Flooded Star Road

Vol 3 Chapter 881: Zhuang Zhou Mengdie

In addition to the human race members, Feng Zichen also gave the power of the main **** system of all the innate Taoist parts of the human race, so that they can publish tasks for ordinary humans of the human race to complete, so as to earn merit points.


   Otherwise, where are so many tasks for the tribe to complete.


   It is precisely because of the existence of the main **** system that the proportion of merit points is increasing. It can even be said that in the eyes of the human race, merit points are more precious treasures than merit.


  In the Human Race, as long as you have enough merit points, you can do almost everything, that is, you want to achieve the realm of Innate Dao Venerable instantly, as long as you have enough merit points, it is not impossible.


   The three emperors and five emperors will personally show up to bless you, condense the origin of heaven and earth for you, help you rebel against the innate, and achieve the realm of Daluo Dao Zun.


   It can be seen that merit points are precious.


   As for the powerful Da Luo Dao Zun who was brought by Feng Zichen, it was not that he really violated Feng Zichen's orders. They have all cultivated to the realm of Daluo Dao Zun, not to mention that they are extremely shrewd, and that is not stupid enough to dare to confront Human Race and Feng Zichen.


   The reason why this Daluo Dao Zun was killed by Feng Zichen and used to build his might was simply because of a problem with his identity. I don't know which of the great supernatural powers' vests were found by Feng Zichen.


   Feng Zichen is a shrewd one. After finding out that there is something wrong with this Daluo Dao Zun, he did not say anything, but silently monitored him, and when needed, he would directly take him out to stand up.


  This action can eliminate an undercover agent on the one hand, and on the other hand, it serves as a warning to others and enhances one's dignity, which can be called two birds with one stone.


   This innate Taoist priest is not worthless, at least it has helped Feng Zichen a lot.






  According to the agreement between those great supernatural powers and Feng Zichen, anyone who reincarnated and entered the human race would be a human being, who would not bring them in life or take them away in death, come and walk cleanly.


   Therefore, Zou Yan is also a human being. It was also the identity of the human race that allowed him to come to the human imperial city unimpeded all the way.


  Ren Imperial City has various restrictions on foreign races, but there are no restrictions on Human races. As long as there is a heart, anyone from the mortal race can come to the imperial city. After all, there are many people who come to the imperial city to pay homage to the ruins of the sages of the human race every year with a pilgrimage mood.


   If these people are turned away, it will inevitably be a little unkind.


   Therefore, Human Imperial City does not have any restrictions on Human Race. Come and leave if you want. Anyway, the human imperial city is big enough, no matter how many monks come, it can be put down.


   After arriving in the Imperial City, Zou Yan first carefully sorted out the messy clothes, and then Shi Shiran walked towards the guard room.


   As soon as he entered the guard room, before Zou Yan saw Hongjun Daozu's figure, he first saw the bandits who were studying seriously.


   is also one of the three thousand red guests in the Zixiao Palace, Zou Yan has no reason to not know Liekou.


   At the first glance at Liekou, Zou Yan was stunned at first, and then as if he was thinking of something, his face was overjoyed.


   "Since all the robbers are here, isn't it saying that my guess is correct and the teacher is really here?" Thinking about this, Zou Yan was undoubtedly more excited.


   "I have seen Brother Lie Yudao!"


   After a while, Zou Yan suppressed the excitement. He saluted the bandits first, and then whispered: "Brother Dao, is the teacher here?"


   Liekou nodded, pointed inward, and said, "The teacher is inside. If you want to see you, please go quickly."


   bowed his hand at Lie Kou, Zou Yan replied: "The poor Dao will first go to see the teacher, and after seeing the teacher, come and have a detailed discussion with the Dao friends."


   After that, Zou Yan turned and strode towards the inside of the guard room.


In front of a quiet room, Zou Yan stood outside the door, did not dare to enter, but knocked on the door respectfully. When the door came, he said "come in", and he took a deep breath and opened the door and walked in. .


   Looking at the Taoist who looked exactly like the Taishang Laojun, Zou Yan did not understand why Hongjun Daozu appeared in the face of Taishang Laojun, but still respectfully shouted: "The disciple has seen the teacher!"


   has reached this point, Qiu! Of course, Zou Yan couldn't think stupidly that the Taoist in front of him was an old gentleman. Not to mention the Taishang Laojun, even if his deity Taiqing sage is close to him, it is impossible for Lekou to treat him as his disciples.


   "When you came to see Poor Dao, you also have doubts in your heart?" Continue to stare at the book in your hand, Hongjun Dao Ancestor asked without raising his head.


   Hongjun Taoist ancestor can be rude, but Zou Yan can’t. He just listened to his continued respectful reply: “Teacher Qi, the disciple does have some doubts in his heart. There are still many unanswered questions about the path of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements.”


   shook his head, Hongjun Daozu put away the books in his hand, led Zou Yan out of the quiet room, and walked upstairs.


  Without stopping, Hongjun Daozu led Zou Yan to the highest floor of the guard room. After arriving here, Hongjun Daozu stopped and took out a few jade books from the shelf with mana.


"Some of these innate jade books are written by Emperor Ziwei, and some are written by Emperor Gouchen. They are all top-level innate Taoist scriptures. They also explain the path of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements. Open the doubts in your heart."


   handed these jade albums to Zou Yan, said Hongjun Daozu.


Curiously took over these innate jade albums, Zou Yan habitually looked at the title of the book, and saw the words above: "The Five Elements Ancestor Witch General Program", "The Five Elements Holy Beast General Program", "The Evolution of the Five Elements of Pangu", "The Five Elements Heaven Emperor" Dadian, “General Outline of the Evolution of the Sun and the Sun”, “General Outline of the Changes in Pangu’s Eyes”...


   glanced a few times and determined that it was the innate Taoist scripture that he could not write. If there is no contact with the Five Elements Ancestor Witch, it is absolutely impossible to write it.


   There is also the "Five Elements Heaven Emperor Grand Ceremony", which is about the five heavenly emperors of the human race headed by the Eastern Qing Emperor. These five heaven and earth revolve the five elements, and they have been the heavenly emperors for five million years. Their way can indeed explain the way of the innate five elements.


  Similarly, if you haven't been in contact with the Five Elements Heavenly Emperor, you can't write such an innate Taoist scripture.


   There are also "The General Outline of the Evolution of the Sun and Lunar" and "The General Outline of the Changes of Pangu Binocular Eyes", which are all top Taoist scriptures expounding the way of innate yin and yang. If you have not studied the sun and lunar stars for many years, you would definitely not be able to write such an innate Taoist scripture.


   There is also the Taoism about Pangu, which is the innate Taoism that can only be written by the authentic Pangu.


   Well, they are all top-level innate Taoist scriptures, and Zou Yan naturally can't write them. Judging from the names of these Taoist scriptures, it is known that these Taoist scriptures are of great use to him, and they are areas that he has never touched before.


   "Teacher Xie for advice!" After receiving these innate Taoist scriptures, Zou Yanchao Hongjun Daozu thanked him.


  It’s just that Hongjun Daozu shook his head and did not accept his gratitude. Instead, he said: “These Taoism scriptures belong to the human race.

   Zou Yan suddenly said, "It is true that the human race should be thanked. The disciple owes the emperor a favor, and it will be repaid in the future, but if there is no teacher's guidance, how can the disciple come here and find these innate Taoism?"


   "You!" Shaking his head, Hongjun Daozu laughed.


   I don’t blame Daozu Hongjun for being a good person. It is really his disciples who have to face most of the problems that can be found in the human race.


   Since this is the case, why does he bother to solve the doubts for his disciples? Directly find out the Xiantian Taoist scriptures they need, and give them to them, so that they can realize it by themselves? In this way, it can save him a lot of trouble.


   Although, doing so will make these people owe Feng Zichen a favor. But Hongjun Taoist ancestor didn't care at all, just through this matter, his disciples could realize that the great road is hard to find.


  Anyone who wants to make great achievements has to pay a price.


After    got the Taoist scriptures, Zou Yan stayed in the guard room, like the bandits, and learned the innate Taoist scriptures here.


   As for the merit points needed to borrow these Xiantian Taoist scriptures, they don't need to hand in. Because these points of merit are nothing compared to the favor they owe Feng Zichen, of course there is no need to care about them.




   At this time, there were a lot of smart people in the imperial city. They understood Feng Zichen's suggestion and knew that the new manager of the custody room was an unborn master.


   After all, they are all cultivators, and there are not a few brains that are not bright, and some things are clear at a point.


   Therefore, recently, many human monks are keen to run to the guard room, hoping to get the guidance of the unknown master Daozu.


   is a chance!


   However, Dao Ancestor's guidance is obviously not so easy to obtain. For months, the Human Race Tianjiao who ran to the guard room did not know how many, but everyone was fortunate to receive Dao Ancestor's guidance.


   There are some smart people who noticed the extraordinaryness of Lekou and Zou Yan, and seriously asked them about the difficulties they encountered in their practice, and they got a lot of guidance from them.


   This is also a great opportunity.


   Although Liekou and Zou Yan are no longer in power, their realm is still great supernatural powers. The peerless existence in the half-step Hunyuan realm can even give guidance to Dao Zun, not to mention the mere arrogance of the human race.


   If they can get advice from them, these strong human races can be considered lucky.






At the time when Zou Yan went to the imperial city of humans, in the remote Beihai Demon Master Palace, the ancestor Kunpeng suddenly fell into the deepest level of enlightenment. A strand of innate true spirit escaped from his body and turned into a butterfly, flapping its wings. , From the far North Sea, across the endless mountains and seas, came to the outside of the imperial city.


   The butterfly came to the outside of the imperial city, changed his body, and suddenly turned into a Taoist with a large sleeve fluttering. He was exceptionally free and easy, and his temperament was even more uninhibited.


   This Taoist is called Zhuang Zhou. He does not know his origin and strength. He sings Taoist songs in his mouth, and walks towards the imperial city.


“The former Zhuang Zhou’s dream is a butterfly, and the butterfly is vivid, and he is self-conscious, but I don’t know Zhou Ye. Suddenly I feel it, but I don’t know Zhou Ye. I don’t know that Zhou’s dream is a butterfly and the butterfly’s dream is Zhou and? Divide. This is called materialization."


   "Zhuang Zhou Mengdie?"


   "No, it is Kunpeng, how did he come to the imperial city?"


   When many great supernatural powers signed an agreement with Feng Zichen, the Kunpeng ancestor was not included. The reason is simple. Behind the ancestor of Kunpeng, stands an ancient innate sacred statue, which is the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian of the same generation as Hongjun Taoist ancestor.


  With His help, the ancestors of Kunpeng can become enlightened without having to separate the reincarnation human race. But the clinker, he finally separated a ray of divine thought and came to the human race.


   However, Feng Zichen did not stop the true spirit incarnation of the ancestor Kunpeng and prevent him from entering the imperial city.


   The ancestor of Kunpeng is Feng Zichen’s ally, and he is still witnessing the covenant signed by Dadao, unless it is due to the decay of the Dadao, or the strength of the Kunpeng ancestor surpasses the Dadao.


   Otherwise, the ancestor Kunpeng can only be Feng Zichen's ally in his lifetime, standing firmly on the same line with him.


   If it violates the covenant, Dadao will never let the ancestor Kunpeng go. Not to mention that there is an unusually old Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian standing behind him. It is useless to stand the Chaos Demon God, and the end will be extremely miserable.


   Therefore, the ancestor of Kunpeng can be said to be Feng Zichen's hard-core ally. The attitude towards allies is naturally different from other great supernatural powers.


   If there is no agreement, there is no agreement. Who makes him two allies? Feng Zichen can't care about him.


   After Zhuang Zhou entered the imperial city, he followed the feeling in his heart and walked all the way to the guard room. He saw the Daozu Hongjun, who was the fake Taishang Laojun, and began to ask him.


   is also an old rule, Hongjun Taoist ancestor found him a lot of innate Taoism, let him go to the side to slowly enlighten.






   Just like that, time passed by.


It didn’t take long, about a hundred years of effort, the Three Realms suddenly shook, and five earth-shaking auras suddenly spread, sweeping the entire Three Realms~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Under the impact of these five auras, the glory of the sun and the moon It's all dimmed a lot, and even the operation of the rules of heaven and earth has been affected.


   This is someone who is about to become enlightened. And it's not just one person, but five people enlightened at the same time.


   Five people enlighten the Dao in one day. Is this to repeat the grand occasion of the birth of five saints in the heaven and earth in one day?


   is the vision of five people becoming enlightened at the same time. At the moment it appeared, Feng Zichen suddenly realized that the luck of the human race was different, and it was constantly rolling, giving rise to infinite atmosphere.


   This is a sign of the birth of the king.


   After Jiang Huan, a new king of the human race was born, only Ji Wen, the official of the Kingdom of Jin.


   After Guan Zhong passed away, the national power of Qi gradually weakened. Instead, Jin Guogong was assisted by the five incarnations of great supernatural powers. The national power became stronger and stronger, and he seized the hegemony from the hands of Qi and became a new generation of prince hegemons.


   Because of this, the fortunes of the various nations have shifted and converged on Ji Wen, the Lord of Jin, urging his personality to go one step further, from being a country official to being a king of men.


And the five great supernatural powers who assisted Ji Wen, at the moment of Ji Wen’s promotion, were able to enter the long river of time and space, and saw the future he wanted to see, and thus realized something, and took that crucial step. Cultivated into the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.


   However, like Guan Zhong, if they want to be truly enlightened, they still need this divine incarnation of the human race to die old, and to judge the cause and effect between themselves and the human race, in order to be truly consummated.

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