Flooded Star Road

Vol 3 Chapter 860: Extremely sublimated

Speaking of it, Feng Zichen's model is very similar to Gu Yang, but it doesn't matter, as long as it can become stronger.

In addition, because of the existence of the God Realm in Central China, death does not mean the end of life for the creatures here.

After the death of the human race in Central China, ordinary mortals will be sent into the reincarnation of the underworld. But for outstanding humans, sometimes death is a new beginning.

They can go to the God Realm to become the Yin God, or take the post of ghost chase, or take the post of judge. Among them, the outstanding ones can even perform inspections of the city gods and even higher levels.

Even if they don't want to be the Yin God, it doesn't matter. They can also become the gods of the earth, or bless one of the land, or become the guardian of the mountain god, or become the protector of the law, taking care of the injustices in the world.

Under Feng Zichen's governance, Central China is truly governed by humans and gods, and the emperor has the ability to enshrine the gods. The so-called incense divine way, in the hands of Feng Zichen, and the Central Shenzhou, completely rejoiced, reaching an unprecedented peak.

As for the so-called Dragon Qi Backlash, I'm sorry, Feng Zichen's cultivation is too strong, and it can't help him even if it is so strong that the Dragon Qi backlash is too strong.

Even afterwards, the principle of Dragon Qi Backlash was cracked by Feng Zichen, and it was easily refined.

In other words, this man's emperor, Feng Zichen for quite a long time, as long as he will be, there will be no danger of dragon energy backlash.

But the emperor had been in office for a long time, and Feng Zichen began to ponder the plan of the **** emperor in the past. Now, he is trying to merge the human emperor Dao fruit with the karma position of Emperor Gouchen, trying to combine the two into one and turn them into a stronger divine emperor Dao fruit that pursues the emperor.

Once Feng Zichen has achieved this, then in the future, Heaven Realm will probably change its name to Immortal Realm.

After Feng Zichen became a **** emperor, the gods all belonged to him, and the immortals were under the jurisdiction of Haotian. Forget it, wouldn’t it be a celestial realm without gods and only immortals?

Heavenly Court will also be changed to Xianting.

At that time, Shenting, Xianting, and Yinting will rule the three realms together.

It is precisely because of being busy at this time that Feng Zichen pays little attention to the human race. Take these years as an example, most of the great supernatural powers who reincarnated into the human race have grown up.

No, it is not appropriate to say that it is growth. Because these great supernatural powers are not reincarnated and rebuilt, but a ray of divine will enter the world.

Although this ray of divine consciousness is not as powerful as the deity, and does not have the power of destroying the sky and the earth, they still have the memory of the deity, and even the realm of the deity.

That's why, although the reincarnated bodies of these great supernatural powers do not have powerful magic power in their bodies, they can mobilize the power of heaven and earth when they move their minds, and they can more easily rule the world when they wave their hands.

When Dao Zun Xian Da Luo is in front of them, he will not be an opponent, and will be easily crushed by them.

In addition to their strength, what is more important is that the deities of these great supernatural powers are still alive.

This made them strong.

However, the reincarnations of these great supernatural powers, thinking of the agreement with Feng Zichen, did not show their strong strength at birth, but were in harmony with the light and dust. With the passage of time, they gradually improved their own. strength.

Until recently, as the Central China's vitality became more and more fierce, the situation became more and more chaotic, the strong emerged in large numbers, countless rashes rose up, fighting on the earth, fighting for hegemony, and the relationship between the countries became more and more tense.

The entire Central China, like a huge powder keg, can explode with just one spark.

It was at this time that the reincarnations of those great supernatural powers began to show their heads gradually, lobbying among the countries, and expounding their great ideas to the prince Wangqing.

Suddenly, above the Central China, a large number of new schools of thought emerged enthusiastically, attacking and demonstrating each other.

The controversy among the princes, the controversy between nations, became that little spark, detonating the entire Central China, making the current situation chaotic.

Regarding these, although Feng Zichen was aware of it, they all remained indifferent.

This was all agreed previously. As long as these great supernatural powers abide by Feng Zichen's rules, Feng Zichen will not interfere with their actions, and has been silently a bystander.

In this case, Xuan Qing was reincarnated.



On Penglai Island, in the pool of good fortune, Xuanqing Immortal Venerable sits on top of the twelve-grade good fortune green lotus, looking at the people in front of him with a smile on his face.

"Junior Brother and Sister, why are you crying and crying, because your brother is only reincarnated and re-cultivation, instead of entering the path of destruction, you can meet again in tens of thousands of years. Why do you need to be like a child?"

Xuan Qing's voice was as relaxed as ever, with a slight hint of laughter, and did not take the matter of reincarnation into his heart.

In front of him, there are a group of disciples such as Duobao, Our Lady of the Golden Spirit, and Our Lady of Wudang. From the mouth of the Master Tongtian, they learned that after Xuan Qing was going to reincarnate and rebuild, they came to Penglai Island one after another, expressing that they would send Xuan Qing for the last time.

(Xuanqing: Thank you!)

"Although the principle is this principle, it is still too dangerous to reincarnate and re-cultivation at the realm of the brother. Running water."

Duobao said helplessly, he still didn't like Xuan Qing's choice. They weren't little monks like Tianxian and Xuanxian. They said that they would reincarnate and reincarnate, so they didn't have many worries.

But Xuan Qing was already the top supernatural power between heaven and earth, and he moved his whole body with a move. In his reincarnation, I don't know how many people peeped at his origin and wanted to swallow it.

After being reincarnated, Xuan Qing was even more attractive than Tang Monk. After swallowing him, he can gain tens of millions of years of cultivation for nothing, or it can be refined into a top-level innate spiritual treasure.

So, who is not tempted? Even with the protection of saints, it would be difficult to suppress the greed in some people's hearts, thus forcing them to take risks and make unwise calculations.

Therefore, in Duobao's view, Xuan Qing's decision was still improper and needed to be considered.

However, after Xuanqing heard what Duobao said, he unceremoniously reprimanded: "You are also the first disciple of the cut sect, why do you look forward and backward like this?"

"If you don't know, the doctrine of interception is to intercept a ray of life from the heavens and the earth, so as to embark on the road of transcendence."

"Is it dangerous to reincarnate for my brother this time? It must be dangerous! But it is precisely because of this that I have the opportunity to achieve the great road."

"It should be understood that the greater the risk, the greater the opportunity. If you can survive this catastrophe, you will be able to succeed in one fell swoop."

"The road to enlightenment has always been full of ruggedness and ups and downs. Where is the easy time? Is there no risk if you change to another method?"

"It's all a life of nine deaths, but the way of expression is different."

When his strength reached the realm of Xuanqing, he had his own knowledge of the world and his own understanding of the world, and he would not be shaken by foreign objects.

To be precise, it is an abnormal attachment. Once a decision is made, it will not change and will not listen to other people’s persuasion.

This is not the case for Xuanqing alone, but the same is true for all the great supernatural powers.

If the Lord Tongtian could listen to the persuasion of the Taiqing saints and Yuanshi Tianzun, how could he accept so many disciples that they would fall into the world as it is today and cause fraternal disharmony?

Those who can't listen to people's persuasion are unshakable.

Seeing this, Duobao didn't persuade him, but sat cross-legged on the ground and chanted "Taishangdong Xuanlingbao Immeasurable High Grade Miaojing" for Xuan Qing.

This is the time when the relationship between the Three Pures is at its best. It is an extraordinary mystery that can save the living and raise the immortal, save the dead and liberate, and all sentient beings in the Three Realms can be saved.

It is a pity that not long after the performance of this Taoist scripture, Sanqing gradually had a gap, and it didn't take long before they were separated.

This supreme Taoist scripture, which has witnessed the brotherhood of the Sanqing, has also been put on the shelf. Few people have heard of it, and naturally there are few people who practice it.

However, at that time, Xuan Qing, as a disciple taught by the combined efforts of the Three Qings, was able to be taught this sutra at the first time he was able to save people through the world, and he has learned this Dao sutra.

Therefore, Xuan Qing will. Later, Xuan Qing passed the Scripture of Saving People to Duobao. As for whether Duobao passed it to others, Xuan Qing didn't know.

At this time, Duobao chanted the Sutra of Saving People, also trying to feel at ease, and wanted to use the Supreme Dao Sutra to eliminate the troubles of Xuanqing.

Although it's not very useful, it's heartwarming.



After saying goodbye to everyone one by one, Xuan Qing's body suddenly burned with a blue flame. It was the fire of good fortune and the fire of the avenue. It came from the avenue and could burn everything.

"Senior brothers and sisters, I went for my brothers."

While speaking, Xuan Qing's physical body had been melted by the fire, and then burned towards Xuan Qing's soul and even the true spirit.

Dao Huo was merciless, and quickly melted Xuan Qing's entire body. But Xuan Qing is also the top great supernatural power of the Quasi-Sage Dzogchen realm at any rate. Although Dao Huo is strong, he can't completely burn it to ashes.

Just to see, Dao Huo burned to the end, Xuan Qing's body was still a little bit, no matter how Dao Huo burned, it couldn't be burned.

That is the essence of Xuan Qing's flesh. His huge body of innate gods and demons was burnt only so little. It can be said that quantitative changes have caused qualitative changes. The power contained is extremely terrifying, surpassing the realm of quasi-sages. Touched the threshold of the Hunyuan level.

Not only Xuan Qing's physical body is like this, his innate soul, immortal true spirit, was also burned by Dao fire only a little, reaching the level of Hun Yuan, blooming in the Dao fire with a bright clear light, immortal and immortal.

The concentrated ones are all essences!

As if provoked, the fire burned more intensely. The terrifying high temperature melted the void, distorted the rules, and forced the surrounding Duobao and others to retreat quickly.

Slowly, the last three powers left by Xuan Qing also showed signs of melting.


At this moment, under Xuan Qing's body, the twelve-grade good fortune green lotus trembled slightly, and a large swath of divine light of good fortune gushed out, submerged in the last remaining power of Xuan Qing.

In an instant, Xuan Qing seemed to have been sublimated, and the quality of the innate true spirit was further improved, from the top innate gods and demons to innate sacredness.

The more brilliant Daoguang was born from the remnant power of Xuan Qing, making it even more mysterious.

Fortune Qinglian, a sacred object of Fortune, can even be transformed by Pangu, let alone Xuanqing.

Moreover, Xuan Qing's good fortune green lotus was called the twelfth-rank, but in fact it was the twenty-fourth rank. Like the three great treasures, they were all the highest innate merits.

When it comes to power, the twenty-four grades of good fortune green lotus are not at all inferior to Taiji diagrams, Pangu flags and chaotic clocks. And in some respects, it's still better.

Thirty-six good fortune green lotus, enough to nurture the Chaos Demon God. Twenty-four good fortune green lotus, it is not difficult to breed innate sacredness.

Xuan Qing has had twenty-four grades of good fortune Qinglian for a long time, but he has never used the power of good fortune Qinglian to transform himself, transforming himself from the top innate gods and demons into innate sacredness.

Its purpose is to wait for this moment, transform oneself at this critical moment, make Dao Foundation perfect, and refining mixed Yuan Dao fruit.

It was seen that under the burning of Dao Huo, Xuan Qing's last remaining power first absorbed the divine light of good fortune, and then began to slowly merge into one.

The innate true spirit, the innate soul, and the innate flesh body are completely mixed and integrated, and regardless of each other, the flesh body is the true spirit and the soul.

At this moment, Xuan Qing's power, the whole Hunyuan unit, reached the point of perfection.

I saw that in the fire, a small group of clear light rose slowly, perfect and flawless, blending the elements, and the whole body was blooming with brilliance, shining all over the world, infinite time and space.

Under the shining of this clear light, the fire of the Tao gradually extinguished, only the clear light will last forever, like the sky in the middle of the day, without moving.

This is Xuan Qing, and at the same time, he is also Hun Yuan Dao Guo. It was the Hunyuan Taoist fruit formed by the ultimate sublimation after Xuanmen Xianzun Xuanqing burned everything he had.

Holding this Hunyuan Dao fruit, Xuan Qing after reincarnation and re-cultivation only needs to practice step by step. After his cultivation reaches the realm of the quasi-sage great perfection, he can refine this Hunyuan Dao fruit in one fell swoop and become a Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal.

This Tao fruit ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ was originally made by Xuanqing's lifelong cultivation base, and it was in perfect harmony with him, and it was refined without any difficulty.

In other words, Xuan Qing's path to enlightenment has been opened up, and all that is lacking is time.

"That's it, that's how it is, this stinky boy originally had this idea, no wonder he refused to tell Pindao. This method is too risky. If you are not careful, you will die. If Pindao knows in advance, I will try my best to stop him."

On Jin'ao Island in the distance, he silently followed Xuan Qing's Master Tongtian, seeing this scene, his eyes could not help showing a look of relief.

He finally knew what idea Xuan Qing had hit. The so-called reincarnated reincarnation is nothing more than a guise. His true purpose is to sublimate it to the utmost!

Burning all of his own, in that most desperate situation, a glimpse of life, so as to ascend to the extreme, into a new realm.

This method is the true method of a million deaths and a lifetime.

One hundred million people use this method to make a breakthrough, and one person survives, that's not bad.

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