Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1407 Flying together 38xs.cm

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"Long-legged girl, let's go to Jianghai City first." Although Xia Xia was a little puzzled by Ye Yumei's sudden cooperation, this result was what he was looking forward to the most. He didn't want Ye Yumei to stay here, because he felt that she would stay here. It may be very dangerous here. Whether it is Han Mingfei or Nangongyan, Ye Yumei can't deal with it. Besides, Sister Shenxian also hopes that he can be with Ye Yumei, and he doesn't want to let Sister Shenxian's wish fail.

Seeing that Ye Yumei had no objection, Xia Xia quickly ran towards Jianghai City. He originally planned to get rid of Han Mingfei before returning to Jianghai City. Unfortunately, things were always unsatisfactory, so he could only change his plan.

Ye Yumei turned her head and glanced at the mountain from a distance. She seemed to miss this place a little bit, but she just glanced at it, and then followed the summer.

Xia Xia didn't fly with imperial qi. Although it was faster, he was a little worried about Nangong Yan. If he flew with imperial qi now, he would probably be discovered by Nangong Yan, so his plan was to leave Yuenan City first, and then fly with imperial qi. Air flight is not too late.

\u0026nb, Nangongyan's strength is even slightly stronger than Ji Qingying. As Ji Qingying said, once Nangongyan cooperates with Han Mingfei, he will be in big trouble.

\u0026nIt's good news, he wished that those people in Misty Immortal Sect would kill each other and die cleanly.

Thinking of Nangong Yan, a thought suddenly popped into Xia Tian's mind, Ye Yumei's sudden cooperation was not because of Nangong Yan's appearance, right? In less than an hour before and after, her attitude changed so much, it seemed that there was no other reason, only Nangong Yan suddenly appeared.

"Long-legged girl, do you know Nangong Yan?" Xia Xia couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, unlike Ji Qingying, twenty years ago, Ji Qingying was still a little girl in her teens.

"I know." Ye Yumei answered Xia Tian's question.

"Really know?" Xia Xia was stunned, "You thought of leaving when you saw her appear?"

"Aren't you?" Ye Yumei asked angrily.

\u0026Nangongyan, except that she looks a little ugly, there is nothing special about her, but why are both Ji Qingying and the long-legged girl a little afraid of her? "

"If I hadn't stayed in this hellish place for 20 years, why would I be afraid of her?" Ye Yumei said with a hint of resentment in her tone.

"Long-legged girl, in fact, you don't have to be afraid of her. That ugly woman Nangongyan is only a mid-Nuan Ying cultivation base. When I learn the sixth needle against the sky, I will be able to make you even more powerful than her. You can kill her with just one palm." Xia Xia comforted Ye Yumei, and then he flew into the air, now they have left the urban area of ​​Yuenan City, so he also began to fly with imperial energy, which will be faster. a little.

Ye Yumei also appeared in the air, flying side by side with Xia Xia. Her current cultivation level was even higher than Xia Xia's, so it was easy to follow him.

"Nangong Yan is not necessarily just a cultivation base in the middle stage of Nascent Soul." Ye Yumei said coldly.

"Then what kind of cultivation is she?" Xia Xia was a little puzzled, "Hey, long-legged girl, who is that ugly woman Nangongyan?"

Ye Yumei didn't answer Xia Xia's question. Obviously, she didn't really want to tell Xia Xia about it.

Xia Xia asked a few more questions in a row, but Ye Yumei still ignored him, which made Xia Xia a little depressed, and he simply didn't bother to ask any more, but he cursed Ye Yumei a few times in his heart, this moody long-legged girl, 80% Endocrine disorders, in the final analysis, she lacks a man!

"Long-legged girl, I killed Baiyunshan and Huang Jingyi down there." After a while, Xia Xia spoke again, and he still couldn't rest after all.

Unfortunately, Ye Yumei still ignored him.

"Long-legged girl, do you think we are now called flying together?" Xia Xia began to flirt with Ye Yumei.

However, Ye Yumei remained unresponsive.

Xia Xia was depressed again: "Well, it seems that you also think that we are flying together."

This time, Ye Yumei reacted. She accelerated suddenly and was a few hundred meters away from the summer. Therefore, they still flew together, but they were definitely not flying together. , but this time it's more normal, it's men chasing women, not women chasing men when they just left Qingfeng Mountain.


Divine Mountain, Tianshen Peak.

"This summer, it seems that he is really capable." After listening to Han Mingfei's narration, Nangongyan couldn't help but feel a little regretful, and seemed a little regretful that he had let Summer go before, "He was able to win the favor of Junior Sister Qingya and Ye Yumei at the same time. Junior Sister Ji treats him differently, even in Immortal Cloud Continent, I'm afraid you won't find such a man!"

"Senior Sister Nangong, Xia Xia is indeed not an ordinary person. Although his cultivation base is not high, he seems to have a very special cultivation method. He seems to be able to cultivate quickly in this world where spiritual energy is quite scarce. Looking for an opportunity to get the whereabouts of Junior Sister Qingya from him, but now I find that we must solve him quickly, and if it takes a long time, it may not be good." Han Mingfei's tone was a little worried, "It's just, Junior Sister Ji stopped me again and again, preventing me from going as planned."

"Junior Brother Han, don't worry, I will solve this matter." Nangongyan smiled slightly, "For now, let me not care about so much, I'll help you heal first, this world lacks spiritual energy, it will be more difficult for you to heal yourself."

"Okay, thank you Senior Sister Nangong." Han Mingfei nodded. His injuries were not minor.

It is indeed difficult for this world to heal by himself. If Nangongyan helps him, he will naturally be able to recover faster.

And at night, Tianshen Peak is a good place for healing. Compared with other places, the spiritual energy here is slightly stronger, and it is also very quiet here, and basically no one will disturb it.

Han Mingfei sat cross-legged on the ground, and behind him, Nangong Yan was also sitting cross-legged, with both palms attached to Han Mingfei's back at the same time.

An incomparably powerful infuriating qi suddenly poured into Han Mingfei's body like a flood, quickly destroying Han Mingfei's eight meridians and internal organs with the momentum of destroying the dead!

The sudden change left Han Mingfei, who was already seriously injured, without any precautions. In that instant, blood gushed out from his mouth, ears, nose, and eyes. It was the real bleeding from the seven orifices. That ordinary face, At this moment, it has become extremely terrifying, like a ghost!

"Why...why..." Han Mingfei turned his head with great effort, and looked at Nangongyan with his bleeding eyes. He couldn't understand, he couldn't understand at all, this weekdays looked very kind Senior Sister Nangong, how could he give him such a fatal blow? At this moment, not only his body but also his heart was broken, and it was even more shattered by this blow.

"Junior Brother Han, in this world, you have no value to exist anymore, so you can finally contribute a little of your value!" The gentle expressions on Nangongyan's face have long since disappeared, replaced by a vicious, and A trace of madness, "When I swallow your Nascent Soul, I will help you kill Ji Qingying and Xia Xia!"

Hearing this, Han Mingfei's angry eyes suddenly became extremely frightened. Suddenly, a small person emerged from the top of his head and flew into the distance at a very fast speed, obviously trying to escape.

"Junior Brother Han, it's too late to escape now!" Nangongyan sneered and disappeared in place, catching up with the villain in a blink of an eye.

"Nangongyan, you are too happy!" A cold snort came suddenly, but it was Ji Qingying's voice.

In the air ahead, Ji Qingying appeared without warning. She was holding the ink sword. There were already hundreds of small swords spinning around the ink sword, and with her cold snort, these hundreds of small swords turned towards Nangong Yan together. fly over!

Nangongyan's eyes narrowed. It was not the first day that she had known Ji Qingying. Naturally, she knew that Ji Qingying's move was extremely powerful. Even if her cultivation base was a little higher than Ji Qingying's, it would still be quite a feat if she wanted to take over all these hundreds of small swords. It's tough, and you'll get hurt if you don't get it right.

"Ji Qingying, I underestimated you!" Nangongyan had to dodge. She didn't want to get hurt. In this world, getting hurt is a very troublesome thing, because it will be very difficult to heal. Who makes this world almost devoid of spiritual energy? Woolen cloth.

"Junior Sister Ji, save me!" The escaping villain suddenly spoke, but just after the voice fell, a few small swords completely penetrated his body. The villain didn't even have time to let out a scream, and disappeared completely, in shape and spirit. All perish!

And almost at the same time, Ji Qingying turned around suddenly, and left quickly with her incomparable exquisiteness, and the hundreds of small swords also disappeared without a trace, and it was only now that Nangongyan realized that Ji Qingying had always had a purpose from beginning to end. It wasn't on her at all. Everything she did was to completely destroy Han Mingfei's Nascent Soul, so that Nangongyan wouldn't have the chance to devour Nascent Soul!

"Ji Qingying, don't let me find you, otherwise, I will definitely use your Nascent Soul to eat!" Nangongyan was very angry, swallowing a Nascent Soul would increase her skill by a lot, but damn Ji Qingying, it just destroyed it Her once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

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