Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1599 I'm just as good to both of you

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Everyone looked at the sound again, and then they felt amazing again.

The appearance of Ah Jiu just now has surprised everyone once, and this woman who just appeared is not bad at all compared to Ah Jiu. Although she is dressed in a more ordinary way, her face and body are really reluctant to bear. Look away.

Especially her pair of long legs, this is not a year of playing with legs, but a generation of legs, these legs can make people play for a lifetime without getting tired!

"Ning Ruirui!"

"That's Ning Ruirui!"

"Wow, it's really Ning Ruirui!"

"Ning Ruirui is here too!"


There was a sudden commotion at the scene. Ning Ruirui can be said to be the kind of star who can be liked by all kinds of people. No, some people immediately took out their mobile phones and wanted to take pictures of Ning Ruirui, and some people rushed directly to Ning Ruirui. Core.

"Miss Ning, I'm your fan, can I take a picture with you?"

"Miss Ruirui, I really admire you, can you sign me?"

"Miss Ning, I..."

"Miss Ning... Huh? Where is Miss Ning?"


A group of people rushed to Ning Ruirui's side, and countless rich young masters and daughters have turned into fanatical fans at the moment. I have to say that Ning Ruirui's appeal is quite powerful.

Of course, it is not ruled out that there are men who want to take the opportunity to wipe some oil. After all, a great beauty like Ning Ruirui can take advantage of the situation, and for some people, it is quite worth it.

However, these people were suddenly surprised to find that Ning Ruirui was gone, as if the world had evaporated!

However, in the next second, they heard Ning Ruirui's voice: "Hey, you rascal in the summer, what are you doing? Let me go!"

Looking at this voice, everyone suddenly became a little sad and angry, who is this bastard?

He just molested the famous Ninth Miss, but now even Ning Ruirui has been molested by him, is he trying to become a public enemy?

At this moment, at least a hundred pairs of eyes are staring at Xia Xia together, looking like he wants to kill Xia Xia, because this guy is hugging Ning Ruirui's flexible waist!

It's okay to put his arms around Ning Ruirui, but the other hand is still holding A Jiu. In fact, it's not that there are no hugs from left to right at the scene. Not far away, there is a man who hugs two beauties. .

But the problem is, those two beauties are almost the kind of tens of thousands a night, but the two beauties that Xia Tian hugged are truly priceless treasures.

I don't know how many people are present, and I can be excited for a long time if I can talk to the two of them, but Xia Tian actually hugged the two of them. This, this is too thunderous, right?

"What are you doing?" A Jiu was also a little annoyed at this time, "Let go of Ruirui!"

"Ninth girl, you don't have to be jealous, I think the little girl with long legs is very envious of you being held by me, so I hug her too." Xia Xia smiled, then looked at Ning Ruirui again, "Little girl with long legs, you are now There's no need to be jealous of Jiu girl, I'm just as good to both of you."

"Who is jealous of Ninth Sister?" Ning Ruirui was going crazy, "Anyway, let me go!"

"Let go of Miss Ning!"

"Yes, let go of Miss Ning!"

"Who is this person? It's too much, and it's not Miss Li Ruirui!"


Many onlookers also shouted, obviously very dissatisfied with this kind of behavior in the summer.

"Little long-legged girl, originally, I wanted to let you go, but if they let me go, I let go. I'm too shameless, so I'll talk about it for a while." Xia Xia smiled, But he let go of Ah Jiu, and sat down next to him, at the same time he hugged Ning Ruirui with both hands and put her on his lap.

Then, Xia Xia glanced lazily around: "Well, I just want to hold the little long-legged girl, if you are not convinced, you can come and fight with me, if any of you can beat me, I will take care of you. The little girl with long legs will hug you."

"Hey, I'm not your bet!" Ning Ruirui struggled a few times, but found it useless, but made the posture between the two more ambiguous, so she didn't dare to move.

"Little long-legged girl, you don't have to worry. Although you are not my wife yet, I will not lose you to someone else to hold you. Anyway, no one can beat me." Xia Xia said with a smile.

Ning Ruirui was a little sad and angry. What she was worried about was not whether the problem was good or not, she just didn't want to be molested by him.

Although, she has actually been molested by him many times.

"Hey, little girl with long legs, why do I feel that you're in better shape after not seeing you for a few days? Have you been practicing the exercises these few days?" Xia Xia said again at this time.

Ning Ruirui gritted her teeth secretly, this hooligan really knows nonsense, how could she get better in just a few days?

Although she did start to practice, that is, the immortal cultivation technique taught before the summer, and it felt a little effective, but it was not obvious, and she didn't think it would make her figure better.

"Sir, I don't care who you are, and I don't dare to have any relationship with Miss Ning, but now Miss Ning obviously doesn't want to sit on top of you, so I suggest you let her go immediately." A voice said at this moment. Come, "Otherwise, I'm afraid we really need a duel."

"Wait a minute." A voice came at this moment, and a young man hurried out of the villa.

"Young Master Chen is here."

"Young Master Chen has appeared."

"This is just great,

He should handle it. "


The person here is none other than the owner here, Chen Long.

Chen Long walked quickly to Xia Xia with a polite face: "Shen Doctor Xia, I'm sorry, I was delayed just now. I didn't know you were here. Otherwise, you are now with Miss Jiu..."

Chen Long paused, glanced at Ning Ruirui again, and continued: "And Miss Ning, you go to the second floor first?"

"Nine girls, is the second floor fun?" Xia Xia asked casually.

"Fun!" Ah Jiu said angrily.

"Oh, then, let's go to the second floor." Xia Xian stood up, but still hugged Ning Ruirui and didn't mean to let go of her. Recently, Xia Xia's thoughts about Ye Yumei's long-legged girl have been a disaster, and she hugged Ning Ruirui. Rui, this little girl with long legs, seems to be able to relieve him.

Especially Ning Ruirui's long legs made him feel good, so he didn't want to let go.

"Wait." A voice came from the side, it was the man who just claimed to be dueling with Xia Xia. This man was actually tall and tall, and he seemed to be the kind that was more capable of fighting.

"Mr. Ma, this genius doctor Xia is the most respected guest of my Chen Long." Chen Long looked at the man, obviously he knew this person.

"Master Chen, I don't know who this genius doctor Xia is, and I respect you very much, but he is too disrespectful to Miss Ning now." The man surnamed Ma said calmly, "I can't just sit back and watch."

"Mr. Ma, I think you might as well ask what Miss Ning means. Everyone is a discerning person. I think Miss Ning and Xia Shenyi should be familiar with each other, right?" Chen Long looked at Ning Ruirui and smiled lightly, he obviously is an observational conclusion.

Ning Ruirui originally wanted to say that she was not familiar with Xia Xia, but she didn't say it in the end, because in fact, she was really familiar with Xia Xia.

"Miss Ning, I don't want to meddle in my own business, so can you tell me clearly, do you want me to duel with this genius doctor Xia?" The man surnamed Ma looked at Ning Ruirui, his eyes a little hot.

After the hero saves the beauty, and then hugs the beauty back, this is an experience that many men want.

Especially a top-notch beauty like Ning Ruirui, if you have the opportunity to kiss Fangze, it is definitely not to be missed.

The man surnamed Ma is not stupid. He actually saw that Ning Ruirui and Xia Xia should have known each other, but he also believed that there was a conflict between Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui, so he wanted to seize this opportunity.

Ning Ruirui glanced at the man surnamed Ma, hesitated for a moment, and finally said, "Thank you Mr. Ma for your concern, but no need."

Ning Ruirui actually had the slightest impulse to make this person really fight with Xia Xia, but she knew better, how could this person survive Xia Xia?

Of course, the fundamental reason is that Ning Ruirui knew what the man was up to. If she took the initiative to ask this man to have a so-called duel with Xia, and he was beaten badly by Xia, she might also be beaten by this man. Entangled, and this is not what she wants.

"Hey, little girl with long legs, you're pretty good this time." Xia Xia grinned, "Well, I've decided, for the sake of you being better than Jiu girl, let's upgrade you to a concubine first."

"Hey, can you go in first?" Ning Ruirui now just wants to find a place with few people to hide, and doesn't want to care about other things. Anyway, in front of Xia Tian, ​​she has suffered even more losses.

"Well, let's go in then." Xia Xia was quite satisfied now, so he hugged Ning Ruirui in and went directly to the second floor.

There are relatively fewer people on the second floor, and the appearance of Xia Xia and Ning Ruirui also attracted a lot of attention. When A Jiu and Chen Long also appeared, more people paid attention to this side.

"Divine Doctor Xia, you're here." A beautiful woman also walked over here quickly, it was Chen Long's fiancee, He Ya.

Afterwards, He Ya looked at Ning Ruirui, a strange look flashed in her eyes, and then she reached out to Ning Ruirui: "Hello, Miss Ning, I have heard the name for a long time, and this is the first time I have seen you in person. "

"Hey, can you let me down first?" Ning Ruirui stared at Xia Xia, a little annoyed.

Xia Xia put Ning Ruirui down this time, but still hugged her waist, which made Ning Ruirui a little broken. Didn't this hooligan seem to have no interest in her before?

Why did he suddenly seem to be very interested in her today? Can this rogue not be so fickle?

Ning Ruirui finally decided to ignore Xia Xia, reached out and shook hands with He Ya: "Hello, Miss He, come uninvited, please don't mind."

"Miss Ning is polite, no matter when you come, we feel honored." He Ya smiled slightly, "Also, you are a friend of Doctor Xia, so you are our most honored guest."

"Not a friend, she is my wife now." Xia Xia said seriously.

"I don't..." Ning Ruirui was about to refute, but was suddenly interrupted by a roar: "Chen Long, I'm going to kill you!"

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