Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1348 Can't you be more optimistic?

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"It doesn't matter, you and Sister Shenxian can't beat me, I can beat him." Xia Xia was full of confidence, "Isn't it the Yuan Ying period? Give me some time, and I can be more powerful than him."

"You think it's easy, but who will give you time?" Ye yù's tone was full of irony.

"Didn't you give me time back then?" Xia Xia didn't care, "When I create a few more Nascent Soul masters, I can kill Han Mingfei."

"It's easy to say!" Ye Yumei snorted coldly.

"It's very easy in the first place. When I learn the sixth needle against the sky and create a master, it will not only be cultivated in the Yuan Ying period." Xia Xia looked at Ye Yumei with a bit of dissatisfaction, "You can't be more optimistic, sister Chang Tui. ?"

"Let's talk about this when you learn the sixth needle against the sky!" Ye Yumei said angrily.

Xia Xia was depressed for a while, Ye yù Mei's words were right on his death xùe, his current skill is not enough, and there is still a long way to go before he can perform the sixth needle against the sky.

But even though the ice and fire aura in his body is automatically growing every day, the growth rate is very slow. If it grows at a normal rate, it will take at least several decades. The speed increased several times, not to mention decades, but also several years. As the so-called far-flung thirst cannot be quenched, this kind of speed is far from being able to solve his immediate urgent needs.

In fact, now that he wants to increase his skill, the fastest way is to use the fourth needle against the sky and the fifth needle against the sky. Although the fourth needle against the sky can increase a lot of skills, for him now, using the fourth needle against the sky and the fifth needle The increase in skill at one time is actually very limited. If you really want to use the fourth needle against the sky to increase his skills to be able to perform the sixth needle, then it is estimated that at least hundreds of needles will be applied, but the problem is, He doesn't have so many wives, and he can't find so many wives all at once. Of course, it's not that he has never thought about washing the marrow of people who are not wives, but even so, he can't just find a passerby to wash the marrow. ?

In the summer plan, he actually only needs to perform the fifth needle against the sky on all wives. The increased skill should be enough for him to perform the sixth needle. The only problem with this plan is that he has some wives. He is relatively lazy, he doesn't practice much, and his body is not strong enough to withstand the powerful effects of the fifth needle against the sky. That is to say, he can't use the fifth needle against the sky for so many wives all at once. This also means However, it will definitely take some time for him to display the sixth needle against the sky.

"Sister Long Tui, that Han Mingfei likes you very much at first glance, why don't you use the beauty trick?" Xia Xia suddenly said.

"Why don't you let Yue Qingya use the beauty trick?" Ye Yumei looked at Xia Xia coldly.

"Sister Shenxian is my wife, of course I won't let my wife use the beauty trick." Xia Xia is righteous, "You are not my wife, it doesn't matter if you use the beauty trick, of course, if you want to be me now Wife, I won't let you use beauty tricks."

Before hearing Ye Yumei's answer, Xia Tian suddenly saw a few shadows appear in his line of sight, and couldn't help but snorted: "No way? They actually returned to Old Man Ding's villa!"

"The three of them have merged together." Ye yùmei clearly saw it too, "It will only be more difficult to defeat them now."

"Sister Chang Tui, I'm seriously discussing it with you now, why don't we really use a beauty trick?" Xia Xia looked at Ye Yumei seriously, "You go and lead Han Mingfei out, I'll go and get Huang Jingyi and Baiyun out. The mountain is gone."

"Do you think Han Mingfei is an idiot?" Ye yù snorted coldly, stepped out one step, and flew not far away, of course, not to the villa of the old man Lilac, but to another villa by the lakeside of Yueluo Lake. , which is her and Xia's temporary residence.

Seeing Ye Mei's uncooperative, Xia Xia was a little disappointed, but there was nothing he could do. He made a phone call and asked Guoan to continue to monitor the situation of the villa from a distance. After that, he also returned to his residence. It seemed that he had to deal with Misty. Those people from Xian Mén still have to take it slow, and want to solve them all at once, some of them are unlikely.


When they returned to the villa in the summer, Liu Yunying and others had just returned, and the villa was quite lively now, because Liu Yunying had brought Shen Feng and his parents over as well.

Shen Feng and his parents naturally have a lot of feelings for Xia Xia, but Xia Xia is not in the mood to accept their feelings, so their feelings are accepted by Liu Yunying, and now Liu Yunying has almost become this. Half the owner of the villa helped the three Shen family arrange accommodation, and then went to prepare dinner with Hu Feifei.

Ye yù Mei has always been the least gregarious one. As soon as she came back, she went into the upstairs bedroom. Until now, apart from Xia, no one else in the villa knew Ye Yù Mei's name, and Xia Xian He was obviously not gregarious tonight, so he also went upstairs to the bedroom and began to think hard, how can he kill Han Mingfei?

However, Xia Tian thought that he didn't eat dinner, and he still hadn't come up with a really feasible solution. After thinking about it, he found that other methods were not reliable. In the final analysis, he had to make himself stronger and more reliable.

And to quickly improve his strength, the only way is to use the fifth shot against the sky. However, his wives are not around now, so most of the wives may not be able to use the fifth shot against the sky now.


"It's definitely possible for a cheapskate wife. Speaking of which, her fire problem has not been completely solved. It's time to find her." Xia Xia thought of Ning Jie, who has been practicing for a long time. In fact, a few months ago, she His body is basically suitable for performing the fifth needle against the sky, but she and Xia Xia haven't seen each other for a long time, and she has been staying at Wanggang, so Xia Xia has not given him needles.

"Wier's wife has good qualifications. She is a killer. She should be very diligent in practice, and she should be able to do it. The blond wife has always been obedient and practiced very carefully, but the last time I saw her, there seemed to be a little gap. I don't know how it is now. It's over..." Xia Xia thought in his heart, and then found that it seemed that the best way for him now was to meet every wife, and to see who's skill was higher, he would first cast the fifth needle against the sky for them. .

However, this is still not safe. If there are only one or two of them who can give him acupuncture, even though it can increase his skill a lot, it is obviously impossible to defeat Han Mingfei.

"It's better to use a more secure method." Xia Xia continued to think, and in the end he still felt that he could only use the help of yào objects.

When he was in Jianghai City a few days ago, he found that Qiao Xiaoqiao had hardly practiced, so he had already started to think about this problem, using medicine and his medical skills to improve Qiao Xiaoqiao's skills, although after the golden elixir period, the general medicine The effect on improving the power is limited, but before the Jindan stage, using the yào object and his silver needle at the same time can still increase the power relatively quickly. At that time, he didn't plan to do it right away, but now it seems that he It's time to start preparing.

Xia Xia's plan is also very clear, that is to first make some pills that can increase the power, and then give it to his wives who are not strong enough. After increasing their power, he will give them the fifth needle to increase their power. At the same time, his skill can also increase rapidly. He believes that when his wife becomes a master of Jindan period, he can also perform the sixth needle against the sky.

The six-needle god, the seven-needle fairy, the eight-needle reversing the sky, and the sixth-needle reversing the sky, the masters created are not only in the Yuan Ying period!

To refine yào, one must need yào materials. This time, he will not go to the yào store to buy it in the summer, because the yào materials needed this time may not be available in ordinary yào stores, so he called Ye Mengying. , Now the genius doctor group has a lot of yào materials in reserve, even if there is no reserve, it is easier for the genius doctor group to come forward to buy it, and the amount needed in summer is also a lot, so he still decided to let Ye Mengying do it, otherwise, he will Traveling all over Yuenan City, I'm afraid I can't afford the yào materials I need.

After finishing the call with Ye Mengying, Xia Xia called Ning Jie again. After thinking about it, he felt that it would be better to stare at the misty fairy mén in Yuenan City, and Ning Jie was the only one who he was sure of. The wife who performed the fifth needle against the sky, so he wanted Ning Jie to come here.

"Stingy wife, are you still in Hong Kong?" Xia Xia asked when the phone was connected.

"Well, yes, but I'm planning to visit Hong Kong tomorrow." Ning Jie replied softly.

"Stingy wife, come to Yuenan City, I have something to look for you." Xia Kai mén said straight to the point.

"Yuenan City?" Ning Jie was stunned for a moment, "Is there a big lake called Yueluo Lake, and there is a small island called Shenshan in the lake? Husband, are you there now?"

"Well, I'm right next to Yueluo Lake, come over as soon as possible, there are important things." Xia Xia quickly said.

"Okay, husband, I'll come over as soon as possible." Ning Jie didn't ask anything, she knew that since Xia Xia was in such a hurry, there must be something urgent.

Ning Jie quickly hung up the phone, and Xia Xia didn't call again. He fell on the bed and began to rest. There were more and more enemies. However, no matter how many enemies there were or how powerful they were, he would definitely protect him. Fairy sister, definitely!


All night.

The next morning, Xia Xian didn't wake up until after nine o'clock, but when he went downstairs, he found that there was another stranger in the villa, a middle-aged man in his forties. This middle-aged man had an ordinary appearance, but But it gives a feeling of vicissitudes.

"Who is he?" Xia Tian glanced at Liu Yunying and asked casually.

"Brother-in-law, he is a reporter who came to interview Brother Feng." Liu Yunying explained quickly.

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