Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1363 I like rainy days

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Looking at Huang Jingyi lying on the ground, Xia Xia stretched her waist in the rain with a look of emotion: "Today's weather is so good, it's really good weather for killing people and poisoning, I like rainy days!"

"It's not too late to pierce you a few times now!" Xia Tian took out the silver needle and wanted to do something. At this moment, a warning sign appeared, and he hurriedly lifted Huang Jingyi who was on the ground, then quickly backed away, while At this moment, a man in white suddenly appeared from the sky, just a short distance away, it was Baiyun Mountain!

"It's really troublesome this time." Xia Xia muttered to himself, and then shouted, "Hey, that one called Bai Yunshan, don't come here, or I'll kill this idiot woman named Huang Jingyi!"

Although Xia Xia's cultivation has improved a lot now, compared with Baiyun Mountain, he still has a relatively obvious gap, and the most important thing is that Baiyun Mountain's strange footwork so close to the horizon makes him very jealous. The steps simply can't keep up with the speed of the steps that are so close to the horizon!

"I once said that the next time we meet, I will kill you, today, you are dead!" Bai Yunshan said coldly, took another step, and suddenly appeared in front of Xia Xia, slapped a palm like lightning, incomparable The powerful momentum also swept in in an instant, the rainstorm seemed to stop suddenly, and the heaven and earth seemed to stop in an instant. The only thing moving at a high speed was the palm of Baiyun Mountain.

Xia Xia was also stunned for a while, but it wasn't that he couldn't react at all, but he discovered that Bai Yunshan's palm was not aimed at him, but at Huang Jingyi who was kidnapped by him!

When Xia Xia realized that Bai Yunshan actually wanted a palm to fear Huang Jingyi's death, let alone he didn't want to save Huang Jingyi, even if he really wanted to save her life, it was too late now. Shot on Huang Jingyi with unstoppable momentum!

The only thing Xia Tian can do at the moment is to release Huang Jingyi quickly, and then quickly flash aside.

Bai Yunshan hit Huang Jingyi's chest with a palm, Huang Jingyi only had time to let out a short scream, and then her sternum shattered, her seven orifices bleed, and she was completely silent. Xia Xia knew that this idiot woman was dead, even him, Law saves her.

"As expected, I'm not wrong, the same family will also kill each other." Xia Xia said to himself.

"Huang Jingyi tried to murder Senior Sister Yue, of course, there is more than enough to die for!" Bai Yunshan did not immediately take action against Xia Xia, but coldly explained the cause of Huang Jingyi's death, and then he looked at Xia Xia with the eyes of a dead man, "And you, To actually dare to blaspheme Senior Sister Yue is even more of a crime!"

"I'm too lazy to explain to you people with sick minds." Xia Xia looked nonchalant, "It's not that easy to kill me, I was able to punch you away a few days ago, and I can also punch you today. Fei, come on, if you have the kind, come and fight with me again!"

"Xia Xia, Huang Jingyi is really right, you are really stupid, you use the same technique again and again, you really think that you can continue to poison me just like you did to Huang Jingyi just now. Is it?" Bai Yunshan looked at Xia Xia with contempt, and his tone was full of ridicule.

"The idiot woman who just said I was stupid is dead, you must be next." Xia Xia said lazily: "Actually, you can rest assured that I will not poison you, this time I will use my true strength to kill you. , Of course, if you don't dare, forget it, but a coward like you is not qualified to rob the fairy sister from me."

"Okay, I'll give you three more palms!" Bai Yunshan snorted coldly, and then slapped it with one palm, "Pick my first palm first!"

There is nothing fancy about this palm of Baiyun Mountain, but it is an all-out attack, and Xia Xia did not evade, and it was also a palm to meet.

"Bang!" The two palms intersected, and there was a huge muffled sound again. Countless True Qi also escaped without any suspense, swept away the raindrops around, and if there is a master nearby, you can see that Baiyun Mountain In fact, the palm of Xia and Xia did not directly collide. Between the two palms, there is a thin layer of infuriating energy, and this was obviously done on purpose by Bai Yunshan. He didn't want Xia to poison his skin again. He didn't want to be stabbed again by Xia Xia with a black needle, he just wanted to kill Xia Xia with one palm.

"Hmm!" Xia Tian grunted, and his body flew upside down. He flew nearly ten meters before barely landing. After shaking his body a few times, he barely stood still. He suddenly opened his mouth, as if he was about to spurt blood, but He suddenly covered it with his hands, barely swallowing the blood that had flushed out of his throat.

"Your progress is very fast, but unfortunately, in front of me, you are still vulnerable!" Bai Yunshan looked at Xia Xia coldly.

Xia Tian wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, then stood firm, still disapproving: "Go ahead, there are still two palms!"

"There are no more palms." Bai Yunshan's tone was cold, "With this palm, I will send you back to the west!"

After he finished speaking, Baiyun Mountain slapped his palm again, with great momentum, still attacking with all his strength.

Xia Xia still did not evade, and raised her palms to meet again.

"Bang!" Another muffled sound.

This time, Xia Xian was not sent flying, but still stood there, only shaking a few times, but this time, he finally couldn't control it anymore, opened his mouth to spit out half a mouthful of blood, and the remaining half mouthful of blood, It was covered by his hands again, and then swallowed hard.

Bai Yunshan's situation this time is obviously not very good. His body also shook slightly, and his face turned an unusual bright red. There is no doubt that this time, the two of them were evenly matched!

"If you want to rob my wife, you also slap me!" This time, Xia Xia finally took the initiative to attack. He slapped it, but it seemed that there was a

Some fluffy, no strength.

A flash of surprise flashed in Bai Yunshan's eyes, but he still greeted him without hesitation. The two palms collided again. The moment they just touched, Bai Yunshan felt that Xia Xia didn't have any strength in his hands. When Xia Xia died on the spot, an extremely powerful infuriating qi suddenly burst out of Xia Xia's palm. This infuriating qi was not only powerful, but also extremely domineering. In that instant, this infuriating qi rushed into Baiyun Mountain in an unstoppable posture. in the meridians!

"Uh..." Baiyunshan groaned miserably, and the whole person flew out, spewing a mouthful of blood in the air, and then fell heavily to the ground, the mud splashed everywhere, his white clothes suddenly became dirty, the whole People also look very embarrassed.

"How is this possible?" Baiyunshan climbed up from the ground with some difficulty, his face was full of disbelief, he couldn't figure it out, why would he lose to Xia Tian if he fought so hard?

"Xia Tian said, everything is possible." Xia Xia said calmly: "I said just now, I will kill you with my real strength, and you want to rob my fairy sister, I really don't know. Live or die!"

"I killed you, a despicable mortal!" Bai Yunshan was very angry and stepped forward. However, this time, he did not step in front of Xia Xia, but suddenly came upside down from mid-air and fell heavily to the ground. .

"Actually, if I have a chance, I'll still be poisoned." Xia Xia looked at Baiyun Mountain, which fell to the ground, and sighed again, "I really like rainy days!"

Bai Yunshan tried very hard to get up from the ground, but unfortunately, he only felt powerless at the moment, and his life seemed to be passing quickly from his body. In the end, he just sat up in front of him.

"I, I don't believe, I'm not poisoned..." Bai Yunshan raised his head and looked at Xia Xia, "Tell me, how on earth did you beat me? Otherwise, I wouldn't be willing to die!"

"Actually, whether you die willingly or unwillingly has nothing to do with me." Xia Tian took out a pill from his body and stuffed it into his mouth, "But now I'm in a good mood, so I'll tell you, you just It was not poisoned at first, but I just ate some poison. Well, this kind of poison is quite special. In a short period of time, it can greatly increase a person's cultivation. So, I will hurt you, and then I will take advantage of it. You are injured, and I poisoned you again, you are what you are now, and now, you can die!"

Without waiting for Baiyunshan to reply, Xia Xia stepped on Baiyunshan's head, and immediately crushed his head.

Looking at the two corpses on the ground, Xia Xian was in a daze for a while, and then he immediately took action. He took out some medicinal powder and sprinkled it on the two of them. After a while, the two corpses disappeared without a trace, washed away by the heavy rain. Below, all traces disappeared immediately, as if nothing had happened here.

"There are so many fools in Xianyun Continent, but fortunately they are fools, otherwise, it will be me who will be killed." Xia Xia said to himself, but his body suddenly shook, and a sudden feeling of weakness came, but his face was full of It felt cool, because the heavy rain had fallen directly on him again.

"Sad, the side effects of this medicine are really big." Xia Xia muttered to himself, and even prayed to himself: "Long-legged girl, long-legged girl, you must take your old lover seriously today, If he chases after him, then I'm really dead!"

The heavy rain obscured Xia Xia's vision. In the vagueness, he saw a car approaching in the distance, so he resisted the weakness of his body, stood in the middle of the road, and beckoned to the car.

In less than a minute, a bus stopped in front of Xia Xian. Xia Xian didn't ask where the bus was going, but got on the bus. Then, when he saw an empty seat, he sat down immediately. The next second, he collapsed into the seat. , into a strange state of being half asleep and half awake.

"Hey, are you alright?" In the dimness, Xia Tian seemed to hear someone calling him and someone pushing him. He wanted to say something, but unfortunately, he couldn't say anything.

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