Flooded Star Road

Vol 4 Chapter 697: Extinction

The same different ideas and means created two completely opposite results.

As for whether these two methods are better or worse, there are really some people who have their own opinions.

However, the conflict between Tianmadao and Western religion has become inevitable.

There are so many fierce beasts in the wild, and their number is completely incomparable with sentient beings. So this has led to the fact that every time the Western religion transforms a fierce beast, the magic way will subdue a fierce beast.

vice versa!

Not to mention that there is hatred between the two parties, it is inevitable that there will be conflicts between the two in order to **** the source of students.

"Tsk tut!"

"It's not easy now."

The demon who knows that the Western teachings have a back and forth can't help but have a toothache. The day when I really want to talk to the Western religion about robbing the beasts, the magic way will definitely not, the opponent.

The reason is nothing but the introduction of Zhunti two brothers, saints. However, the two of the heart demon and the Guixu have just touched the threshold of the great supernatural powers.

The strength of the two sides is not comparable at all and cannot be counted by the truth.

So there is no dispute;

The fight for the ruins and the heart demon are never, opponents.

But the demons who gave up so that Western religions can save the development and growth of the beasts are extremely unwilling to have them.

Therefore, he thought for a while and came up with a very damaging idea.

He wanted to lift the table and let the Western religion secretly illuminate the beasts, and let them out, let the Pangu gods have great magical powers, to add blockage to the Western duo.

If you really want to take in the Pangu gods who have great magical powers, who are quasi-hands-up in the situation where Sanqing can't make a move, naturally, there is no advantage at all.

Moreover, the way of heaven is still on the side of Western religion. It is a great merit to save the beasts not only to reduce the harm of the beasts to the prehistoric, but also to strengthen the origin of the prehistoric world.


Does it make sense that God does not support it?

It is the Pangu gods who are supported by the gods who have great supernatural powers who want to deal with the natural nature of Western religion, and they have many difficulties.

But those who suppress the Western religion may not necessarily seek to lead Zhunti. The two are in trouble. They can completely think about it from another angle.

For example, the slaughter of ferocious beasts!

Anyone who has not been taught by the West to have ferocious beasts, and the evil ones killed by the wild world are not only without fault, but merit.

Therefore, those with great magical powers of the Pangu God System can completely destroy the Western religious plan by slaughtering the beasts in a way.

Don't you want to save the beast?

Well, I just killed all the fierce beasts in the prehistoric world before this.

In this way, it depends on how you can save it.

I have to say that Guixu's plan is not poisonous.

The prehistoric world wants, the Western religion that has nothing to say about the beasts can directly declare the destruction by relying on the rise of the beasts in a planned way.

And the same thinking that relying on fierce beasts to make their homes and gods will certainly be affected by this, but it is not as big as imagined.

Because Guixu is one of the cemeteries where the Chaos Demon God is buried, it is indispensable to have fierce beasts.

Almost every once in a while, new congenital fierce beasts bred out of Guixu.

Therefore, the heart demon, he is not at all worried that there are innate beasts in the prehistoric world. After being killed by the Pangu gods with great magical powers, the Tianmadao will not find the innate beasts to cultivate an army of beasts.

In the land of the ruins, there is a breeding ground for an innate fierce beast.

What's more, the inner demon wouldn't think that people would come to places like Returning to the Market to punish the innate fierce beasts.

Isn't that sick?

Guixu is so dangerous and there are places that dare to come, do you want to become a predecessor and grow up with nutrients?



Just when the ten thousand races cultivate one's health, and sometimes a sudden news broke the tranquility that had not been seen for a long time.

Western religions are secretly cultivating innate beasts!

The entire prehistoric world that had been reported was in an uproar because of this, almost all the Pangu gods with great supernatural powers were alarmed, even those who were facing the wall thinking about having Sanqing were also alarmed by this incident.

Even Yu's even had a Houtu empress far away in the Netherworld, and he paid attention to this matter for an unprecedented time.

For a time, the Western religion has directly become the most popular fried chicken, and it has been paid attention to by many big people.

Good guys!

Not to mention the fact that the lead Zhunti has been stared at by so many strongest people at the same time, it hasn't been hidden at all. It is estimated that they have worked so hard to hide it and it will be of no effect.

So soon some Western religions secretly cultivated innate beasts, and things were exposed to everyone's sight.

Almost no response was given to the referrals. Those who had time to determine the truth of the matter were the people who acted directly.


A giant hand that covered the sky came out from the sky and looked down at Mount Xumi. Not only did it want to kill the monsters that had been transformed into congenital fierce beasts, but it also destroyed Mount Xumi.

The sage Zhunti saw that he stood up and held the Qibao Magical hand and smashed the giant hand that held the sky down.

As a result,...

The Saint Zhunti flew back at a faster and faster speed than when he had come, smashed the layers of the void and was directly embedded in the depths of the void.

But the power of the giant hand that covered the sky after a pause was slightly weakened a bit, but it was still cast undiminished, and some of it slammed down towards Mount Xumi.

At this time, the leading saint also couldn't care to check the situation of the Zhunti saint. He quickly sacrificed the twelfth-rank merit golden lotus and blocked the endless glow of the golden lotus that pressed and covered the sky to protect Mount Xumi.

"You, fellow Taoist Houtu, why bother?"

"It is God's will to ignite the fierce beast. The two of the poor Dao and the younger brother are also going in the sky. What you shot today is already against the will of God, and it is not too late to turn your head back at this time."

"If, on the day when you are obsessed with something, you will be punished immediately."

After blocking the giant hand that shields the sky, the leading saint said with a bitter face.

, Houtu Empress!

It is the Houtu Niangniang who can be heard from the introduction of the saint's words.

In other words, as Pangu orthodox Houtu Empress and Congenital Fierce Beast, it can be said that there is almost no possibility of coexistence with those who are born with enemies.

Therefore, after hearing the news that the two of Zhunti were introduced to cultivate innate beasts in secret, he can imagine the anger in his heart.

So that this person who is known for her compassion and the Houtu empress, who is hard to suppress has the intent to kill, directly attacked him. Killing the congenital fierce beasts and still being unwilling to take advantage of the situation will destroy Mount Xumi and destroy the Western religion.

Houtu Niangniang, who was angry in her heart, made a move. Of course, she used her full strength to mention that the cultivation base of the saint was far less natural than his natural. Those who couldn't resist this attack were bombarded. It was normal and something happened.


Taking advantage of the ability to talk to the saint, Zhun said the saint, and the one who flew out from the depths of the void and stood side by side with the saint was strong against the Houtu Empress.

The two-to-one wave of them has a lot to win.

But, at this moment, there is a boundless vision between the world and the earth. What is emerging is the sky and the falling ground, the golden lotus, the beast, and the fairy bird leading the way...

Afterwards, a blue luan carrying a beautiful lady in a palace costume came slowly, and the Nuwa Empress arrived!

Because of the conflict with Houtu Niangniang, the Nuwa Niangniang did not stand in the same place with him. Standing on the other side of the void, there was an angle between the Houtu Niangniang and the Nvwa Niangniang.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense!

In order to force the other side back, both sides are frantically improving their momentum to gain the initiative. The tyrannical and imposing world has become depressed.

Seeing a world of heaven and earth, a great war about to break out, suddenly came!


Accompanied by the huge thunderous sound of boundless robbery clouds gathered to block the sunlight and plunge the entire West into darkness.


What's in the robbery cloud is the flickering of Thunder Snake's wild dance, which is intertwined with a strong aura of destruction.


God's punishment has come!

Obviously, in order to prevent the situation from deteriorating further, Heavenly Dao directly used Heaven's Punishment.

Yes, the punishment will definitely be ruthless on the day when both parties dare to talk. It is not because the saint has identity but hesitates.

"The two fellow Taoists retreat."

"You can't stop the poor and the Dao from having them."

Seeing the arrival of Heavenly Dao, Zhun Ti and the two of them were immediately emboldened and yelled towards Nuwa Houtu.

There is no doubt that the way of heaven is on their side.

However, although the strength reached the level of Nüwa Houtu, although they were jealous of Heavenly Dao, it was impossible for them to obey Heavenly Dao's words.

In Houtu, the authentic saint's Nuwa enlightened, sometimes, with the help of part of the humanity and power. All of them are confident in fighting against the Dao of Heaven.

Only, that kind of method is not compelling, it is not necessary to use it.

In front of you, Zhunti and the clamoring Nuwa and Houtu did not reply, but Qi Qi took a step forward to show that those who had an attitude would never retreat.


At this time, the two of Zhunti were dumbfounded. The two of them who really want to fight talk are completely different, the other has opponents.

Not to mention other things, just to say that the two people on the opposite side have one innate treasure, which is enough to widen the gap with them.


Nüwa Houtu's attitude seemed to anger Heaven's Dao's Jieyun and became heavier. It was the thunder that gave birth to it as if it would be smashed down at any time.


"how come?"

The person on Ziwei Star was observing the situation here, and Zichen suddenly noticed a strange phenomenon.

Then, along with Tiandao's angry Tiandao's body, the aura belonging to Hongjun Taoist ancestor is quickly disappearing.

"It seems that Hongjun Daozu has far less control over Heaven than I think."

Feng Zichen who saw this scene seemed to understand something.

Hongjun Daozu's control over the Dao of Heaven is not reliable. Right now, with the anger of Tiandao, he immediately got rid of Hongjun Daozu's influential and regained his former indifferent and indifferent appearance.

Under normal circumstances, the Daozu of Hongjun who has a relationship with the Dao can still slightly control the Dao of Heaven, but once the Dao of Hongjun is in a state of rage, the Daozu of Hongjun is not there, and the Daozu of Hongjun is Tiandao Hongjun.

If you want to come, how can you say that the great way of heaven, the strongest existence under the avenue does not even have the Chaos Demon God during the peak period, and the opponent's needs are so easy to be controlled by the Hongjun Daozu, it is strange. .

Hongjun Dao Ancestor has a very long way to control the way of heaven or a very long way to go. Maybe it is not necessarily that he has not completely controlled the way of heaven until Feng Zichen has broken through the infinite Luo Jinxian.

However, from this phenomenon, Feng Zichen probably knew how to deal with Hongjun Daozu.

In the future, Hongjun Daozu who used the power of Heavenly Dao to pull the wind and Zichen could lead everything back to normal by finding a way to provoke Heavenly Dao.

Unexpectedly, watching a scene can be a surprise. It's not bad. It's really good.


Because of scrupulousness, Zhunti and Nuwa Houtu were both opposing each other, but they didn't choose to do it.

It seems that they exist in this realm.

And the heavenly will never allow this to happen.

Just like Feng Zichen who almost fought with Sanqing not long ago, Tian Dao hurriedly put the two parties into confinement.

Seeing right now is thinking about the Heavenly Dao who holds both sides in the same way.

What I saw was an invisible and powerful force that suddenly came and directly wrapped the two parties back to their respective dojo and sealed it up.

In the face of this force, even those who are stronger than Houtu Nuwa and others, who cannot resist can only passively bear all this and be sealed in the dojo.

What he encountered was like Feng Zichen Sanqing and was confined.

Twenty-nine thousand six hundred years of the One Yuanhui!


Only, although the lead Zhunti was locked up, he could not take a half step out of Mount Xumi.

But the people on Mount Xumi who were saved by them with the beasts can't join forces to kill Mount Xumi, don't you give the lead to the head?

They only know that they can't step out of Mount Xumi, and they can't make a move on Mount Xumi.

You have broken into other people’s homes, you have a lair, you want to kill people, you have disciples, and you still expect them not to resist, are you making trouble?

Does the world make sense?

Isn't this forcing people to kill?

So these fierce beasts can't be killed.

From this perspective, the way of heaven is still on the side of Western religion.

Who can't help owe money, sir?

Judging from the current situation of Western religions, if they don’t give them a little support, they are afraid that they will have a loan, and they will never pay it back.

In order to prevent the repayment of bad debts, it is necessary to have a handle.

In fact, in a sense, it is true that the two of them are referred to, very powerful.

After all, no, everyone is capable of borrowing so many merits from Heaven.

All I can say is that these two people are quite good at drawing big cakes, and some have bluffed the way of heaven.


The people who couldn't deal with the beasts on Mount Xumi were hesitant for a while and didn't know how to deal with Western religions.

But at this moment, an astonishing killing aura suddenly shook the entire universe~www.wuxiaspot.com~ everyone looked at it curiously, and found the source of the killing aura, the source From the human race.

The human race didn't know what went crazy and even launched a large army to attack the fierce beast. It was really interesting.


and many more!

Attack the fierce beast...

The people in the trance seemed to understand the usefulness of the human race and knew how to deal with Western religion.

Good guy's

Terran, this makes a household plan!

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Guiqiu everyone.

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