Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1405 Provocation

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

The powerful arrogance made him faint, but Xia Xia was not an ordinary person, so this arrogance had no effect on him at all.

"If you have the ability, do it, don't just talk about it and don't do it." Xia Xia looked at Han Mingfei with contempt, "No wonder the long-legged girl doesn't like you, she definitely won't like a man like you who only speaks empty words."

Before Han Mingfei could speak, Xia Xia quickly added: "Hey, do you know who the long-legged girl is? The long-legged girl is the nickname I gave Ye Yumei. In fact, she has many other nicknames, such as big steamed bread, little girl Slim waist, uh, she is really big, .com feels good to the touch, and her waist is really comfortable to hold, you must have never tried it? But I like her more and more now. A pair of long legs, so I called her long-legged sister..."

As Xia Xia spoke, she secretly thought about Ye Yumei, since this dead woman is unwilling to cooperate with him, don't blame him for talking nonsense, she only needs a little value.

"Shut up!" Han Mingfei shouted angrily, his face slightly twisted, obviously extremely angry.

"Long-legged girl, your value has finally begun to show." Xia Xia muttered to himself, he always thought that Han Mingfei must like Ye Yumei very much, so he wanted to use Ye Yumei as bait before, if Ye Yumei would cooperate If .com beats Ye Yumei on the rooftop, or insults her, he believes that Han Mingfei will definitely not be able to resist, but unfortunately, Ye Yumei refused to cooperate and didn't listen at all. His plan was rejected outright. In desperation, he had no choice but to use these true or false words to stimulate Han Mingfei. No, Han Mingfei was really stimulated.

\u0026nb Qing Yujie is unattainable, but now, the fairy in Han Mingfei's mind has been arbitrarily insulted by Xia Xia, and he may have even played with him. How can Han Mingfei stand it?

"Han Mingfei, let me tell you, don't look at the long-legged girl who is usually like a big ice cube, but she is really enthusiastic in bed. She is a model of cold outside and hot inside..." Xia continued to stimulate Han Mingfei.

"Looking for death!" Han Mingfei finally couldn't bear it anymore, he shouted angrily, and shot out with a palm, a majestic infuriating qi swept toward the summer in an instant!

Xia Xia was already prepared, and naturally he would not fight Han Mingfei recklessly. He knew very well that he was not Han Mingfei's opponent at all. He was only at the early stage of Jindan, and Han Mingfei was already at the early stage of Nascent Soul. There are several levels apart. If he fights with Han Mingfei recklessly now, it would be completely courting death, so he did not hesitate at all, turned around and ran. In fact, he turned around a second before he predicted that Han Mingfei was going to do something So in fact, his escape time was faster than Han Mingfei's shot time!

In a blink of an eye, Xia Xia left the roof of the villa and flew into the distance, but instead of flying to his residence, he flew in the direction of the mountain, and because he started a second in advance, within a short period of time, he flew towards the mountain. Inside, he can still keep a distance from Han Mingfei.

Although Yueluo Lake is actually very wide, for Xia Xia and Han Mingfei, it only takes a short while to fly over it. No, it seems that in less than two minutes, Xia Xia has already appeared at the highest point of Shenshan Mountain, Tianshen Peak.

However, at this time, Han Mingfei had already caught up, and then, before Xia Tian could stand firm, he slapped Xia Xia again with his palm. This palm contained infinite power and infinite anger. At this moment , Han Mingfei obviously wanted to kill Xia Xia with one palm!

"Why hasn't the dead demon girl come yet?" Xia Xia Lingkong stepped on the misty steps and avoided this palm, and even more secretly muttered in his heart, if Ji Qingying didn't come, he would really die.

No, he just tried his best to dodge a palm, and Han Mingfei's next palm continued to appear. He obviously couldn't dodge this one. If Ji Qingying didn't show up, then he would be finished. .

Seeing that Han Mingfei's right palm was less than one centimeter away from his chest, Xia Xia raised his palm to meet him, cursing Ji Qingying, but Xia Xian didn't want to really sit still like this, no matter what, he still had to carry it.

At this moment, a crystal-like jade palm suddenly appeared in the sky. Summer is no longer unfamiliar with this beautiful jade hand, because this is the jade hand that belongs to Ji Qingying!

This crystal-clear slap quickly met Han Mingfei's right palm, and almost at the same time, Xia Xian's body had left the place, and he was replaced by a stunning fairy in a green palace costume, who was Xia Xian's hope Ji Qingying who appeared.


There was a muffled sound, and the air was surging.

Han Mingfei groaned, stepped back a few steps, and then opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood: "Pfft!"

Ji Qingying stood proudly in the same place, motionless, and the mountain wind blew her long hair, showing her peerless elegance.

In a confrontation, a high-level judgment was made. There is no doubt that the gap between Han Mingfei and Ji Qingying is widening. The current Han Mingfei is not Ji Qingying's opponent at all.

"Junior Sister Ji, Xia Xia killed Junior Brother Bai and Junior Sister Huang, and you still want to protect him?" Han Mingfei was extremely angry.

"Senior Brother Han, I remember that I said that I don't want you to appear in front of Xia Xia again. I also remember that I also said that Xia Xia's life belongs to me, and no one can kill him except me!" Ji Qingying said coldly. Looking at Han Mingfei, "Senior Brother Han, are you trying to get along with me?"

"Junior Sister Ji, after returning to the master's door, I will report this matter to the master!" Han Mingfei's tone was filled with obvious resentment.

"If you can't beat it, go back to the master and complain, it's really not a man." Xia Xia continued, his tone was full of contempt.

"Xia Tian, ​​what qualifications do you have to say that I am not a man when you hide behind a woman?" Han Mingfei glared at Xia Xia.

"Whether I am a man, the long-legged girl knows best." Xia Xia said with a smile: "Why don't you ask the long-legged girl if I am a man? You know, I have proved it on her."

Han Mingfei looked at Xia Xia with unusually angry eyes. He was not stupid. He knew Xia Xia was deliberately provoking him, but he still had difficulty controlling his anger.

"Senior Brother Han, do you think you can go back?" Ji Qingying's tone was unusually indifferent. She looked at Han Mingfei coldly, as if looking at a dead man.

Han Mingfei was shocked, and his expression changed slightly: "Junior Sister Ji, you actually want to kill me? For the sake of an outsider like Xia Xia, you actually want to kill your fellow student?"

"Han Mingfei, you are such an idiot, she is not an outsider, she is my insider." Xia Tian took another sentence.

"Shut up!" Ji Qingying suddenly glared at Xia Xia and shouted.

"Junior Sister Ji, Junior Brother Bai, and Junior Sister Huang, are you arrogant?" Han Mingfei asked again at this time.

"Idiot, I said they both were my fault." Xia Xia was a little upset, doesn't anyone believe he can do this?

"Senior Brother Han, since Bai Yunshan and Huang Jingyi are both dead, you should go with them. You must know that you are a group, and you should have taken good care of them." Ji Qingying's beautiful eyes were still cold, and her voice was cold. With a bit of a cold taste, "Are you taking the blame yourself or do you want me to punish you on behalf of the master?"

"Punish me on behalf of Shizun?" Han Mingfei seemed to hear the most ridiculous thing in the world. "Haha, Shizun punished me on behalf of Shizun, Junior Sister Ji, did you really blush when you said this?"

"It seems that Senior Brother Han is not willing to take the blame for himself, so I will have to replace the master to clean up the door!" Ji Qingying did not change her face, and after saying this, she took a step forward, so far away!

In a blink of an eye, Ji Qingying appeared behind Han Mingfei, but strangely, at the same time, a palm that was as crystal clear as jade was shot from the front of Han Mingfei and quickly printed on Han Mingfei's chest.

Han Mingfei quickly raised his palm to meet him, but at this moment, the crystal clear palm suddenly disappeared, appeared strangely behind Han Mingfei, and then hit Han Mingfei's back firmly, and Han Mingfei didn't Before he had time to react, he was slapped by Ji Qingying's palm.

"Uh!" Han Mingfei groaned, and flew straight for a few feet. He turned around in the air, and then barely landed on the ground. After shaking his body a few times, he still couldn't stand still, but he didn't fall down. At the same time, he suddenly opened his mouth, poof, and spit out another mouthful of blood.

But at this moment, Ji Qingying took another step forward. In mid-air, she suddenly stretched out a palm that was as crystal clear as jade, and quickly patted Han Mingfei's head!

If this palm is printed, Han Mingfei will definitely die!

Xia Xia was a little excited, Han Mingfei, this idiot, was finally going to die. I have to say, in this matter, Ji Qingying, this dead demon girl, is much stronger than Ye Yumei. Ye Yumei didn't cooperate at all, or Ji Qingying cooperated better with him. .

But Xia Xia soon found out that he was too happy, because just when Ji Qingying's palm was about to hit Han Mingfei's head, a ray of silver light suddenly came, and the target was Ji Qingying's beautiful jade palm!

Han Mingfei didn't have time to react at this moment. It was no problem for Ji Qingying to slap Han Mingfei to death, but the problem was that if she didn't stop her hand, her beautiful jade palm would definitely have an extra hole, and it would become more difficult. Not even beautiful.

Ji Qingying seemed to hesitate for ten thousandths of a second, and then she finally quickly retracted her palm. Miaoman's body retreated a few meters and fell beside Xia Xia.

At almost the same time, there was another person beside Han Mingfei.

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