and down, the situation was very shocking. Feng Zichen's invincible body was full of cracks, just like exquisite porcelain, shattered.


  Try to move, Feng Zichen felt a sharp pain.

  This injury is quite serious. If you rely on self-healing, I am afraid that it will not be possible to recover in tens of thousands of years.

  But now, where is Feng Zichen so much time.

  (End of this chapter)

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