Flooded Star Road

Chapter 844: Plan


  Under Feng Zichen's thoughts, the galaxy universe light array suddenly turned into full force. The endless starlight of the sky, like a galaxy, poured into Feng Zichen's body, constantly repairing his broken injuries.

   If you want to recover from the injury in a short time, you can only rely on the endless starry sky.


   "What is Emperor Ziwei doing?"

   The movement of the boundless starry sky naturally aroused many people, and many eyes came from the void, looking towards the boundless starry sky, wanting to see what the Emperor Ziwei was doing.

   But as far as the eye can see, there is nothing else except the bright stars.

   The endless starry sky of the infinite Luo Jinxian level is not something that a great supernatural power can watch. On the contrary, Hongjun Daozu relied on his cultivation to be strong, and he saw some clues.

   "Zi Wei is injured?"

   "How did he get hurt?"

   "Ziwei stands on the boundless starry sky, and has been invincible innately, even if the poor Dao uses the power of the heavens, it may not be able to hurt him."

   "Who can hurt Him in the precipice?"

   Regarding the injury of Emperor Ziwei, Daozu Hongjun behaved very puzzled, because as the first person in the primordial world, it is impossible for Emperor Ziwei to be injured.

   But that's it. The Great Emperor Ziwei is still injured. This shows that there is a power that Hongjun Dao ancestor did not know in the predecessor, and far surpassed him.

   This discovery made Hongjun Daozu frown. He feels that he, who thinks he knows Honghuang very well, may never really understand Honghuang.

   This kind of out of his control made Hongjun Daozu very unhappy.

   Here, Feng Zichen's physical body is still recovering with the help of starlight, but his incarnation has quietly left the boundless starry sky and came to the Netherworld, and saw Houtu Empress.

   He wanted to borrow a treasure from Houtu Empress to deal with his impending death.


   What kind of identity is the Great Emperor Ziwei. As soon as he came to the Netherworld, the Netherworld spontaneously gave birth to induction, and the rules emerged, turning into a gloom and spreading under the feet of the Emperor Ziwei, winding for more than tens of thousands of years.

   Heaven and earth interacted, spontaneously giving birth to visions to welcome the arrival of Emperor Ziwei.

   The Netherworld reacted in this way, and naturally couldn't hide the sight of the great supernatural powers of this world. Suddenly, the ancestors of the river, the ancestor witch of the Houtu, and the ancestor of the mysterious world, such as the supreme gods of the nether world, cast their eyes on one after another.


   "Why did Emperor Ziwei come to the Netherworld?"

   Seeing the Great Emperor Ziwei who came, huge doubts arose in everyone's hearts.

Emperor Ziwei was born in the highest point of the sky, and the Netherworld is at the lowest point of the sky. Therefore, since the birth of Emperor Ziwei, he has passed through the Netherworld once in the future. Today, he suddenly saw him appear here, and everyone will inevitably be puzzled. .

   Before everyone could ask questions, he heard Emperor Ziwei say: "I have disturbed all daoists. Ziwei apologizes, and hope you all, Haihan."

   first apologized full of apologies, and then, Emperor Ziwei just said the purpose of this: "Ziwei is here in the Netherworld, but there is something to beg Houtu Niangniang."

  He came here to ask for help, so Emperor Ziwei deliberately suppressed the inherent dignity of his body.

   "Look for me?" Hearing this, Houtu Niangniang was startled at first, and then quickly said, "I also invite Emperor Ziwei to enter."

   While speaking, the mysterious hall of reincarnation in the depths of the Netherworld suddenly opened its door.

   Seeing this, Emperor Ziwei didn't hesitate and walked in directly.

   entered the hall, Houtu Empress had already greeted her, and she asked with some doubts: "I heard what the emperor said before, did you ask me for help?"

   Great Emperor Ziwei nodded and said, "Yes."

   Hearing this, Houtu Niangniang became even more puzzled, and asked: "That's surprising. With the power of the emperor, is there still something that the emperor can't solve in these three realms?"

  If others have listened to the words of Houtu Empress, they may think that he is deliberately ridiculing Ziwei with a weird yin and yang, and is unwilling to help.

   But the Great Emperor Ziwei knew that when Houtu Empress said this, she was completely sincere.

   It might be a little boastful to say so, but Houtu Niangniang really thinks so. Among the Three Realms, there should be no things that Emperor Ziwei can't solve.

   In other words, all the great supernatural powers in the Primordial Land have the same impression of the Emperor Ziwei. This is a mysterious and powerful existence.

   Just imagine, such an invincible strong, what can be rare to hold him? Therefore, Empress Houtu was shocked at the request of Emperor Ziwei for his help.

   smiled helplessly, and the Great Emperor Ziwei said: "Houtu Niangniang joked, even Father Pangu has problems that cannot be dealt with, let alone Ziwei."

   nodded, Houtu Empress asked: "Then the emperor is here, what is the so-called? Both belong to the Pangu branch. If Houtu can do it, she will definitely help the emperor."

With the abilities of Emperor Ziwei, it must be very difficult to think of a problem that cannot be solved. His request is extremely precious. Therefore, in the face of Emperor Ziwei’s request, Houtu Empress did not dare to speak up, leaving some There is room for turning round.

   After thinking about it, I think everyone will know about this kind of thing sooner or later, and there is no need to conceal it. That's why, Emperor Ziwei told the truth:

   "In a little while, I will usher in a death catastrophe. Therefore, I am here to invite fellow Taoists from Houtu to help me when the catastrophe comes."

   Hearing the words, Houtu Empress was shocked: "Death? Is the emperor joking? With the strength of the emperor, who can hurt you in the predicament? I am afraid that the Dao Ancestor will bring the power of the heavens and it will not hurt you."

   The Emperor Ziwei has stood in the endless starry sky for countless years, and the way of heaven is unable to do anything about it. Not only does he dare not hurt him, but he wants to coax him.

   This point is almost universally known by the great supernatural powers. Therefore, Houtu Empress is very difficult to accept for the moment that Emperor Ziwei said that he will die in the future.

   is as strong as the Emperor Ziwei, the first person under the Taoist ancestor, who can hurt him in the predicament? Let alone kill him.

   Regarding this, Emperor Ziwei gave a wry smile and said: "In the prehistoric land, no one can hurt me, but outside the predominant land, it is possible."

   "My death is not from the prehistoric, but from outside the prehistoric, the Chaos Demon God."

   Saying that, Houtu Niangniang understands that it is the Chaos Demon God who wants to attack Emperor Ziwei. Most Pangu Great God's former emperor, Chaos Demon God does have the strength to deal with Emperor Ziwei.

   It’s just that Houtu Niangniang is still puzzled, why the Chaos Demon God wants to attack the Emperor Ziwei, it doesn’t make sense!

   is to start, and it should be Hongjun Daozu, how can it be the emperor of Ziwei?

   It's wrong to strike first, and strike second, this Chaos Demon God, I am afraid it is not sick.

   Houtu Niangniang is also a straightforward temperament. She just said whatever she had in her heart, so she asked directly: "The Chaos Demon God, why should we kill the emperor?"

   This question is not easy to answer. The Great Emperor Ziwei is always hard to tell the truth. It is he who has made the Chaos Demon God anxious, and this is what people start with him.

Therefore, the Great Emperor Ziwei thought for a while, and said vaguely: "A few days ago, I stumbled upon a channel for the Chaos Demon God to enter the prehistoric world and destroyed it. By the way, the Chaos Demon God was overshadowed, making them short. Within time, it is difficult to enter the wild world."

   "I want to come, it is because of this that the Chaos Demon God is holding a grudge, and this is the cause of this death."

What    said was quite reasonable, but Houtu Niangniang still heard from the words of Emperor Ziwei that he had something to hide.

   However, Houtu Niangniang did not follow up, everyone has their own secrets, Ziwei the Great is so mysterious, the secrets are naturally more.

   And these secrets can't be asked.

   suppressing the doubts in her heart, Houtu Empress asked: "How can the emperor want me to help?"

Emperor Ziwei replied: "This matter is not difficult for the empress. Just when my death comes, I urge the twelve capital gods to condense the Pangu body, and then use the power of Pangu's body to remind me. Use the six reincarnation discs to weaken the power of some deaths."

   Well, Pangu's flesh body, coupled with the six reincarnation discs, its power is definitely at the level of the infinite Luo Jinxian, which can bring a lot of help to Feng Zichen.

   He didn't even think of stopping death by this, he just wanted to weaken the power of the curse.

   Hearing this, Houtu fell into silence. If he only used the six reincarnation discs, Houtu would be able to agree directly. But if he used the twelve capital gods' evil formations, he hesitated.

   If you want to lay down the twelve capitals of the gods, you must use the twelve capitals of the gods. And the twelve capital **** banners are the key to the resurrection of the remaining ten ancestral witches, and there must be no mistakes.

   The death of Emperor Ziwei couldn't even cope with it. He needed to ask for help. Just thinking about it, you would know how terrible it was. If the Twelve Capital Heavenly God Banner suffered a loss because of this, the time for the resurrection of the ten great ancestor witches would be delayed again.

   Therefore, Houtu hesitated, and for a while, he didn't know whether he should agree to Emperor Ziwei's request.

   Glancing at Houtu Niangniang, Emperor Ziwei guessed his concerns and said: "As long as Niangniang is willing to help, then Ziwei will definitely help Emperor Jiang Daoyou resurrect after the incident."

   As soon as this statement was made, a smile of joy flashed across the face of the Empress Houtu, and she eagerly asked: "The emperor is serious about this statement, do you want to help the big brother resurrect?"

   There is no way not to be excited, the emperor Ziwei sits on the boundless starry sky, the greatest treasure land in the empire, and the resources he has at his disposal are beyond imagination.

   Moreover, the boundless starry sky has surpassed the level of Hunyuan. If Emperor Ziwei was willing to help, it would not be difficult to resurrect a Dijiang at the Hunyuan level.

   Nodded, the Great Emperor Ziwei said in a deep voice: "Yes, if Houtu Niangniang is willing to help, then Ziwei will definitely revive the Emperor Jiangzu Witch with all his strength."

   After getting the affirmative answer, Houtu Empress nodded in satisfaction and said: "I have agreed to the emperor's request, and I will come to help when the time comes."

  The goal has been achieved, and the Emperor Ziwei did not stop, and left directly: "It's fine if the mother agrees. Ziwei still has important things to do, so he left first."

   After that, Emperor Ziwei turned and left the Samsara Hall and returned to the endless starry sky.

   Apart from Houtu Niangniang, in the predicament, those who can help Feng Zichen are also Hongjun Daozu.

   And Hongjun Taoist ancestor, there is no need for Feng Zichen to ask, when the power of the curse arrives, he just doesn't want to help, and heaven will force him to do it.

   As for the other people, their strength is too weak, and it's useless to ask for help.

   Actually, if Houtu Empress had not possessed the Six Reincarnation Disk of Chaos Supreme Treasure, Feng Zichen would not ask him for help.

   From beginning to end, there are only six reincarnation discs that can be valued by Feng Zichen.

   Whether his plan will succeed or not, the six reincarnation discs account for a large proportion.


   Thousands of years are fleeting.

   On this day, the Three Realms suddenly became depressed, as if something terrible was about to fall.

   No matter how the great supernatural powers deduced, it was impossible to find the source of this fear and where it came from. On the contrary, Hongjun Daozu seemed to feel it, and looked beyond the Three Realms.

   At the same time, in the depths of the Boundary Sea, a huge altar stands tall. Its volume is larger than that of the Great Thousand Worlds. It is engraved with mysterious runes, and the atmosphere of the whole body is surrounded by avenues.

   Thousands of Chaos Demon Gods stood under the altar, urging the altar together.

   This is a cursed altar, and also a avenue altar. A group of chaotic demon gods can communicate with the avenue through this altar, drop infinite power, and curse their opponents.

   If these Chaos Demon Gods are at their peak, then the curse power of thousands of Chaos Demon Gods, even Pangu God, will also be hit hard.

   But at this moment, the Chaos Demon God was knocked down by Pangu's supernatural powers, and his strength was barely left at the level of Hunyuan. If everyone worked together, if it was used to curse Pangu, it would not even be enough to tickle it.

   But ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If it is used to curse others, that is, a super powerhouse in the perfect state of Luo Jinxian Wuju will be seriously injured and fall.

   Its power is almost as powerful as the supreme powerhouse of perfection, with a full blow.

   Because of this, Feng Zichen was afraid, gave birth to thoughts that he could not resist, and showed signs of fall in his heart.

   If it weren’t for the advancement of the Primordial World, the power of Pangu Dharma had reached a higher level and reached the level of good fortune. This time, Feng Zichen might really be doomed to escape.

   But that's the case, and it doesn't mean that Feng Zichen can survive this catastrophe safely. It is comparable to the full blow of a powerful person who is good fortune. Even a strong person who is also a good fortune may not be able to stop it, and he will also be injured.

   There is one thing I have to admit that both sides are both good fortune, but Fengzichen Pangu, weakly cursing the altar.

  Because the curse altar borrows the power of the avenue, and Pangu Faxiang is the power of Pangu.

   The power of Pangu is not as good as the power of Dao.

   Therefore, for insurance, Feng Zichen asked Houtu Empress to use the six reincarnation discs to help him.

   The Six Reincarnation Disk of Chaos Supreme Treasure is Feng Zichen's second insurance.

  Why do you have to let Houtu Empress urge the six reincarnation discs with Pangu's body? Not because of Pangu's stronger body.


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