Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1324 Do things together

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"Long-legged girl, the so-called cooperation, of course, is to do things together, how can I stay away from you? I want to stay away from you, you were killed by them, can't you help me? ?" Xia Xia shook his head, "So, we must continue to stay together, we can only kill them one by one when we are together."

Seeing Ye Yumei looking very angry, Xia Xia said again: "Hey, long-legged girl, I told you before, if you are willing to help me, there will be many benefits, for example, I can first Heal your wounds."

"Are you willing to help me repair the damaged golden core?" Ye Yumei asked back, although her tone was cold, she was obviously a little surprised.

"Well, if you've always been obedient, I'll consider helping you repair the golden core." Xia Xia said with a smile, obviously, he has no plans to help Ye Yumei repair the golden core now, "The injury on your body is not a problem. It’s just that the golden elixir is damaged. In addition to the damage to the golden elixir, you also have some old and new injuries in your internal organs. Well, it seems to be more serious now. In addition, the yin fire in your body has not been completely resolved. Although you sent all the yin fire into the petty wife's body a few months ago, and almost froze her to death, the yin fire in your body is still emerging, which has a great impact on your body, long legs Sister, am I right?"

Ye Yumei didn't admit it, but she didn't deny it. She was acquiescing to what Xia Xia said. In fact, it was useless for her to deny it. With Xia Xia's medical skills and skills, she could indeed clearly check her physical condition.

"I can cure your internal injuries first, uh, if you perform well next, I can then completely solve your Yin fire problem. As for the damage to Jindan, wait until all those people in Misty Immortal Sect are killed. , I can help you repair Jindan." Xia Xia continued to state his conditions.

"You'd better say what you say!" Ye Yumei looked at Xia Xia coldly. What attracted her the most was not to repair the golden core, but to solve the problem of the smoldering fire, because if she returned to Xianyun In the mainland, she can use the rich spiritual energy over there to slowly repair the golden core through cultivation, but the problem of burning her body is something she can't completely solve even if she goes back, unless she really finds a man for double cultivation, but that is The way she hates the most.

"I always say what I say." Xia Xia suddenly shot and grabbed Ye Yumei's arm, "Let's go, let's change places first, and I'll help you heal the internal injuries. Besides, I can't stay here for too long, that Huang Jingyi. Help will come."

Xia Xia took Ye Yumei to fly fast in the opposite direction of Huang Jingyi's escape, and about ten minutes later, he landed on the roof of a building.

It is now around three in the morning, and the roof of this building is naturally very quiet, and no one will disturb it. For summer, this is also a good place for needles.

Xia Xia took out the silver needle and pierced it towards Ye Yumei, but he soon discovered that even though his skill was much higher now, the silver needle still couldn't pierce Ye Yumei's clothes.

"Hey, I said long-legged girl, can you take off your clothes?" Xia Tian was a little dissatisfied, "My silver needle can't go in at all, how can I heal you?"

"Tell me which acupuncture points you need to pierce." Ye Yumei naturally wouldn't take off her clothes. For her, this dress was her last resort.

"Okay." Xia Xia didn't care about this matter. After all, he really wanted to treat Ye Yumei's injuries now, and if she didn't give her any benefit, Ye Yumei wouldn't help him attentively. Moreover, he is now also Ye Yumei needs to be more powerful. Of course, it can't be too powerful. In short, for him, treating Ye Yumei now is actually helping himself.

Xia Xia reported the locations of several acupuncture points, and then he still didn't see what Ye Yumei had done, so he found out that the silver needles could really pierce these acupoints.

While treating Ye Yumei's injuries, Xia Xia thought about a question, does the dead woman's clothes have anything to do with the white robe of the fairy sister? He couldn't take off Sister Shenxian's clothes until now, and Ye Yumei's clothes were quite weird. Although he didn't take it off on purpose, he had a hunch that if he really wanted to take it off, it wouldn't be so. Easy to take off.

The injuries in Ye Yumei's body were actually quite serious, especially some of the injuries were already 20 years old, and they still hurt the internal organs. In addition, there were some messy yin fires and other infuriating qi in her body. Her body is also messed up, so it's really not that easy to cure. Of course, if you directly use the fourth needle against the sky to cut the hair and wash the marrow for her, it will be able to cure all these new and old injuries at once. It's just that Xia Xia didn't want to give Ye Yumei such a big benefit now, so he still used a relatively common way to treat her injuries, which also caused him to take a long time to heal her injuries. Half an hour later, the treatment is still not over.

It wasn't until four o'clock in the morning that Xia Tian put away the silver needle and exhaled: "Okay, long-legged girl, I not only cured your injury, but also temporarily suppressed your yin fire by the way. There is no big problem in other aspects except that Dan has not repaired it yet."

"Are you going to find Huang Jingyi now?" Ye Yumei's tone was still indifferent, but she knew that Xia Xia didn't lie to her. Her current physical condition is the best time since she came here, although she has not recovered from the past. Even if she faces Huang Jingyi alone, she is not without a chance of winning.

"Let's go back to the hotel first, I still have some things in the hotel." Xia Xia thought about it and said, "Well, that Huang Jingyi took you from the hotel. She should have followed us for a while, and now she may also bring Her helper went there to find us!"

"If she can help, I

We'd better stay away, otherwise we're unlikely to kill either of them, even if we're both together. "Although Ye Yumei's tone is still indifferent, she is already seriously discussing with Xia Xia. It is also in her interest to hunt down those people from Piao Miao Xianmen. On the other hand, she also wanted to ask Huang Jingyi where the way back is.

"It's alright, but you can run away." Xia Xia didn't care about it. If he encountered one, he would kill it, and if he encountered two, he would run away. Since Huang Jingyi had acted alone before, there would always be times when he would be alone.


Although it is about four in the morning, the Yueluohu Hotel has not been able to quiet down. In fact, the whole hotel is noisy now. There are many police cars parked at the entrance of the hotel, and even explosion-proof police are stopped outside the hotel. In the hotel, many guests were also making a fuss, but no one seemed to come to appease them in the hotel.

Two hours ago, two rooms here exploded. Surprisingly, there were no occupants in the two rooms that exploded. Instead, a girl was killed in another room next to these two rooms. , And it is said that there is another female guest in that room, but now, this female guest seems to be missing, no one is alive, no dead body, no one knows her life or death now.

Tian Bofeng and all the members of the serious crime team are also here, but they are not responsible for the case here. It is said that the anti-drug team has accepted the case, which makes Tian Bofeng feel very strange, but this is the above order, he There is no way.

Of course, Tian Bofeng didn't leave either. The reason he stayed here was that Xia Xia and Hu Feifei both lived here. This was his responsibility. For this reason, even Tian Hao couldn't say anything. Bo Feng stayed.

Although the anti-drug team claimed that the explosion was related to drugs, and swore that the girl who was killed was just accidentally injured, Tian Bofeng knew very well that this was not accidental injury, and it had nothing to do with drugs. The other party just wanted to kill people. The only thing he is worried about now is that Hu Feifei and Xia Xia are gone, are they also silenced?

Xia Xia didn't know that anyone would worry about his safety. He had just returned to the hotel at this moment. Although the hotel had been bombed, he still quietly returned to his room.

"That Huang Jingyi didn't find a helper to come here to find us, it's really strange, doesn't she have a helper?" Xia Xia said to herself.

"Someone is in the bathroom." Ye Yumei said coldly.

"Oh, I know, it's that Hu Feifei." Xia Xia said lightly, and then yelled at the bathroom, "Hey, come out!"

The door of the bathroom was opened, and a person came out, and it was Hu Feifei.

Hu Feifei didn't seem to be doing anything, but she was quite nervous. Seeing the summer, she seemed to calm down a little.

"What are you doing hiding here?" Xia Tian asked a little strangely.

"Team Xia, I, I came to find you, and found that you were not there, I called you, but found that you didn't have your mobile phone, I dared not go back to my room or go out, I was afraid they would assassinate me, I Seeing that your luggage is still there, I think you should come back, so I hide here and wait for you to come back." Hu Feifei quickly explained why she was here.

"Have you been hiding here since the explosion?" Xia Xia asked again.

"Well, I've been here all the time. Someone called here, but I didn't answer. Fortunately, no one came in, and no one found me here." Hu Feifei nodded.

Xia Xia turned to look at Ye Yumei: "It seems that Huang Jingyi has never been here before, otherwise, she will definitely find out about Hu Feifei, and 80% will arrest her."

"It's normal that she didn't come here. She should have other plans. She won't tell others about our whereabouts so quickly." Ye Yumei said lightly.

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