Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1406 He is my queen

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

A woman can't be said to be outstanding. In fact, if she is thrown into the crowd of women in this world, if she puts on ordinary clothes, she will definitely be buried in the crowd, and no man will pay special attention to her.

\u0026, She saved Han Mingfei with just one sword, and he even discovered that as soon as this woman appeared, Han Mingfei had a surprised look on his face, and Ji Qingying, on that beautiful face, clearly showed a trace of unease , There was also a flash of worry in the beautiful eyes. Obviously, the appearance of this woman has brought obvious pressure to Ji Qingying.

"The fifth one." Xia Xia secretly muttered, this is the fifth Misty Immortal Sect disciple. Among the twelve Misty Immortal Sect disciples who came to this world, he has already seen five, and he is about to see half of them. .

\u0026 Medium, she glanced at Xia Xia, but only glanced at it. Obviously, she didn't care about Xia Xia at all, which was normal. For people like them, a small role like Xia Xia was acceptable. No, if Xia Xia was not standing with Ji Qingying at the moment, I'm afraid she wouldn't even look at him at all.

"Senior Sister Nangong, you came at the right time. Junior Sister Ji colluded with outsiders and killed Junior Brother Bai and Junior Sister Huang, and now he wants to kill me!" Han Mingfei's tone was full of anger, he couldn't help being angry, if this Senior Sister Nangong happened to appear, he would May have just died.

"Junior Sister Ji, is this really the case?" This Senior Sister Nangong looked at Ji Qingying, frowning slightly, and seemed a little unbelievable.

She had to explain again, "After coming to this world, I have never seen Bai Yunshan and Huang Jingyi, and I suspect that they died at the hands of Senior Brother Han!"

"Junior Sister Ji, Xia Xia has already admitted this matter, do you still want to deny it?" Han Mingfei said angrily.

"Xia Tian?" Senior Sister Nangong frowned slightly, then looked towards Xia Xia, "Junior Brother Han, is that him? Who is he?"

"Senior Sister Nangong, he is Xia Xia, an immortal cultivator in this world, and he knows how to move in an ethereal manner. He also claims to be the husband of Junior Sister Qingya. I believe he knows the whereabouts of Junior Sister Qingya. I have been trying to get Junior Sister Qingya from him. It's a pity that Junior Sister Ji has been standing by to stop me, and she wants to kill me tonight!" Han Mingfei looked at Xia Xia, his usual calmness no longer existed at this moment, and at this moment, the most in his heart was anger!

"Junior Sister Qingya's husband?" Senior Sister Nangong had a surprised look on her face. She stared at Xia Xia carefully for ten seconds, then shook her head, "Isn't that unlikely?"

Before anyone could speak, Senior Sister Nangong spoke again, but this time, she looked at Xia Xia: "Your name is Xia Xia, right? I'm Nangong Yan, from Piaomiao Xianmen. Do you know the whereabouts of Junior Sister Qingya?"

"Yes, I know, do you want to know?" Xia Tian asked back, "Actually, if you really want to know, I can't tell you, as long as you promise me a condition."

"What conditions?" Nangongyan asked.

"Oh, my conditions are very simple, you just need to kill the idiot Han Mingfei." Xia Xia said lightly.

Nangongyan shook her head gently: "Xia Xia, this is impossible, you can change the conditions, or you can tell me first, why did you want to kill Junior Brother Han? Junior Brother Han should have no deep hatred with you, right?"

"Because he wants to kill me, of course I will kill him first." Xia Xianfei said: "As for the deep hatred, it's actually because I robbed his dream lover, uh, do you know that Han Mingfei, an idiot, likes it very much. Ye Yumei? By the way, I seem to have forgotten to tell you that Ye Yumei's long-legged girl is also my wife."

"Ye Yumei?" Nangongyan's face changed slightly, "Is she still alive?"

"Of course I'm alive, I don't know how well I live." Xia Fei quickly said: "Anyway, if you want to know where my fairy sister Yue Qingya is, you must kill the idiot Han Mingfei first, of course, the idiot Han Mingfei. I don't mind if I'm willing to kill myself."

Nangongyan pondered for a while, then looked at Ji Qingying: "Junior Sister Ji, I don't understand why you are protecting an outsider? Could it be that you want to get the whereabouts of Junior Sister Qingya from him alone?"

"Senior Sister Nangong, to me, he is not an outsider, he is my queen." Ji Qingying said coldly.

"Empress?" Nangongyan froze for a moment, then showed a wry smile, "I almost forgot, Junior Sister Ji is in the secular world, but the future queen of the Ji Dynasty."

"Hey, what queen? All queens are women, and you are my queen. Uh, no, I'm not an emperor. In short, I'm your man, not your goddamn queen!" Xia Xia was very depressed, he How can a dignified man actually become a queen?

Unfortunately, Ji Qingying obviously didn't mean to reason with him, she ignored Xia Xia's protest at all, just looked at Nangong Yan and continued: "Senior Sister Nangong, Senior Brother Han wants to kill my queen, I naturally want to kill him, even if I get to the teacher. In front of Zun, I believe that Master will not punish me, I hope you don't mess with this!"

"Junior Sister Ji, I can't judge what's right or wrong between you. I can only wait until I go back to my teacher's door and ask my teacher to make a ruling. However, since I'm here, I can't see the two of you killing each other, so no matter what. Which of you is right or wrong, you can't continue to do it." Nangongyan pondered for a while and said, "I think so, Junior Sister Ji, you and your queen leave here first, as for Junior Brother Han, he is injured now. I will take care of it, I can guarantee that Junior Brother Han will not attack Xia Xia, and you can't attack Junior Brother Han either."


Nangong Yan added: "I will handle this matter fairly. If one of you attacks first, then I will help the other."

Ji Qingying stared at Nangongyan for a few seconds, then turned to look at Xia Xia, and whispered, "Go!"

Without waiting for Xia Tian to answer, Ji Qingying grabbed his arm and stepped out, disappearing into the night in the blink of an eye.

And when Ji Qingying disappeared completely, Nangongyan turned to look at Han Mingfei, with a gentle smile on her face: "Junior Brother Han, can you tell me what happened during this time?"


Moon falls by the lake.

Ji Qingying looked at Tianshen Peak from a distance, her face extremely cold.

"Hey, can't you beat that Nangong Yan?" Xia Xia couldn't help asking at this time.

"She was already in the middle stage of Nascent Soul ten years ago. I just got promoted to the middle stage of Nascent Soul a few days ago, but if I really do it, I'm not afraid of her." Ji Qingying turned to look at Xia Xia, her tone was a little cold, " But you are not Han Mingfei's opponent, if the two of them join forces, we will definitely lose."

"What a pity, I almost killed Han Mingfei." Xia Xia was a little depressed. I'm afraid such an opportunity will not be so easy to come across in the future.

"It's not a pity, Han Mingfei will die soon." Ji Qingying was still looking at Tianshen Peak from a distance, but a hint of ridicule appeared on her beautiful face, "Han Mingfei thought he had met a savior, but he didn't know that he had fallen into a trap, I don't think he will survive tonight."

"What?" Xia Xia was a little confused, "You mean, there's something wrong with that ugly woman Nangong Yan?"

"It's not just a problem?" Ji Qingying snorted coldly, "Others don't know her details, but I know very well, this time I was in the same group with her, but as soon as I arrived in this world, I immediately separated from her, just I didn't expect that she would still come here!"

"You mean, she came here not to find Han Mingfei, but to find you?" Xia Xia quickly understood.

"You're not stupid." Ji Qingying said coldly, then turned around, "You'd better leave this place immediately, don't expect me to save you anytime, don't say I didn't remind you, at the critical moment, I will only save my own life first!"

As soon as the words fell, Ji Qingying stepped out of the sky and disappeared from Xia Xia's sight in an instant.

"This dead demon girl said it very directly!" Xia Xia muttered, and then quickly walked to the villa. No matter whether what Ji Qingying said was true or not, it was impossible for him to kill Han Mingfei, so he did Time to leave this place.

Xia Xia quickly walked into the villa, came to the second floor, stood outside Ye Yumei's bedroom, raised his hand to knock on the door, but the door opened, Ye Yumei's cold and extraordinary face appeared a little abruptly in the in front of him.

"That, long-legged girl, we should get out of here." Xia Tian was stunned, and then he said.

He had to leave, and he hoped Ye Yumei would follow along. Of course, if this long-legged girl really didn't leave, he had no choice but to leave her here.

Ye Yumei didn't answer Xia Xia's question, she just went out the door and walked outside quickly.

"Hey, long-legged girl, where are you going?" Xia Xia was stunned, and quickly chased after him.

"Didn't you say you were leaving?" Ye Yumei said angrily.

Xia Tian was stunned again, when did this long-legged girl become so talkative? A woman's heart is indeed a needle in the sea!

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