Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1333 The world is so close

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Xia Xia ran around the mountain again, using his feet to step on every part of the mountain. However, in the end, he found nothing but a pair of male nv who actually fought here.

Before I knew it, it was already dark, and above the mountain, there was a pair of enemy men.

There was no harvest for several hours, and the summer finally returned to Tianshen Peak.

"Hey, sister Changti, it's getting dark, don't look for it, let's go back." Xia Tian yawned, he seemed a little sleepy, he didn't sleep well last night, and now he's bored, so it's no wonder he's not sleepy.

"Go back if you want!" Ye Yumei said coldly, obviously she had no plans to go back.

"Hey, do you want to stay here for a night?" Xia Xia was a little depressed, "I'm not interested in staying here for a night with you!"

Ye Yumei, however, simply ignored Xia Xia, still carefully not knowing what she was looking for.

"Sister Changti, have you checked this place hundreds of times at least?" Xia Tian couldn't help asking.

"Can you shut up?" Ye Yumei was a little irritable and scolded.

"Hey, if you don't leave, I'm leaving!" Xia Xia really didn't want to stay here.

"You'd better go far and never come back!" Ye Yumei said angrily.

"I really don't know what to do, if I wasn't worried that you would be killed by the misty fairy, I would be too lazy to care about you." Xia Xia was a little dissatisfied, "Forget it, since you have to stay here, then you will stay here for the night. Well, I'll go back first."

Xia Xia left as soon as he said this, and after saying this, he flew down from Tianshen Peak and flew towards the villa on the other side of Yueluo Lake.


Ye Yumei stood proudly on the Tianshen Peak, looking into the distance, her eyes were no longer so cold, but a little distant.

After Xia Xia left, she did not continue to look for the exit of the magic circle. She always believed that what brought her to this world back then was a powerful immortal magic circle, a magic circle that she and Yue Qingya had no intention of. The magic circle that is alive in Zhongji, and one of the exits of the magic circle should be in the sacred mountain, but she has not found any trace of the magic circle until now.

Ye Yumei found that she liked the place of Shenshan very much. After she came to this world, she didn't really like much. Qingfeng Mountain was barely half, and here, although she just came here, she found that she Ting likes it here, because, standing here, feeling everything around her, she seems to have returned to that world, the world called Immortal Cloud Continent.

Although the spiritual energy of Shenshan is not as strong as Qingfeng Mountain, it is stronger than the spiritual energy of most places in this world. There are dozens of small peaks here, as well as the Yueluo Lake surrounding Shenshan, which makes Ye Yumei have a lot of energy. A rather familiar feeling, she found the feeling of Xianyun Continent here, standing on this mountain, she seemed to be standing on a certain mountain in Xianyun Continent.

"This world doesn't belong to me after all." Ye Yumei looked up at the sky, the bright moon was in the sky tonight, when her mood seemed to be much better unconsciously, the bright moon seemed to be the same as the bright moon in the sky of Xianyun Continent , is exactly the same, which gave her an illusion that she had returned to the Immortal Cloud Continent, or, in fact, she had never left the Immortal Cloud Continent for 20 years?

Sometimes, Ye Yumei would always unconsciously wonder, could this world actually belong to the Xianyun Continent? You must know that Xianyun Continent is vast, maybe this is a certain corner of Xianyun Continent, a corner that she has never been to.

However, when she knew that this world is actually just a small planet in the starry sky, this world called the earth, almost all areas have been explored, she began to know that this is not a certain part of Xianyun Continent. A corner, this is just a corner of the boundless starry sky at most, and Xianyun Continent, perhaps at the other end of the starry sky, a place that is extremely far away from here.

However, she still couldn't understand why a certain magic circle in Xianyun Continent would send her and Yue Qingya to this place? Could it be that a certain senior cultivator from Xianyun Continent has come to this world before? Or, is there actually some kind of close connection between the two worlds that she doesn't know about?

She always wanted to go back, not because of the old lover that the little uncle said, but the main reason is loneliness.

Yes, lonely, in this world, she feels very lonely, there are no immortal practitioners here, there is no way to practice here, there is no opponent here, there is almost nothing here, she must go back, she must go back to the Immortal Cloud Continent, only there, She felt that her life was more meaningful.

"I'm going back, will she be lonely?" Ye Yumei's mind, the figure of a white-robed girl appeared. Although she didn't want to admit it, she knew that, in fact, that white-robed girl was still her biggest concern in this life. .

Ye Yumei stood so quietly on the Tianshen Peak, her peerless demeanor was enough to overshadow the bright moon in the sky, but unfortunately, no one can appreciate this scene now.

I don't know how long it took, a warning sign suddenly woke Ye Yumei from this dream-like state. She turned around abruptly, and her face changed slightly. In the sky not far away, a white shadow came quietly, and in an instant When I came to Tianshen Peak, I landed on a place less than ten meters away from Ye Yumei.

This is not Huang Jingyi from the misty fairy, but a man who looks less than 30 years old, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, long body and extraordinary temperament, and he exudes a powerful aura, slightly The mountain wind seems to stop flowing at this moment, at this moment, Ye Yumei

Suddenly she felt that everything around her seemed to have stagnated. This handsome man made her feel a great pressure.

"Ye Yumei?" There was obvious surprise in the tone of the man in white, "Are you still alive?"

"Twenty years ago, Piao Miao Xian didn't seem to have a character like you." Ye Yumei replied coldly, and what she said was true. Twenty years ago, Piao Miao Xian was a well-known disciple. Yes, but she doesn't know Huang Jingyi before, nor does she know the handsome man now. It can be seen that both Huang Jingyi and this man are outstanding disciples of immortals who have risen in the past 20 years.

"Twenty years ago, I just joined Piaomiao Xianen not long ago. At that time, I was only eight years old." The man in white has apparently calmed down, his tone has turned dull, "I once met Senior Sister Yue Qingya, her peerless demeanor made me I'm ashamed, when I was shocked to hear the news of Senior Sister Yue's disappearance, I swore that I would find her no matter the ends of the earth, the poor and the poor fell to the Yellow Springs!"

The voice of the man in white gradually turned cold: "Yu Yumei, I'm just asking you now, Senior Sister Yue, are you still alive?"

"Of course she lives, and she lives better than you." Ye Yumei said coldly.

"Very good, tell me, where is Senior Sister Yue?" The man in white looked at Ye Yumei coldly, "As long as I can find Senior Sister Yue, I can let you go!"

"Tell me where the entrance to Xianyun Continent is, and I'll tell you where Yue Qingya is!" Ye Yumei's tone was still indifferent, although she knew that the man in white was stronger than she is now, but she was not afraid, she was sure , he still has enough ability to escape.

"Ye Yumei, you are not qualified to negotiate terms with me!" The man in white snorted coldly, "You only have two choices, to be honest, or die!"

As soon as the word "death" came out, the man in white began to act. He raised his hand slightly and flipped his wrist seemingly casually, and a majestic momentum rushed towards Ye Yumei.

Ye Yumei hurried back, but the black ribbon came out at the same time, her face was a little unsightly, this man in white was obviously stronger than Huang Jingyi, at least he was in the late stage of Jindan, and 20 years later. The strength of her before was not much different. Even 20 years ago, she might not have been able to defeat this white clothed man so easily, and now, 20 years later, she has no such possibility.

This discovery made Ye Yumei take a very straightforward approach, that is, run!

Since there is absolutely no possibility of defeating the opponent, why waste time? Although Ye Yumei's wounds in her body have healed, she doesn't want to waste time and energy in a battle that she can't win at all. Therefore, although her black ribbon is still lusting over the man in white, her body is still in the dark. , but was already rapidly moving away from the Heavenly God Peak!

"Want to run?" The man in white sneered. He ignored Ye Yumei's black ribbon and took a step forward.

Although it seemed that he had only taken one step, at this step, he suddenly appeared less than three feet away from Ye Yumei, and suddenly slapped her with a palm.

"Damn, so close to the horizon!" Ye Yumei scolded inwardly, this man in white actually practiced the strange so close to the horizon footwork, and he caught up with her in an instant, making her unable to escape at all.

Ye Yumei had to face the enemy head-on. The time was short, and she had no chance to dodge. The gap in skills was too large, and she couldn't make up for it with Jing's wonderful tricks. More importantly, in terms of footwork, the opponent's distance was so close The law is even more wonderful!

Ye Yumei, who was still confident that she could escape just now, suddenly found with some sadness that she had only one way left to fight. The dozens of black ribbons on her body suddenly danced without wind, and half of them danced irregularly around her body. , but the other half quickly wound into a black cocoon, wrapping her body in the cocoon.

The man in white sneered, his palms trembled slightly, he staggered the black ribbons that danced irregularly, and then slapped the black cocoon with a heavy palm!

At this moment, from the black cocoon, a palm that was as crystal clear as yu suddenly appeared like lightning, and slapped the mouth of the man in white like lightning. Turn around and go back to the back of the man in white!

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound, and at the same time, it was accompanied by a muffled hum, "Oh!"

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