Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1323 Kill those people together

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Ye Yumei gave Xia Xia a cold look, then turned around and ran towards the mountain. Obviously, she didn't want to continue talking nonsense with Xia Xia at all. If it wasn't for her not being Xia Xia's opponent now, she would definitely want to directly kill the little bastard Xia Xia. Tortured for seven days and eight nights, then threw him into Moonfall Lake to drown!

Since there is no way to drown this little bastard, it is still out of sight. Ye Yumei decided to go back to Shenshan and continue to find a way to go back. As long as she can go back to Xianyun Continent, she will have a way to solve her body problems, and then she will come back It's not too late to find this little bastard to settle accounts. As for the people from the Misty Immortal Sect, in her opinion, although she is not the opponent of those people now, it is not too difficult for her to avoid them.

It's a pity that Ye Yumei soon found out that it might not be difficult for her to avoid the people from the Misty Immortal Gate, but it is difficult to avoid the little bastard Xia Xia. No, Xia Xia has blocked her way. .

"Hey, don't say I didn't warn you, I did some tricks on you. If you just leave, you will definitely be dead." Xia Xia didn't continue to do anything to Ye Yumei, just lazily said this.

"You!" Ye Yumei glared at Xia Tian fiercely, "Despicable!"

"As I said just now, I'm not despicable, I just have the same right to use weapons." Xia Xia said with a smile: "I'm a doctor, not only silver needles are my weapons, but everything related to medical skills, They are all my weapons, such as poison or something. Well, I'm not saying that I poisoned you. Of course, I'm not saying that I didn't poison you. I just want to say that as the number one genius doctor in the world, I have a lot of weapons, not just poison."

Ye Yumei looked at Xia Xia coldly. After dozens of seconds, she finally gave up her plan to leave. She believed that it was normal for this little bastard to manipulate her body. How could it be so easy to release her restraint and restore her power?

"Small waist, let's discuss something!" Xia Xia said again.

"Can you change your name?" Ye Yumei gritted her teeth, this damn bastard, what a big steamed bun at first, and what a small waist now, he's just teasing her like a toy!

Xia Tian looked at Ye Yumei in surprise: "Do you think the name "small waist" is not good? I think it suits you very well. Your waist is really thin and thin, and it is very comfortable to hold..."

"Shut up for me!" Ye Yumei finally shouted angrily.

"I actually want to shut up, but I haven't learned ventriloquism, um, the so-called ventriloquism is to speak with my stomach, so, I can only speak with my mouth now, and I can't speak after closing my mouth. , of course I can't shut up." Xia Xia said a lot of nonsense, and then finally turned to the topic, "Okay, I won't call you a small waist, and I will call you a long-legged girl in the future!"

Ye Yumei only felt a sweetness in her throat. She was so angry that she vomited blood from this little bastard Xia Xia. Of course, it wasn't completely angry. The main reason was that the injury in her body was getting worse. Every time she started, it would get worse. Her injury, in this lack of spiritual energy, she could hardly absorb the spiritual energy between heaven and earth to repair the injury, so she could only reluctantly suppress it with skill.

"Long-legged girl, let's discuss the business. Let's kill all those people in the Piaomiao Xianmen together, how about that?" Xia Xia was the real topic this time. Huang Jingyi's strength made him realize that if the misty Xianmen really If there are a lot of people here, it will be difficult for him to kill them. If there is a helper, it will be the best.

"Why don't you just ask Yue Qingya to help you?" Ye Yumei said coldly, "Although this Huang Jingyi is stronger than you, she is not Yue Qingya's opponent at all."

"Hey, do you think I'm stupid?" Xia Xia stared at Ye Yumei dissatisfiedly, "She is the sister-in-law of the fairy sister, and the fairy sister will definitely not kill her, although the fairy sister will definitely not go back with them, but the fairy sister is 80% I will put them back in the Immortal Cloud Continent, and at that time, if there are more powerful people sent over there, even the immortal elder sister can't beat them, what should I do?"

Xia Xia's worries are not superfluous. Sister Shenxian said that although he is a genius, she is also a genius, but they are not very old after all, and they have not cultivated for a long time. In that Xianyun Continent, many have cultivated for hundreds of years and hundreds of years. There are even old monsters that are thousands of years old. These old monsters are quite powerful. He can't be their opponent now. If these old monsters want to come over and rob him of the fairy sister, it will be a big trouble.

In short, in Xia Xia's view, this matter cannot be known by the fairy sister. He will secretly kill all the people who come from the misty fairy gate, and then find the passage that can pass through the two worlds. The passage is completely destroyed, so that no one can come over there, so that no one can take away his fairy sister.

But he also knows that Huang Jingyi alone is not so easy to kill, not to mention listening to what Ye Yumei and Huang Jingyi said before, dozens of people from the misty fairy sect came over this time, and he wanted to kill them all. That is really not an easy task. He needs a helper, a helper who is familiar with Piaomiao Xianmen and has quite good abilities. In this world, there are only two such people, one is the fairy sister, and the other is Yeyu. Mei, and he can't ask the fairy sister for help, so naturally he can only ask Ye Yumei.

"Do you think I'll help you?" Ye Yumei looked at Xia Xia with mocking eyes, this little bastard is really whimsical.

"Of course you will help me." Xia Xia looked very serious, "If you don't help me, you will die. If you help me, you will get a lot of benefits. Although you have big breasts, I feel that You're still pretty smart, you wouldn't do such a stupid thing, would you?"

"You think you will die

Is it really that useful to threaten me? Ye Yumei looked at Xia Xia with cold eyes, "If my death can be exchanged for Yue Qingya to leave you, I would rather die. I believe that once Yue Qingya leaves, your life will be worse than death for the rest of your life." Still uncomfortable! "

"Well, if you weren't a woman, I really think you like Sister Fairy, otherwise why do you hate me so much for chasing Sister Fairy?" Xia Xia was a little depressed, this dead woman was afraid of death a few minutes ago, but now she's not afraid Well, it just doesn't make sense.

But, it doesn't matter, he still has a way. Today, he has to make this woman obedient. Although Sister Shenxian asked him to coax her, now, he has no mood or time to coax this disobedient woman slowly. Sister Fairy, the means that should be used must be used.

Xia Tian took out a bottle from his body and shook it towards Ye Yumei: "Hey, long-legged girl, do you know what kind of medicine this is?"

"Do you want to threaten me with poison?" Ye Yumei said with obvious disdain.

"It's not a poison, it's an aphrodisiac." Xia Xia said solemnly: "By the way, did I tell you that you put a lot of yin fire into the body of the petty wife, and then I absorbed all the yin fire and rushed over. After opening your ban, after that, I used this super aphrodisiac to neutralize those yin fires, uh, do you know what a man will look like if he eats this aphrodisiac?"

"Shameless!" Ye Yumei's eyes were cold and she spat out two colder words.

"Long-legged girl, don't worry, I never take aphrodisiacs. Even if I really want to do something to you, I will definitely not use them." Xia Tian comforted, "Actually, I want to use this aphrodisiac. onto you."

Ye Yumei's eyes spewed fire, but the fire that spewed out instantly turned into ice and turned into ice flames. She seemed to want to use this unique ice flame to burn the summer alive!

\u0026nbs medicine is actually very special. Men will turn into beasts if they eat it. No matter if they are female or not, they may jump on it and mess around. But if women take it, there will be no such trouble. Well, this thing will make people A lot of yang energy is generated in the body, this woman will become a man if she has too much yang energy. Although you have a lot of yin fire in your body, as long as I have enough chun medicine, it will turn you into a man. So difficult. "

Ye Yumei still didn't speak, she knew that Xia Xia was threatening her, but she didn't want to compromise like that.

"Actually, I think it's a bit wasteful. You are such a beautiful woman, and you have become a man. Isn't that a waste of money?" Xia Xia continued: "So, I think, I'd better feed you some chun medicine for women first. , let you be obedient to me, I will eat your big steamed buns every day, hug your small waist, touch your pretty long legs, and then, when it’s almost, I will sell you, Take it to make some money, hey, it’s not easy to make money these days, you are so beautiful, you should be able to make a lot of money, it’s not difficult to pick up dozens of guests in one night…”

"Have you said enough?" Ye Yumei finally couldn't bear it anymore. She finally found out that this little bastard still knew what she was most afraid of. What she was most afraid of was not death, but being tainted by these despicable mortals. For her , that is not only physical damage, but also a kind of mental torture that she can't bear. The arrogance in her bones makes her unable to bear the fact that she is being played with by lowly mortals. Once that kind of thing happens, for her, it will It is better to live than to die!

"Of course I haven't said enough, I haven't finished yet." Xia Xia shook his head, "I think the best way is to feed you a little of both aphrodisiacs, and when I make enough money, I will turn you into a Man, in this way, I won't feel a pity, um, maybe I can find a woman for you..."

"I can help you, but stay away from me in the future, you little bastard!" Ye Yumei finally began to compromise, this little bastard's medical skills made her quite afraid, and she had suffered several losses because of his medical skills. .

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