Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1370 Woman in Palace Dress

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

On the streets of Jianghai City, two women are walking side by side.

The dresses of these two people are quite eye-catching in this modern society. One of them is wearing a red cheongsam, which completely outlines her mature figure and looks quite sexy, and her face is also very beautiful, look. It has such a classic feel to it.

It's just that beauty and ugliness is often not an absolute concept, but a relative impression. When a woman with good features walks with a woman with small eyes and a pockmarked nose, the woman with good features will also Most of them will be regarded as a beauty, but now, this cheongsam woman with beautiful facial features and a sexy body, but people unconsciously feel mediocre, because there is a more beautiful woman beside her, a splendid figure A beautiful and beautiful Taoist girl.

This glamorous Taoist nun was naturally Gu Hanshuang, and the cheongsam woman was Mu Hongdan.

"Sister Hanshuang, I haven't seen you for a few months, you look much younger and more feminine." Mu Hongdan's mouth was full of admiration, "It seems that the little Hanshuang back then has finally become a real one. It's a big woman, I just don't know which man is so lucky!"

"Sister Mu, I am lucky." Gu Hanshuang said softly.

"Sister Hanshuang, it seems that you really have a man, that man, wouldn't it be Zhuang Yundong?" Mu Hongdan looked curious, "Speaking of which, I didn't see Zhuang Yundong when I went to the capital this time. "

"It's not him." Gu Hanshuang shook his head, "Sister Mu, his name is Xia Xia, maybe you will hear about him in the future."

"Summer?" Mu Hongdan looked surprised, "Is he also a cultivator? However, I don't seem to have heard his name."

"He's a doctor." Gu Hanshuang said softly, she didn't say much, with the lessons learned from Zhuang Yundong and Zhuge Wentian, Gu Hanshuang no longer wanted to let Mu Hongdan know about Xia's magical ability.

"Doctor, that's right, actually, Sister Hanshuang, you're still young, you can marry a man, unlike you, Sister Mu, I'm already old, and it's too late to marry." Mu Hongdan felt a little emotional.

"Sister Mu, as long as you want to do it, it's never too late." Gu Hanshuang whispered.

"Yes." Mu Hongdan nodded, and then changed the conversation, "We're at the hotel, come, let's go and sit first, we have just eaten, we will take a break first, and then go out for a walk in the late afternoon."

Gu Hanshuang hesitated for a moment, but nodded, and followed Mu Hongdan into the hotel.

The two quickly came to the third floor of the hotel. Mu Hongdan stopped at the door of one of the rooms, inserted the room card, and pushed in the door. Gu Hanshuang followed suit, but as soon as he entered the door, a warning sign appeared!

"Sister Mu, there's someone inside!" Gu Hanshuang grabbed Mu Hongdan and wanted to leave the room, but at the same time, she felt numb in her chest, and she could no longer exert any strength.


In Qiao Xiaoqiao's villa, Xia Tian was feasting, while Qiao Feng'er was sulking on the sofa.

"Crazy girl, have you eaten lunch yet?" After Xia Xian wiped out most of the food on the table, he suddenly remembered this, and asked casually.

"Don't eat, I'm full!" Qiao Fenger said angrily.

"Eat the air to be full, it's really a model of saving." Xia Xia said to himself, and then continued to eat, and after a while, he completely wiped out the food on the table.

Qiao Feng'er was sullen again, this rascal really didn't leave her at all!

"Are you full?" Qiao Feng'er asked angrily, "I'll hold you to death!"

"Actually, I'm not full." Xia Xia sat down beside Qiao Feng'er and continued to stare at her most striking part, "Do you want to continue cooking for me or give me something else to eat?"

"Anyway, I don't cook anymore, you can do whatever you want!" Qiao Fenger said angrily.

"That's what you said." Xia Tian leaned his head toward her chest again.

Seeing Xia Xia like this, Qiao Feng'er suddenly made a move that she didn't expect. She suddenly held down Xia Xia's head, pressed it to her chest, and said angrily: "I hold back. Damn you rascal!"

Xia Xia's head was really buried in the beautiful deep groove in her chest, while he sucked greedily, he muttered to himself: "Mad girl really has big breasts and no brains, does she really think that big breasts are enough? Can you suffocate people?"

Qiao Feng'er's beautiful face turned red in an instant, and her eyes were a little blurry. There seemed to be an inexplicable longing in her heart, but at this moment, she heard a voice: "Master..."

The enthusiasm in Qiao Fenger's heart faded a lot in an instant, and at the same time, she was still a little annoyed. When will Gu Hanshuang come back?

However, she immediately found out that something was wrong, it was Gu Hanshuang's voice, but Gu Hanshuang did not come back, but the phone rang again in the summer!

That special feeling suddenly left the body, Qiao Fenger seemed to feel a little empty in her heart, but she immediately felt a little full, because Xia Xia was answering the phone with one hand, and the other hand flexibly reached into her. Her chest, as if she was massaging her breasts a few months ago, continued to be massaged skillfully there.

"Girl Frost, where are you?" Xia Xia asked while playing with Qiao Feng'er's surprisingly elastic parts.

"Are you summer?" A voice came from the other side of the phone. Although one was also a woman, she was definitely not one of them.

Yu Gu Hanshuang's voice.

Xia Tian's face changed slightly, the movements on his hands stopped, and his tone became a little cold: "Who are you? What did you do to Shuang girl?"

"You can see Gu Hanshuang when you get to the top of Haijiang Building within half an hour. After half an hour, you won't know." The woman over the phone said lightly, and then hung up.

Without any hesitation, Xia Xia suddenly disappeared from Qiao Xiaoqiao's villa.

"Xia Tian, ​​you bastard, you are a super bastard!" Qiao Feng'er scolded angrily, this damn bastard, it's okay to tease her again and again, can't he have a beginning and an end?


Although there are many people working in Haijiang Building, there is basically no one on the roof of Haijiang Building, because the passage to the roof has been locked for a long time. It is not that people are not allowed to go up to see the scenery, but they are worried that someone will go there to play. Jump show.

But now, on the roof of this building, there are three people, to be precise, three women, and to be more specific, three beautiful women.

One of the beautiful women dressed as Taoist nuns was sitting on the ground, looking at a woman in a cheongsam not far away with cold eyes, but this woman in a cheongsam was standing respectfully behind the other woman.

This woman's dress is also very strange. She is actually wearing a green palace dress. If an outsider sees it, they might think that a palace drama is being filmed here, but the most attractive thing about this woman is obviously not her dress, but her That stunning beauty.

Snow-skinned black hair, picturesque eyebrows, light makeup and plain, out of the world, those beautiful facial features, out of the world and refined temperament, are enough to make the world pale, she stood there quietly, but she seemed to be integrated with the world , it feels amazing.

The Taoist nun sitting on the ground was naturally Gu Hanshuang, and the woman in cheongsam was Mu Hongdan. As for the woman in the palace dress, she was the one who restrained Gu Hanshuang with just one move.

In the distance in the air, a black spot suddenly appeared in rapid motion. After a while, the black spot was much closer, but it was a human figure.

Seeing this figure, Gu Hanshuang showed a worried look on her face. She opened her mouth to shout, but unfortunately she couldn't make any sound. She could only watch the figure getting closer and closer until it landed on the roof of Haijiang Building.

The person who came was in the summer, he fell directly beside Gu Hanshuang and picked her up from the ground, but he soon discovered that there was a kind of restriction in Gu Hanshuang's body, a restriction that he could not release temporarily.

"You are summer?" A cold and pleasant voice suddenly came.

Xia Xia turned to look at the woman in the palace dress, and was stunned for a while. The beauty of the woman in the palace dress was obviously beyond his expectations. She was actually a beauty that could rival Ye Yumei's dead woman, even though her figure was not as good as Ye Yumei's. It's hot, but her face is not at all fast compared to Ye Yumei, and her figure is quite well-proportioned and beautiful, and every part looks just right.

"Who are you?" Xia Xia reacted immediately after being dazed for a while, and asked back.

The woman in the palace dress didn't speak, she suddenly took a step forward, and then slapped Xia Tian with her palm.

"Damn it, another one will be so far away!" Xia Xia cursed inwardly, and he immediately understood that this is another person from the Misty Immortal Gate, but this person is obviously much stronger than Baiyun Mountain. He has I have a feeling that the strength of this beautiful woman in palace dress may be comparable to that of Han Mingfei!

Xia Xia stepped on an ethereal step and wanted to avoid this palm, but found that it was too late. The white and crystal palm was in front of him in an instant. Although he already had the strength of the late stage of Jindan, he was not as good as this palace woman. In comparison, the gap is still quite large.

But this white palm suddenly stopped less than one centimeter away from the summer, and then retracted suddenly, almost at the same time, the cold voice sounded again: "How can you be so elusive? Do you know a man named Yue? An elegant person?"

"Ah?" Xia Xia looked surprised. He looked at the woman in the palace dress, and couldn't believe it. "You, who are you? How could you know my master's name?"

"Your master?" There was also a hint of surprise in the cold tone of the woman in the palace dress, "You mean, you are a disciple of Yue Qingya?"

"Yes, my master's name is Yue Qingya, who are you?" Xia Xia nodded and asked back.

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