Flooded Star Road

Vol 3 Chapter 859: Many countries

"Therefore, the only target that fellow Daoists can choose to start with is to mention the saints."

"In the first place, the Western Two Sages seem to be powerful, but they and me and other Pangu gods are not the same people after all. They are rootless in the prehistoric land and are not accepted by everyone. Even if they suffer a loss, there will be no one. Stand out for them."

"Secondly, Zhun mentioned that the saint is the weakest. Only by attacking him will the chance of success of fellow Taoists be greater."

"The third and most important point is that among the six sages, only the incarnation of the sage is Zhunti, who often haunts the Three Realms. The incarnations of the rest of the saints rarely appear in the world. The incarnation of the saint."

After listening to the analysis of Emperor Fengdu, the ancestor of Styx felt quite reasonable: "What the fellow Taoists said is very true. As the two sages of the West, as a chaotic demon god, they not only appeared in the prehistoric lands, but also robbed the saints. It’s really hateful."

"If you can find the opportunity to cut his incarnation, and lose the face of the West, even if you can't become enlightened, you will be able to breathe out the evil in your heart anyway."

The ancestor of Styx is also extremely dissatisfied with the second sage of the West. After all, he is the congenital sacred bred by Pangu's dirty blood. Although he is not the authentic Pangu, he is also born with the blood of Pangu. He is born with an incomparable aversion to the descendants of the Chaos Demon God.

The ancestor of Styx, who didn't like the second sage of the West, became even more disliked after learning of the identity of the second sage of the West. That is, his strength is not strong enough, otherwise, he would have killed Mount Xumi in the west.

Minhe ancestors are also impatient. After he has made a decision in his heart, he will immediately leave and leave: "Thank you brother Dao for your doubts. If the poor Dao achieves something in the future, I will not forget the kindness of today's guidance. But right now, the poor Dao is eager to become Dao. , Let’s go to the Nether Blood Sea to make arrangements."

"It just so happens that the Netherworld Blood Sea is not far from the west. Waiting for the poor road to find a place, to bring the incarnation of the ancestor that Zhunti, and kill it with the sea of ​​blood."

Seeing that the ancestor of Styx was so impatient, even though Emperor Fengdu understood his eagerness to become enlightened, he still uttered a word to persuade him: "Friend Styx, you are too eager, and there is a tendency to robbery. The incarnation of a saint, how is it so? Good to kill?"

"Even if it is not as powerful as you, but the incarnation of the saint is dead? Is it made of wood? Can you watch the Daoist behead his incarnation?"

"Of course not. If the incarnation is in danger, Zhun said the saint will feel the first time, and then he will rescue him. At that time, it is not necessarily who is hunting whom."

After listening to the words of Emperor Fengdu, the ancestor of Styx then calmed down, knowing that he was too anxious to become a Dao, so that his mood was difficult to calm, and the Dao heart fluctuated too much, which almost caused the disaster of enlightenment.

There will be disasters when proving the Tao, and when they are enlightened, there will naturally be disasters, and they are even more terrifying. It is the calamity of entering and extinguishing, the great way entering the extinguishment, the true spirit merges into the heaven and the earth, and from then on, it is with the heaven and the earth, immortal, and at the same time completely without consciousness, assimilated by the heaven and the earth.

Although this is not a fall, but in fact, it is no different from a fall, and it is still a complete fall, the kind that cannot return.

The road to enlightenment is difficult, difficult, and difficult. If you are not careful, you risk martyrdom, not just talking.

However, although the calamity of entry and extinction is terrible, in fact, this calamity is rarely triggered. Among a thousand powerful masters of the path, it is already a high probability that one person can trigger it.

This is a catastrophe that only exists in the legend. However, although the robbery of entry and extinction has not occurred, it does not mean that it does not exist.

In this world, bad luck is always indispensable, and if someone is unlucky, they may not miss the catastrophe of destruction.

Take the ancestor of Styx as an example. He who missed the chance of enlightenment twice in a row is already on the verge of death. When he next proclaims the Dao, a little carelessness may lead to the catastrophe of destruction.

At the same time, if it is the third time to become enlightened, the ancestors of Styx will still fail in enlightenment. Then, he was afraid that it would be difficult for him to become enlightened in this life.

Because, the fourth enlightened He will definitely trigger the catastrophe of destruction.

The first enlightenment, there is almost no possibility of triggering the tribulation of destruction, but the second enlightenment, it may be encountered, and the third time, you can clearly perceive the tribulation of destruction.

The fourth time, it is destined to trigger the tribulation of destruction.

The greater the number of failures in enlightenment, the greater the possibility of triggering the catastrophe of enlightenment.

The ancestor of Styx really has no retreat. He can't become enlightened this time, and he won't be able to become enlightened in this life. Therefore, He will be extremely urgent.

However, it is precisely because of this that He should become more calm.

Whenever something big happens, you need to be quiet.

After calming down, the ancestor of the Styx Chao Dynasty thanked him: "Thank you Brother Dao for reminding me that the poor Dao is out of state. It's just that how should the saint know how to deal with the poor Dao? The poor Dao is not his opponent at all."

"Moreover, as far as the poor people know, only Houtu Niangniang can block the quasi-sage. It seems that you have to ask Houtu Niangniang about this matter, but I don't know whether he will help. "

Thinking of Zhun mention the saint, the ancestor of Styx is a headache, because he is really not an opponent of others. If there is no Netherworld Blood Sea, I am afraid that if it is a face-to-face, others will be able to kill him.

Hearing that Ancestor Styx wanted to ask Houtu Niangniang for help, Emperor Fengdu couldn't help shook his head. Ancestor Styx really wanted to save his face and ask Houtu Niangniang, and Houtu Niangniang would probably agree.

But it's definitely not this time. Right now, Di Jiang has just returned, and the main energy of Houtu Empress still has to be put on him. Only after Di Jiang's strength is restored can she free her hands to help the ancestors of the river.

But I don't know how many years later, the ancestor of the river may not be waiting. And, when that happens, you may not necessarily need the help of Houtu Empress.

With a mysterious smile, Emperor Fengdu said, "Don't be restless for the Daoists of Styx River, don't be impatient, and you will be determined. Within ten thousand years, the Western religion will have unprecedented variables. At that time, the opportunities for Daoists will come."

The ancestor of Styx was puzzled, and asked: "What is the variable?"

Emperor Fengdu shook his head without saying a word: "The secret of heaven must not be revealed."


That is, when the ancestors of the Styx River discussed with Emperor Fengdu, the central China of the five continents ushered in unprecedented changes.

It was the reincarnation of the great supernatural power who came.

boom! boom! boom!

Almost every once in a while, the luck of Central China will be shaken, causing changes in the established future.

At the same time, every time the luck of Central China vibrates, the rest of the fortunes of the day and earth will converge towards this place.

After a while, the three realms of luck will all flow into Central China.

Not only that, but the famous mountains and rivers that have long since moved away from the earth and escaped into the depths of the void, the heaven and the blessed land, that is, the dojo of those great magical powers, have also split a ray of luck and merged into the Central China.

At this time, the aura of Central China was the best in the Three Realms, and the Heavenly Court could not be compared with it.

Such a huge amount of energy has also caused unknown changes in Central China, and its future has become chaotic, and no one can see through it.

And under the confluence of fortune, I don't know how many people of fortune, heroes and heroes have been born. There are more heroes, and everyone is not convinced by anyone, so countless troubles have naturally arisen.

However, in just a few decades, several countries in Central China have been destroyed and dynasties changed.

That's right, Feng Zichen governs the country, still adopts the enfeoffment system, under the humane imperial court, there are hundreds of thousands of vassal states, large and small.

These countries are large and small. Although they have their own systems, they respect the humane imperial court. They must all follow the orders of the humane imperial court and obey the jurisdiction of the humane imperial court. Offer.

Of course, in fact, the Humane Court rarely interferes in the internal affairs of these vassal states, and most of the time they are allowed to govern themselves.

Unless you really look down on it, for example, the ruler of a vassal state boils up public grievances about the governance of the country and is noticed by the humane court. At this time, the humane court will intervene, abolish the ruler, and establish another king.

Don't think the enfeoffment system is backward, but in the current environment, enfeoffment system is the best choice.

Emperor, who doesn't want to be?

It can be said that every tribe has a dream of being an emperor, wanting to be a generation of emperors, to rule the predecessor and the universe.

Feng Zichen still supports this idea of ​​the tribe. After all, only with ambition will there be motivation and will force the people of the tribe to practice harder.

If the ascending channel is stuck and the clansmen lose their future, there will be no motivation to practice, and the entire clans will appear lifeless. In this way, the clans will not be far from defeat.

It is the nature of the human race to be famous and to be immortal. Any force that dares to suppress the nature of the tribe will be shattered by the angry tribe and become the dust of history.

Of course, Feng Zichen did not want to see this happen. Therefore, in the early days of his rule of the human race, he did not choose a centralized system, but adopted a more distant enfeoffment system.

Of course, Feng Zichen also made some changes to the so-called enfeoffment system.

Under the King of Humanity, He established five new titles, from high to low, namely Gong, Marquis, Uncle, Zi, and Male.

These five titles cannot be granted without great merit.

Those who hold noble titles are princes of the human race, and only princes are qualified to establish a nation.

Among them, the country established by the baron is the smallest, a small country, the country established by the viscount is the son country, the country established by the earl is the count country, and the country established by the marquis is the candidate country. The country established by the duke is the duchy.

As for the Duke, he is the King of People.

The King of Humans does not need to establish a nation, because they themselves have the supreme power to assist the King of Humans to rule over all races. If the human king is not there, the human king is the master of the humane royal court.

It can be said that the King of People is the King of People with a small trumpet.

To put it more vividly, the King of Humans is a powerful competitor of the King of Humans. If the emperor abdicates, the next emperor will be born in the birth of the emperor.

The eight ranks of commoners, barons, viscounts, earls, gods, kings, kings, and kings, are the upgrade routes of the human race.

A mortal, from the moment of birth, is an ordinary civilian. Then, through hard practice, he can improve his strength while making meritorious deeds, and gradually improve his rank, from civilian to baron, to viscount and earl. , Marquis...

As long as he works hard, in theory, everyone has a chance to become the emperor, although it is very slim.

But it is this slim opportunity that has inspired generations of human races, enabling them to practice hard, continue to expand their territories for the human race, and slowly improve the strength of the human race.

Nowadays, in the territory of Central China, there are many big countries and small countries like mist and rain, which is the result of the hard work of generations of people.

Under the imperial court of humanity, there are three kings, thirty-six kings, one hundred and eight gods, countless counts, viscounts, and barons, all of which indicate the prosperity of the Central China.

You know, times have changed. In the past, Daluo Dao Zun was enough to become a king. But now, no matter how low the human king is, at least he has to be at the level of quasi-sage. As for the Lord of the Country, each one is an innate Taoist priest.

And Shen Hou is the realm of the Great Perfection of the Innate Dao Sovereign.

The three kings of human beings are the three quasi-sages. Guogong thirty-six, that is thirty-six innate Taoist priests. Shenhou one hundred and eight, that is, one hundred and eight congenital Taoists have reached Consummation.

And this is just a force on the face of Central China. There are three kings and thirty-six kings. It does not mean that there are only three quasi-sages in Central China. Thirty-six Da Luo Dao Zun, there are always some people who are committed to the Tao and do not want to be in the world. In touch and roll.

Therefore, these people did not enter the humane court as officials, but lived in seclusion among the famous mountains and rivers in Central China. Either retreat and practice, or sit on one side, or start a sect. In short, you can do everything.


In the Central China, there are many countries and their own governance, so that there are many frictions between the various princes, and wars sometimes break out. Almost every once in a while, the old princely states disappear and new princely states are established.

Of course, these refer to small countries, and after reaching the level of the Hou State, there are few that are destroyed. The Principality, since its emergence, has only increased, not decreased.

With Da Luo Dao Zun sitting in town, the principality is almost permanent, and may be weak for a while, but there is no risk of destruction.

As for the melee between countries, Feng Zichen's attitude has always been ignored. As long as there is no large-scale massacre of the people, there will be no humane imperial court in all countries.

Only in troubled times can the real strong be born, and Feng Zichen has always believed in this. Therefore, He clearly has the ability to stop the melee between nations, but He has never done so.

Feng Zichen wants to give birth to a powerful person for the human race through the melee of various countries. How can you become a real strong without going through the **** storms and wandering between life and death?

Peace can only make people feel comfortable gradually, and only crisis can promote continuous progress.

If all the countries are developing peacefully and everything is in peace with each other, then Feng Zichen still divides it up, is it not good to directly centralize power?

It officially indicates that after the birth of the kingdoms, a large number of powerful men will be born for the human race, and Feng Zichen will adopt the system of enfeoffment.

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