Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1353 Changes

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"Xie Aiguo actually asked to sit in lao?" Zhang Zhengyi was a little puzzled, "What is he doing?"

"It may not be able to sit lao." Lao Gao shook his head, "But it is estimated that he will stay in the detention center for a while."

After a pause, Lao Gao said again: "Actually, for a person like Xie Aiguo, even if he is really in prison, his life will be comfortable. In prison, it will be like a vacation, and it is safer. Prison is a big prison. But the security measures are also much stronger than ordinary places. I am a little suspicious. He is hiding from someone. If he is really the kind of person you said, I think he has a lot of enemies. I have seen this kind of thing. Some criminals simply hide in prison because they are afraid of being muzzled."

"So it is." Zhang Zhengyi vaguely understood, "I think, I know who he is hiding."

"Okay, old Zhang, I have to go back. I can't eat breakfast for too long. I advise you, don't get involved in this matter. Recently, a lot of people have died in Yuenan City. I don't want to. See you in the morgue." Lao Gao patted Zhang Zhengyi on the shoulder, looked around, opened the door and got out of the car quickly.

Watching Lao Gao walk into the Jing Bureau, Zhang Zhengyi picked up the phone again and made a call: "Shenyi Xia, I'm Zhang Zhengyi."


Xia Xia discovered that it was not a good thing to let too many people know his phone number. No, he was woken up by Zhang Zhengyi's phone call after sleeping for a while. If he hadn't heard that Zhang Zhengyi had found the murderer, he really wanted to Zhang Zhengyi scolded.

Although he didn't scold Zhang Zhengyi, Xia Xia was obviously not in the mood to go to the Jing Bureau to deal with the old man named Xie Aiguo. He called Lu Jinsong directly, and then went back to sleep. Before going to bed, he sighed with emotion. The reporters are much stronger than those from Jing Fang.

Just when Lu Jinsong received the call from Xia Xia and started to act, Tian Hao, the director of the Jing Bureau of Yuenan City, also received a call.

"Kill Xie Aiguo immediately, hurry up!" The voice on the phone seemed a little urgent.

"Secretary Mo, what did you say?" Tian Hao didn't react.

"I said, let you kill Xie Aiguo immediately, if you haven't heard clearly, then you immediately walk into the interrogation room, pick up your gun, shoot Xie Aiguo directly in the head, and then shoot yourself in the head. Shoot a shot too!" The man on the phone said word by word.

"Secretary Mo, you, do you want me to kill myself before committing suicide?" Tian Hao gasped and cursed inwardly, this old thing is so cruel!

"Tian Hao, if Xie Aiguo falls into Xia's hands, you and I will not be able to escape. If you are willing to sacrifice, I promise to take good care of your family, you can do it yourself!" The person on the other end of the phone said heavily. , then hung up.

"Yes, why don't you sacrifice?" Tian Hao spat heavily on the ground, but his face was extremely gloomy. Although the old man's order was difficult for him to accept, he knew that the old man should not be exaggerating, Xie Aiguozhen If he were to fall into the hands of Xia Xia, he would not end well either.

Putting down the phone, Tian Hao walked out of the office and walked towards the news room. In fact, the news about Xie Aiguo had ended, and he was about to send him directly to the Kan detention center. Originally, Tian Hao arranged for someone else to do it, but now, it seems He had to do it himself right away.

Tian Hao quickly walked into the Shen news room. There was no one in the Shen news room at the moment, and Xie Aiguo was treated very well. He didn't even wear shackles.

"President Xie, let's go, I'll take you to the Kan detention center." Tian Hao looked as if nothing had happened, and his tone was very kind.

"I'm afraid you don't want to send me to the Kan detention center." Xie Aiguo looked at Tian Hao with a calm tone, "If you just send me to the Kan detention center, why would you need your boss to do it yourself?"

"President Xie, you are the first good in Yuenan City. Out of respect for you, it is right for me to give you a ride in person." Tian Hao still had a smile on his face.

"I may believe what others say, but I won't believe what you say, because you know who I am, and I also know who you are." Xie Aiguo shook his head, "I won't. Give you a chance to do it on the road, unless you dare to do it right here."

"You really think I don't dare, don't you?" Tian Hao lowered his voice with anger in his tone, "If you are knowledgeable, you should commit suicide!"

"I'm very sensible, so I know I don't have to die. I originally wanted to go to the Kan detention center to hide for a while, but now it seems that you actually want me to die, so I can't hide there. The security measures are very good, but for you, it is the same as no security." Xie Aiguo shook his head, "I just don't understand, I just have a gun, why are you so eager to let me die?"

"Because you will implicate all of us!" Tian Hao said angrily: "You clearly know that Xia is here, and you still have to do so many actions, so you have to let Xia stare at you!"

Xie Aiguo's face changed slightly: "Does Xia know me already?"

"Otherwise, what do you think?" Tian Hao snorted coldly, "Guoan has already received Xia Xia's order and is on its way here, you will be taken away by Guoan immediately, and then things will no longer be under our control. !"

"One move is wrong, and the whole game is lost!" Xie Aiguo's expression became a little desolate, "I can't imagine that an insignificant woman would actually let me in this field, and I have been trying my best to eliminate this matter. In the dark, I didn't let Xia Xia notice me, but unfortunately, that damn Cheng Ling was secretly promoting this matter. Although she died, she still let me step forward.

Into a dead end. "

With a long sigh, Xie Aiguo raised his head: "Tian Hao, you're right, I might as well commit suicide now, give me your gun, I want to die more simply, I really don't want to hit a wall and die, I just hope that you guys If I can take care of my descendants, at least for the next 20 years, they will be able to live without food and clothing."

"Don't worry, if we are all fine, your family will naturally be doing well." Tian Hao said lightly, then took out the pistol and placed it on the table in the interrogation room.

Xie Aiguo took the pistol, then pointed at his head, with a wry smile on the corner of his mouth: "Tian Hao, beautiful woman, I really can't offend you!"

"Bang!" The gunshot sounded, and Tian Hao fell to the ground.

The sound of gunshots shocked the entire jing bureau, but Tian Bofeng was the first to rush in.

Xie Aiguo had put down his gun and raised his hands above his head: "I killed people, handcuff me. It's better to watch me closely, otherwise, I might kill people."

After a while, when everyone in the jing bureau understood what was going on, they almost suspected that they were dreaming. How could such a crazy thing happen in the jing bureau?

For the people of Yuenan City Jing Bureau, they have been living abnormally recently, because they encountered a lunatic like Xia Xia, and they were rectified to the point of becoming mad, but even though Xia Xia was about to rectify them. They became lunatics, but they haven't become lunatics after all, but at this moment, they are really going to be crazy, the dignified city bureau chief, just like this in the Shen interrogation room, let a suspect kill, and this suspect still has Yue Xie Aiguo, who is known as the first good in Nanshi!

Everyone was going crazy, but Tian Bofeng was still calm. He first put handcuffs and shackles on Xie Aiguo, took him to another interrogation room, and grabbed him by the collar: "Xie Aiguo, you are crazy. Isn't it? You're just crazy. You killed Cheng Ling last night, didn't you? Did Director Tian discover your secret, so you killed him too?"

"It's just killing a police officer, what's the big deal?" Xie Aiguo said calmly, "Whether it's Tian Hao or you, in my eyes, everyone in your Yuenan City Jing Bureau is no different from a dog. , killing a dog, no big deal."

"Damn, are you courting death?"

"Fuck it to death!"

"Old thing, I don't want to live anymore!"


The interrogation room has limited space. Except for Tian Bofeng and several members of the heavy group who stayed inside, most of the others watched the situation inside the interrogation room. When they heard Xie Aiguo's insulting words, everyone was naturally furious and angry. While scolding, one by one wanted to rush in to teach Xie Aiguo a lesson.

"Do you want to beat me?" Xie Aiguo's face was disdainful when he saw everyone who wanted to rush in. "I hope you beat me, so I can sue you for torture."

"Don't be impulsive!" Tian Bofeng snorted first, then looked at Xie Aiguo, "Xie Aiguo, don't be complacent, you can't escape if you kill Director Tian. Next, our police colleagues will slowly I'll spend it with you!"

"Tian Bofeng, I know you, you are a good police inspector." Xie Aiguo smiled, then shook his head, "Unfortunately, you are only a police inspector, so you are just like them, and you are the same as the entire Yuenan City inspector. The investigation is the same. In my eyes, they are no different from dogs, and you are not qualified to judge me at all. After a while, the **** people will come here and take me away. What can you do? I can kill your director like a dog, and then leave the Jing Bureau openly, and you can only watch me leave."

"Fuck, how could Guoan mess with this matter?"

"Damn, the Guoan people are too lenient, aren't they?"

"Even if someone from Guoan really comes, don't even think about leaving, you old man!"


There were several more angry curses. Obviously, the vast majority of people in the Jing Bureau had not linked Xie Aiguo to the bombing at the Yueluohu Hotel. After all, Xie Aiguo's original crime was only an illegal possession. Just a gun.

"People from Guoan are here and are at the entrance of Jing Bureau!" At this moment, someone shouted, "They said they would take Xie Aiguo away!"

Hearing this, everyone yelled again.

"I'm so stupid, help them get out!"

"Don't let them in!"

"Go, go out and see, if they dare to come in, I dare to shoot!"

While cursing, everyone in the Jing Bureau rushed towards the gate of the police station. Soon, these people met with the national security agents headed by Lu Jinsong.

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