Flooded Star Road

Vol 2 Chapter 805: 9 tripod promotion

Feng Zichen tried it, and found that to break this acquired path, at least he had to have the power of a great supernatural power.

If there is Da Luo Dao Zun who does not know how to smash into the acquired ten thousand Dao, the power remaining on it will explode, and the Dao Zun who dares to attack the acquired ten thousand Dao will be blasted into powder.

"very good!"

Feeling the strength of the acquired system, Feng Zichen nodded in satisfaction.

Although this acquired system was developed by everyone, because Feng Zichen contributed the most, he faintly began to dominate it.

After all, He chopped the first axe, and He also chopped the last axe, and there were more than thirty axes in the middle.

Most of the forty-nine axes needed to open up the acquired system were chopped by Feng Zichen. This newly born acquired system cannot be led by Him, so who will dominate?


After the day after tomorrow, thousands of avenues spread, covering every corner of the wild land, and the land also changed accordingly.

I saw that part of the innate qi, infected by the acquired ten thousand ways, suddenly began to transform, from the innate qi to the acquired qi, reverberating between the heavens and the earth.

The acquired creatures cannot absorb the innate aura. That's why, after the acquired ten thousand ways are spread, the first thing is to transform the corresponding acquired aura to meet the needs of the acquired aura for cultivation.

The emergence of the acquired ten thousand ways undoubtedly promoted the further perfection of the heaven and the earth, and the heaven and the earth evolve into the five continents more quickly.

I saw that the five continents that had been in stagnation suddenly began to expand rapidly, and within a few days, they expanded to the point where they were twice as large as the original area.

At the same time, the heavens are also undergoing tremendous changes.

The Chaos Demon God suppressed in the origin of the heavens, the Primordial Chaos Demon God in the Tower of the Heavenly Emperor Miluo, its origins are constantly being refined, making the space of the heavens even more expansive and infinite, and there is a faint tendency to catch up with the ancient nine days.

At the same time, the Miluo Tiandi Pagoda was also transforming, constantly absorbing the origin of the Chaos Demon God, making itself more and more solid, with endless truths and principles intertwined in it, filling it with a breath of treasure.

If this continues, it is estimated that it will not take long, and it will take tens of thousands of years of effort. This innate treasure, the 33-fold Mirra Heavenly Emperor Pagoda, bred by the origin of the heavens, will truly be born to suppress the luck of the heavens.

However, the Miluo Tiandi Tower is the weapon of the Tiandi, and one of its status symbols. How would Tao allow the birth of the true emperor on that day? Don't say it's the real emperor, even his weapons are not allowed to appear.

The Emperor of Heaven, the ruler of the Three Realms and the Six Paths, even the Tao of that day must surrender before the Emperor of Heaven. Therefore, as long as the Tao of Heaven does not have the idea of ​​finding a master for himself, he will definitely not be allowed to exist.

That's why, seeing that the emperor's treasure of that day, the thirty-third layer of the Mirra Heavenly Emperor Pagoda showed signs of real birth, Tiandao made a move.

In the darkness, an inexplicable power hung down and turned into a heavenly secret, clearly appearing in front of everyone's eyes.

There are thirty-six layers of heaven, so the heavens are incomplete and should be made up.

The thirty-sixth heaven is indeed better than the thirty-third heaven, but the way of heaven didn't give this order early, and it didn't give this order late. It happened that the order was issued when the Miluo Tiandi Pagoda was about to be born. The purpose is already obvious.

Feng Zichen turned his head and looked at Heaven Realm, and as expected he saw Haotian's completely black face. After being stabbed fiercely by Heaven, this old man's mood is obviously not very beautiful.

With anger in his heart, Haotian sat directly on the dragon chair, with an aura that was comparable to the great Luo Jinxian, and burst out, sweeping the entire prehistoric world.

Haotian just wanted to sit here and watch. Without his cooperation, how would Heavenly Dao make up for this missing triple heaven.

The thirty-sixth heaven and the thirty-third heaven seem to have only the gap of the third heaven, but to make up, it is far less simple than imagined, and it can't be done by just looking for a few great worlds.

The thirty-third dimension of the heavenly realm is not as simple as the Great Thousand World, and each level of it is hundreds or thousands of times larger than the top Great Thousand World.

Moreover, in addition to being large enough, that world must also be a world of innate pure Qi and original origin, otherwise, it would not be able to blend with other celestial realms and become a part of the celestial realm.

You must know that the heavens are transformed by the nine-day clear qi, and the most precious, not to mention the acquired qi, even the ordinary innate qi, it is difficult to approach it at all.

The origin is different, but also wanting to merge with the heavens, that is dreaming.

In today's prehistoric heaven, it is harder to find the top great realm derived from Nine Heavens Pure Qi than to open up a great realm. Haotian didn't think that Heaven's Dao could find three top-level realms that met the conditions of the heaven all at once.

However, Haotian had forgotten that the top great realm born from the Nine Heavens' Qing Qi is not in the prehistoric world, but there are three in the prehistoric world that can become the celestial realm.

It is the Sanqingtian created by the Sanqing, namely the Great Chitian of the Taiqing saint, the Qingweitian of the Yuanshi Tianzun, and the Yu Yutian of the Tongtian leader.

These three realms are all top-notch realms, created by the saint himself, not much worse than the heavens. In addition, although the three realms are not the realm transformed by the Nine Heavens Pure Qi, they were created by the Sanqing himself.

Those of Sanqing, who are also people, were transformed by the first ray of Nine Heavens Pure Qi and Pangu Yuanshen when Heaven and Earth first opened. They are the true ancestors of Nine Heavens Pure Qi, and they are all descendants of them in the realm of that day.

The world opened up by these three holy places is contaminated with their breath. Although it is not the realm born of Nine Heavens Pure Qi, it is better than it.

With the breath of Sanqing, the source of the heavens would never refuse the integration of these three days.

As for whether Sanqing would agree to the requirements of the Dao of Heaven and integrate the world he opened up into the origin of the heavens.

That must be true!

They still remember the enmity of the gods and calamity. If it weren't for the troublesome people in the Heavenly Court, how could the situation of the Conferred Gods and Calamity evolve to this day, causing them to suffer heavy losses?

There is anger in the heart, Sanqing is naturally happy to add bad luck to the heavens and prevent them from giving birth to a congenital treasure. The left and right are just to carry the world that you have opened up from the chaos outside the sky to the heaven. How difficult is this?

Soon after the heavenly secret appeared, Sanqing began to do it, and saw each of them using their supreme magic powers to carry the great realm they opened up from the chaos outside the sky and place them in the heavenly realm.


Amidst the roar of the heavens and the earth, the three top realms shattered into the endless void, descending from the chaos outside the sky, and under the blessing of the power of the heavens, they turned into the heavens filled with the clean air of the three directions, covering the top of the heavens, and the thirty-three layers The universe has evolved into thirty-six layers of universe.

Simply, Tian Dao took care of Haotian's face in the end, and did not let San Qingtian fall on his head, but his feet.

After Sanqingtian came to the heavens, that Yuyutian turned into the thirty-third heaven, Qingweitian turned into the thirty-fourth heaven, and the great Chitian turned into the thirty-fifth heaven.

However, the Mi Luo Tian where Hao Tian was located, automatically rose to three levels, from the original thirty-three heavens to the current thirty-six heavens, and it was still the highest heaven.

This is probably the last respect of God.

Not to mention how ugly Haotian's face was when he saw Sanqing's move. It is said that after the fusion of the Sanqingtian and the heavens, the upcoming Mirra Heavenly Emperor Pagoda was affected, and within a short span of a short while, the birth and birth increased by three levels.

With three more floors, the power of the Milu Tiandi Pagoda is undoubtedly stronger, but its birth time has also been extended indefinitely.

It was seen that after the tower body of the Miluo Tiandi Tower had three more layers, the originally extremely solid body was illusory by three points in vain, and the heaven and earth pattern that permeated the body had disappeared a lot.

"This is really interesting, it's weird that Haotian doesn't hate Sanqing." Seeing this scene from a distance, Feng Zichen murmured silently in his heart.

Seeing that the Congenital Treasure was about to be obtained, it was literally destroyed by Sanqing. This kind of hatred for ruining the chance, even if Haotian can bear it, it is difficult to swallow this breath, and it is bound to find it back.

The movement of the heavens, like the waves in the sea, did not cause much movement in the prehistoric land. Under the auspices of Tiandao, the five continents continue to evolve.

However, when the area has expanded to a certain extent, that is, three times the initial area, the expansion of the five continents has stopped, and instead of continuing to expand outward, it evolves internally.

In Feng Zichen's perception, the power of the original source surged from Heavenly Dao and merged into every corner and every inch of land in the five great divine states.

Gradually, with the integration of the power of the source, the veins of the earth became larger and larger, more and more mysterious, deriving infinite good fortune.

The earth was moisturized and became extraordinary, first transformed into the spiritual land, and then transformed into the innate spiritual land.

In addition to the five continents, the numerous large and small islands floating on the sea, although not the five continents have gained as many benefits, they have also gained some benefits more or less, and they have become extraordinary. .

Moreover, Feng Zichen discovered that with the circulation of good fortune energy, not only the innate spirit treasures were re-bred in those five continents, but the aura of innate gods and demons emerged.

Obviously, the origin of heaven and earth has become vigorous again, and Honghuang has the capital to breed innate gods and demons.

In addition, in the heavens and the earth, there are also some special lives that have not been seen before. This is the new innate being born when the way of heaven is in motion, the way of way and the way of interaction with heaven and earth, and then blending into the innate aura.

Every time the way of heaven changes, under that rule, new innate creatures will be born to fill in the diversity of creatures in the prehistoric world.

This is the inevitable result of the evolution of heaven and earth. It is impossible to have many races at the beginning, and after endless years, they will still be those races.

Heaven and earth evolve, and creatures alternate, this is the ultimate principle of heaven and earth.

However, when the way of heaven changed in the past, it was not a good time to catch up with the overall promotion of heaven and earth, and the number of innate creatures born was not large.

Far from being like today, the heavens and the earth's origins are abnormally full, and there are more than one million innate creatures derived from it. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a hundred races.

People who don't know thought that this was a scene where the laws of heaven and earth changed, and endless innate creatures were born again.

It is estimated that after the birth of these innate creatures, there will be at least hundreds of races in the prehistoric land. When the time comes, the predominant land will be lively, and when the new and old forces are handed over, how many troubles will be born.

Excluding the factors of instability, on the whole, the entire prehistoric land is developing in a good direction.

It is getting stronger and stronger, this is the change that can be seen with the naked eye.


At a certain moment, the evolving Central Shenzhou suddenly violently shook, and endless innate light rose up, illuminating the vast void.

Afterwards, hundreds of millions of mysterious runes appeared, lined up with each other, spread over the entire Central China, covering everything in this place.

"Jiuzhou Ding!"

"Is Kyushu Ding going to be promoted?"

Seeing this scene, Feng Zichen seemed to feel something in his heart, and quickly looked in the direction where Jiuding was.

Sure enough, when his sight landed there, he saw Jiuding rising from the ground, floating in the air.

The dazzling innate Daoguang just rises from their bodies, and the billions of mysterious runes are also gushing out from them.

Everything is because they are being promoted, from the top grade innate spirit treasure to the top grade innate spirit treasure.

Jiuding's overall promotion to one level also signifies that ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ if their bodies are united, they will directly degenerate into the innate treasure.

This transformation is not the transformation from the top-grade Xiantian Lingbao to the top-grade Xiantian Lingbao, but the transformation from the top-grade Xiantian Lingbao to the Xiantian Zhibao.

In Feng Zichen's perception, the breath of the nine great supernatural powers who were sealed in the Jiuding had completely disappeared, and they were obviously refined by the Jiuding and became the foundation of their promotion.

Not only that, the Chaos Demon God suppressed by the Humane Imperial Court, the Chaos Demon God suppressed by the Human God Town, and the Primordial Chaos Demon God bestowed by Heaven all have part of their power flowed into the Jiuding.

It is precisely because of this that Jiuding will refine the nine great supernatural powers who have been suppressed by them at an extremely fast speed, complete the final transformation, and be promoted to the innate treasure.


In the roar of Jiuding, the boundless power vented out, forming a huge enchantment above the central Shenzhou.

That was the Kyushu enchantment, and as the territories of the human race transformed into the central divine state, the front was not known how much bigger it was. The Kyushu barrier was opened, and it was no longer able to cover the entire human race.

But fortunately, Jiuding has already begun to promote, and its power is rapidly becoming stronger, and the scope of the Kyushu enchantment is also rapidly expanding, and soon, it covers most of the Central China.

Boom boom boom

Nine earth-shattering loud noises came, shaking the entire prehistoric world, but Jiuding had already been promoted, and his strength began to be restrained quickly.

Soon, Jiuding seemed to be indistinguishable from ordinary magic weapons, floating quietly in the air.

But the Kyushu enchantment opened by its power suddenly expanded, and it immediately enveloped the entire Central China.

Innate treasure!

The area of ​​Central China is so large that only the legendary innate treasure can do it if it wants to cover it completely.

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