Flooded Star Road

Vol 2 Chapter 806: Unblock the boundless starry sky

Kyushu tripod,

Has been promoted to the innate treasure.

However, that is the state of Jiuding unity. At the moment, Jiuding is not united. Therefore, Jiuding looked like only nine top-level innate spirit treasures.


The Kyushu enchantment expanded rapidly, until it enveloped the entire Central Shenzhou, and then stopped.

However, although the movement has stopped, the changes have not stopped.

Because, although Central China has stopped growing now. But in the future, as the origin of the Chaos Demon God is continuously refined, Central China will continue to expand.

And the Jiuzhou Ding, at this moment, has completely integrated with the origin of the Central China, and as the Central China expands, their power is gradually becoming stronger.

When Central China continues to expand, Jiudingding will also be promoted accordingly. It is not impossible to be promoted from low-grade innate to high-grade and top-grade.

After Jiuding is promoted, the enchantment of Kyushu will also expand, and it will still cover the entire Central Shenzhou intact.

The two are already in a mutually dependent relationship.

Seeing one more innate treasure in the human race, everyone's faces became difficult to look at each. One more innate treasure is equivalent to one more Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

The Human Race is undoubtedly stronger and more difficult to deal with. In this way, it is strange that everyone can be happy.

However, from the promotion of Jiuding, everyone also saw a way to give birth to the innate treasure. Isn’t the Chaos Demon God the best material for refining the innate treasure?

There is no need to use the origin, just use his body, or even all the bones, and you can almost refine an innate treasure.

Thinking of this, the eyes of the two sages of the West are lit up in vain, and they seem to have found a way to make up for the shortcomings of the West.

That is to refine an innate treasure!

If the West has the innate treasure, the foundation will undoubtedly be much deeper, and if one more innate treasure suppresses the fortune, it will inevitably give birth to more talented creatures in the West.

Compared with the East, the West has too many deficiencies, and the innate treasure is the most important thing. The East has at least seven innate treasures, while the West does not even have one.

If the West has an innate treasure, it still cannot be compared with the East, but for the two sages of the West, it will be a zero breakthrough, and it will be the beginning of their surpassing the East.

There are two, and the West will definitely surpass the East in the future. The two sages of the West have a strong vision and have begun to think in their hearts how to create the first innate treasure in the West.


The birth of the Innate Treasure naturally shocked the Tao of Heaven, and saw the boundless purple qi permeating, the Tao of Heaven quietly descended, and looked down at Jiuding.

Although Tiandao had appeared, he didn't mean to attack Jiuzhou Ding. If it is normal, Jiu Zhou Ding is promoted to the innate treasure, Tian Dao must punish him, as the test of Jiu Ding's promotion.

But at this moment, the prehistoric land is promoted, and everywhere is filled with the breath of new life. The promotion of Jiuzhou Ding to the innate treasure at this moment can be described as an excellent omen, which indicates that the origin of the prehistoric will be further strengthened.

Therefore, when Jiuding is promoted, Tiandao will not punish it, but will reward it instead.

Seeing the colorful rays of the sun reverberating between heaven and earth, blessing on Jiuding's body, it sets off its incomparable dignity.

At the same time, the huge phantom of Jiuding suddenly appeared between the heavens and the earth.

That is to say, the sentient beings have not yet returned to their positions. Otherwise, it is true that as long as the sentient beings in the heavens and the earth look up, they can clearly see the phantom of Jiuding.

This is the honor given to Jiuding by Heaven, allowing it to manifest itself in the prehistoric world. The purpose of this, of course, is not to pretend.

But in order to tighten the luck of heaven and earth, Jiuzhou Ding was promoted to the innate treasure at this time, just obeying the destiny of the prehistoric heaven and earth promotion, so it can inherit the luck of heaven and earth promotion.

Heavenly Dao gave Jiuding such a privilege to help it better carry on the promotion.

In the distance, everyone saw the scene of Jiuding taking on the luck, and they were envy again. The Innate Treasure is already extraordinary, and now it has taken on a ray of promotion luck, at least it can increase its power by three points.

After Jiuding was promoted, the changes in the wild land gradually stabilized. It is estimated that it will not be long before the changes in the land will turn from bright to dark. At that time, it will be the time for all living beings to relocate to the wild land.

Well, since the primordial evolvement, apart from the Hunyuan masters present, the thousands of great supernatural powers, and Da Luo Dao Zun who silently stood by, no creatures lived in it.

Also, the evolution of heaven and earth is a chance for an expert. But for mortals, it was a total disaster.

You can't keep mortals in today's wild land, otherwise, under the rotation of the air of the sky, I don't know how many creatures will be shattered and transformed into the original vitality.

There is a way of heaven presiding over the evolution of heaven and earth, and everyone will not take the initiative to intervene in it, just quietly watching from the side, waiting for the end of the evolution of heaven and earth.

At the same time, they are also observing the process of the evolution of the heavens and the earth, silently comprehending, trying to understand the principles of the movement of the heavens from it.


It's just a minute and a second.

In a flash, the millennium has passed, and the evolution of the wild world is gradually consummating. The surging earth, fire, water and wind force completely calmed down, transformed into the purest innate air, and merged into the world.

The vitality of the sky also stopped changing, and gradually became gentle, suitable for being absorbed by people, and the rules of heaven and earth became very perfect, like a big net, netting the entire prehistoric world.

At this point, the fierce evolution period of heaven and earth has ended, and then it will enter a slow period, absorbing the origin of the Chaos Demon God little by little, and growing little by little.

Perceiving the changes in the heavens and the earth, they have become more suitable for living in the heavens and the earth. The Taiqing saint opened his mouth, and he wanted to let everyone release the captured creatures and make them return to the prehistoric land.

But at this moment, in the boundless sky, the abnormal change regenerated, and there was a bright star burst, which interrupted the movements of the Taiqing saint.

Perceiving a difference in the boundless starry sky, everyone quickly looked up and saw stars appearing in the wild and white sun. The bright stars of the week appeared all together and hung above the sky.

For a time, the starry sky appeared, shining on the entire prehistoric world. The soft starlight shed, as if covering the heaven and the earth with a silver gauze.

"How is this going?"

"How can the endless starry sky suddenly change?"

"Zi Wei, what is he doing?"

There was an abnormal change in the boundless starry sky, without thinking about it, it must have something to do with Emperor Ziwei. Apart from him, no one has the ability to do things in the endless starry sky.

Doubts in their hearts, everyone released their spiritual thoughts one after another, looking towards the boundless starry sky, intending to see what the **** the Emperor Ziwei was doing.

However, before their spiritual thoughts reached the endless starry sky, they saw the Zhou Tian stars above the sky, suddenly all radiant and generous, bursting into unprecedented stars.


For a time, the stars were like rain, falling toward the wild land.

The people's spirits had just approached the endless starry sky, and before they had reacted, they collided with the rushing starlight.

Then, the people's divine mind that could easily obliterate Daluo Dao Zun was actually born and melted by the bright starlight.

Above the wild land, Sanqing and other Hunyuan powerhouses suddenly changed their expressions at the moment they were in contact with the starlight.

Because, in their perception, the power contained in the starlight is far beyond their imagination, it actually surpassed the level of Hunyuan and reached the level of Wu Ji Luo Jinxian.

That's right, it is Wuji Luo Jinxian.

At this moment, at the time of this prehistoric rebirth, Feng Zichen finally opened the huge seal of the boundless starry sky, allowing the brilliance of Zhou Tian's stars to fall on the wild land again.

Before, Feng Zichen used the Boundless Starry Sky to be too broken and needed to be repaired. He has been blocking the Boundless Starry Sky. It also intercepted 99% of the Star Power, allowing only 1% of the Star Power to flow into the wild land. .

The monsters did so, causing them to form a monstrous cause and effect with the primordial sentient beings. If it were not for a group of monsters to sacrifice their lives to save the world, then such a huge cause and effect would make the monsters completely unable to turn over.

But Feng Zichen was different. He used the name of repairing the endless starry sky to intercept meteors. Not to mention that it was 99% interception, but it was 99.99% interception. That was no problem at all.

Of course, the premise of all this is that Feng Zichen really repaired the boundless starry sky.

As long as He repaired the endless starry sky, the matter of intercepting the meteor power is a trivial matter, and the way of heaven is not a matter of comparison. But if Feng Zichen could not repair the boundless starry sky, then it would be a big deal for him to intercept the meteor power.

Even if his identity is called the most expensive in the primordial world, his monstrous karma will have to knock him down from the throne of Emperor Ziwei.

Fortunately, the Boundless Starry Sky was not only restored under Feng Zichen's control, but even one step closer. The origin is more than a hundred times thicker than before.

It can be said that since Feng Zichen took over the Boundless Starry Sky, this place has been growing stronger.

The hanging star power, its power reached the level of Wu Ji Luo Jinxian, is the best proof.

If it weren't for promotion, how could Zhou Tianxing's star power reach the level of Wu Ji Luo Jinxian?

In fact, as early as many years ago, the Boundless Starry Sky had been completely restored, and not long ago, the Boundless Starry Sky had completed a breakthrough, from the level of Hun Yuan to the level of Promise.

It's just that Feng Zichen has been secretive, and this has led to no one knowing the situation of the endless starry sky.

Regarding the situation of the Boundless Starry Sky, everyone is not clear, but they also know that the Boundless Starry Sky has been growing stronger ever since Feng Zichen took control of this place.

This can be seen from the fact that He borrowed the power of the boundless starry sky to suppress the saints and suppress the Chaos Demon God.

Although it was expected that the Boundless Starry Sky would be very strong, it would be so strong that it surpassed the level of Hun Yuan, which no one had expected.

This time, Feng Zichen lifted the seal, allowing the power of the boundless starry sky to truly show up in front of the world, which can be said to have amazed everyone.

It's really too strong!


The star power accumulated for endless years was released by Feng Zichen once, and its strength can be imagined, and it is by no means inferior to the origin of two or three chaotic demon gods.

The starlight fell on the wild land, making its evolutionary process, which had entered a gentle period, once again become intense.


The sky and the earth are shaking, the origin is becoming more vigorous, the rules are becoming more rigorous, and the void is more stable.

A faint anger filled the whole world.

On the earth, someone tried to attack the void, and found that the void at this moment was hard enough to be comparable to that of the ancient times.

The Taiyi Daoist only had the power to move the void, and the Daluo Daozun only had the ability to tear the void.

Very terrifying hardness.

This shows that after endless years, Honghuang Tiandi can once again withstand the melee of Daluo Dao Zun level, without worrying about destroying the world.

The world is really different, and there are signs of repeating the glories of ancient times.

This is the first time that after the calamity of the calamity, the world has not degraded, but it has been one step closer.

In the past, after the amount of calamity, it basically ended with the shattering of the heavens and the earth, and the weakening of the origin. But this time, although the world was broken, the source was not weakened, but stronger.

Unchanged in ancient and modern times!

This is a sign of great prosperity.


The change of the earth is still changing.

Under the blessing of the stars, the area of ​​the five great Chinese states ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ has not continued to expand, but the vitality in the state is more than several times stronger, and the innate creatures that bred them are already showing signs of being born.

In addition, there are more mysterious changes taking place. For example, the congenital origin is constantly blending, and there are more congenital spirit treasures, and congenital gods and demons are bred out, hidden in every corner of the five great Chinese states.

The innate gods and demons are nothing, but this innate spirit treasure is relatively rare. Although the Hunyuan powerhouses look down on them, their subordinates need it!

With the continuous growth of the five great Chinese states, it is feared that the innate spirit treasures in the future will once again become popular products.

In the boundless starry sky, Feng Zichen couldn't help showing a smug smile on his face as he saw the changes of heaven and earth.

Yes, he is very proud, and he also has the capital to be proud. The broken and boundless starry sky has not only been repaired in his hands, but has also been transformed. This is an achievement that no one can match.

How can he be upset?

After this time, with the exception of Dao Ancestor, anyone who sees him must bow one's head first, greet him first, and meet him first.

The Taoist ancestor saw him and did not dare to accept his courtesy anymore, and wanted to discuss with his peers.

The boundless starry sky is also the foundation of the prehistoric heaven and earth. Feng Zichen makes him transform. This skill is second only to the creation of heaven and earth, and he wants to compare with the merits of the Houtu Empress for pioneering reincarnation.

This is truly a great feat of splashing the heavens, so great that the Dao of Heaven doesn't know how to reward it.

"Almost ready to start."

Feeling that the star power in the boundless starry sky has almost been lost, Feng Zichen on Ziwei star moved.

I saw him stick out with one hand, turned into infinity, and grabbed it toward the wild land.

ps: I'm sorry, it took some time.

Forget it, don't explain it.

Knock your heads.

boom! boom! ! !

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