Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1408 You are called the beginning and the end

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Around nine in the evening.

Jianghai City, Sun Xinxin's villa.

\u0026 passed this male host, but brought back another hostess, uh, it should only be counted as half, in summer, the long-legged girl can only be counted as half of the wife at most.

\u0026nbYe Yumei is more dangerous, and Ji Qingying that dead demon girl is also very dangerous, Xia Xia didn't want to accidentally bring danger to Qiao Xiaoqiao and the others, so he chose Sun Xinxin's villa, because Sun Xinxin was not there, and now the one is called Ding Ling The girl in the house is also not there, and now there are only two people in this villa, Xia Xia and Ye Yumei.

\u0026 Now, these wives in Jianghai City, Qiao Xiaoqiao and Princess Sama are not suitable for acupuncture, but fortunately, apart from them, Liu Yunman Ankeke Shujing is all there, and Wang Xiaoya's little girlfriend is also suitable.

Xia Xia wanted to be the first to give Liu Yunman acupuncture, but Liu Yunman learned that she was going to Qingfeng Mountain after the acupuncture, so she asked Xia Xia to give other people acupuncture first. She needed to arrange the abandonment of the children's home first, so , the object of the first needle in the summer became Encoco.

\u0026n The time is actually relatively free. In addition, she is a contracted entertainment company with Qiao Donghai. To put it bluntly, it is her own company. Even if she does not make a movie for a year, no one will say anything.

Before ten o'clock, Xia Xia took An Keke to the villa, and then he was quite surprised to find that An Keke could directly administer needles without taking medicine pills to increase his skills. This was a good thing for him. The medicine is actually a bit less than enough, on the other hand, it can also save time.

The next morning, An Keke was successfully promoted to the master of elixir, and then she was sent to Qingfeng Mountain. Xia Xia didn't know what the fairy sister wanted so many elixir masters, and he didn't need to know, the fairy sister didn't care. What to do is always for his own good, he doesn't need to know what the specific thing is.

After a short rest, Liu Yunman was picked up in the summer, and then at night, Liu Yunman was also sent to Qingfeng Mountain. There was no rest in the summer, and then Wang Xiaoya was given acupuncture. In the next morning, Wang Xiaoya also became a The youngest Jindan master was also sent to Qingfeng Mountain. At this moment, Xia Xia's cultivation base has reached the middle stage of Jindan, but this cultivation base is still far from the Nascent Soul stage.

After creating three Jindan stage masters in a row, Xia Xia was finally a little tired. When Wang Xiaoya was sent away, he fell directly into bed and fell asleep.

He slept through the night, and when he woke up, he found that there was already another person beside the bed, it was none other than Shu Jing.

"Jingjing wife, you're here!" Xia Tian was not surprised to see Shu Jing, because Shu Jing is the next person to be acupuncture, and after tonight, Shu Jing will become the next golden elixir master.

"Are you hungry? I just ordered takeout, so go eat first." Shu Jing actually came a long time ago, but after she came, she found that Xia Xia was sleeping, so she didn't disturb him.

Xia Tian nodded, he was really hungry, he quickly dragged Shu Jing downstairs, devoured for a while, barely filling his stomach, and then prepared to give Shu Jing an injection.

"That's right, Song Yumei called you at noon, and you didn't wake up, so I answered the call for you. Song Yumei asked me to tell you, and it's fine to send a gold elixir master over there, but she also said that if If you are worried about the safety of others, you can send more to the past." At this moment, Shu Jing remembered something.

"That's it, that's just right, Jingjing wife, after I give you an injection tonight, you will go to Qingfeng Mountain." Xia Xia pulled Shu Jing and wanted to go upstairs, but at this moment, a green shadow flashed, and the villa In the living room, there was suddenly one more person, it was Ji Qingying.

Ji Qingying swept away everyone in the room, her eyes finally stopped on Ye Yumei, and then she slapped Ye Yumei with a slap.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Xia Xian was startled, and hurriedly shouted, then dodged and stood in front of Ye Yumei. Almost at the same time, Ye Yumei flashed to the other side. Obviously, Ye Yumei The response speed is not slow.

"Of course I killed her!" Ji Qingying snorted coldly, her crystal jade palm was withdrawn at the moment when it was about to meet the summer, and her tone was still cold, "It is a scourge to keep her after all!"

"Hey, even if she's a scourge, it's my scourge. It has nothing to do with you, you can't kill her!" Xia Xia stared at Ji Qingying in dissatisfaction. Even if Ye Yumei was a bad woman, it was his business. Let others kill it?

"You are protecting her!" Ji Qingying seemed a little dissatisfied.

"Of course, she is also my wife." Xia Xia said solemnly.

"I have nothing to do with you!" Ye Yumei said angrily.

"Hey, long-legged girl, how can you be so irresponsible? You've been living with me for so long, and now you say it's nothing to do with me, you're called chaos and abandonment!" Xia Xia said displeased.

Shu Jing on the side was stunned, this pervert is getting more and more shameless, actually saying that others have always abandoned him!

"Boring!" Ye Yumei obviously didn't want to argue with Xia Xia, she just spit out two words coldly, then turned around and wanted to go upstairs.

"Stop!" Ji Qingying shouted, "Ye Yumei, I didn't let you go, you better stay still, otherwise, no one can stop me from killing you!"

"Hey, you said you won't kill my wife!" Xia Xia suddenly became a little anxious, why did Ji Qingying, a dead demon girl, come to kill her inexplicably?

"She has already said that she is not your wife!" Ji Qingying said coldly.

"That's just because she's shy." Xia Xia said casually.

"She's still a virgin, how could she be your wife?" Ji Qingying looked coldly

Looking at Xia Tian, ​​"Do you think I can't see it?"

"Then we just don't have a bridal chamber yet, and we will soon have a bridal chamber." Xia Xia said without changing his face.

"I'm not in the mood to argue with you, since you want her to live, I won't kill her for the time being." When Ji Qingying said this, she looked at Ye Yumei indifferently, "It's just that even if I don't kill her She, I'm afraid she won't live long, and when Nangongyan appears, she will definitely be dead!"

Xia Tian's face changed suddenly: "That ugly woman Nangong Yan is chasing after him?"

Ye Yumei, who wanted to leave, also stopped when she heard this, and looked at Ji Qingying with a rather strange look, her face was also a little unsightly. Obviously, she was also quite concerned about this matter.

Ji Qingying glanced at the two of them with indifferent eyes, and said slowly, "In less than half an hour after you left Tianshen Peak, Nangongyan took advantage of the opportunity to heal Han Mingfei to kill him, and wanted to take his Nascent Soul and devour it. Fortunately, I was prepared and took the opportunity to destroy Han Mingfei's Nascent Soul. Nangongyan has a very vicious cultivation technique. She can quickly increase her skills by swallowing Jindan and Nascent Soul. If she is allowed to swallow Han Mingfei's Nascent Soul , then her current cultivation base has at least reached the late Nascent Soul, even if I am, I am afraid that I will not be able to escape her poisonous hands!"

"Don't be afraid, when I learn the sixth needle against the sky, I will directly raise you to the distraction stage, and it will be easy to deal with her." Xia Xia didn't care about this.

"Do you think you still have time?" Ji Qingying snorted coldly, "In the past two days, I have been deliberately tempting Nangongyan to come after me. Although she is a bit higher in skill than me, my footwork has the advantage of being close to the horizon, so she She never caught up with me. Originally, according to my plan, if she kept chasing me like this, you would have the most time to slowly improve your skills. Unfortunately, Nangongyan is not a fool. She soon discovered my intention. , so she has stopped chasing me, she is now going to the north, I don't know the exact location, but there is no doubt that she is now looking for another immortal cultivator!"

After a pause, Ji Qingying looked at Xia Xia: "What do you think Nangongyan will do after she finds the next immortal cultivator? I can tell you that in this world where cultivation is impossible at all, Nangongyan will only choose to devour other people's golden elixir. Or Nascent Soul comes to increase your skills, and in your world, the number of immortal cultivators is pitifully small, and those immortal cultivators are basically your women, that is to say, from now on, your women have become Nangongyan's prey, their golden pills, are all excellent supplements for Nangongyan!"

"Oops, Mei'er is there!" Xia Xia's expression changed dramatically, Nangongyan went to the north, most likely to the capital, and now in the capital, Meier is the only immortal cultivator, once Meier was killed by Nangongyan Discovered, that Meier is probably the most fortunate!

Without any hesitation, Xia Tian immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed Meier's number: "Mei'er wife, hide immediately, don't contact anyone, wait for me to come to the capital to find you!"

"What's wrong?" Mei'er on the other end of the phone was obviously stunned, obviously quite confused by this.

"Wife Meier, I can't explain too much to you now, in short, you listen to me, find a place to hide, don't pick up any task, unless I call you again, or you will keep hiding! Xia Xia said anxiously. He suddenly discovered that he turned his wives into masters of golden elixir. It seems that he did not help them, but brought them danger. Those wives who have not yet reached the golden elixir stage appear to be Much safer.

"Okay, I see." Although Meier was very puzzled, she still agreed to Xia Xia, but whether she would do it or not, even Xia Xia couldn't be sure.

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