Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1332 There is no man who is not lewd

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"Sister Ling, who the hell was that summer?" Xiao Mo was a little shy, "I checked his affairs on the Internet and found that he is just a master aa with relatively high medical skills, and his medical skills are so amazing. , I always feel that it is a bit fake, the rumors on the Internet are always exaggerated.*"

"Jianghai City, there is a legendary brother Tian. It is said that no matter whether it is black or white, anyone who sees him must respect him. From high-ranking officials to ordinary people, they all know one thing. Jianghai City, you can offend the governor, but you can't offend Xia Xia." Cheng Ling looked a little strange, "That brother Tian, ​​Xia Xia, he claims to be the best doctor in the world and the best expert in the world. It is said that no one knows his true origin. , I only know that no one dares to provoke him."

"Sister Ling, no matter how famous he is in Jianghai City, it's only Jianghai City. This is Yuenan City. After all, Jianghai City and Yuenan City are hundreds of kilometers apart." There was a hint of worry in Xiao Mo's tone.

"So what?" Cheng Ling smiled lightly, "As soon as he arrived here in the summer, he did something that shocked Yuenan City. Not only did he find a team of special forces to surround the Yueluohu Hotel, but he also found hundreds of national security forces. The agents are investigating, and among the people under investigation, there are actually dozens of police officers from Yuenan City, do you think anyone would dare to do this even in Yuenan City?"

"However, as the saying goes, a strong dragon does not overwhelm the ground. In Yuenan City, no one dares to offend the old man." Xiao Mo was obviously still a little worried.

"No, I'm sure, that old bastard doesn't dare to provoke Xia Xia." Cheng Ling showed a look of hatred on her face, "Because, yesterday, when I mentioned the name Xia Xia, that old bastard, no matter what happened The old beast who behaves very calmly in everything has fear in his eyes! It was the first time I saw a look of fear in his eyes. Although it was only fleeting, I observed it almost every day. He, I will never misunderstand him!"

"Ah? The old man is also afraid of summer?" Xiao Mo exclaimed.

"Many people are afraid of summer. The provincial department learned that summer was going to come here to deal with a series of homicide cases, so he sent the beautiful nephew of Deputy Director Hu, and seemed eager to send that beautiful police officer to Xiaang. Cheng Ling had a mocking look on her face. "Unfortunately, I heard that in Jianghai City in the summer, there is an outrageously beautiful nv police officer. Although Hu Feifei is beautiful, compared to the police a in Jianghai City, she is not as good as her." It's a big difference, and more importantly, Xia Xia also has a beautiful nv person around him, the so-called beauty trick seems to have no effect on him at all."

"That summer was really lecherous. I heard that Zhao Yuji, An Keke, and that demon Mengmeng are all closely related to Xia." Xiao Mo echoed.

"How can there be a man who is not lustful in this world? If he is not good at nv, he will also be masculine." Cheng Ling said lightly: "Beauty is a kind of capital and a disaster. You and I both have this point. It is clear that to some men, we are just beautiful playthings after all, and if we don't want to be playthings, we can only do the other way around and we treat them as playthings."

Xiao Mo's face darkened slightly, and she didn't speak for a long time, obviously thinking of the unbearable past.

The phone rang suddenly.

Cheng Ling answered the phone, and after a while, she said, "I see."

After hanging up the phone, Cheng Ling's expression turned gloomy.

"Sister Ling, what happened?" Xiao Mo felt that something was wrong and could not help but ask softly.

"Those special forces have all gone, and Guoan's agents have basically all gone. Summer seems to have given up on this case." Cheng Ling said in a low voice.

"But, Sister Ling, aren't you worried that he will find out about you?" Xiao Mo asked strangely.

"I'm worried that he will find me. After all, Shen Yun was killed by me. If he finds me, 80% of me won't survive." Cheng Ling said slowly: "But, I need him to deal with that. The old beast puts pressure on him. If he is still investigating this case, the old beast will have some scruples. It is easy for me to deal with the old beast. But if I don’t investigate this case in the summer, then I have to deal with the old beast even more. Difficult."

Xiaomo didn't know what to say. For a while, the two of them fell silent, quietly looking at the lake, not knowing what they were thinking.

After an unknown amount of time, Cheng Ling's cell phone rang again.

A few minutes later, after hanging up the phone, a bright smile appeared on Cheng Ling's pretty face.

"Sister Ling, is there any good news?" Xiao Mo couldn't help asking.

"The case is still under investigation, do you know who called me?" Cheng Ling smiled happily, "It was Tian Bofeng from the serious crime team, the ** who was in charge of investigating the murder of my husband. Now, he is investigating hundreds of Building a, moreover, is cooperating with Guoan, that is, cooperating with Xia Xia."

After a pause, Cheng Ling added: "He has always sympathized with my experience."


The Yueluohu Hotel has finally returned to normal. At least, it seems to have returned to normal on the surface. Most of the guests and ** were able to leave the hotel, while a few were taken away by Guoan, and some were brought by Hu Hongguang. The police took them away, and Song Guangzhen's Black Panther Special Forces also received an order to leave. However, the cordon outside the hotel has not been withdrawn, and the hotel is naturally impossible to open for business. In fact, this hotel is about to seized.

Xia Tian hypnotized Tian Bofeng very simply. Tian Bofeng really knew a lot about the Baia Building, because he investigated a murder case that year, a murder case related to the Baia Building, he investigated very deeply, although

The case did not end, but it allowed him to find out a lot of hidden things.

Xia Xia didn't ask him personally. After all, the most important thing for him was the Misty Immortals. He just asked Tian Bofeng to cooperate with Guoan. As for when the Guoan people could find the murderer, it would depend on the Guoan people. ability.

It's just like this, it's time to change the hotel in the summer. Although he originally wanted to wait here for that Huang Jingyi to send en, but since Huang Jingyi didn't come, it seems that there is no need to wait any longer. He still prefers to be proactive.

Now he only hopes that those people in Guoan can find Huang Jingyi's whereabouts as soon as possible.

"Sister Changti, where do you want to live?" Xia Xia stood at the entrance of the Yueluohu Hotel with a small travel bag. He didn't know where to go for a while. There was no way, he was still completely unfamiliar with this place.

Of course, he didn't expect Ye Yumei to really tell him to live there. In his opinion, Ye Yumei was just like him, and he was not familiar with this place. Besides, he knew better that Ye Yumei basically ignored him. of.

To Xia's surprise, Ye Yumei actually answered him this time, even though it was only two words: "Sacred Mountain."

"There doesn't seem to be a hotel where you can stay in Kamiyama, right?" Xia Xia thought about it and said.

"I'm going to look there again." Ye Yumei said coldly.

Of course, Xia Xia understood what she meant, not to find a hotel, but obviously to find a way to get back to Xianyun Continent.

"Okay, then let's go find it." Xia Xia didn't reject the proposal. He also wanted to find that place. If he didn't find that place, how could he destroy it?

"Team Leader Xia, wait!" Just as Xia Xia and Ye Yumei were about to leave, a beautiful police officer ran out of it. It was none other than Hu Feifei.

"What's the matter?" Although Xia Xia didn't have a special fondness for Hu Feifei, his impression was not bad. In addition, he knew that she had an indirect relationship with Hu Tu, so he was not bad for Hu Feifei.

"Group Leader Xia, my uncle said that there are no good hotels nearby, but he has a friend who has a villa next to Yueluo Lake. No one lives in the villa now. If you don't mind, Leader Xia, you can stay there for a while. God, the conditions there are better than the hotel." Hu Feifei said quickly.

"Oh, that's fine, just stay there." Xia Xia agreed. Anyway, he was about to go to Shenshan. It was naturally the best to live near Yueluo Lake.

"Team Xia, there are no servants in the villa for the time being. My cooking skills are decent. If you don't mind, I can go and cook for you." Hu Feifei hesitated for a while and then said.

"Okay, let's go." Xia Xia agreed again.

"Okay, then Team Leader Xia, wait a moment, I'll have someone pick us up, I don't know the specific place." Hu Feifei became a little excited.

Xia Xian nodded and waited for a few minutes before an Audi car drove over.

About ten minutes later, they came to a villa next to Yueluo Lake. After the driver gave Hu Feifei the car key and the room key, he left quickly. From now on, whether it is the car or the villa , are temporarily used by them in the summer.

This villa is really right next to Yueluo Lake. The villa is big en, facing the mountain. There is no doubt that being able to build a villa in this kind of place is definitely not just as simple as being rich. Hu Hongguang's so-called friend depends on his identity. It's not unusual to come.

"You stay at home first, let's go to Shenshan to play." Xia Xia didn't stay in the villa for long. After saying hello to Hu Feifei, he walked on the water again, and soon disappeared with Ye Yumei. In Hu Feifei's sight.

After a while, Xia Xia and Ye Yumei came to Tianshen Peak again.

"Hey, Sister Changti, did you find anything yesterday? Anyway, I didn't find anything." Xia Xia asked casually, and he even began to doubt, did Sister Shenxian remember the wrong place?

Ye Yumei ignored him and continued to carefully examine every inch of the Tianshen Peak.

"Forget it, you continue to look here, I'll go and look nearby, maybe the exit of the passage is nearby." Xia Xia said casually, then flew down the Tianshen Peak and continued to look for other places in the mountain.

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