Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1597 Your clothes don't look good

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"I'll take you there so I don't have any face!" Ah Jiu said angrily, "Wait for you to go by yourself, I won't go with you, lest you lose my people... bastard, what are you doing?"

Ah Jiu is going crazy, this bastard is beating someone again, in that same place!

"The girl who is disobedient is going to fight." Xia Xia said lazily: "I have been so good to you, yet you are still so disobedient."

"When did you treat me well?" Ah Jiu was very angry, she didn't see how this guy treated her well!

"You're not my wife. I've taken you out to meet people. Isn't that good enough for you?" Xia Xia was a little surprised, "I don't take them out for ordinary people."

Ah Jiu felt speechless again, this bastard's logic really left people speechless.

As far as his bastard logic is concerned, he will probably say that it is good for her when he sees her, and maybe he also thinks that indecent assault is also good for her.

"Nine girls, your clothes are really not very good-looking now, so you should change them." Xia Xia said again.

"I'll just change it!" Ah Jiu was a little embarrassed, why didn't her clothes look good?

After a pause, Ah Jiu said again, "It's not convenient to change clothes here. After we go to the villa, I'll find another room to change."

"Well, okay." Xia Xia didn't have any problem with this.

After a pause, Xia Xia said to himself again: "I finally bought a few pieces of clothes. It would be a waste not to wear them."

Ah Jiu wanted to beat Xia Tian again, but unfortunately, she couldn't beat her.

So, Ah Jiu stopped talking, she just sat on the beach, looking at the scenery.

"Girl Jiu, even if you want to see the handsome guy, you should look over there, right?" Xia Xia leaned over to A Jiu, followed her line of sight to the front, and found that there was nothing.

"I didn't see the handsome guy!" Ah Jiu said angrily.

"I know, you didn't look at me, of course you didn't look at the handsome guy." Xia Xia grinned, "Hey, Jiu girl, are you really not going to swim? I think you might be very comfortable wearing this dress to swim. good-looking."

"Crazy!" Ah Jiu gave Xia Tian a blank look, and went swimming in a skirt? Does this pervert think her skirt is wet to show her figure?

She won't satisfy this guy's bad taste.

"Nine girls, are you going to sit here all the time?" Xia Xia felt a little bored.

"That's right." Ah Jiu replied simply.

"Okay, then I'll sleep for a while." Xia Tian felt that he hadn't slept for a while, so he lay down on the ground.

Ah Jiu gritted her teeth and wanted to hit someone again, couldn't this bastard just sleep on the beach? Don't put your head on her lap!

However, in the end, Ah Jiu did nothing, and honestly used Xia Xia as a pillow.

The only thing that made Ah Jiu feel relieved was that Xia Xia really seemed to have fallen asleep, so she stopped talking nonsense to irritate people.

Just like that, Ah Jiu just sat quietly on the beach watching the sea for the next few hours, and this afternoon, no one bothered her. The reason was very simple. There was a man lying on her lap.

These days, when a beauty is alone, it is really easy to be approached, but if this beauty is clearly in charge, most people will still be very sensible and will not bother.

As far as Ah Jiu and Xia Xia are so close now, everyone would think they are a couple.

Ah Jiu's mood at the moment is actually a bit weird. The few hours in this afternoon seem to be a very special experience for her. She has never been with a man like this before, and this makes her kind of say no out feeling.

This feeling, it seems, is pretty good.

"Illusion, it must be an illusion." Ah Jiu told herself, how could she think it would be fine to stay with a bastard like Xia Xia? This unscientific.

Maybe that bastard drugged her.

It may also be that she secretly stabbed her with a needle.

In short, there must be some despicable means used by this bastard in the summer.

Ah Jiu told herself this, and then, the whole person seemed to become more natural.

Time passed by inadvertently, that round of red sun was getting closer and closer to the sea level, and the ringing of the mobile phone again awakened Ah Jiu.

Ajiu took the phone and found that Ning Ruirui was calling again.

"Rui Rui, have you arrived at Wanggang?" Ajiu answered the phone and asked.

"Yes, Sister Ninth, I've already arrived at Wanggang, where are you? I'll come find you." Ning Ruirui asked quickly.

"I'm at the beach, but I'm going to another place soon." Ah Jiu glanced down at Xia Xia on her lap, "There's a party later, maybe some rich kids from Wanggang, Rui Rui, do you want to go? ?"

"Ninth sister, if you go, then I can definitely go too." Ning Ruirui said quickly: "You send me the address, and I'll go there to find you directly."

"Alright then, I'm preparing to go there right now." After all, Ajiu still didn't tell Ning Ruirui that Xia Xia was here, anyway, Ning Ruirui and Xia Xia were quite familiar.

"Ninth sister, see you later." Ning Ruirui seemed very happy, and then she hung up the phone.

Ajiu didn't waste time, and quickly sent Ning Ruirui the address. Then, she looked down at Xia Xia: "Hey, are you awake? We're going to leave."

"I didn't wake up," Xia Tian replied.

"Is that the ghost talking?"

Nine said angrily.

"This is me sleepwalking." Xia Xia replied solemnly.

"Hey, you're all boring. You're in your thirties, and you're still playing such boring games!" Ah Jiu stood up directly, "If you don't leave, I'll leave!"

"Girl Jiu, for people like us, we are still a baby in our thirties." Xia Xia jumped up from the ground and hugged Ah Jiu again, "Especially you are not fully developed yet. It should be a baby."

"Why didn't I develop well?" Ah Jiu gritted her teeth, "But you are not well developed, your brain is not well developed!"

"Your figure is not well developed." Xia Xia said lazily: "Look, you are a maid, and Shuang girl is also a maid, but your figure is too far from that of Shuang girl, um, the one with Feng'er. Crazy girl is far worse than you."

"If you think I'm not in good shape, take your hand away!" Ah Jiu said angrily.

"Nine girls, your figure is actually quite good, but your figure can still get better." Xia Xia smiled.

Ah Jiu decided not to speak anymore, she directly accelerated her pace and walked towards the villa a few kilometers away.

"Ninth girl, bring your clothes, and I'll find you when you change your clothes." Xia Xia shoved the bag containing the clothes into Ah Jiu's hand, "I can't go in with you now, it will make me lose face. "

Ah Jiu almost went crazy, but she still took the clothes and quickly disappeared from Xia Xia's sight.

Xia Xia walked in the direction of the villa unhurriedly, and then, almost ten minutes later, he finally arrived at the seaside villa.

This is actually a separate villa. There are no other villas or other buildings within sight. This place, under normal circumstances, should obviously be relatively deserted, and most people will not come here.

Of course, at this moment, the surroundings of this villa are quite lively, because many people have come here.

Whether it is Chen Long or He Ya, they are both well-known figures in the celebrity circle of Wanggang City, and now the two of them are having a party together. Basically, everyone who receives an invitation will come here, and some who have not received an invitation but have received news Yes, and will also find ways to participate through the help of others.

It's still early, it looks like six o'clock, the party hasn't officially started yet, but in fact a lot of people have come, and all of them are in full costumes. All of them are evening dresses, of course, there are also a few who may be deliberately dressed up and come directly in bikinis.

Xia Xia is still wearing the clothes Yi Xiaoyin bought for him, so he can still see people, at least it won't make people feel old-fashioned, and when he appeared at the door of the villa, no one stopped him.

In fact, there was no one blocking the entrance of the villa at all. Perhaps Chen Long and He Ya were in a good mood. He didn't actually set any thresholds. Everyone who came here could directly participate in the party.

"Well, the people here seem to be better-looking than those at the seaside." Xia Xia glanced at it, and then came to the conclusion, "However, none of them look better than the nine girls."

After thinking about it, Xia Xia decided to go to Ah Jiu. After all, he likes to play with good-looking girls.

Xia Xia was about to go in, but a familiar voice came at this moment: "Hey, Xia Xia, why are you rascal here?"

As soon as she turned her head, Xia Xia saw Ning Ruirui. At this moment, Ning Ruirui's dress was not in line with this place, because she was wearing quite ordinary sportswear.

But, even so, she still has a feeling of standing out from the crowd. After all, her face and figure can completely crush others around her.

Coupled with her height, especially her long legs, she can directly kill everyone in seconds. I am afraid that even if Ah Jiu appears, it will not be able to cover up Ning Ruirui's demeanor.

"Little long-legged girl, your clothes don't look good." Xia Xia looked at Ning Ruirui and said seriously, "Why don't you change your clothes too, look at them, they wear much prettier clothes than you. already."

"You don't need to look at it!" Ning Ruirui said angrily, "Hey, what about Sister Ninth? Did you come with Sister Ninth?"

"Little long-legged girl, shouldn't there be someone around you to protect you?" Xia Xia was a little strange at this time, "Why are you here alone?"

After thinking about it, Xia Tian looked even more surprised: "Little long-legged girl, you didn't sneak out because you missed me so much, right?"

"The ghost misses you, I didn't even know you were here!" Ning Ruirui was furious again, this rogue is too narcissistic, how could she miss him!

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