Flooded Star Road

Vol 2 Chapter 778: The continual defeat of the human army

Except for some of the monks who wanted to settle their personal feuds, most of the rest of the monks, after hesitating for a while, chose to go to the Dongwang Donghua Taoist, intending to fight for a future with him.

Not all monks thought the Conferred God List was a cage, and many monks wanted to be in the Conferred God List in their dreams.

After being immortal, isn't it the pursuit of immortality? But longevity is easy to obtain, immortality is hard to prove. The vast majority of golden immortals could not touch the threshold of Da Luo Dao Zun even after spending their entire lives.

Therefore, the alternative immortality brought about by leaving a name on the Conferred God List has become the pursuit of this part of the monks.

Seekers have no fear of life and death.

Those who seek longevity are most afraid of death!

With the help of Sanxian, the power of Donghua Taoist people can be said to have expanded rapidly, and soon surpassed the power of the other two rebel leaders, and left them far behind.

A single Sanxian may not be strong, but when most of the Sanxian's powers are combined, the power that erupts is even the saint's attention. Not to mention that it is better than Jiejiao, but definitely better than Chenjiao.

The Daoist of the East King Donghua has the great help of the Sanqing, and the Daoist of the West King Ziyun has the help of the two sages of the West.

What does the Southern King God have?

He has the help of Chaos Demon God.

Quietly, the majestic chaotic vitality diffused in the territory of the Southern King God, causing the creatures here to slowly become stronger invisibly.

Not only the human race, but all the creatures bathed in the chaotic vitality, whether it is flowers, plants, trees, birds, beasts, fish, and insects, will benefit greatly.

Because this is the mother qi of all things, even better than the mysterious and yellow qi.

However, the purpose of God's release of chaos vitality is not to strengthen the creatures under his hands. This is only incidental. His true purpose is to strengthen the innate beasts under his hands.

That's right, it's an innate beast.

It is not the innate fierce beast from the chaos outside the sky, but the innate fierce beast born on the wild land.

The heaven and the earth are immortal, and the fierce beasts are endless.

Therefore, there is never a shortage of innate beasts in the prehistoric world.

However, after several slaughters, even if the congenital fierce beasts were able to reproduce, it would be severely injured, and from the original state that could be seen everywhere, it was reduced to a rare and rare species.

Had it not been for Heaven and Earth that had been breeding innate fierce beasts, this tribe would have been killed and extinct.

It is precisely because of this that Feng Zichen will look elsewhere. He despised the innate fierce beasts in the wild world, too weak and too few.

But he doesn’t like it, God looks at it.

Uh, it's not a big deal, mainly because of the current situation. Apart from using the innate fierce beasts, he has no other way to improve the strength of his subordinates.

Seeing that the powers of the Eastern King Donghua Taoist and the Western King Ziyun Taoist are constantly strengthening, and his power is still standing still. Seeing, he was about to be left far behind by the two of them.

What anxious!

As a last resort, he used the power of his own Chaos Demon God to forcibly recruit tens of thousands of innate beasts.

As soon as the Chaos Demon God's order came out, wherever the innate beasts dared to refuse, they immediately ran over.

There are tens of thousands of innate fierce beasts, but the number is quite large, but the strength is unsightly. There are almost no Taiyi Golden Immortal level, and there are only two or three big cats and kittens at the Golden Immortal level.

The rest are all Xuanxian, Tianxian and the like, embarrassing and useless.

Once again, the **** gritted his teeth, dug a piece of flesh from his broken body of the chaotic demon god, turned it into the purest chaotic vitality, poured it into the bodies of these innate fierce beasts, and forcibly raised their realm.

Fortunately, now that Da Luo Dao Zun is not there, the gods only need to raise their power to the level of Tai Yi Dao Sovereign.

Tens of thousands of innate fierce beasts at the Taiyi Dao Sovereign level are definitely an extremely powerful force. In this era where Da Luo Dao Zun can't come out, it can almost sweep the world.

After upgrading the strength of the innate fierce beasts, the **** selected tens of thousands of warriors from his own command to control these innate fierce beasts.

This is called a beast knight.

No matter how courage the **** is, it is impossible to directly release tens of thousands of innate beasts to attack the human **** city. Otherwise, the human race will join hands with the rebels and kill him first.

Congenital fierce beasts are public enemies of the prehistoric, once discovered, all prehistoric creatures are obliged to kill them.

In this situation, it might be fine for one or two innate beasts to appear alone, but once the innate beasts become large, what awaits them is the joint strangulation of the prehistoric masters.

Therefore, in the predicament, there are very few large-scale congenital beasts appearing.

The mind is in the position of the emperor, and it is even more impossible to do such a thing of risking the world's disgrace.

Therefore, after thinking and thinking, came up with a brilliant idea. He turned the congenital fierce beast into a mount for his soldiers to form a powerful cavalry.

After becoming a mount, life is controlled by the owner, and the innate fierce beasts have changed from uncontrollable to controllable. In this way, they have become a scale, and the world has no reason to attack them.

He is really a little clever ghost.

Solving the problem of the innate fierce beasts, the power of God jumped up and became the power of the three major rebels, second only to the Eastern King.

The invincible cavalry of the invincible beasts, righteous gods contend for the capital of heaven and earth.

Taoist Ziyun, the Western King, became the weakest among the three. However, Taoist Ziyun didn't care at all. Although he was the weakest, the relationship between him and the human race was the closest.

He is a born emperor.

Now, the Taoist Ziyun waited, waiting for the three parties to fight each other and consume each other, and after all of them were wounded, it was time for His King Xi to rise.

"Good guy!"

"One can play better than one."

In the Palace of Human Emperor, Feng Zichen's eyes lit up when he saw the gods used innate beasts to create a team of invincible cavalry.

This method is good, why didn't he think of it? When the time comes later, he will play like this and build an invincible cavalry.

In terms of handwriting, Feng Zichen can be said to be a lot. He wants to do it, it's not as simple as Taiyi Daojun, the last time it is half a step Daluo Daozun.

Looking at it again, Feng Zichen found that the Eastern Prince and the Chaos Demon God had signs of attacking the city, and ordered: "Notify the guards of the city, if the city can be held, then abandon it, and return to the human ancestors. Say it again."

"Our generation's battle is not a loss of one city or one place, but a game with the upper echelons."

"In short, if you can't fight, you will withdraw, first return to the ancestral land of the human race, and keep your useful body, waiting for the final battle!"

The soldiers who defended the city, after receiving Feng Zichen's order, immediately understood that his majesty had a big plan and was ready to cheat others.

As for counseling?

What's a joke, the Three Saints are in front, and the Saint Emperor dared to rush to fight to the death, do you think such a person would be counseled?

Isn't that a trouble?

After receiving Feng Zichen's order, the soldiers who defended the city had a good idea and no burden. They planned to have fun with the rebels.

When the plan is implemented, it is called a bold, as if defending the city is not taken seriously.

It was true that he did not take it seriously. Your Majesty gave the order. If they don't need to stick to the city, then they will naturally have fun.

In the face of the defenders of the city who had completely released themselves, the rebels had fallen blood mold. Although they had won many cities, they were also disgraced and suffered heavy losses.

And just as the battle between the two sides intensified, the Netherworld, which had been silent for many years, finally had a movement.

The center of the Netherworld, in the capital city!

The ghost emperor of Fengdu took out the list of ghosts and gave it to his confidant general to lead the army to the exit of the nether world. This list was posted on the door of the ghost to accept the ancient and modern heroes.

His subordinates led the way, brought a mighty army to the Guimen Pass, and posted the list of ghost seals.


The list of ghost seals opened wide, and countless mysterious characters emerged, reflecting a faint cold light, making the already cold and stern Nether Realm even more cold.


In the next instant, the overwhelming atmosphere filled the sky, surging out from the list of ghosts, pouring toward the world, and in an instant, it swept across the entire prehistoric land.

Suddenly, the ghosts felt a bitter, and they let out a stern ghost howl, curling up a cloud of yin wind, and swept toward the Netherworld.

These are all heroic spirits who died in battle. Although their people died, their fighting spirit was immortal, and they wandered in the world as an immortal heroic spirit.

Originally, when the evil spirits on these heroic spirits were almost consumed, the Conferred God List would come and lead them into the heavens, turning them into heavenly soldiers to guard the heavenly court.

But now, with the appearance of the Seal of Ghosts, after sensing the aura of these immortal heroes, it directly collected these heroic spirits, preparing to transform into Yin Soldiers to guard the Yin Court.

In other words, these immortal heroic spirits have no chance with the Conferred God List.

The sages on Kunlun Mountain were naturally disturbed by such a big movement from the Fenggui Bangbang.


"What does the Netherworld want to do?"

Opening his eyes, the Five Sages gloomily looked towards the direction of the Netherworld.

One more list of ghosts, the power of the gods and calamity will increase by one point, and at the same time, the loss of the saint will also increase by one point.

Because the names on the list are to be filled in with the lives of their disciples.

With anger in his heart, the Five Saints really wanted to kill the Netherworld directly, tearing the list of ghosts to pieces. But unfortunately, they cannot.

Even if it is a saint, the overall situation must be the most important thing.

Now that the enemy is outside, the nine Chaos Demon Gods are residing in the chaos outside the sky, which is really not the time to provoke a civil war.

Otherwise, if something goes wrong, they will be sinners.

"If you are lucky and caught up in a good time, I will let you go this time. In the future, we will settle the cause and effect."

After a cold glance at the direction of the Netherworld, the five sages withdrew their gazes.

This time, in order to take care of the overall situation, they temporarily gave up breaking into the Netherworld and settled accounts with the ghost emperor of Fengdu.

But this does not mean that this matter just passed. The five sages are so small-hearted, and they hold grudges very much, and there will be troubles in the future.

This matter, no play!

Feng Zichen didn't care about the Five Saints' thoughts at all. In fact, he didn't even bother to care about the three-way rebels attacking the city all the way.

Because it is not necessary.

The various cultivations of the rebels, in his eyes, are like children playing around, all under his control, how can they attract his attention?

Just like in Feng Zichen's plan, the human army retreats steadily, continuously losing territory and retreating. But the three-way coalition forces are pressing step by step, continuously attacking the city all the way, and gradually pushing towards the ancestral land of the human race.

It was so easy to win, even the three-way rebels were aware of something wrong. But there is no way, even if they know it is a trap, they have to grit their teeth and step on it.

At this time, there was no possibility of retreating, and I had to grit my teeth and move on.

Moreover, the three Donghua Taoists also vaguely understood what Feng Zichen's plan was.

He is shrinking his strength, focusing his main force on the ancestral land of the human race, and then prepares to kill the three of them in one fell swoop in the decisive battle, so as to reorganize the mountains and rivers, and then set the world.

This plan is very good, but how can the three make Feng Zichen wishful?

Feng Zichen is accumulating strength, and the three of them are accumulating strength. When they invade the ancestral land of the human race, who has the better strength, it is not necessarily true.

At this moment, there is still a period of time before the decisive battle. As long as enough strength is accumulated during this period, the victorious balance will turn evil on them.

Together, the three will never defeat the emperor, right?

The emperor is powerful, and the three are natural allies, agreeing to join forces against the emperor.

After the emperor fell, who of the three ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is in charge of the world depends on their abilities.

That is, Feng Zichen didn't know the thoughts of the three of them, if he knew it, he would laugh out loud.

Boy, you are still too naive.

Do you think that in the ancestral land of the human race, there is all his power?

It's wrong, and it's a big mistake.

The human race in the ancestral land of the human race was never the trump card in Feng Zichen's hand, nor was it the strongest power in his grasp.

The ancestral land of the human race is just the tip of the iceberg of Feng Zichen's strength. But just like this, it forced the three of them to go all out, which was really sad enough.

They thought they saw hope, but they didn't know that at the end of that hope, what was hidden was endless despair.

Since the beginning of the war, immortals have died unfortunately almost every once in a while, and their souls have returned to the list of enshrined gods.

And this is only qualified for the soul to belong to the list of gods. Those who are not qualified to be on the list of gods die more.

In just a few decades, I don’t know how many immortals have fallen. The red blood continuously flowed out of the corpses of the immortals, forming rivers of blood that stained the wild land.

Between heaven and earth,

There was a smell of blood everywhere.

Of course, because of the large-scale death of the immortal gods, more and more sources have returned to the heavens and the earth, and the spiritual energy between the heavens and the earth has become more and more active and richer.

If I could ignore the blood-stained mountains and rivers, in a trance, I would think that the prosperous age had arrived.

The blood-stained age!

I believe that when the calamity is over, there will be a flourishing cultivation age between heaven and earth.

That's the case.

However, Feng Zichen no longer pays attention to the world.

Because at this moment, the great supernatural powers, including him and the saints, their focus is no longer in the prehistoric world, but in the chaos outside the sky.

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