Flower Master in the City

The first thousand five hundred and ninety-five chapters can directly see the real person

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"The painting is very beautiful, why should I give it back to you?" Xia Xian was a little puzzled, and then he stared at Shi Chun again and took a closer look, "That's not quite right, are you really painting yourself? You are very tall. It's not as good as it was painted."

"I drew it according to myself!" Shi Chun retorted somewhat unconvinced.

"Well, let me see your figure. If your real person is like a painting, then I can look at the real person directly without looking at the painting." Xia Tian immediately had an idea.

"Ah?" Shi Chun was stunned, "Brother-in-law, what do you mean? What do you want to see? Can't you just see it like that?"

"Of course not. You are wearing clothes now, and your figure is not very good. If you insist that you are the same as the painting, then you have to take off your clothes and let me see clearly, otherwise I will not believe it." Xia Xia said seriously .

Shi Chun was stunned.

Sun Yun on the side was also dumbfounded. Is this person really Shi Chun's brother-in-law?

"Ah, that, brother-in-law, I'm actually not that good. You, you should look at the painting." Shi Chun thought it was okay.

Although she has been very entangled all these years, it seems that besides this brother-in-law, she does not look down on other men. The problem is that she has not really thought about being a concubine for her brother-in-law.

Well, she always felt that it was a bit of a loss.

The elder sister, such a beautiful woman, was tricked by this brother-in-law into a concubine, and she has grown into a beautiful woman now. If she is also cheaper, wouldn't it be too much of a loss?

"I just said that your figure is not that good." Xia Xia looked at Shi Chun with dissatisfaction, "Chun Chun, you are wrong. Although you are very beautiful, you can't lie."

While talking, Xia Xia took out the previous painting and asked Shi Chun to throw it away: "Forget it, I don't look at the painting anymore, I don't like looking at fakes."

Shi Chun opened his mouth and wanted to refute, but he still had a hard time holding back. Then he reached out and took the painting, rubbed his hands, and turned the painting into powder. At the same time, he breathed a sigh of relief. leaked.

As for being misunderstood by her brother-in-law that she was cheating, she also decided to endure it.

"Chunchun, it's not fun for you here, I'm going to catch Jiutou to play." Xia Xia said casually, turned around and prepared to leave.

"Ah, wait, brother-in-law, what's your phone number now?" Shi Chun asked hurriedly.

Shi Chun doesn't mind that this brother-in-law is leaving, but she thinks it's better to leave a phone call.

Xia Xia also happily left Shi Chun's phone number, and then he disappeared directly from the room.

At this moment, Ah Jiu was walking on the road. She didn't take a taxi, nor did she plan to go back to the hospital immediately. In fact, she really wanted to find a place to be alone for a while.

In fact, Ah Jiu has lived a good life these years, with status and status, and no shortage of money, but since she reappeared in the summer, she found that her world was completely messed up.

Or rather, completely out of control.

She has no control over her life, because she has no idea when Xia Tian will suddenly appear, and she has no idea when Xia Xian will temporarily want to upgrade her, claiming that she is his temporary girlfriend, and then Hug her wantonly.

"When will the wives of this bastard come back?" Ah Jiu was a little irritable. She really hoped that the women in Xia Xian would come back soon. If they came back, Xia Xian would definitely not come to pester her.

For some reason, Ah Jiu was a little indignant: "This bastard, seeing that Shi Chun is more beautiful, he will stay there immediately!"

The relationship between Ah Jiu and Shi Chun is really not very good. Of course, there is no deep hatred. They have only met a few times before, and the reason why Shi Chun has a bad impression of her is actually the relationship between Ah Jiu and Xia Xia before. not good.

A Jiu scolded Xia Tian from time to time, and everyone else knew it, but in fact, the other women in Xia Xia were somewhat dissatisfied with Yi Xiaoyin and A Jiu.

At that time, Yi Xiaoyin had bad intentions towards Xia Xia, and then asked for trouble. After that, Yi Xiaoyin also gained countless benefits. In everyone's opinion, Yi Xiaoyin did not suffer, and she took a big advantage.

In short, in Immortal Island, everyone was not very satisfied with Yi Xiaoyin and Ajiu. Of course, everyone didn't care much about it, but it was enough to make Shi Chun have a bad impression of Ajiu and Yi Xiaoyin.

But now, Ah Jiu is actually more dissatisfied with the summer. This bastard insults her from time to time, but he still looks a little disgusted that she is not beautiful enough and not good enough, which makes her feel that this bastard is bored and comes to play with her. When it comes to more fun beauties, he disappears immediately.

"Beauty, where are you going?" A voice came at this moment, interrupting Ah Jiu's thoughts.

As soon as Ah Jiu turned her head, she found a BMW parked on the side of the road. Well, this BMW was still open-top, and the driver was also very young, in their twenties.

"It's none of your business!" Ah Jiu said angrily. She had never been in the mood to pay attention to a man who approached him. Now that she was in a bad mood, she just ignored him.

"Hey, beauty, where are you going, I can take you there." The BMW driver said quickly, he hadn't seen Ah Jiu's appearance clearly just now, but he just looked good. Now that he can see it clearly, he wants to Take Ah Jiu away.

"Don't bother me!" Ah Jiu was very impatient, she was already irritable.

"Hey, I said beauty, do you have to do this? I have good intentions..." The BMW driver was dissatisfied, but he did not finish his words, because

A loud bang came suddenly.


The loud noise interrupted the BMW driver's words, and then the BMW driver was dumbfounded, because the loud noise did not come from somewhere else, but from the front of his BMW.

The front of the car was completely flattened at the moment, and in front of the car, there was still a person standing.

"Boom!" There was another boom, and the man slapped the BMW again, and then the BMW completely fell apart.

"You, you..." The BMW driver was inexplicably horrified, and then suddenly jumped out of the car and ran towards the distance, shouting at the same time, "Ghost, ghost... uh!"

The BMW driver who was running fell to the ground and fell into a coma.

"Nine girls, you're still so stupid, why are you talking so much nonsense to such an idiot?" A lazy voice sounded, and it was summer when the car was just smashed.

"Aren't you playing with Shi Chun?" Ah Jiu said angrily, but she felt a little more comfortable in her heart. This bastard actually came to her again, and it only took ten minutes.

"Chunchun is a liar, I don't play with her anymore." Xia Xia said casually: "I think you are more fun."

Ah Jiu gritted her teeth secretly, how could she be so funny? Could this bastard stop treating her like a toy?

"Hey, can't you find something to do?" Ah Jiu asked angrily.

"Okay, girl nine, why don't we open a room." Xia Tian immediately came up with an idea.

Ah Jiu almost crushed his silver teeth, this stinky hooligan is really helpless!

"Go find Shi Chun!" Ah Jiu said angrily, then turned around and continued to walk forward, she wouldn't go to open a room with this rogue bastard, and he was still a beast!

Wait, Ah Jiu suddenly realized something was wrong. She seemed to have gradually forgotten that this bastard was a beast?

Inadvertently, Ah Jiu quickened her pace, and there was an indescribable feeling in her heart. The whole person seemed to wake up a lot in an instant, and she began to realize that there was something wrong with her relationship with Xia Xia. Shouldn't be like this with him.

No, I have to stay away from him.

Ah Jiu told herself this, but as soon as the idea came to her, she felt her waist tighten, and the familiar smell came, and she didn't need to look at her to know that Xia Tian hugged her again.

"Let me go!" Ah Jiu didn't struggle, because she knew it was useless to struggle, so she could only protest in words.

"Jiu girl, what are you doing walking so fast?" Xia Xia didn't let go of A Jiu, his tone was a little surprised, "Are you in a hurry to go somewhere?"

"I'm in a hurry to stay away from you!" Ah Jiu said angrily.

"But it's useless for you to be in such a hurry." Xia Tian still couldn't figure it out, "No matter how fast you run, I'm not as fast, you can't be farther away from me."

Ah Jiu was speechless for a while, because this bastard was too right.

Fortunately, at this moment, Ah Jiu's cell phone rang.

After looking at the caller ID, Ah Jiu wanted to break free from Xia Xia's embrace: "Let me go, I want to answer a call."

"Nine girls, you just need to answer, isn't it a call from the little girl with long legs?" Xia Xia said casually: "I have seen the caller ID, and I can hear you even if you are far away. what are you saying."

Ah Jiu was speechless again and didn't say anything, and immediately connected the phone.

"Rui Rui, what's the matter?" A Jiu's tone instantly became much gentler.

"Ninth sister, where are you?" It was Ning Ruirui who called.

"I'm in Wanggang, what's the matter? Is your grandfather all right?" Ah Jiu asked quickly.

"It's okay, grandpa is fine, sister nine, you are in Wanggang, that's great, grandpa and I are about to go there." Ning Ruirui's tone had obvious joy, "I can be there at night, or else Shall I find you again tomorrow?"

"Okay, contact me when the time comes." Ajiu didn't ask Ning Ruirui why she came to Wanggang.

"Then, Sister Jiu, see you then." Ning Ruirui quickly hung up.

A Jiu's mind unconsciously came up with a thought, should she tell Ning Ruirui that Xia Xia is also in Wanggang?

However, after thinking about it, it doesn't seem to make much difference. Anyway, with Xia Xia's current ability, even if he is not in Wanggang, he can come at any time. Although he is still in Wanggang now, he might go tonight. Jianghai.

"Why did the little girl with long legs come to Wanggang?" Xia Xia said to herself at this time, "Did you miss me?"

Ah Jiu turned around and gave Xia Xia a roll of eyes, does this bastard want to be so narcissistic?

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