Flooded Star Road

Vol 2 Chapter 777: Burning Mount Sumeru

Their holy emperor, what they like most is to die by fraud, and to prevent the serious injury this time, it is also pretending to be.

What kind of old treacherous cough the Saint Emperor is, how can he be calculated by the Saint?

This time he was seriously injured, absolutely pretending, his deity is hiding in the palace of the human emperor, and he must be quietly calculating something.

Maybe it's not necessarily because his old man is staring at this place.

Thinking of this, everyone straightened their chests unconsciously and became very energetic.

You can perform well later to make a good impression on the holy emperor.

Some of the human races who came down from the Gouchen Temple brought the drawings of the Pantheon Platform, and everyone built the Pantheon Platform based on the blueprints. The next thing was much simpler.

Many skilled craftsmen of the human race teamed up, and soon, a huge pantheon platform was created outside the human imperial city.

After the creation of the Pantheon Platform was completed, Feng Zichen thought about his orders and stepped onto the Pantheon Platform and hung the Pantheon Map respectfully.

It was also strange. After the Pantheon map came to the Pantheon Stage, it automatically floated in the center of the stage and slowly opened it without any human hands.

Suddenly, endless divine light spewed out from the map of the gods, and it was so splendid that it enveloped the entire human race.

Then, the message about Conferred Gods naturally appeared in the minds of sentient beings.

All gods are open, and those who have merit in the body, regardless of whether they have cultivated themselves or not, will be able to enter the list of conferred gods after death. Either protect the land of the mountain god, or protect the people of the kitchen **** and wandering god, or be the ruling party of the city god

In short, on the map of the gods, the gods have everything they need, covering all the daily needs of the human race, and I'm not afraid that I can't find a fascination that suits me.

Anyone with merit can be listed as a **** as long as they are willing, specializing in incense and burning divine way, and accumulating merit.

If enough merits are accumulated in the future, it can be directly transformed into the righteous **** of heaven and earth. You can also turn around and reincarnate with your merits and start all over again.

If a Shinto practitioner performs well during his reign, he will be protected by all spirits when he is reincarnated. Not only can he be free from the mystery in the womb, but he can also avoid all evil spirits.

Life is worry-free and disaster-free, and results can be achieved easily.

This is the biggest difference between the gods on the Pantheon Map and the gods on the Conferred God List.

The former is a free body, a humane god, and the latter is enslaved by man, a **** of righteousness between heaven and earth. One belongs to humanity and the other belongs to heaven. The difference is obvious.

Of course, the Heaven and Earth Righteous God on the Conferred God List can be blessed by the power of Heaven and Earth, and his strength is far better than the gods on the Ten Thousand Gods Chart, but he has no freedom.

It's hard to say whether it's good or bad, it all depends on the thoughts of the people on the list.

As soon as the news of the Conferred God came out, the high-level cultivator group was okay, but those low-level cultivators and ordinary people became excited.

In terms of the current situation of the human race, it is still impossible to set foot on the road of cultivation. How ugly the talent is, it is estimated that even if it is not a natural aura insulator, it is not much different.

For such a person, there is almost no possibility of cultivating. But the emergence of the Pantheon map gave them another choice.

That is the incense divine way.

Can't absorb the aura of heaven and earth, then can't absorb the aspiration power of incense?

Absorbing the power of incense and becoming a humane god, you can still become stronger, and you can also accumulate merit.

This is another road to detachment, so how can ordinary mortals not get excited?

The pursuit of extraordinary power is human instinct.

As for the low-level monks, they are more excited than ordinary mortals. What is a low-level monk is a person who has a low level of cultivation and has exhausted his potential, making it difficult to make progress in the future.

These people have a hopeless future and can't see any room for improvement, and they are already desperate in their hearts. But the emergence of the Pantheon, let them see another way of promotion, how can they not be excited?

Whether it is immortal or martial art, it is not enough to make them progress, and that is, they are willing to try incense and fire gods.

Anyway, my own situation is already like this, and it doesn't matter if I fail.

These low-level monks are different from ordinary human races, they have already tasted the pleasure brought by power. Therefore, their pursuit of power is more eager than ordinary human races.

Well, the opportunity has come.

The key now is, how does the merit come from?

Not all people have merit in themselves.

If you can't make great merit, you can only start with small things.

That is doing good deeds.

If nothing else, doing good deeds will definitely get merit. The more good things you do, the greater the merits you get.

For a time, the human race set off a huge activity to fight for good deeds.

And shortly after Feng Zichen ordered the people to post the map of the gods, above the heavenly court, the three emperor Ziwei, the God of Haotian, and the emperor of Nanji seemed to have the feeling, and joined hands to sacrifice the list of gods and hung it on the Nantian Gate.

As soon as the Conferred God List came out, the immortal gods killed the robbery.

Suddenly, the monstrous calamity gas filled the void, and soon, it swept across every corner of the prehistoric world.

At this time, all those who practice the acquired way will feel that the immortal gods have been killed!

If you want to take a step closer, you must set foot on the earth to cross the catastrophe. After passing it, everything is well, and a lot of calamity is free. But if you don't, everything will stop, the body will die and the soul will die.

If you go away and your soul enters the list of gods, although you are lucky not to die, you will have no relationship with the immortal way. In the future, you will return to the gods and enjoy the righteous **** status. It seems that you will not die, but you will be enslaved.

The immortal gods killed the robbery. Although the immortals were helpless, they had no choice but to take out their weapons and entered the world to cross the robbery.

Is crossing the robbery now?

That is to kill the robbery, naturally it is to kill to cross the robbery.

This time when the immortals entered the world, they were destined to set off a **** storm and kill them with tears of blood.

Only in this way can we survive the killing and robbery.

As soon as the death of the fairy gods broke out, the five sages who had been prepared for it, immediately arranged for their disciples to enter the world to cross the catastrophe, and assist the true emperor to obtain the throne of the emperor.

Under the order of Sanqing, the disciples of Chanjiao, except Yunzhongzi and True Monarch of Morality, all the other disciples went out of Kunlun Mountains to assist the Dongwang Donghua Taoists in fighting for the throne of the emperor.

As for the disciples of Jiejiao, in addition to the four major disciples who have helped Human Race before, and a dozen inner disciples such as San Xiao, the rest of the disciples, regardless of the inner door and outer door, walked out of the East China Sea and went to assist the Human Race East King Donghua. Taoist.

There are more than 10,000 disciples who are cut off to teach?

Wanxian rushed out of the East China Sea. The scene, what a situation, really shocked many people.

But unfortunately, their trip was destined to be a tragedy from the very beginning. Don't look at them being deliberately motivated, but after the war, those who can really return to this place are afraid that they won't be able to count them with one hand.

Here Sanqing sent his own disciples to assist the Eastern Prince, while the Western Second Sage did not lag behind, opened the mountain gate and sent his own disciples to support the Western King Ziyun Taoist.

Moreover, the Western Two Saints are more than chicken thieves. They felt that it was not safe to just send their own disciples, and they had to give Taoist Ziyun more bargaining chips.

As a result, the two of them had their brains awkward.

I don't know where these two people got an innate phoenix qi, through this thing, with a secret method to forcibly extract a trace of phoenix clan's luck, and bless it on the body of Taoist Ziyun.

Because of this incident, Huang Zu was furious and came to the world at any cost, personally rushing to the west to find the bad luck of the two sages of the west.

The Second Holy Li in the West was deprived, so naturally he didn't dare to meet Huang Zu, so he hid after looking for a reason.

They knew in their hearts that in the state of the ancestor Huang, it would never be possible to stay between the heavens and the earth for a long time. As long as they dragged on for a while, when the power of the ancestor Huang was exhausted, they would naturally leave.

Their ideas are pretty good. But it is a pity that they have forgotten that as the former master of heaven and earth, the ancestor Huang is not friendly.

The Second Sage of the West could not be found on the left or right. Ancestor Huang burned Mount Xumi in a furious manner, and let out a sigh of anger in his heart before he left in a violent manner.

The Nirvana Sky Fire of the ancestor Huang, also known as the Unquenchable Sky Fire, is a powerful Dao Fire that can rank among the top three in the prehistoric state. It claims to be able to ignite even all innate paths, and its power can be imagined.

As soon as the Nirvana fire falls into Mount Xume, it is to burn anything, whether it is soil, stone, or water, as long as it exists, it can become its fuel.

Therefore, in a blink of an eye, the Nirvana Skyfire spread to the entire Mount Xumi. As for the mountain protection formation of Mount Xumi, it was burned by the Nirvana fire early in the morning and became one of its main fuels.

Because of fear of the Phoenix ancestor, even if Mount Xumi was burned, the two leading Zhunti did not dare to come forward. They could only watch the Nirvana Skyfire spread and burn inch by inch on Mount Xumi.

When Huang Zu got out of breath and left Mount Xumi, he led the second holy Zhunti to rush out to fight the fire in a hurry.

It is a pity that the power of the Nirvana Skyfire is still greater. When the two of Zhunti were led to put out the fire, Mount Xumi was also burnt to a bare piece.

None of the things on the mountain were left, they were all burned to ashes.

Mount Xumi, where the light was originally exposed, is now even more black, like a huge piece of black coal.

Fortunately, the disciples on the mountain and the main treasures were all taken away by Zhun Ti. Otherwise, the Western Church would have lost more than this, enough to cause the Second Western Saints to spit blood.

But that's the case, the second sage of the West also lost his face this time, and the gates of the mountains were burned. Can you not be ashamed?

Fortunately, the mountain gate was destroyed, and both of them were used to it, but they didn't care too much.

I have to say that Mount Xumi is quite unlucky. There are two masters in total, but one is better than the other.

It was destroyed once in the hands of Demon Zu Luohu, and then it was destroyed several times in the hands of Zhunti. Both of them have become accustomed to it, repairing Mount Xumi has also gained experience. It can be seen how many times Mount Xumi has been destroyed.

This is the sacred mountain second only to Kunlun Mountain in the prehistoric times, and it is the ancestor of the West.

The most miserable sacred mountain is Mount Xumi.

May call it the worst!

Not to mention how heartbroken the two western sages were after the destruction of Mount Xumi, they said why they risked offending the Phoenix Ancestor, forcibly taking away the luck of the Phoenix family, and blessing them on the body of Taoist Ziyun.

Remember the image of luck in the Shang Dynasty?

The fate of the mysterious bird descended to give birth to quotient.

The image of Shang's luck is the Xuanniao. The Xuanniao is one of the five phoenixes, a genus of phoenix, one of the descendants of the phoenix.

Before Feng Zichen became a human emperor, he was the emperor's son Chen, although in the end, he replaced the Xuanniao with the fire to re-set the universe. But it is undeniable that in today's human luck, there is more or less a hint of mysterious bird.

The second sage of the West is aware of this mysterious bird's aura, and then he will strike the Phoenix clan's fortune.

They thought so. Although the Xuanniao was strong, it was still weaker than the Phoenix. In this way, they transformed Taoist Ziyun's luck into the image of a phoenix, wouldn't they be able to overwhelm the emperor?

I have to say that the two sages of the West are really geniuses, and they can come up with such an idea.

Indeed, as they thought, if the Taoist Ziyun’s image of luck is presented in the form of a phoenix, it can indeed restrain the mysterious bird.

Although it is only a trivial trace, there is no room for the slightest error in the great dispute. If you can take advantage of it, you must take advantage of it.

Because the point that you don't care about, in the end, may become the last straw that overwhelms the camel and the key to a decisive victory.


On Kunlun Mountain, Sanqing saw the performance of the Western Two Saints, and the expression on his face was wonderful.

They didn't expect that someone could be so shrewd that they would really not let go of a chance.


In the Palace of the Human Emperor~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Feng Zichen saw the performance of the two sages in the West, and couldn't help but breathe in a cold breath. The two of Lian Dao were so horrible, I really couldn't keep them.

This time, he really met an opponent. This shrewd spirit has half of His demeanor.

It is a pity that he has too many backhands, and he can't bear to use them to bully each other.

Otherwise, Feng Zichen would now have to find a way to find a chance to break the situation just by relying on the Western Second Sage.

But the reality is not if.

Feng Zichen, who has countless cards, is now sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, watching the performance of the Five Sages calmly.

In this wave, He is already invincible. Countless years of painstaking calculations were not in vain, and they all manifested at this moment and became his invincible capital.

Unless it is Pangu resurrecting and standing on the side of Sanqing, Feng Zichen will never overturn.

It was the Dao Ancestor Hongjun who came, and Feng Zichen used the Pangu Dharma image that stood in the prehistoric world at any cost to get it back.

Oh, we are so confident.


Sanqing sent his own disciples to support the Eastern Prince, and the impact was not that simple.

You know, it is not just the disciples of the Three Sects who need to enter the world this time, but also all the cultivators of the acquired path.

The monks in the world are more than hundreds of millions?

The number, thinking about it, makes the scalp feel numb. And among these, how many are the disciples and grandchildren of Sanqing?

Feng Zichen is not clear, nor is Sanqing, but they all know that this number is absolutely beyond their imagination.

Because the entire acquired system was constructed by the Sanqing. If you really want to go back to the source, the day after tomorrow cultivator, there are few who can not be related to Sanqing.

Nowadays, the three Qing dynasties set out to support the Donghua Taoists, and the impact on these monks can be imagined.

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