Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1322 still so despicable

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

As the saying goes, the enemy of the enemy is a friend. Xia Xia and Ye Yumei finally cooperated for the first time in history. From Xia Xia's point of view, Ye Yumei, this dead woman, is very unbeatable, but anyway, according to what Sister Shenxian said After all, he wants to coax her into a wife. In the long run, they will eventually become a family, so the problem between them is after all a conflict within the family, but this woman in white named Huang Jingyi is different. , She not only wants to kill him, but also wants to take away his fairy sister, which he absolutely cannot allow, this is simply the enemy of life and death that destroys his family, it must be killed!

Just when he was hugging Ye Yumei's slender waist, Xia Xia secretly injected a burst of true qi into Ye Yumei's body, unlocked the restraint in her body, and allowed her to recover. He felt that he should temporarily give up the family. Contradiction, fighting foreign enemies together, and seeing Ye Yumei cooperate with him like this, Xia Tian is also very happy, this small waist is not stupid!

When Ye Yumei was thrown out by Xia Xia, she knew what Xia Xia wanted him to do. Although she hated Xia Xia as a little bastard, she also understood that she had to cooperate with Xia Xia for the time being, because she understood, At least Xia Xia won't kill her now. As the saying goes, if she stays alive, there will always be a chance to seek revenge for this little bastard Xia Xia, but she also understands better that this Huang Jingyi from the Misty Immortal Sect is a The one who really wants her life, with her current situation, cannot be Huang Jingyi's opponent at all. If she wants to escape from Huang Jingyi, she must cooperate with Xia Xia.

No matter what you want to do, survival is the most important premise. If you die, you can't do anything. Therefore, Ye Yumei will return to Xianyun Continent for her own future, or to seek revenge for Xia Xia in the future. Well, the most important thing for her right now is to live first.

Although she didn't say it clearly, this time, she cooperated quite tacitly with Xia Xia and launched an attack on Huang Jingyi. With the addition of Ye Yumei, the battle situation changed instantly.

There is no doubt that Huang Jingyi is an outstanding disciple of the younger generation in the Misty Immortal Sect, but in fact, the gap between her cultivation base and Xia Xia's is not so obvious. If the Jindan stage is divided into three stages, then in fact, Huang Jingyi and Xia Xia are both in the middle stage of Jindan. The only difference is that Xia Xia has just entered the middle stage of Jindan, while Huang Jingyi is about to break through to the late stage of Jindan.

It's just that Xia Xia's actual combat skills are seriously lacking. Don't look at Xia Xia who often fought with three masters since he was a child, and beat people everywhere after going down the mountain, but in fact, he rarely encountered real masters, that is to say, he lacks The experience of fighting with masters, when he learned the fifth needle against the sky, and his cultivation level has also risen to the Jindan stage, he has hardly played against opponents of this level. On the other hand, Yue Qingya has hardly taught her. This level of combat skills, after all, in this world where it is almost impossible to cultivate immortals, it is difficult for Yue Qingya to expect that she will meet an opponent in the summer.

And Huang Jingyi, who came from Misty Immortal Gate, is obviously much stronger than Xia Xia in this regard. Although the cultivation of masters is the key, if the cultivation of two people is the same, then the actual combat skills will become very important. Now Xia not only The cultivation base is slightly weaker than Huang Jingyi, and the actual combat skills are far inferior to hers. He is naturally at a disadvantage in this battle.

Ye Yumei has changed this situation. In terms of actual combat skills, she will only be better than Huang Jingyi. She is only lacking in skill now, because the golden core is damaged and her body is still injured, so that she was already 20 years ago. She was in the late stage of Jindan, but now she can't even display the strength of the early stage of Jindan, but her dozen or so black ribbons still brought Huang Jingyi a great threat.

Huang Jingyi used a flying sword to kill Ye Yumei, but at this moment, this flying sword was still attacking Ye Yumei, but what surprised Xia Tian was that Ye Yumei only used A black ribbon entangled this flying sword. Now this flying sword is no longer chasing Ye Yumei, but is chasing after the ribbon. What makes Xia Xia even more strange is that this woman's black Ribbon didn't know what it was made of, it was clearly shot by Feijian several times, but nothing happened.

Xia Tian couldn't help but think of Ye Yumei's special clothes that could not be pierced with silver needles. He began to realize that this woman still had some treasures on her body, whether it was the clothes on her body or the dozen or so black ribbons. The texture is probably very special, special enough to block the powerful Feijian.

There is a saying that the people who are most familiar with you are often not your friends, but your enemies. This sentence is also very suitable here. Ye Yumei is very familiar with the various martial arts and swordsmanship of the Misty Immortal Sect. , This also allows her to use her strongest means to attack Huang Jingyi's weakest position, each of her dozen or so black ribbons is deadly!

"Ye Yumei, I'll take care of you first!" Huang Jingyi said with a hint of anger, she had clearly realized Ye Yumei's threat to her, and she had to shift her focus to Ye Yumei. Fei, quickly shot dozens of palm winds, each of which was shot towards the dozen or so black ribbons.

The powerful palm wind slapped these ribbons away smoothly. However, these soft ribbons showed their amazing tenacity at this time. The front end of the ribbons suddenly twisted strangely, and then they returned to their original shape. The trajectory continued to shoot at Huang Jingyi's vital parts.

"Damn demon girl!" Huang Jingyi cursed in her heart. She finally understood that Ye Yumei, who had caused a storm in Xianyun Continent 20 years ago, should not be underestimated, although Ye Yumei's skill seems to be obviously low now. It's a lot, and it's not as good as her, but Ye Yumei's weird black ribbons still have a powerful attack.

The white palm once again patted the palm of the sky

Ying, after Huang Jingyi shot dozens of palm winds again, she quickly retreated. Under Ye Yumei's attack, she had to retreat, which made her very annoyed, but made her even more annoyed. The thing is, at this moment, a powerful breath suddenly surged from behind her, and at the same time, she heard a voice: "Hey, there's me too!"

There is nothing fancy, nor too much in summer. He came behind Huang Jingyi at the fastest speed, and almost tried his best to slap the palm with a shocking momentum!

The palm of the hand was fierce, and a small tornado was set off in the air, and this tornado swept towards Huang Jingyi with an unstoppable force, and it seemed that it might roll her into pieces at any time!

Although annoyed, Huang Jingyi did not panic at all. She found that although Xia Xia's skill was higher, his attack was too simple, and he had no threat to her. With such a simple slap, she didn't need to dodge at all. Anyway, she The skill is stronger than him, and it is enough to directly hit him with a palm.

Huang Jingyi thought so and did the same, she slapped her backhand, gathered her palms, and went up to meet her.


The two palms collided with each other again without any accident, and without any accident, countless infuriating qi swept out again, Huang Jingyi continued to have the upper hand without any accident, and her body did not even shake, and Xia Xia was not unexpectedly caught again. Zhen Fei, it seemed that everything was in Huang Jingyi's calculations, but when Huang Jingyi noticed a slight tingling in her palm, she knew that an accident had still happened.

That slight tingling made her body have a strange infuriating qi that was sometimes cold and sometimes hot. This strange infuriating qi, which did not seem to be powerful, had an unusually powerful destructive power, and quickly penetrated into her meridians. Wandering, wreaking havoc within her meridians.

"Small waist, hurry up and attack, she is injured!" Xia Xia shouted again at this time, and then rushed towards Huang Jingyi again.

"Despicable...Pfft! Huang Jingyi glared at Xia Xia, then suddenly opened her mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, her body flew out, turned and ran into the distance, but she was running away!

Ye Yumei couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, but her movements were not slow. A dozen black ribbons rushed towards Huang Jingyi, trying to intercept her, but she was still a step slower, Huang Jingyi had already escaped hundreds of times in an instant. meters away.

And Xia Xia also hurriedly chased after Huang Jingyi, but he only chased after less than a thousand meters, and he had already returned, because he knew that he would not be able to catch up at all.

"How did you hurt her?" Ye Yumei finally couldn't help but ask when Xia Xia came back. With her ability, she couldn't see how Xia Xia caused Huang Jingyi to vomit blood.

"Oh, it's very simple, I just stabbed her with a silver needle when I met her palms." Xia Tian said lightly.

Ye Yumei looked at Xia Xia, and after ten seconds, she gritted her teeth and said, "You are still so despicable!"

"Hey, how can this be called despicable?" Xia Xia stared at Ye Yumei dissatisfiedly, "That woman uses a flying sword, you use a black ribbon, you can all use weapons, can't I use weapons?"

"You're not a weapon, it's a hidden weapon!" Ye Yumei said coldly.

"I'm a doctor, and the silver needle is my weapon." Xia Xia said confidently.

Ye Yumei opened her mouth and found that she really couldn't refute, but in her heart, she obviously thought that this little bastard was quite despicable. Back then in Hecheng, he used similar despicable means to restrain her, and then he even blasphemed. got her!

"Hey, small waist, let me ask you, you don't want to die, right?" Xia Xia said again at this time.

"Do you want to die?" Ye Yumei asked coldly.

"Of course I don't want to." Summer said quickly.

"You're not dead yet, I don't want to die!" Ye Yumei said through gritted teeth.

"Oh, if I die, are you going to die for me?" Xia Xia looked at Ye Yumei with a surprised look, "I said small waist, this is the first time I know that you actually like me so much, but It's a pity, I don't like you yet, unless you make me beat up, I might like you!"

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