Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1596 I'm sure I can't get it wrong

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"Well, if the little girl with long legs misses me, I have to tell her that I don't miss her at all." Xia Tian continued to talk to himself there, "Well, it seems that I miss the girl with long legs again."

Ye Yumei's seductive figure appeared in his mind, and at the same time, countless pictures that Xia Xia missed, and inadvertently, Xia Xia's hand movements went too far.

Ah Jiu suddenly jolted, and then struggled hard, breaking away from Xia Xia's embrace, and at the same time a few meters away from him.

"I'm not your long-legged girl!" A Jiu was a little angry, even if this bastard insulted her, he actually treated her as someone else's indecent assault!

"Oh, nine girls, don't worry, I won't treat you as a long-legged girl." Xia Xia said casually: "Your figure is far worse than a long-legged girl, I will definitely not be mistaken."

After a pause, Xia Xia said, "Well, Mei'er's wife's figure is similar to that of a long-legged girl, but it's a pity that Meier isn't there either."

"You bastard, Xia Xia, you should die!" Ah Jiu almost fainted, scolded fiercely, then turned around and ran away.

There are many perverts in this world.

Ah Jiu is sure of this. Usually, she and the young lady will be looked at with strange eyes from time to time when she and the young lady are walking on the road.

But Ah Jiu believes that there is no pervert in this world more jerk than Xia Xia!

This bastard is lewd, it's okay to insult her, but he always compares her figure with those of his wives, making it clear that she has an attitude of retreating to find her when her wife is not there!

She admitted that she really couldn't compare to that Ye Yumei, that woman was prettier than the goblin, and her figure was abnormally good. Who could compare with her?

But even if she's not as good as Ye Yumei, that doesn't mean she's inferior, right?

Why does this bastard treat her like a defective product?

Wait, there's nothing wrong with him being a defective product!

Ah Jiu felt like she was going crazy, why did she care so much about what Xia Xia thought of her? Why does she seem to want to prove in front of summer that she is good-looking and not bad?

This, why is she still eager to get Xia's approval?

But she, she should obviously hate summer!

"No, this is not right, miss, where are you, what's wrong with me?" Ah Jiu felt that her brain was confused, and she began to run wildly on the road. Gradually, she directly turned into a shadow.

She always thought that she hated Xia Xia very much. For more than ten years, she had been thinking about how to kill Xia Xia almost every day. She reminded herself almost every day that if there was a chance, she must kill Xia Xia.

Even not long ago, when she was in Guicheng, she even had the idea of ​​implementing this plan, and, just a little bit, she had already put it into action.

But what happened to her these days?

She is hugged by Xia Xia from time to time, and even more extreme. Although she seems to be rejecting and resisting every time, when she thinks back, she finds one thing, that is, she doesn't seem to be disgusted. .

When Xia Xia hugged her, although she was dissatisfied, she didn't hate it. It seemed that her body naturally adapted to his various intimacy movements, which should not have been like this.

Every time she told herself that she couldn't resist because Xia Xian was too strong, but this seemed to be an excuse, an excuse to convince herself, because if she really wanted to resist, she could actually do more Determined.

She could be more determined or avoid him, but she didn't. She told herself before that she didn't want the young lady to face the summer alone. However, is this really the case?

Ah Jiu was still running wildly, until she suddenly realized that there was no way ahead, so she stopped abruptly.

The sea was already in front, and she came to the sea.

Although she can actually run in the sea, the problem is that this is a very lively beach. At this time, there are many people on the beach and people in the sea. If she just walks on the waves, it will be too shocking. some.

Ah Jiu sat on the beach weakly, looking at the sea, and began to sort out her chaotic thoughts. Slowly, she finally calmed down.

She finally found a problem, a very serious problem for her.

She hated Xia Xia for more than ten years, but instead, Xia Xia's image was deeply imprinted in her bones. She became very familiar with everything about Xia Xia, and she even made Xia Xia his whole world.

In the past ten years, she has never paid special attention to other men. When she sees every man, she will unconsciously think of summer, although every time she thinks of summer, she hates him in her heart, but it is still enough Let the summer in her heart, left a deep impression.

Because of this, even though she didn't actually have much physical contact with Xia Xia, subconsciously, she seemed to have been familiar with him for a long time, so she didn't have any rejection of his contact.

Even when she remembered what Xia Xia did to the young lady, she still didn't feel rejected. Perhaps, it was because, after all, that thing didn't actually happen to her at that time?

Some feelings may only be experienced by personal experience.

However, it seems that the lady doesn't hate him very much now. Could it be that all that can really be forgotten?

Ah Jiu really wanted to call Miss immediately, but unfortunately, she knew that Miss was on the plane at the moment, so she couldn't answer the phone.

"Nine girls, you forgot to take your clothes." A voice was heard here

When the time came, A Jiu was awakened, and then she turned around and saw Xia Xia.

In the summer, there is also a bag in his hand, which contains clothes, which they bought at the mall before.

"Nine girls, look at you running to the beach to swim in such a hurry, but you don't bring a swimsuit, that's not acceptable." Xia Xia said seriously.

"I said it was underwear, not a swimsuit, not worn outside!" Ah Jiu gave Xia Xia a blank look, "I just came to the beach to have a look, and I didn't intend to swim here!"

"Really?" Xia Tian glanced at the beach, and then said to himself, "There's not much to see here, those girls aren't as good as Ah Jiu."

"Can't I see a man?" Ah Jiu said angrily.

"Male?" Xia Xia shook his head, "Nine girls, they are not as handsome as me, you might as well look at me."

"Look at him, his figure is much better than yours." Ah Jiu snorted lightly and pointed at a man, "He has eight-pack abs!"

"Well, it's a little deformed." Xia Xia said solemnly: "One abdominal muscle is pure natural, and eight abs are all made blindly. A handsome guy like me does not need to rely on abdominal muscles to prove himself."

"Don't make excuses if you're not in good shape!" Ah Jiu snorted softly, "With your figure, you still dislike my bad figure, I'm better than all the women here, can you be better than all the men here? ?"

"I'm more handsome than them." Xia Xia replied solemnly.

"You have thicker skin than them." Ah Jiu snorted, how many years this person has not accepted the fact that he is not handsome.

"Girl Jiu, you seem to be a little different now." Xia Xia looked at A Jiu, a little confused, "Did you suddenly look good?"

After watching it carefully for three seconds, Xia Xia shook his head: "It didn't look good all of a sudden. It's still the same as before, and the figure doesn't get better so quickly. What's the difference?"

"Your eyes are different!" Ah Jiu said angrily, "Blind!"

"Oh, I see." Xia Tian suddenly realized, "Nine girls, your brain is broken."

Ah Jiu decided not to talk to Xia Xia, this bastard's brain is not good, he has always been bad.

At this moment, the phone rang again, and it was still Ah Jiu's phone.

The caller ID was an unfamiliar local number in Wanggang, and Ah Jiu quickly answered the call: "Hello, I'm Ah Jiu."

"Miss Jiu, it's me, I'm He Ya." There was a voice that was no longer unfamiliar to Ah Jiu.

"Hello, Miss He." Ah Jiu's tone was a little weird, and she muttered to herself, shouldn't He Ya be in bed with Chen Long at this moment?

"Miss Jiu, I'm sorry, we turned off our mobile phones before, so we don't know what happened in the restaurant." He Ya's tone was obviously apologetic, "We originally wanted to apologize to you and Shenyi Xia in person, but because on the one hand I don't know where you are now, and we just have an idea, we're going to have a party tonight, I wonder if you and Xia Shenyi are free to come to attend, Miss Jiu?"

"I have to ask Xia Xia." Ah Jiu didn't have any special thoughts about this, and it wasn't that she never attended a similar party, so she couldn't say she liked it, but she couldn't say she resisted either.

"Okay, Miss Jiu, because we have just started making arrangements. The address is in a villa by the sea. If you and Shenyi Xia are willing to participate, I will pick you up later..." Before He Ya finished speaking this time, she just said was interrupted.

"Nine girls, we happened to be at the beach, so let's join." Xia Xia interjected from the side, "I'm bored anyway."

"Okay, Miss He, just send me the time and address, you don't need to pick us up, we can go directly." A Jiu said.

"Okay, Miss Jiu, then I'll send you the address right away." There was obvious joy in He Ya's tone.

"Okay, see you later." Ah Jiu didn't say much, and quickly hung up.

The address was sent quickly, and A Jiu also found out that the villa was really not far from here, and it could be reached by walking along the beach for a few kilometers.

"Nine girls, let's find a place to change clothes." Xia Xia said solemnly: "Your clothes are not suitable for parties, you should put on the evening dress I bought for you today."

After hearing this, Ah Jiu didn't think it was a big deal. It's not a big deal to change into an evening dress. Who knows, in the summer, another sentence came: "Jiu girl, you have to dress better, otherwise I will be very embarrassed to take you there. "

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