Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1354 The confrontation at the gate of the police station

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

When Lu Jinsong found out that at least dozens of police officers rushed out and surrounded him and a few of his subordinates, he was depressed at the same time, and at the same time was quite annoyed. The people in this bureau really have a problem, don't they? Will they be convinced if they have to beat them all again in the summer?

"We were ordered to take Xie Aiguo away. Leader Xia Xia personally gave the order, I hope you don't stop it!" Lu Jinsong held back his anger and directly carried Xia Xia out. He didn't believe that these people had not been captured Scared of summer.

"This is the Jing Bureau, not your National Bureau, you are not qualified to order us!" But a Jing inspector continued, "We only follow the orders of our direct superiors, don't say that you are only from the National Bureau, you are the country Chairman, don't even think about taking Xie Aiguo away from us!"

"Then let your director come out!" Lu Jinsong was very annoyed. He didn't want to go to Xia Tian for everything. That would make him seem too incompetent. After all, he is also an agent of the Dragon Group, so naturally he wouldn't put these ordinary police officers on the list. eyes.

"Want to see our director? Okay!" The Jing inspector sneered, "You pick up the snatch and snatch it at your own head, and you can see our director right away!"

"Do you really want me to call Team Leader Xia?" Lu Jinsong said coldly: "There is a saying that there are only three things, but you Jingfang have repeatedly failed to cooperate. Are you deliberately trying to cover up the criminals? ?"

"Don't use the summer to scare me, even if the summer comes, unless he kills all of us, don't try to take people away!" It was still the inspector Jing just now who continued.

Lu Jinsong glared at this Jingchao, but he didn't really call Xia Xia, nor Mu Han. The reason was very simple. If he had to let Xia Xia solve the problem in person every time, then he, the Dragon Group agent Too incompetent.

"I'll say it for the last time, we were ordered to take Xie Aiguo away, and you are obliged to cooperate with my actions!" Lu Jinsong said word by word.

"Your order is your business, your boss is not our boss, and we have no obligation to cooperate with your actions." That Jingcha did not show weakness.

At this moment, Lu Jinsong moved suddenly. His movements were extremely fast. Before everyone could react, he rushed to Jingcha's side. With a ring on his left hand, he wrapped around the neck of Jingcha, while his right hand was pulled out at the same time. He grabbed his hands, and quickly pressed his mouth against the head of the inspector. At this time, Lu Jinsong spoke again, but his tone was extremely cold: "Do you believe that I killed you as soon as I grabbed you?"

After all, Lu Jinsong came from the Dragon Group. Although he is not as strong as Xia Xia, to be honest, it is really not too difficult for him to kill the jing inspectors present. This action also confirmed this, until his hand He grabbed the head on the head of the inspector, and the other inspectors still haven't reacted.

However, after all, these people are also jingchao, not ordinary people, so although their reaction speed is a little slower, they still have a response immediately. Jing Cha Qi pulled out and grabbed it, pointing at Lu Jinsong.

"Let go of Captain Yu!"

"Put down and grab!"


With the loud shouts, Lu Jinsong suddenly became the target of the siege of the Jing Bureau, and the few people brought by Lu Jinsong were not slow to respond. They did not speak, but quickly surrounded Lu Jinsong, and they all pulled out. The robbery was aimed at everyone in the jing bureau. However, Lu Jinsong only brought four people, and there were at least 40 people in the jing bureau. There is no doubt that only in terms of the number of people, Lu Jinsong's side is the best. is an absolute disadvantage.

"Open the robbery, open the robbery for me, kill these grandsons, I will die if I die, it doesn't matter!" Captain Yu, who was kidnapped, shouted angrily at this moment. It's no wonder that he is actually a deputy of the Xingjing team. The captain, in front of so many people, was suddenly kidnapped, which was a great shame to him.

"Don't think I'll bury you when you die!" Lu Jinsong's voice was gloomy, "I can kill all of you in the Jing Bureau after I kill you, but I just don't want to make things worse, so if you are interested, , hand over Xie Aiguo immediately, everything is easy to say, if you have to make trouble with me, then don't blame me for making trouble with you, things are really big, and only you will suffer. If you die, I am afraid you can only If you die in vain, you will get a crime that you can't get rid of for a lifetime!"

"Grass, do you want to be a superman? Don't think that if you mix with Xia, you can also become Xia!" Captain Yu scolded angrily: "Even if it's Xia, he wouldn't dare to kill so many of us in an open and honest way. , *** think you can do it?"

Lu Jinsong didn't answer, but his face turned gloomy. He believed that if Xia Xia was here, Xia Xia could really kill everyone at any time, and no one could do anything to Xia Xia, but this guy who was called Captain Yu, was a bad guy. It's not completely wrong. After all, he is not in summer. What he can do in summer, he may not be able to do it. He is really fighting with Jingcha in the Jing Bureau. If the trouble is too big, he is afraid that he will not be able to explain it.

"I only have one word. If you don't see Xie Aiguo come out, don't even think about getting out of Lao Tzu's hands!" Lu Jinsong grabbed Captain Dingyu's head, "I will spend it with you!"

Lu Jinsong is determined this time, he can no longer ask Xia Xia for help, he must solve this problem himself!

In this way, dozens of police officers and several national agents confronted each other at the entrance of the bureau, although on the surface, the national a

There is no advantage here, but Guoan has a hostage in his hand, so this way, the two sides can maintain this balance.


In the trial room, Tian Bofeng's face was gloomy. He looked at Xie Aiguo and couldn't help but think of the woman who just died last night, the charming young woman he had seen with his own eyes a few days ago, and now she has become a corpse that is no longer beautiful. A flower withered, Tian Bofeng could not wait to strangle Xie Aiguo, but he still endured it, did nothing, and even protected Xie Aiguo for the time being, because he knew that Xie Aiguo was a very important figure, as long as Xie Aiguo confessed , that Baihualou, which does all evil, can completely collapse!

"Team Leader Tian, ​​it's not good. The brothers of our bureau and the people of Guoan are in a confrontation. They are all robbed. Come and have a look. You are familiar with the people of Guoan." A female Jing ran at this moment. He came in and said anxiously.

"Go and persuade." Tian Bofeng said to the other members of the serious crime team: "I want to watch it myself here to avoid any further problems."

"Yes, team leader." Several other members of the serious crime team quickly left.

Tian Bofeng soon found out that the girl who had just come in didn't leave, so he said, "You can go too."

"Okay." The female jing replied, turned to go out, and just took two steps, suddenly fell to the ground with a groan.

"Are you all right?" Tian Bofeng hurried over and pulled the girl up.

"It's okay, thank you, Team Leader Tian." The female jing stood up and suddenly hit Tian Bofeng with a heavy punch on the back of the head. Tian Bofeng felt dizzy and swayed a few times, but he didn't fall down, but at this moment, Another heavy punch fell, and Tian Bofeng finally fainted.

The female jing quickly found the key from Tian Bofeng, then helped Xie Aiguo to open the handcuffs and shackles, and whispered: "Quick, follow me!"

Xie Aiguo walked quickly to Tian Bofeng's side, took out Tian Bofeng's match, and said at the same time, "I'll take it for self-defense."

The female jing didn't say anything. Obviously she and Xie Aiguo had known each other for a long time. She turned around and led the way. Just as she walked to the door, Xie Aiguo slammed her on the head. fell to the ground.

Xie Aiguo grabbed his hands and walked out of the interrogation room quickly. He only took two steps before he stopped because there were at least four or five snatchers in front of him, aiming at him, and the leader was the one from the provincial office. Hu Hongguang, and behind him, is naturally the subordinate he brought from the provincial office.

"Move again and I'll kill you!" Hu Hongguang looked at Xie Aiguo coldly, "Throw the robbery away!"

Xie Aiguo's face showed a hint of disappointment, he let go of his hand and snatched it to the ground.

"Bang!" The robbery sounded.

"Ah!" Xie Aiguo let out a scream, bent his left foot, and knelt on the ground halfway, his trousers were instantly stained with blood. He raised his head and glared at Hu Hongguang, "Hu, what are you doing?"

"You wanted to escape, but I didn't have time to stop it, so I took a shot at your leg." Hu Hongguang said lightly, then glanced at his next man, "cuff him up, then stop the bleeding, don't let him lose blood before. Too dead."

"Yes, Director Hu!" The two responded and immediately began to act.

After a few minutes.

"Take him out!" Hu Hongguang took the lead and walked in front, and all ten people from the provincial department followed, and together they escorted Xie Aiguo out of the Jing Bureau. At this moment, at the entrance of the Jing Bureau, dozens of Jing Fang were still fighting with the country. Several people are in a standoff.

"What are you doing? Ah? What are you doing? Leave me alone!" Hu Hongguang shouted angrily.

"Director Hu, I came here to take Xie Aiguo away under the order of Team Leader Xia, but your Jing party's personnel have repeatedly obstructed. What does this mean?" Lu Jinsong asked coldly.

"Mr. Lu, there may be some misunderstandings in this matter." Hu Hongguang explained quickly, then turned to look at everyone in the Jing Bureau, "Let you all put down the grab, didn't you hear?"

"Director Hu, we only listen to our direct superiors." An inspector answered this sentence, and although the others didn't speak, no one let go.

"What? Are your Jing Bureau going to be independent?" A sullen voice came from the door, "Everyone in the Yuenan City Jing Bureau listen to me, and now let me grab them, or I will let you all Get out of the jing bureau and go home to farm!"

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