Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1349 A reporter called justice

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"Reporter?" Xia Xia glanced at the middle-aged man. "I don't like reporters. Not long ago, there was an idiot reporter who wanted to blackmail my wife. I still remember that idiot's name is Zhang Xin. I don't know if he is dead."

"It's Zhang Xin from World Business News, right?" The middle-aged man didn't get angry because of Xia Xia's words, but smiled at Xia Xia and nodded in greeting, "Shenzhen Xia, there are quite a few reporters among the reporters. Scum, but there are also many good reporters, my surname is Zhang Zhengyi, and I am sure that I am a good reporter."

"You seem to know me?" Xia Xia looked at Zhang Zhengyi. This guy even called justice, and he didn't know if it was true justice. Of course, justice was not important to him, the important thing was whether to trouble him or not. As long as you don't trouble him, it doesn't matter if he is just or not.

"To be honest with Xia Shenyi, I was investigating Shenyi Group a while ago. In fact, I also wrote a report about Shenyi Group, which was to refute Zhang Xin's report, but it seems Shenyi Xia should not know about it." Zhang Zhengyi replied.

Xia Tian was a little surprised: "Oh, so you helped me a while ago?"

"Shenyi Xia, I'm not helping you, I'm just a good reporter doing what I need to do." Zhang Zhengyi shook his head, "Your group of doctors has benefited countless people, and I can't let some unscrupulous reporters destroy them."

"Don't worry, no one can destroy my genius doctor group." Xia Xia yawned, "For the sake of your helping me, I won't throw you out, you can continue interviewing him, I'll go out to eat breakfast."

"Brother-in-law, let me buy you breakfast." Liu Yunying said quickly.

"No, I'll go faster by myself." After Xia Xia said this, he disappeared into the living room.

Half an hour later, Xia Xia returned to the villa with another bag of steamed buns in his hand, and went upstairs to knock Ye Mei's room mén.

"What are you doing?" Ye yù opened her mén charmingly, her tone still cold.

"The steamed buns I bought for you." Xia Tian handed the bag of steamed buns to Ye Yùmei.

Ye Yumei took it, but gave Xia Xia a stern look, and then closed the room again.

Although he didn't get Ye yùmei's thanks, Xia Xia didn't care. He went back downstairs, sat on the sofa, looked at the time, and muttered to himself, when will the cheapskate wife arrive today?

Liu Yunying murmured to herself, it turns out that my brother-in-law has not dealt with that beautiful nv person, no wonder the two of them look weird.

Zhang Zhengyi hasn't left yet. He is still asking Shen Feng some questions in a low voice. However, although the things Zhang Zhengyi asked are all related to Shen Yun, Shen Feng almost doesn't know anything, because what Shen Feng knows , is really too little.

"Shen Feng, before your sister died, did you mention a place called Baihua Building?" Zhang Zhengyi asked again at this time.

Shen Feng naturally shook his head again, he didn't know anything, and the police basically didn't tell him anything.

"Do you know Baihua Building?" Xia Xia asked in surprise. Zhang Zhengyi seemed to know a lot of things. He was indeed a reporter.

"Shenyi Xia, have you heard of Baihua Building?" Zhang Zhengyi was a little surprised, "Could it be that Shen Yun's death is really related to Baihua Building?"

"Yeah, Shen Yun was caught by the Baihua Building." Xia Xia nodded, "But the guy in charge in the Baihua Building, what is the name of Jun Shao's idiot, I heard that he ran away, or I would definitely have to kill him. he."

Zhang Zhengyi hesitated for a moment, then looked around: "Shenyi Xia, did the police tell you that?"

"Almost." Xia Xia didn't pay much attention to this matter. Anyway, it was mainly those from Guoan who were investigating.

"Shen Doctor Xia, according to the information I got, in fact, that Young Master Jun did not escape, but was silenced." Zhang Zhengyi said in a low voice.

"Dead?" Xia Xia was a little surprised.

"Yes, dead, and, in fact, the real principal of Baihua Building is not that young master. There are many people behind him. He is just a family member on the table." Zhang Zhengyi continued. .

"You seem to know a lot of things." Xia Xia looked at Zhang Zhengyi with a strange look, "You don't know as much as you are."

"Shenyi Xia, I dare to say that even if I am a member of Baihua Building, I may not know about this organization." Zhang Zhengyi gritted his teeth, "I started investigating this Baihua Building eight years ago, and I dare to say that , In terms of investigation ability, I am stronger than most **!"

"Ah?" Liu Yunying next to her couldn't help but exclaimed, "No way? You knew about that organization eight years ago?"

"Eight years ago, Baihualou just appeared in Yuenan City. At that time, a young nv was humiliated. When I was investigating, I discovered this organization for the first time. At that time, I found that this organization is quite evil, but its internal The management is quite perfect. I mentioned it to the police here, but no one cared, because I didn't have enough evidence, so I had to let it go." Zhang Zhengyi said in a low voice, "But for eight years, I have been secretly investigating. , I found that this organization is also growing continuously. Over the years, the bad things it has done are even more uncountable. I also found that people from the local police and the government department were involved in it. I have reported anonymously many times, but all of them are like nothing. , there was no response, and in desperation, I had to investigate secretly and collect evidence."

Speaking of this, Zhang Zhengyi paused: "Shen Xia

Doctor, to tell you the truth, I came here today, in fact, not mainly to find Shen Feng, but to see you. "

"No?" Liu Yunying was very surprised, "Reporter Zhang, aren't you here to interview Brother Feng? How did you come to see my brother-in-law?"

"A while ago, I wrote a report on Shenyi Group, so I learned a lot about Shenyi Xia. I learned Shenyi Xia was here, and it had something to do with Shen Yun's case, so I hope Shenyi Xia can solve this problem. Hua Lou, it's just that I am not familiar with Xia Shenyi, so I don't know how to speak, and Shen Feng posted a Weibo on the Internet yesterday, I want to get to know Shen Feng first, and then find a chance to meet Xia Shenyi. "Zhang Zhengyi didn't hide it, and told the cause and effect truthfully, "It's just that I didn't expect that it would be so easy to see the genius doctor Xia."

Speaking of this, Zhang Zhengyi suddenly stood up and bowed deeply to Xia Xia: "Xia Shenyi, you once eliminated violence in Jianghai City, and I implore you to help Yuenan City to get rid of this evil Baihualou!"

Xia Tian was a little dazed for a while, he turned to look at Liu Yunying: "Have I ever eliminated violence and peace?"

"That, brother-in-law, you got rid of a lot of bad people." Liu Yunying said solemnly, but she was also a little weird in her heart. This brother-in-law is obviously the biggest violent person in Jianghai City!

"So, haven't I become a good person? No, I should be the biggest rogue." Xia Xia said a little depressed.

Liu Yunying took it carefully: "Actually, brother-in-law, you are also the biggest rogue."

"It's more or less the same." Xia Xia was finally no longer depressed, he didn't want to be a good person.

Seeing that Zhang Zhengyi was still bowing there, Xia Xia said again: "Hey, although I don't like to eliminate violence and Anliang, but that Baihua Building makes me very embarrassed, I will definitely kill them, ^ Since you know many things about Baihua Building , then you go tell those *** people, they are helping me investigate."

"Divine Doctor Xia, don't you take care of this matter yourself?" Zhang Zhengyi asked after a little hesitation.

"I have more important things to do, and I don't have time to take care of it." Xia Xia said lazily: "Oh, yes, if you know who the real person in charge of the Baihua Building is, you can also tell me, I can kill him in the air."

"Xia Shenyi, I haven't found the real behind-the-scenes manager yet, but I'll find out soon." Zhang Zhengyi's eyes flashed with excitement, "If I find out, I'll tell you the name!"

"Okay, no problem." Xia Xia readily agreed, and then told Zhang Zhengyi his phone number, "Call me then!"

"Thank you Doctor Xia, I'll investigate now!" Zhang Zhengyi took down the phone, then got up and left. As for the interview with Shen Feng, he had obviously given up. After all, that wasn't his real purpose.

Fortunately, Shen Feng doesn't mind this. He just wants to find justice for his sister. If Zhang Zhengyi can find out the real murderer behind the scenes and let Xia Xia deal with it, that would be the greatest comfort to her sister.

Zhang Zhengyi walked out of the villa, got into a car, and made a phone call: "Miss Cheng, can we meet at noon?"


In the summer in the villa, I also received a call at this time, but it was Ning Jie who called.

"Husband, I got off the plane, where are you? I'm about to take a taxi." Ning Jie was obviously on the earliest flight of the day.

Xia Xia wanted to pick up Ning Jie, but he didn't know where the airport was, so he decided to wait for her at home. After he told Ning Jie the address of the villa, he began to wait for her at home.

"Brother-in-law, which wife of yours is coming?" Liu Yunying couldn't help asking when Xia Xia hung up the phone.

Hu Feifei and Shen Feng next to them felt so weird when they heard this. This Liu Yunying called Xia Xia's brother-in-law while asking who Xia Xia's wife was. According to common sense, isn't Xia Xia's wife Liu Yunying's sister?

"You'll find out later." Xia Tian just said casually.

After half an hour.

Ning Jie, who was carrying a small suitcase, appeared in front of Xia Xia. He had not seen her for a few months. Ning Jie had obviously become much more mature. The long tui was still straight, and the curve was more elegant and elegant, which was enough to make Liu Yunying and Liu Yunying present. Hu Feifei felt ashamed of herself.

Xia Xia was a little stunned, but not because Ning Jie seemed to be more beautiful, but because Ning Jie didn't come alone, and there was another person with her, a beauty who was not inferior to her. nv!

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