Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1364 life-saving poison

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Sitting on the long-distance bus from Xingcheng to Jianghai City, Zhou Tian felt a little depressed. Looking at the continuous rainstorm outside the car window, thinking about his mother who was still in the hospital, and hearing the sobbing from the back of the seat, Zhou Tian's mood , even more depressed, for a while, she seemed to feel that all the bad things happened now.

Zhou Tian is from Xingcheng, but she is now a medical student of Jianghai University, and she is about to graduate this year, but now, she has not yet found a job.

The place she wants to go most is the First Affiliated Hospital of Jiangda University. Unfortunately, it is not so easy to enter the Affiliated Hospital of Jiangda University. For a long time, students of the Medical College of Jiangda University want to go directly to the First Affiliated Hospital of Jiangda University, at least It needs to be a graduate student, and she is only an undergraduate in medical school, and it is difficult to get in.

Without a high degree of education and no social connections, Zhou Tian knew that she had no hope of going to work in the Affiliated Hospital of Jiangda University, so she had already started to submit her resume elsewhere, but it had not been smooth. It's not always easy to find a good job.

But when she was busy looking for a job, news came from home that her mother was sick and needed an operation, so she hurried back to Xingcheng. Fortunately, her mother's operation went well, and now she has passed the dangerous period, but she did not. If she could stay for a few more days, she began to rush back to Jianghai, because she received a call from a company and was going to interview tomorrow.

Taking care of her mother is very important, but if she can't find a job, she will still be a burden on the family, which means that it will increase the pressure on her parents. She feels that the best way to repay her parents is not to stay with them and take care of them all the time. But she can support herself as soon as possible, and when she can have a good salary in the future, she can take better care of them, and even bring them all to Jianghai City to live together.

Zhou Tian knows that she is not that kind of beautiful girl, she can't expect to marry a good husband, she can only rely on herself, she can only find a good job by herself, in order to make herself and her family's life better, so she Although she wanted to stay in the hospital to take care of her mother, she knew better that she should go back to Jianghai City to interview for a job.

It's just that Zhou Tian's mood couldn't get better when he thought of his sick mother and the job he didn't know where he was working, especially after getting in the car, there was a girl in the back who was crying non-stop, and the girl sitting next to her was crying. He kept comforting the crying girl, listening to the conversation between the two, Zhou Tian's mood was even worse, didn't he just get dumped by his boyfriend? No need to be so sad, right?

"Who asked you to have a long-distance relationship, you deserve to be dumped!" Zhou Tian scolded the girl behind him in his heart.

Just when Zhou Tian was depressed, the car suddenly stopped, and then, a person came up. This person sat down next to her and fell asleep. Then, Zhou Tian's mood suddenly seemed to be much better.

Zhou Tian felt that she was unlucky before, but after seeing this person, she suddenly realized that she was not the most unlucky person. This person seemed to be more unlucky than her. She was soaked all over her body, and her face was extremely pale. , Judging from her five-year medical experience, this person is obviously ill, and the disease is not serious, but then she saw indistinct bloodstains on him, which made her begin to suspect that this person might be Not sick, but robbed.

According to Zhou Tian's speculation, this person may have been beaten up after being robbed, and then threw it directly on the road. It is estimated that he had been exposed to the heavy rain for a long time. In short, Zhou Tian felt that this person was really miserable, at least Worse than her.

Zhou Tian, ​​who thought she was unlucky, saw someone more unlucky than her, and immediately felt that she was not so unlucky. The reason why Zhou Tian was in a better mood was that the girl behind her finally stopped crying, because that The girl was also looking at the man who just got into the car.

In fact, forty or fifty people in the car at the moment are all looking at this unlucky guy who just got in the car, and there are many people who seem to have the same speculation as Zhou Tian.

"What's the matter with the boy? Wasn't he robbed?" A middle-aged aunt who looked very enthusiastic asked.

The enthusiasm of the middle-aged aunt did not get a response. The young man who seemed to be robbed did not respond at all.

"That little girl, look, is this guy okay?" The middle-aged aunt was really enthusiastic and said to Zhou Tian again.

Zhou Tian looked at the man sitting next to him, and found that the man was very young. He seemed to be twenty years old at most, even younger than her. Looking at his pale face, she felt a little better for a while. With sympathy, he reached out and shook him, and asked with concern, "Hey, are you alright?"

Unfortunately, her question was also unanswered, and after a little hesitation, Zhou Tian did a check based on her medical knowledge, and then exclaimed in a low voice: "No, he seems to be in a coma! "

"In a coma? Then you have to send it to the hospital quickly!" The middle-aged aunt said quickly.

"But where is the hospital nearby?" Zhou Tian asked.

"The nearest hospital is in Xingcheng, driver, why don't you drive the car back?" The middle-aged aunt thought about it and said.

The driver hasn't answered yet, and there is already a voice of disapproval in the car.

"How does this work? I'm still in a hurry to go back to Jianghai City for a meeting!"

"My girlfriend is also waiting for me in Jianghai City."

"Yes, my husband is waiting for me too!"

"If you want to take him to the hospital, just take him out of the car, don't affect us."

"That's right, you can't influence others, can you?"


In the whole car, except for Zhou Tian and the middle-aged aunt, no one seemed to agree to send this sick man.

The man who wants to go to the hospital is indeed becoming more and more selfish these days. As long as it doesn't affect their own life, they don't care whether others are dead or alive.

"Why are you doing this? People's lives are at stake!" The middle-aged aunt was a little angry, "This place is only more than ten kilometers away from Xingcheng. It doesn't take an hour to go back and forth, it's just an hour's delay. What will happen?"

"My tens of millions of contracts are waiting to be signed, will you pay for the loss?" A man answered.

"Yeah, just blow it up, a contract of tens of millions? You are such a big boss, can you afford to take a car?" The middle-aged aunt said angrily.

"Auntie, can't people save money?" A girl continued, "I just said, if you are so kind, take them out of the car, stop a car on the side of the road, and take him to the hospital!"

"It's raining so hard, why stop the car?" the middle-aged aunt said unhappily.

"Auntie, forget it, I'm a medical student. I just took his pulse and found that although he was in a coma, his pulse was quite stable, his body temperature was also normal, and there was no obvious trauma on his body, so there should be nothing wrong. I think it will be too late to send him to the hospital when we arrive in Jianghai City." Zhou Tian said at this time, "It's raining so hard outside, if we take him out of the car, maybe he will be exposed to the rain again, and it will definitely be too soon. If he can't stop the car, it will make him sicker."

"Little girl, do you really study medicine?" The middle-aged aunt was a little worried.

"Auntie, I really study medicine. I am from the medical school of Jianghai University, and I will graduate this year." Zhou Tian said quickly.

"Jiang University, that's a famous university!" The middle-aged aunt praised and nodded, "Since you are a top student from a famous university, I believe you, you are right, it's not good to take him out of the car now. , I'll call an ambulance when we're almost at Jianghai City."

The turmoil in the car finally ended, and the driver driving in front was relieved. He didn't want anything to happen to his car. He already regretted it at this time. If he knew that such trouble would come, he would not have done it before. The parking.


In a daze summer, I didn't know that he was lucky to get on the long-distance bus from Xingcheng to Jianghai City. The coach was not full, there were nearly ten vacancies, maybe because of this, the driver saw When he stopped the car, he stopped and let him get in the car. If there is no vacancy, drivers generally do not dare to overload, because once caught, it will definitely not be worth the loss.

A few days ago, when he met Baiyun Mountain in the summer, he bought a lot of medicinal materials and made some medicines. At that time, he did not tell Ye Yumei what medicine he was making, but in fact, he was making a kind of medicine. Lifesaving poison.

Poisons may not save lives. Some poisons can be used to fight poison, and this kind of poison refined in Xia Xia is not used to fight poison with poison, but a poison that greatly enhances the skill in a very short period of time. Poison can indeed be used to save lives. For example, not long ago, he took advantage of the opportunity to vomit blood and ate a lot of this poison, so that he finally succeeded in killing Baiyun Mountain and saved his own life. Otherwise, Baiyun Mountain Definitely won't let him go.

But the side effects of this drug are quite large. First of all, it is poisonous. Although the special constitution in summer is basically not afraid of poisons, the problem is that this poison has a second side effect, which is that it can In a period of time, he almost lost his true energy, and the reason why Xia Xia is not afraid of poison is mainly because of the ice and fire aura, and once there is no ice and fire aura, the poison will naturally cause him a certain amount of damage.

Of course, Xia Xia was already prepared for this. He had already taken the antidote, but another side effect could not be solved by the medicine. To restore the almost disappeared ice and fire aura, apart from rest, I am afraid that only Liu Meng can help him. Now that Liu Meng is away, all he can do is sleep.

I don't know how long I slept, but Xia Xian finally woke up, but he still felt very tired, he still wanted to sleep, but he found that there was a lot of noise around him, specifically, it was the noise behind him, he heard two The woman was screaming excitedly, like a group of noisy ducks croaking there, which was very hard to hear.

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