Flooded Star Road

Vol 3 Chapter 880: Main **** system

"If you read these Xiantian Taoist scriptures and integrate them, the confusion in your heart will naturally be solved."


Speaking of this, Dao Zu Hongjun seemed to have thought of something suddenly, his tone paused, and then he continued: "If there is something poor Dao, I have to tell you in advance. These Dao Sutras are all created by Gouchen. If you look at it, It’s fine if you don’t have comprehension. If you have comprehension, you will inevitably owe you a favor."


   "So, whether you want to read these Scriptures, you still have to consider them carefully."


   Hongjun Daozu is also a particular person. He didn't use Feng Zichen's things as a favor, but instead put all the credit on Feng Zichen's body.


  The grace of enlightenment, it's really hard to pay it back.


   You can see the attitude of the second sage in the West towards the ancestors of Hongyun, because they can't afford the cause and effect of enlightenment, they simply sit and watch the fall of Hongyun, and even after the incident, they don't take the initiative to resurrect Hongyun.


   However, Lekou didn't hesitate much about this. Right now enlightenment is the most important thing. Compared with enlightenment, everything else is just a trivial matter, so don't care too much.


   Because of this, I listened to Liekou and said without caring: "If these Taoist scriptures can really solve the doubts in the disciples' hearts and help them enlighten the way, it is also right to owe the emperor a cause and effect."


   "I just don't know, why the emperor is interested in the Innate Fifth Master. Judging from the number of these Taoist scriptures, the emperor has obviously worked hard, but he obviously did not cultivate the Innate Fifth Master's way?"


  Seriously, Liekou’s actions towards Feng Zichen are very difficult to understand. As we all know, what the Emperor cultivated was the Pangu way, and he took the path of becoming the way with strength.


   So, he has nothing to study the way of the Innate Five Great Masters, why? Looking at the research results of the Emperor of Humanity, the innate sacredness of the five innate sacredness, which is formed by the refinement of the innate five masters, is profound, as if it has reached the level of Hunyuan.


   Hongjun Daozu smiled, and said: "You don't know this, and I don't know why. For a period of time back then, both Gouchen and Ziwei were frantically looking for the origin of the Innate Five Tais."


"For this reason, they even turned the Majestic Heaven and Earth several times. That is to say, you have been seeking the truth and have been practicing in the chaotic retreat outside the sky. You have not set foot in the Majestic Heaven and Earth for half a step. Otherwise, Gouchen and Ziwei have already found you. On the head."


"Later, the two really couldn't find out the origin of the Innate Five Tais. They couldn't do anything about it, so they had to retreat to the next best thing, and obtain the origin of the Innate Five Tais through the continuous birth and death of the great world. That is at this time, the two of them. Integrate the principles of the Innate Five Great Masters and refine them to the point of great accomplishment."


   "Ziwei is indifferent by nature, and there are not many people under his hands. After comprehending the Tao of the Innate Five Great Masters, he put it aside."


"It can be different from Chen Chen. Behind him is a large group of human beings. Therefore, after he has comprehended the Tao of the Innate Five Great Masters, he spent tens of thousands of years and deduced several Xiantian Taoist scriptures to illustrate The Way of the Five Congenitals."


   "After that, he left the Taoist scriptures in the human race, hoping that among the descendants of the human race, there will be Tianjiao comprehend the beauty of the innate five great masters."


   "Those innate Taoist scriptures are the ones you are looking at before your eyes."


   In order to collect the origins of the Five Innate Five Tais, once Feng Zichen and Ziwei found free time, they would go to the Chaos Beyond Heaven to open up a great world.


   It's just that, often when the great world is about to take shape, the two will deliberately make mistakes, causing the unborn great world to go to destruction.


   is that in the birth and death of this great world, there will be many innate five great origins, and the two will collect them.


   In order to collect the origins of the five innate lords, both of them have often opened up a great world in the chaos outside the sky. Such frequent big moves can be concealed from others, but they cannot be concealed from Daozu Hongjun.


   For this reason, Hongjun Daozu is aware of this matter. However, the two of them did nothing to harm the prehistoric world, so Dao Ancestor saw it, but did not stop it.


   is considered to have acquiesced to their actions.


   Hongjun Daozu said relaxedly, but this word fell in Lekou’s ears, but it shocked him in a cold sweat. Did Emperor Ziwei and Emperor Gouchen join forces to search for the origin of the five congenitals? Although I knew that even if the two gods knew his origin, they would not attack him for no reason.


   Ke Liekou is still terrified. After all, he was bothered by two Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian at the same time. Which great supernatural power was placed on him, who wouldn't panic?


Not everyone is as big-hearted as Feng Zichen. Even if he is worried about by the 3,000 chaos demon gods who are far beyond Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, he still ought to eat, drink, and he didn’t put it at all. The look in the heart.


   For a long time, Lekou said with a wry smile: "It is really unexpected that the disciple has not been seen in the land for a long time, but he has escaped a big trouble."


   Hongjun Daozu tapped him with a cane and said: "What are you afraid of? People didn't take action against you."


   As if being woken up by Hongjun Daozu's crutches, Liekou suddenly stopped panicking and was not entangled in the matter. Instead, he took the Taoist scriptures and looked at it.


   At this time, a great supernatural power person incarnate looked at the central China, and saw the heavenly purple energy flashing in the imperial city, and a look of doubt appeared in his eyes.


   "It's really amazing. The City of Humanity is the most important place of humanity, and the Emperor of Humanity is the emperor of humanity, dominating all souls. There should be only humanity purple aura in this city. Why is there a heavenly purple aura?"


   The great supernatural power was puzzled. Although the purple qi of the human realm looks exactly the same as the purple qi of the heavenly realm, the auras of the two are completely different.


  Humanity is gorgeous and noble, with the image of all souls. The Purple Qi of Heaven is high above, indifferent and ruthless, it is easy to distinguish the two, and it is impossible for him to admit his mistake.


   "Could it be..."


   Some guesses in his heart, those with great magical powers did not hesitate, and directly sent his own divine mind incarnation to the imperial city.


The divine incarnation of this great supernatural power person, named Zou Yan, cultivated the theory of the five elements of yin and yang. He used the five elements of yin and yang to analyze the laws of changes in the world and the universe, so as to formulate a calendar to avoid natural disasters between the sky and the earth, so that ordinary people can escape. The ability of natural disasters.


   This is the theory of Zou Yan, Yin and Yang and the Five Elements, which can barely be said to be the way of arithmetic, which can be used for deduction, but it covers a wider range.


   Zou Yan spent several months of work, and finally rushed all the way to the imperial city. Then, using the power of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements, he studied for several days in the imperial city, and finally determined the place where the Purple Qi of Heaven appeared on that day.


   is the guard room!


   didn't rush to the guard room. Zou Yan first tidyed up his clothes and hair that were slightly messy due to the long journey. After tidying up, he walked towards the direction of the guard room.


   Shou Zang Room, originally a large library prepared by Feng Zichen for the human race, is naturally open to all human races, but mortal races can enter it.


   But if you can get in, you can get in, but if you want to read a book inside, you can't do without merit. Except for the most basic foundation-building exercises, which are free for the people of the human race to borrow and read, the rest of the magical exercises in the storage room are all charged.

  The collection is not Lingshi, nor good luck pills, but something called Gongxundian.


   After all, the storage room records all the supernatural powers and exercises of the human race, and there are many supreme supernatural powers and the innate supreme Taoism in it. If everyone can borrow and read at will, how can they reflect the value of these supernatural powers and Taoism?


   Therefore, Feng Zichen joined forces with the three emperors and five emperors, as well as all the great supernatural powers of the human race, and even all the innate Taoist priests, to develop a meritorious service system.


   The so-called meritorious service, as the name implies, is something that can only be obtained by serving the human race. The so-called merits include killing enemies and eliminating evil, but they are not limited to these. In short, everything that is beneficial to the development of the human race can get merit points.


If you improve the Jidan, the effect of Jidan is strengthened, even if it is only one point, this is a great achievement for the human race, because as the improved Jidan Fang spreads, I don’t know how many people will be there. So benefit.


   And this is to get merit points.


   Of course, although this method is good, it is still necessary to prevent imposters.


   After all, benefits are moving. Merit points are the hard currency of the human race. It is even more important than merit. It is inevitable that some people will imposter the achievements of others in order to obtain merit points.


   Therefore, this requires means to prevent this from happening. At this point, it can't be troubled by the high-levels of the human race.


   is just to create a meritorious service system, Feng Zichen alone is enough, wherever the three emperors and five emperors, and even all the innate Taoist priests of the human race, will work together.


   The reason why they did this is because they did not create a meritorious system, but a system that complements the meritorious system.


   Feng Zichen calls him the main god!


   Well, its function is the same as that of the main **** in the main **** space. It can be used to post tasks, collect statistics, and so on. It even has the ability to travel through the heavens.


   It’s just that the journey through the heavens here is not the so-called movie world, but the various small worlds that were born with the opening of the Three Realms, and even all kinds of magical secrets.


   Even, it may be in countless small islands outside the five continents.


   Three realms are born, the origin of heaven and earth is so rich that it is heinous, naturally, various secret realms and countless small worlds are born. Not to mention, just in the Central China, many secret realms were born.


In order to prevent these secret realms, and even the new world, from being occupied by powerful forces near their birthplace, it is also to give ordinary people a chance to make their heads, so as not to make them desperate or even to lie flat, but also to prevent the present. Human race has entered the stage of class consolidation.


   Feng Zichen personally ordered that all secret realms in Central China, and even the new world, belong to the collective ownership of the human race, and no forces, even individuals, can occupy them privately.


   Violators will be punished severely!


   Actually, even with Feng Zichen's prestige, this order was not implemented smoothly.


  Because the benefits are touching.


   In the secret realm of that day and earth, there are countless good fortunes, and there are not a few people who make people climb into the sky in one step. In that new world, there are innate divine wombs and even innate spiritual treasures.


   This kind of good fortune, even if the innate Taoist sees it, it will be moved, let alone the rest of the people. For these interests, many people choose to take the risk, even if they violate Feng Zichen's orders, they also have to take it as their own.


   It is a pity that it is not the law that does not blame the public to meet them, but the thunderous means of Feng Zichen.


   Feng Zichen didn't joking, but all the people or forces who violated this order were killed by him with thunder. This includes several human Tianjiao comparable to innate gods and demons, and even an innate Taoist priest.


   It is precisely because of the fall of an innate Taoist priest that this order can be implemented. Even the Xiantian Dao Zun would fall if he violated the order, so don't talk about others.


   With the end of this innate Taoist priest as a deterrent, most people converged on what they shouldn't have, but there are still a small number of people who bow to fluke and continue to do their own way.


   For this reason, Feng Zichen specially imitated the Haotian Mirror of the Heavenly Court and created a sky survey mirror to detect the entire human race.


   But this is the case, the deeds of privately occupying the secret realm are endlessly banned.


In the end, Feng Zichen was forced to have no choice but to unite with the masters of the human race to create the main **** system. All the secret realms of the Central China and the new world were all under his jurisdiction, and he unified the resources and released it. Tasks, and even issue rewards.


   It is precisely because of the emergence of the main **** system that in the Central China, there has never been a situation in which power or individuals occupy the secret realm of heaven and earth and the new world.


  Because, when creating the main **** system, Feng Zichen once incorporated part of the power of the Central Shenzhou into the main **** system. The entire Central China was developed by Feng Zichen, and he has absolute control over the Central China.


   In other words, everything in the Central China, except for the human race, including the newly born secret world of heaven and earth, the world, etc. belong to Feng Zichen.


   Why is Feng Zichen not afraid of human beings betraying him? Of course it’s because Humans can’t do it


  Eat, wear, use, live... Everything about Human Race ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is given by Feng Zichen, how can Human Race betray Feng Zichen?


   This cause and effect is too big for the human race to afford, so the human race cannot betray Feng Zichen at all. Once betrayed, what greets the human race is destruction.


   It is precisely because of knowing this that Feng Zichen will do his best to develop the human race.


   There is no unreasonable love in the world. Feng Zichen is good to the human race, naturally because the human race has been tied to his body and is his most loyal force.


   Is it wrong to work hard to grow a force that will not betray itself? of course not! If you think there is something wrong, you have a problem with your head.


It is precisely because of part of the Central China’s authority that whenever a new secret realm or world is born in the Central China, the main **** system is often the first to perceive it and put it under its control. .


   In this way, the opportunity for outsiders to occupy the secret realm and the world is avoided.


  The main **** system has been improving since its birth. In addition to the initial task panel, there have been more mall sections, trading templates, and friends sections.


   After the birth of the main **** system, in the human race, all creatures under the innate Taoist priest will automatically bind a subsystem of the main **** system, which is a kind of identity proof.


  Ps: I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

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