Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1350 Another Foreign Girl Came Here

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Xia Tian always thought that Ning Jie came alone, but she didn't expect that she actually brought someone, and she was a real beauty, a foreign beauty with beautiful brown hair and sapphire blue eyes.

But what this foreign beauty nv has is not just beautiful hair and beautiful eyes.

Mei Nv is very tall, much taller than Ning Jie. Her height is nearly 180 cm. Among the Mei Nv that Xia knew, only Ye Yù Mei was almost as tall as this Mei Nv.

Of course, this foreign beauty is far from being as plump as Ye Yumei. In fact, this beauty's body is relatively slender and thin, and her waist is comparable to Ye Yumei's, but her waist can really be used in a small size. To describe it with steamed buns, let alone Ye Yumei, even compared with Ning Jie, there is a big gap.

But even so, her figure still gives people a very seductive feeling, and she will never make people think that she is a thin bamboo pole. In fact, her slender pair of long tui is also quite yòu, and she can almost follow Ye yù Mei is comparable to Ye yù mei, but although her appearance is beautiful and has a different style of foreign beauty, she also seems to be a bloody beauty, but compared with Ye yù mei, there is still some gap, which is normal, After all, a demon at this level of Ye Yumei should not belong to this world at all.

"Husband!" Xia Xia was still in a daze, Ning Jie had already rushed into his arms, pressing her increasingly plump body against his.

Xia Xia hugged Ning Jie, but couldn't help but look at the foreign beauty and asked, "Stingy wife, who is she? Could it be your assistant?"

"No, she's my friend." Ning Jie smiled sweetly, "Her name is Caroline, Brazilian, a model, we met in Hong Kong, she wants me to help her design some clothes with Chinese elements, last night When you called me, we were actually talking together."

Speaking of which, Ning Jie turned her head to look at the Brazilian model named Caroline, and said a few words that Xia couldn't understand, and that Caroline also said a few words, and then smiled at Xia Xia.

"Husband, she said hello to you, but she doesn't understand Chinese. She said that she watched a documentary about China a while ago and suddenly became very interested in China. Last night, she heard that I was coming here, so she proposed Come with me, I want to see Yueluo Lake and Shenshan, so I agree." Ning Jie quickly explained to Xia Xia.

"Don't understand Chinese?" Xia Xia suddenly lost interest. It was really hard to talk to someone who didn't understand Chinese. When he was talking with Princess Sama, he had experienced this hardship. Fortunately, The princess' wife is smart, and now she is quite fluent in Chinese.

"Husband, is there any room available? Caroline is a little tired. I'll let her rest first." Ning Jie asked again.

"Yes, there are!" Liu Yunying chatted next to her, "I'll help you clean up your room!"

"Okay, thank you." Ning Jie smiled at Liu Yunying.

A few nv people quickly went upstairs to clean up the room. In the summer, they sat on the sofa in the living room and waited bored. After another ten minutes, Ning Jie walked down again.

"Husband, you asked me to come over, what's the urgency?" Ning Jie sat down beside Xia Xia and asked softly.

"You haven't added a lot of yin in your body recently, have you?" Xia Xia asked back.

"Fortunately, there is a little bit, but it doesn't have a big impact." Ning Jie replied.

"I will help you solve this problem of Yin fire completely. In addition, I will give you the fifth needle against the sky, so that you can break through the golden core stage and become a real immortal cultivator." Xia Xia quickly said, but he didn't Concealing Ning Jie, "I encountered a relatively powerful enemy here, and I need to quickly increase my skills."

"A powerful enemy?" Ning Jie's face changed slightly, "Husband, is there anyone more powerful than you?"

"It's okay, it's just a little bit better than me for the time being. I'll be able to kill them in a while." Xia Tian didn't care much, "Come on, I'll take you to meet an acquaintance first."

"Acquaintance? Who is it?" Ning Jie was a little surprised. Is there any other acquaintance here?

Xia Xia didn't answer, just hugged Ning Jie and went upstairs again, and then knocked on Ye Mei's bedroom mén.

"What else?" Ye yùmei opened the room and saw Ning Jie, but she was not surprised, obviously she already knew that Ning Jie was coming.

Ning Jie's face changed greatly, she looked at Ye Yumei, like a ghost: "You... teacher... master..."

"Don't call me master, I'm no longer your master!" Ye yù said coldly, and then closed the room.

Ning Jie's face was pale, and there was still a hint of fear in her eyes. Although Xia Xia had told her that she didn't need to be afraid of Ye Yumei, her fear of Ye Yumei had always been hidden deep in her heart.

Xia Tian reached out and patted mén again: "Hey, sister Chang Tui, I have something to do with you!"

"If you have something to say, I can hear it!" Ye Yumei didn't open the mén, and the cold voice penetrated through the room mén.

"Sister Chang Tui, I'm going to give acupuncture to the cheapskate wife, you remember to help us protect the law." Xia Xia didn't have the heart to flirt with Ye Yumei at the moment.

"Got it!" Ye yù's icy cold voice came out again.

But when she heard the conversation between Xia Xia and Ye Yù Mei, Ning Jie was dumbfounded. Xia Tian actually called Ye Yù Mei a long tui sister? Forget it, Ye Yumei didn't seem to be very angry at all?

Ning Jie was in a daze, and she didn't seem to react until Xia Xia pulled her to the bedroom.

"Stingy wife, what's wrong with you?" Xia Xia asked.

Ning Jie finally came to her senses at this time, and then she asked, "Husband, you, what is your relationship with Ye Yumei now?"

Ning Jie felt that the current relationship between Xia Xia and Ye Yumei was very strange. They were obviously not lovers, but they didn't seem to be enemies either. Could they be friends? But it doesn't seem to be the same. Besides, she doesn't think that it is impossible for Xia Xia and Ye Yumei to be friends. It is more likely to be a couple. After all, this husband has always been very handsome, Ye Yumei is so beautiful. It's still possible to hook up.

"Now, um, we can be regarded as a cooperative relationship." Xia Xia thought about it seriously, and then replied: "She and I have a common enemy now, so we temporarily cooperate."


Ning Jie breathed a sigh of relief, this kind of relationship is in line with their current state, and it is the most normal result.

"Stingy wife, don't worry about her for now, I'll give you the needle first." Xia Xia was worried about Ye Changmeng, after all, that Han Mingfei's threat was still there.

"Well, good." Ning Jie nodded, and then consciously lay down on the bed.

"Stingy wife, you should sit still, and you will have to cooperate later." Xia Xia thought for a while and said.

Ning Jie sat up cross-legged according to the words, and Jiao added a few words in Xia Tian. Then, she took out the silver needle and began to perform the fifth needle against the sky, which was already familiar to him.


At noon, a private room in a restaurant in Yuenan City.

One man and the other sat opposite each other, a middle-aged man with a bit of vicissitudes, but it was Zhang Zhengyi who claimed to be a good reporter, and the other mature and charming man was Cheng Ling.

"Miss Cheng, I hope you can tell me, who is that person?" Zhang Zhengyi looked at Cheng Ling with an urgent tone.

"Reporter Zhang, you are a good person, so I can't tell you." Cheng Ling shook her head gently.

"Miss Cheng, I know what you're worrying about, but it's not five years ago. You believe me, as long as you tell me who that person is, that person will definitely be punished." Zhang Zhengyi's tone unknowingly already With anger, "That group of beasts has done countless bad things, and it's time for them to be punished!"

"Reporter Zhang, five years ago, I almost killed you. I don't want to repeat the same mistakes." Cheng Ling shook her head, "You still listen to my advice and don't worry about it."

"Miss Cheng, trust me, I won't make the same mistakes again, I just need a name, I've been investigating for eight years, and I'm only close to finding out who he is." Zhang Zhengyi clenched his fists, "Although I myself Check, maybe we can find it out, but, Miss Cheng, I don't know how long that genius doctor Xia can stay here. I have to find out that person before he leaves, otherwise I may never meet again in the future. It's a great opportunity."

"Reporter Zhang, do you know how I survived?" Cheng Ling asked rhetorically.

"Miss Cheng, you must have suffered a lot over the years." Zhang Zhengyi said with a little hesitation.

Cheng Ling shook her head: "Reporter Zhang, in fact, I haven't suffered much in these years. In the eyes of others, my life is pretty good, but the price is that I have to do something against my will, you understand. I mean?"

"Miss Cheng, as long as you give me a name, you will never have to do anything against your will." Zhang Zhengyi also tried to convince Cheng Ling.

"Reporter Zhang, those who are close to ink are black, do you understand?" Cheng Ling shook her head gently, with a bitter look on her pretty face, "If I told you that name, do you think I could completely leave the relationship behind?"

"Miss Cheng, I know what you are worried about, but I believe that no matter what you have done these years, it is not what you want to do." Zhang Zhengyi said with a slight yín.

"You believe it, but will the police believe it?" Cheng Ling sighed quietly, "Even if they believe it, I can't completely get rid of it."

"Miss Cheng, if you are really worried about these issues, you should tell me your name." Zhang Zhengyi looked at Cheng Ling with a low tone, "because, I am not cooperating with the police, I only need to tell Xia Shenyi my name, and according to the As far as I know, Shenyi Xia rarely resorts to the police to solve troubles, he has his own way, and this can also ensure that you will not get involved, Miss Cheng."

Cheng Ling was silent for a while, and then asked: "Reporter Zhang, do you know who is the biggest philanthropist in Yuenan City?"

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