Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1580 You try it out

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"Wife Yiyi, I really want to beat you now." Xia Xia was a little unhappy.

"Then fight, give it a try..." Yi Xiaoyin looked at Xia Xia coldly, and then she went crazy, "Xia Xia, you bastard, you really dare to fight!"

As soon as she raised her slender hand, Yi Xiaoyin rushed towards Xia Xia. She never liked the medical immortal who did her work. This time, she was going to fight Xia Xia hard, because this guy really hit her just now, and he hit her in a place he shouldn't have hit. !

"Wife Yiyi, you asked me to give it a try." Xia Xia had an innocent expression on his face, he did not avoid Yi Xiaoyin's attack, because he directly took Yi Xiaoyin into his arms, " I listened to my wife the most, so I tried it, um, it feels good."

"Summer, you beast, let go of Miss!" A scream came at this moment, and at the same time, a person rushed towards Xiaoxi.

In the summer, once again, he took the person who came into his arms.

"Look, Mrs. Yiyi, you and Jiu-tou both threw themselves into my arms, you can't blame me." Xia Xia had an innocent expression, but it was none other than Ah Jiu who just threw herself in.

"Let go, miss!"

"Let go of Ah Jiu!"

The two voices sounded almost at the same time, but it seemed that Yi Xiaoyin and Ah Jiu were concerned about each other.

"Wife Yiyi, Ajiu's figure is still not as good as yours." Xia Xia let go of Ajiu and smiled at Yi Xiaoyin in his arms, "Look, I listen to my wife the most, you let me let go. Open Ah Jiu, I will let go of Ah Jiu."

"Hurry up, Miss!" Ah Jiu gritted her teeth.

"You're a maid, I don't need to listen to the maid's words." Xia Xia looked at Ah Jiu and said seriously.

"Let me go!" Yi Xiaoyin looked at Xia Xia angrily. She knew that this bastard was pretending to be stupid on purpose, but she still couldn't help him.

"Okay." Xia Xia finally let go of Yi Xiaoyin this time, but he was a little nostalgic in his heart. It felt good to hold this Yiyi wife, and he was a little reluctant to let go.

"Didn't you say listen to me?" Yi Xiaoyin looked at Xia Xia with a cold tone, "Now, go out!"

"Oh, wife Yiyi, then I'm going out." Xia Tian really got up and walked out.

The problem is, he just stood at the door and didn't leave.

Yi Xiaoyin gritted her teeth secretly. It's strange that this bastard is obedient. If it's good for him, he will be obedient. If it's not good, he won't listen.

"Ajiu, why are you here?" Yi Xiaoyin decided not to care about Xia Xia. Ajiu suddenly appeared here, which surprised her. After all, Ajiu didn't call her in advance. Jiu should still be in Guicheng now.

"Miss, I saw the news on the Internet before, that He Tianhao accused you of killing Yan'er, and then saw the news, that supermodel named Paris said that you murdered Mo Anlun, I think something is wrong, it seems that someone is Aiming at you, so I came here quickly." Ah Jiu quickly said: "There is nothing to do in Guicheng right now, and it doesn't make much sense for me to stay there. In the investigation, they will let me know when there is news."

Glancing at Xia Xia outside, Ah Jiu gritted her teeth: "Fortunately, I'm back, otherwise that beast wouldn't know what to do to you, miss!"

"Ajiu, aren't you afraid that I will hear you when you speak ill of me?" Xia Xia's lazy voice came from the door.

"You were originally a beast!" A Jiu stared at Xia Xia, "I am stating the facts, not speaking ill of you."

"Ajiu, do you know that you will be beaten for talking like this?" Xia Xia looked serious, "However, in order to make Yiyi's wife happy, I won't beat you now."

"If you really want to make me happy, completely disappear from my sight!" Yi Xiaoyin said coldly.

"Well, then, goodbye, Mrs. Yiyi." Xia Xia really disappeared after speaking.

Yi Xiaoyin is stunned again, what is this bastard doing?

"Miss, since this bastard is here, why didn't you help you deal with these things?" Ah Jiu was a little angry.

"He's already done it." Yi Xiaoyin sighed, "But I originally told him not to intervene. I don't want people to say that our hospital is a waste of life, and then use some background to suppress the matter, which is not good for the hospital's reputation."

"Have you got it done?" Ah Jiu was a little surprised, "I'll check it out first. There was a lot of news on the Internet before, and many of them attacked our hospital and you, Miss."

Ah Jiu sat down and took out her mobile phone to surf the Internet. Soon, she sighed: "Miss, look, the trend on the Internet seems to have changed, and they all praise you."

"Praise me?" Yi Xiaoyin was a little puzzled, so she also took out her mobile phone to surf the Internet. Then, she found that the situation was really abnormal.

"The truth is revealed! The medical fairy was slandered, and the criminal was mad!"

"The benevolent heart of medical immortals cannot withstand the despicable hearts."

"The second generation of rich people killed people because of love and hatred!"

"International supermodel, but originally a murderer, a kind-hearted medical fairy, but was inexplicably framed."


Yi Xiaoyin began to read the news on the Internet, and quickly figured out the reason. It turned out that not long ago, several videos and audios appeared on the Internet. One of the audios was a recording of a phone call between He Tianhao and another person.

This person called Yaner after He Tianhao made public his relationship with Yaner, but Yaner was still sleeping, He Tianhao answered the call, um, simple

Said that after the other party learned that it was He Tianhao who answered the phone, he satirized He Tianhao there, saying that he had slept with Yaner many times earlier, and that the child in Yaner's belly belonged to him.

After that, there was another audio, He Tianhao questioned Yaner who woke up.

Then, there is a video of He Tianhao, after confirming that Yan'er really lied to him, became so angry that he lost control and killed Yan'er.

So, everyone knew that Yaner's death had nothing to do with Yi Xiaoyin's treatment.

In addition, there is a relatively long video. In this video, the beautiful and sexy supermodel Paris killed Mo Anlun and the other two people without blinking.

As a result, the words that Paris said were naturally framed and blamed. It is said that the police are already on their way to arrest the supermodel.

"Miss, why is it so coincidental? Why are the two of them recorded?" Ah Jiu was a little skeptical, this thing is indeed a bit too coincidental.

"Does it even need to be said?" Yi Xiaoyin knew very well, "Of course that bastard did it, he has the ability."

"So, that bastard Xia Xian made people release these videos?" A Jiu understood immediately, and she also knew that Yi Xiaoyin was right, Xia Xia has this ability, even if he doesn't have this ability himself, he There must be someone around who can do this.

Yi Xiaoyin nodded, she didn't need to confirm this, she knew that it was Xia Xia, but at this moment, Yi Xiaoyin realized that she seemed to have really misunderstood Xia Xia before.

Those police officers left, not because Xia Xia used his identity to secretly pressure or something, but because of the emergence of these evidences, that is to say, Xia Xia solved the problem in a way that would not damage the reputation of Yiren Pavilion. .

However, Yi Xiaoyin still couldn't understand why the model named Paris wanted to frame her? In theory, it is reasonable to plant the blame for summer.

In fact, at the moment, Summer is asking that question too.

"Hey, mud beauty, I don't quite understand, why do you say that my wife Yiyi killed someone?" At this moment, Xia Xia was looking at the supermodel Paris and asked inexplicably.

"Why are you here?" Paris looked at Xia Xia with disbelief.

At this moment, Xia Xia and Paris are not on the island, nor in Wanggang, but on the yacht, that is, Mo An Lun's yacht.

Originally, Paris was driving a yacht alone in the sea, but suddenly appeared in the cockpit in summer, and asked the question just now.

"Well, because I'm more curious about you." Xia Xia said lazily: "Muddy beauty, um, no, in fact, you are not good-looking, you are not as good-looking as Ah Jiu, I won't call you a beauty, I'll call you a mud model. ."

"Doctor Xia, don't you know that you will die faster by talking like this?" Paris snorted coldly, "Why don't I introduce the daughter of the King of Hell to you as your girlfriend?"

"That won't work, my wife is a fairy, and I'm looking for a fairy to be my girlfriend." Xia Xia smiled, "Actually, when I first saw you, I realized that you've experienced something like a killer or an agent. Training, I thought you were the same as the other two idiots, and they were all arranged by the idiot Mo Anlun, but later I found out that it was not right, you are not in the same group as them."

"Doctor Xia, you seem to know too much." Paris' eyes were cold.

"After you killed that idiot Mo Anlun, I couldn't figure it out even more. Who the hell are you? It stands to reason that if you kill Mo Anlun, it won't do you any good. Do you just want to put the blame on my family? Wife Yiyi?" Xia Xia analyzed it very seriously, and then he shook his head, "Well, forget it, I still don't want to, just hypnotize you."

"You don't need to think about it." Paris sneered, her right hand suddenly raised, and she had an exquisite pistol in her hand, "Doctor Xia, I'm a little curious about you now, who are you?"

"Oh, I am Xia, the summer of spring, summer, autumn and winter, the number one day in the world, have you heard my name?" Xia Xia asked seriously.

"Summer?" There was a hint of confusion on Paris' face, and then he snorted, "Whether it's summer or winter, you can die now!"

While speaking, Paris pulled the trigger.

The gun didn't go off because the pistol suddenly fell apart.

Paris was stunned, and the next moment, her expression became a little more dull, and Xia Tian had already pierced her body.

"Well, now you can tell me, why on earth are you blaming my wife Yiyi?" Xia Xia asked.

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