Flooded Star Road

Vol 4 Chapter 698: Xiantian 9th Palace and 8 Hexagrams

All you need to do is to kill the predecessor, the fierce beast is the Western taught fierce beast, and the plan is self-defeating. This means that solving the problem from the source is to cut off everything, it is possible.

"good idea."

With a move in his heart, these great supernatural powers also began to take action.

Unlike the human race, they are powerful, but they disdain to attack those weak and innate beasts.

So it is them, the goal is very clear is that there are those realms above and above the Daluojinxian, innate fierce beasts.

Speaking of it is a congenital fierce beast, after the strength reaches Daluo Jinxian, it can be said that there is walking, congenital spirit treasure.

If you can refine its corpse and get rid of the evil spirit inside the innate fierce beast, you can immediately get a powerful, innate spirit treasure.

Only with great supernatural powers, it is not difficult to kill the innate evil beast in terms of strength, but it is somewhat difficult to get rid of the innate evil spirit in order to get rid of it.

The innate ferocious beasts are walking around. The name of Innate Lingbao still works well under the circumstances. Isn't it because the great supernatural powers cannot get rid of them, the innate evil aura?

Do you really think that the great supernatural powers have a good relationship?

They must have their work to get rid of the innate evil spirits in the innate evil beasts, the method is that in order to refine the innate spirit treasures is greed, the great supernatural powers have already annihilated them, how can they keep them until now.

But there is no way to get rid of the innate evil spirit, that is all over, it's up. Now these great magicians have found a solution.

Can Western religions enlighten the innate beasts?

The two saints who can enlighten the innate fierce beasts are sure to get rid of the innate evil aura, but the supernatural powers are not, so they cannot enlighten the innate fierce beasts.

Knowing this is the next step, and it's easier if there is one. Directly ask the two saints if it is impossible for the two saints to be mentioned, and neither of them would tell them.

So at this time some special methods need to be used. For example, first grab a few heads and be enchanted, innate fierce beasts.

No matter what magical power is, as long as it has been used, there will definitely be traces of it. And since those innate fierce beasts have been transformed by the two holy sacreds of the West, they must have magical powers and traces in their bodies.

They may not be able to create a magical power out of thin air. These great magical powers may not be able to do it, but with a few traces to deduce it, it is the power of all people and they can do it.

No matter how bad it is, Sanqing is still there!


After the great supernatural powers had made up their minds, it was a predecessor, and the innate beasts were considered to have fallen blood mold.

However, for thousands of years, kung fu has been seen everywhere before, and fierce beasts are now almost extinct.

Especially the Daluo Jinxian realm is and above, the innate fierce beast is the rest except for the land of the ruins and the nether realm, and the place is even more worthy of not leaving.

No matter how deep and concealed it is, even if it hides in the abyss of the deep sea or the death swamp, it is found by the great supernatural powers to kill.

These congenital fierce beasts, the corpses can be refined congenital spirit treasures, who can not be moved by the excellent materials?

After all, something like Xiantian Lingbao is something no one would think of.

"Damn it!"

On Mount Xumi, the two of Zhunti were led to see this scene, and they were really angry, and their eyes were cracked.

Those innate beasts all have the rise of Western religions. Hope is that they will be cruel to them. How can they not feel heartache if they are killed? Not angry?

But it is a pity that no matter how sad or angry they are, they are useless because they can't take a half step out of Mount Xumi.

I can only watch the tragedy happen!

"Junior Brother, there is no need to be too angry!"

"The innate fierce beast has the Chaos Demon God, and the resentment is transformed into the Chaos Demon God, and the innate fierce beast will never be extinct if the resentment is not eliminated."

"So even if they kill all the places now, what about the innate fierce beasts?"

"It will be new as long as it has passed. The birth of the innate fierce beast can't destroy us, the plan."

After a while, the lead saint suddenly calmed down, and said with an angry look at his side, Zhun said the saint.

"Senior apprentice is the apprentice apprentice, I understand that I only have anger but they, attitude."

"I know that the survival of the innate beasts is related to whether the Western religion can prosper or not, but they still have no scruples and take action."

"This obviously puts you and me in the eyes."

"It's really unreasonable!"

At this time, the sage Zhunti whispered and said.

He felt that his majesty was offended as a saint.

In this case, it is necessary to replace the two of them with Sanqing. Do you think those great supernatural powers dare to do it?

They are clearly deceptive and afraid of hardship!

Why are the two saints who are both saints lower than the three?

I'm not convinced!

Waiting is the future, you will have to pay the price for today's things.

Seeing that the fruits of victory were being divided up, everyone thought of Zhunti Sage secretly. The hatred, the seeds are already in him, and when planted in the heart, they are waiting to take root and sprout.

The last time I was so concerned by the quasi-proposed saint, he was called Dijun. As a result, it was Him. Ten sons died and nine died, which became the fuse for the destruction of the heavenly court.


In a matter of ten thousand years, the kung fu is the congenital ferocious beasts, and they were slaughtered and the entire prehistoric world was cleared.

The killing of innate beasts has also temporarily come to an end.

As for what will be new in the future, the birth of the innate beast is the answer to this that the great supernatural powers have long been able to deal with.

Newborns, the innate fierce beasts are definitely not very strong. They want to get rid of them. They don't need great magical powers at all. Those who do it themselves are handed over to the sect, and the cleaning of the sect disciple can also play a role in tempering.

In this way, the prehistoric world fell into calm once again, and the ten thousand races continued to enter the stage of cultivation and rejuvenation.

Time is always passing by inadvertently, and hundreds of thousands of years have passed in the blink of an eye.

When Tiandao set up everyone, the time limit for the ban had already passed.

Feng Zichen and others regained their freedom.

However, none of them showed up, and some of them fell into asceticism, hoping to make progress even further and break through to a higher realm.

In these hundreds of thousands of years, the acquired way has been completely replaced by the innate way in time. It's so big, there are few innate ways to cultivate, monks.

The innate way is really too difficult.

Hundreds of thousands of years, the passage of time is the way of the future to cultivate the Daluo Jinxian, and there are countless monks who can cultivate into the Daluo Jinxian by the innate way, and the monks are the two of Shaokang and Shangtang.

It's no wonder that the innate way is so difficult to cultivate.

No one wants to waste their lives!

Shaokang relied on the reconstruction of Great Xia, and his merit was the king of man, and he sat for ten thousand years in his position. It is enough to accumulate in this way, and the foundation is that one hundred thousand years ago, the successful realization of the Da Luo Dao fruit is the achievement of the immortal and immortal realm of Dao Zun.

And after him is Daxia, although there will be no successors, there are still talents withered. Nothing decent was born, not to mention the masters lost the country tens of thousands of years ago.

At the end of the Xia Dynasty, the monarch Xia Jie was desolate and licentious, so tyrannical and innocent, so that the people didn't live a life.

At that time, the Shang Tang rose up and led a large army to overthrow the Xia Dynasty, and rule was a great merchant!

There is

The fate of the mysterious bird is descended to give birth to quotient!

In the Shang Dynasty, Wutang, the founding king of the country, established the country by virtue of its merits and the emperor, and he stayed in the position for 10,000 years. It was based on this to polish the foundation of the supreme Dao. It was the successful proving of the Da Luo Dao. The fruit was the innate Dao. Respect.

Dashang can be said to be the strongest human race. The dynasty is right now in Dashang. During the rule, the human race has reached its peak.

In the Shang dynasty, the monarch is not a king but an emperor!

In the Shang Dynasty, every monarch would be crowned with an emperor before his name!

Emperor, Emperor!

Therefore, Shang Tang is also called Emperor Tang!

The Jade Emperor has the heaven, dominates, and the Shang Emperor has the earth, dominates. The co-existence of the two emperors is a division to resist rituals, which is a sign that human luck has reached its peak.

There are saints who dare not arbitrarily attack the Shang emperor. Because of that involved, the cause and effect is really too big, so it is as strong as a saint, and it can't be easily resisted.



"The birth of Xiantian Lingbao is a bit involved with mine."

One day, when he was enlightening, Feng Zichen was suddenly awakened by a whim. After careful deduction, it was discovered that a certain predestined relationship with him was born.

"the meaning of!"

"To this day, the congenital spirit treasures that have been returned in the predicament are really surprising."

Shaking his head, Feng Zichen stood up and left the boundless starry sky. He followed his heart, and the feeling was toward the location and location of the innate spirit treasure.

Don’t say that if there is an innate spiritual treasure, there is an innate treasure, Fengzichen, and there is no shortage.

The reason why he rushed over was only because he was too curious about what kind of innate spirit treasure could be related to him.

You must know that he has obtained it since he became enlightened, and all the innate spiritual treasures have been snatched from others. As for the innate spirit treasures that can be picked up on a trip like before, the situation has not appeared in a long time.

Feng Zichen also misses this sudden occurrence of this situation, so of course I have to go over and take a look.

As for this, will there be some people, conspiracy?

No Feng Zichen boasted that his strength can surpass him nowadays, and it is by no means more than one hand. And the ability to kill him, there is no more.

Hongjun Daozu can't do it, it's also heaven's way. Standing in the prehistoric world, the huge Pangu Dharma image is the greatest protection in the prehistoric world.

Integrating the power of the entire prehistoric state, it is not clear how strong the Pangu Faxiang is Fengzichen. But condensed by the power of the Zhoutian starry sky, Pangu gods and people are comparable to the Nine Heavens of Hunyuan, let alone the Pangu Dharma with great power.

At least it is also comparable to the Wuji Luo Jinxian, and the power can only match his identity. Even then it will be stronger.

In short, it is the Pan Gu Fa, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with how the power is exaggerated.

In this way, the trump card is Feng Zichen. In the wild world, there is naturally no fear of any danger.

The person who really wants it calculates that he will suffer a loss at that time, it is not necessarily true!


The prehistoric land is on the bank of Luoshui River. Feng Zichen stopped after coming here. That fate with him, the innate spirit treasure is in Luoshui.

And it won’t be long before they are born.


Standing on the edge of Luoshui was Feng Zichen, his face was long-lost, and there was a look of nostalgia.

He is very familiar with this place in Luoshui!

Not to mention that Emperor Fuxi was here to prove that the Dao created innate gossip. It is said that Feng Zichen often played near Luoshui when he was a child.

Back then, it was Ao Xue who was salvaged here by the human race with a gold net of merit.

I really miss the days.

Just when Feng Zichen missed the past, when it was Luoshui, Xiantian Lingbao was born.


In the sound of the splash, a mysterious tortoise is carrying a mysterious, the picture scroll is from Luoshui, and the center is slowly emerging from the water.

It is shining in an instant, and the innate divine light blooms covering hundreds of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.

After this, there are even more great sounds of heaven and sky echoing between heaven and earth.

So amazing, the vision can be said to have alarmed the little half of the prehistoric, but it naturally attracted countless eyes.

Most of the appearance of a vision means that the congenital spirit treasure is born and a vision. The larger the scale is, the congenital spirit treasure is born. The higher the level of the congenital spirit treasure.

The observation of this vision has shocked a small part of the prehistoric life, that is, it shows that it is about to be born, and the Xiantian Lingbao is at least one of the top grades.

It is also now that the prehistoric world is not as good as it used to be, otherwise, the words are like today’s shocking the younger half of the prehistoric, the vision is born, the innate spiritual treasure is the worst, and some are among the best.

But having this does not prevent everyone from rushing to the source of the vision. The high-grade Xiantian Lingbao is not bad anymore. Changing to a monk means that there will be a powerful first-level, existence.

Those who have great magical powers must also be tempted.

"Are you top grade Xiantian Lingbao?"

"Not bad!"

Without seeing Feng Zichen's movement is that new birth, the innate Lingbao automatically fell into his hands. At the same time, it is about this treasure, the origin is also natural, appearing in his mind.

The Eight Diagrams of the Nine Palaces has this congenital spiritual treasure and its name. One of it contains thirty-two congenital gods, high-grade congenital spiritual treasures.

"Nine Palaces Gossip?"

Looking at the picture of the Nine Palaces and Eight Diagrams, the mysterious turtle is Feng Zichen, as if he knew the origin of this treasure.

If he remembered correctly, then this mysterious tortoise should have had the book presented to Fuxi in the past, the mysterious tortoise.

It was Fuxi who created the congenital gossip here at first because of this, it is inevitable that this place has been contaminated with some congenital gossip and Taoist rhyme.

And the book of Hetuluo also appeared here and left behind the Taoism of the Innate Nine Palaces, Tao Yun.

For some unknown reason, these two Dao Dao rhymes were merged together, and they became an innate spiritual treasure under the Luoshui origin.

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This thing does have a relationship with Feng Zichen.

That formed the Great Chaos Array. Among the ten great spiritual treasures, there are still some flaws in the congenital Nine Palaces. The integration of the Xiantian Nine Palaces Bagua Diagrams can just make up for this defect.

"It saves me a lot of trouble."

Shaking his head and smiling, Feng Zichen put away the Eight Diagrams of Innate Nine Palaces. But he was not in a hurry to leave, but he turned his gaze to the mysterious tortoise.

This mysterious tortoise is very extraordinary!

s Originally, I could issue an anti-theft seal to cover up my late update. But I think this will affect the reading experience of genuine readers. So I would rather ask for leave without issuing the anti-theft seal.

Seeing that I am so considerate of you, it is for me to have a monthly pass!

Another is Guiqiu subscription!

2915 is still 85.

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