Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1371 Leng Ao Ji Qingying

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

The woman in the palace dress looked at Xia Xia with a strange look. Although the two were standing parallel, and this woman was about the same height as Xia Xia, she still gave off a feeling of being aloof.

"My name is Ji Qingying." After a while, the eyes of the woman in the palace dress softened a little, and her tone became a little gentler, "Yue Qingya is my senior sister, so I am your uncle."

"However, the master said that she shouldn't have any seniors or seniors here, and she is the only one here." Xia Xia looked at the woman in palace dress who claimed to be Ji Qingying with a suspicious look. Talk about believing her.

"Your master is right, she was indeed the only one in this world before." Ji Qingying said lightly: "Perhaps your master mentioned to you that she came to this world by accident, and I She was ordered to come to this world to pick her up, your master should have mentioned the Misty Immortal Sect to you, right?"

"I said that the master is the person from the Misty Immortal Sect." Xia Xia nodded.

"I'm from the Misty Immortal Gate. You know the misty footwork, but I can too." Ji Qingying said, her figure flashed quickly, and then stopped: "Do you believe it now?"

"That's really ethereal footwork." Xia Xia nodded, and he looked at Ji Qingying: "So, you are really my master's junior sister, that is, my uncle?"

"I also have a portrait of Senior Sister Yue here." Ji Qingying said that there was an extra scroll in her hand, and then with a flick, a portrait appeared in front of Xia Xia, and he could recognize the person above it at a glance. , no one else, it is his beautiful fairy tower reading copyright sister.

"The disciple has seen the uncle." Xia Xia finally no longer questioned, and bowed down and bowed respectfully.

"Don't be too polite." Ji Qingying's voice was still cold, "Is your master okay?"

"Master is very good, thank you for your concern." Xia Tian continued to pretend to be honest.

"Alright then, take me to see your master." Ji Qingying's tone contained a hint of command.

"Uncle Master, Master stayed on the mountain to cultivate, it's a little far from here, are you going to see Master now?" Xia Xia asked after a little hesitation.

"Senior Sister Yue has been away from the school for more than 20 years^ wonderful novels, all of which are read in the tower. The master and the senior sisters and sisters in the school miss her very much. Now that there is news about her, I naturally want to see her as soon as possible." Ji Qingying He said lightly: "I don't want to waste time, let's go immediately."

"Okay, Uncle Shi." Xia Xia agreed without any hesitation, then glanced at Gu Hanshuang, and he said, "Uncle Shi, can you help girl Shuang to lift the ban? She is my girl."

Ji Qingying didn't speak, just pointed it out.

"Master, I'm fine." Gu Hanshuang said softly.

"Uncle Master, Master's residence does not accept outsiders, so I can only take you there alone." Xia Xia said again at this time.

"Of course." Ji Qingying replied lightly, "I didn't plan to take anyone else."

"Fairy Ji, what about me?" Mu Hongdan was in a hurry when he heard this.

"Go wherever you want, I don't need you anymore." Ji Qingying said coldly, then looked at Xia Xia, "Let's go!"

"Girl Shuang, treat your friend well, I will be back soon." Xia Xia said to Gu Hanshuang.

"Yes, young master, I will entertain her." Gu Hanshuang replied softly.

\u0026, he stepped out of the roof of the Haijiang Building and flew forward quickly.

Ji Qingying also took a step forward and came to the back of Summer in an instant.


The roof of Haijiang Building.

Seeing Xia Xia's figure disappear into the air, a worried look appeared on Gu Hanshuang's face, because she knew that Xia Xia didn't want to take Ji Qingying to find Yue Qingya, even though she had not seen Yue Qingya, she already knew that Yue Qingya It is now Qingfeng Mountain, and the direction of summer is exactly the opposite direction to Qingfeng Mountain.

Gu Hanshuang was very worried because she knew that Ji Qingying was very powerful, stronger than the young master she had always thought was the strongest. Ji Qingying only had one finger to make her lose the power to fight back, but she also knew better that she couldn't help anything. .

It's not that Gu Hanshuang didn't want to go to Yue Qingya for help, but since Xia Xia took Ji Qingying away from Qingfeng Mountain, she obviously didn't want Yue Qingya to see Ji Qingying. In this case, she couldn't go against Xia Xia's wishes. The only thing she can do now is Yes, just pray that summer has a solution.

A trace of Qingta read copyright, pirated * must be investigated for subtle noise, and suddenly woke Gu Hanshuang, she turned around, her tone was a little indifferent: "Sister Mu, do you want to leave now?"

Mu Hongdan, who was about to slip away quietly, first showed a hint of panic on his face, and then turned into a sweet smile: "Sister Hanshuang, what are you talking about? I always want to watch the scenery by the side."

"Sister Mu, I thought you were different from them." Gu Hanshuang's voice was cold, and there was a hint of disappointment, "but I didn't expect you to be like them."

"Sister Hanshuang, I think you misunderstood. In fact, it's just Fairy Ji who wants to see Xia Xia. Look, it's okay, right? Fairy Ji and Xia Xia are a family, you have nothing to lose, and everyone has nothing to lose. Isn't everyone happy?" Mu Hongdan smiled, pretending that nothing happened.

"Do you know? The young master is a very magical man, he has a very magical medical skill, he can

Let a cultivator, a tower like you read the copyright, please support the genuine version, piracy will be punished by the cultivator, and it will break through to the golden elixir period overnight. Gu Hanshuang's voice was still indifferent, but his speech rate was quite slow. "When I met the young master for the first time, Zhuang Yundong knew that the young master had this ability, so he planned to sell me to the young master in exchange for him being able to achieve Jindan, but , Zhuang Yundong did not succeed because I sold myself to the young master, and then let the young master kill Zhuang Yundong. "

An embarrassed expression appeared on Mu Hongdan's face, but he didn't say anything.

But Gu Hanshuang continued: "A few days ago, in Shu City, I met Uncle Zhuge, and he also knew the ability of the young master. He asked the young master to help him achieve a golden pill, but unfortunately, the young master did not agree, and then Uncle Zhuge gave I poisoned and kidnapped me, of course, what's even more unfortunate is that the young master saw through his tricks long ago, so he died too."

A trace of fear and unease flashed in Mu Hongdan's eyes unconsciously, and he quickly read copyright extension in his heart.

"Sister Mu, I thought you were different. I thought that you came to me just to catch up with the past, but I didn't expect that you used me to set a trap for the young master. What do you think, I should What should I do?" Gu Hanshuang's tone became more and more icy cold, for a hundred years, she seems to have forgotten what it is like to be happy, but these days, she really feels happy, she even thinks that this is her life, She had the most comfortable and happy days, but now, all of this may be about to disappear. Her young master, her only man, is facing a crisis that may not be resolved, and all of this is brought by Mu Hongdan , Therefore, at this moment, she has already hated Mu Hongdan, and the sisterhood of the past few decades has disappeared at this moment!

"Sister Hanshuang, I have no choice but to do so, as you have seen, Fairy Ji is very powerful, neither you nor me can fight back in front of her, she wants to know if there are other immortal cultivators in this world, I will Say there is you, as for Xia, I only say that he may also be a cultivator, because I don’t think you can be an ordinary person’s lover, and then Fairy Ji said that she wants to see Xia, I don’t know where Xia is, so I have to I'm looking for you." Mu Hongdan began to feel that the situation was not good, and hurriedly began to explain, "Besides, now that you and Xia Xia are all right, why should you care about this?"

"Sister Mu, I can understand what you're doing, but I won't forgive you, because you put the young master in danger." Gu Hanshuang looked at Mu Hongdan coldly, but his right hand slowly pulled out the long sword from his back. .

"Wait!" Mu Hongdan was in a hurry, "I want you to entertain me in the summer!" Mu Hongdan only felt a chill surge from the bottom of his heart.

"The hospitality that the young master said is to let me kill you!" Gu Hanshuang said coldly.

"If you kill me, Fairy Ji can't find me when she comes back, she won't let you go!" Mu Hongdan threatened as he stepped back.

"You don't know the young master, but I know that this time, the young master and Ji Qingying will be the result of your life and death. If the young master comes back, then Ji Qingying will naturally die, and you, of course, can die, but if the young master fails to come back, Then I want to kill you even more, as for my life or death, if the young master dies, what does it matter if I live or die?" Gu Hanshuang's beautiful eyes shot two cold beams, and at the same time, a sword beam swept across the sky , "Sister Mu, the little sister will give you the last ride!"

"Help... uh!" Mu Hongdan quickly jumped out to the side of the Haijiang Building, and wanted to call for help, but unfortunately, she only shouted one word, and then a short scream, a sword light, directly cut her to pieces Two, then, two bodies fell from the sky, causing a terrified cry from below the Haijiang Building.

Gu Hanshuang didn't even look at it, she just jumped up and disappeared into the air soon, and the direction she left was the same direction that Xia Xia and Ji Qingying disappeared together.


In the sky, a man and a woman are walking in the sky.

\u0026) All rights reserved A modern dress, but the woman is dressed in a green palace dress, just like a person from ancient times.

\u0026n) The woman who owns the copyright is of peerless elegance, and it is not an exaggeration to say that she is all over the country, but she looks a little arrogant and looks down on everyone.

This man and woman are naturally Xia Xia and Ji Qingying, and now, they are still in a state of peace.

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