Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1579 You are not beautiful

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

In Yi Xiaoyin's office, there are a total of six police officers, four men and two women, and the one who just stood up, even three men and one woman, heard the word Huicheng, and Yi Xiaoyin felt that the situation was not quite right. , because the island she had just visited was actually under the jurisdiction of Huicheng.

And she actually left there for less than two hours, and the Huicheng police had already come to the door, which made her think that it was mostly because of things over there.

"Miss Yi, we are the criminal police of the Wanggang Police Department's serious crime team. We also have a case that needs your cooperation to investigate." At this moment, another policeman also stood up, and it was the female policeman who spoke.

After a pause, the policewoman added: "We came here first, so please ask Miss Yi to go to the serious crime team with us first."

"Can I ask first, is it all because of the case?" Yi Xiaoyin seemed very calm. She, who had seen strong winds and waves for a long time, naturally wouldn't panic because of such small things. The only thing that really worried her was Xia Xia. .

"Miss Yi, we are investigating the cause of death of one of your patients. I think you have already heard about that big star Yaner. Yaner's boyfriend accused you of improper treatment, but medical malpractice is not our scope of investigation. , We want to confirm whether there is a crime in this matter, so we hope that Miss Yi can give us a complete transcript." The policewoman's tone was still quite polite, which is actually normal, although the deceased Yan'er was not an ordinary person , but in terms of identity, Yi Xiaoyin is more noble.

"I did hear about this, and I will go to the police station with you." Yi Xiaoyin nodded, she also wanted to figure out this matter, Yan'er's death was indeed a bit bizarre.

Originally, she didn't want to doubt He Tianhao, but after He Tianhao directly accused her, she began to feel that this was unusual. Perhaps, there was something wrong with it.

"Miss Yi, have you been to a place called Haiyue Island today?" This time it was the Huicheng police officer who asked the question, led by a middle-aged male police officer.

"I just came back from an island, but I don't know the name of that island." Yi Xiaoyin replied, and she was also sure that it really happened on the island.

"Miss Yi, then I'll tell you the truth. There was a murder on the island and three people died. One of them was Mo Anlun, the son of Mr. Mo Bugui, the richest man in Wanggang. According to Mo Anlun's fiancee Paris, he was Miss Yi, you murdered Mo Anlun, because the case happened within the jurisdiction of Huicheng, so we are responsible for the investigation." The middle-aged criminal policeman looked at Yi Xiaoyin, "Anyway, we need Miss Yi to come to Huicheng with us. city."

Mo Allen is dead?

Yi Xiaoyin was a little annoyed, did that bastard just beat people to death?

But, this is not right, why does Paris say that she murdered people?

According to common sense, shouldn't Paris be said to be the one that kills in summer? Even if Paris didn't know Xia Xia's name, she would still say that it was her boyfriend of Yi Xiaoyin, instead of directly saying that she killed it, right?

Yi Xiaoyin always felt that the situation was not right, and she couldn't help but think of what she said in the previous summer. He seemed to know that something would happen.

"Excuse me, officers, can I make a call first?" Yi Xiaoyin decided to call Xia Xia first. She had to ask what was going on first.

No one objected, so Yi Xiaoyin quickly called Xia Xia.

"Wife Yiyi, I knew you would miss me soon, it's okay, I'll find you right away." Xia Xia's voice came from there, and then, before Yi Xiaoyin could speak, Xia Xia called Bye.

Yi Xiaoyin was immediately annoyed, this bastard actually hung up on her first!

Gritting her teeth, Yi Xiaoyin called again, and soon, she heard the ringing of her mobile phone, and the ringing of the mobile phone came from the door.

"Wife Yiyi, I said I would come to you soon, so you don't need to call me." Xia Tian appeared at the door with a smile on his face.

Yi Xiaoyin gave Xia Tian a fierce look, and then hung up the phone.

"Hey, wife Yiyi, why are there so many policemen playing here?" Xia Xia was a little surprised, then glanced at a few policemen, "Aren't you guys at work?"

Several police officers had displeased expressions on their faces, and the policewoman from Wanggang Police Station couldn't help but say, "Miss Yi, this is..."

"Oh, I'm the husband of Yiyi's wife, hey, this female police officer, you are not beautiful." Xia Xia looked at the policewoman, "Why can't you see a beautiful policewoman now? If you are not beautiful, you can Don't be a policeman."

The policewoman was immediately annoyed, is this what someone said? If you're not pretty, you can't be a police officer? Besides, she is not ugly, she is also a flower in the city bureau, and there are many people chasing her!

Yi Xiaoyin wanted to strangle Xia Xia. As expected, this bastard was quite normal when he pretended to be an ordinary person. Now that he has returned to normal, he can make people angry with just a few words.

If she were that policewoman, she might shoot him!

"Officer, I'm sorry, this is my friend, his brain is not normal." Yi Xiaoyin took the initiative to apologize to the policewoman, and at the same time wanted to scold Xia Xia, this bastard's brain is not normal.

"Wife Yiyi, my brain is obviously normal." Xia Xian was a little dissatisfied, "She is not beautiful at all, not as beautiful as you, nor as beautiful as Bing Bing, I think only Bing Bing is as beautiful as she is suitable to be a policewoman. If you're pretty, don't be a cop."

"Also Bingbing is so pretty. Do you want Li Bingbing to be as pretty or Fan Bingbing to be as pretty?" The policewoman finally

Unable to bear it, he complained.

"You're so stupid, they're not pretty, but my Bingbing wife is really pretty." Xia Xia looked at the policewoman, a little unhappy.

"Really? Who is your Bingbing wife?" The policewoman was a little mad. Sure enough, this person has a brain problem, right?

"Her name is Leng Bingbing, haven't you heard of it?" Xia Xia looked at the policewoman, a little surprised, "Well, it seems that you are a little ignorant."

"Cold?" Several people in the room shouted at the same time.

"What are you dreaming about?" The policewoman looked at Xia Tian, ​​"Can Leng Bingbing be your wife?"

Several other police officers also felt that this guy should have a real problem with his brain.

"Several police officers, don't take it seriously, he is crazy and likes to call people's wives everywhere." Yi Xiaoyin said again at this time, "Let's just get down to business, why don't we do this, several police officers, let's go to the city police station together first. I'll go over there to make a record first, and then I'll go to Huicheng with a few police officers from Huicheng..."

"Wife Yiyi, you don't have to go, just stay here with me." Xia Tian interrupted Yi Xiaoyin at this moment.

"I said this gentleman, don't think that you are ill and delusional. It's not up to you to decide whether Miss Yi should leave!" The policewoman said angrily.

There is no doubt that these police officers now believe that summer is a lunatic. Although the name Leng Bingbing is not well-known, and Leng Bingbing is not a star, but in the police system, this name is quite famous, so even if it is in sight Hong Kong, many people know Leng Bingbing.

And this guy said that Leng Bingbing was his wife, but also called Yi Xiaoyin's wife. Isn't this a neuropathy?

The only thing they don't understand is, how could Yi Xiaoyin be friends with a psychopath? Could it be that this is actually Yi Xiaoyin's patient?

"Don't make a fool of yourself, I'll solve this problem myself!" Yi Xiaoyin was really afraid of Xia Xia's chaos. She also knew Xia Xia's authority was very high. If she really didn't let her go, the police couldn't do anything about him, but the problem was, She wants to solve these troubles in a normal way, otherwise, once the public opinion intervenes, the reputation of the Yiren Pavilion chain hospital may be ruined.

"Wife Yiyi, this matter has been resolved, they will leave soon." Xia Xia looked innocent, "If you don't believe me, let's make a bet, they will receive a call immediately and leave immediately."

"I'm not in the mood to bet with you!" Yi Xiaoyin said angrily.

"Yo, I really don't believe I'll get a call..." The policewoman was not convinced, however, before she finished speaking, the phone rang.

The policewoman was a little unbelievable, but she took out her mobile phone and looked at it, and she had to answer the phone immediately: "I'm... OK, OK... I understand, we'll be right back."

And almost at the same time, the middle-aged policeman also received a call: "It's me... what? Is there such a thing? Okay, I'll go over right away!"

"I'm sorry, Miss Yi, for disturbing you." The policewoman said something to Yi Xiaoyin at this time, then looked at Xia Xia with complicated eyes, and then left in a hurry.

As for the middle-aged policeman, he hurriedly took people away without saying hello.

"Don't you understand what I'm saying? I said that you don't want to interfere, I will solve this matter with ordinary methods!" Yi Xiaoyin shouted at Xia Tian, ​​"After so many years, can you have such a real time Respect my opinion? I know you have the ability, I also know you have the background, you can solve all my troubles with just one phone call, but I don't need it!"

"Wife Yiyi, don't get excited..." Xia Xia still had a very innocent expression.

"Why am I so excited? Can you stop appearing in front of me? What do I owe you? Even if I threatened you back then, it was my fault, but I owed you a long time ago, so you have to come to pester you. What am I doing?" Yi Xiaoyin is obviously out of control, in front of summer, she is always easy to lose control, "I don't know, the Yiren Pavilion hospital I have worked hard to build for more than ten years may be completely destroyed by you. At once?"

"Wife Yiyi, you are really excited..." Xia Xia looked at Yi Xiaoyin.

"That's because I was angry when I saw you!" Yi Xiaoyin stared at Xia Tian, ​​"Now, you, disappear for me right away!"

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