Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1600 This place is too messy

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

With a roar, a person rushed towards Chen Long.

This is a woman in her thirties, with short hair, she looks pretty good, and she dresses a little neutrally, and it can even be said to be masculine.

The short-haired woman looked angry, but although she claimed to kill Chen Long, she didn't actually hold any weapons in her hand. The so-called killing Chen Long was probably just used to show her level of anger.

This roar naturally alarmed everyone in the room. Chen Long and He Ya also turned their heads at the same time. After that, the expressions of the two of them changed slightly, and He Ya immediately greeted the short-haired woman.

"A-jun..." He Ya obviously knew this short-haired woman, but she only had time to shout.

"Chen Long, what did you do to Yaya? You forced her to break up with me, right?" The short-haired woman rushed in front of Chen Long, looking extremely angry, "Tell me, did you use some despicable means? Why did Yaya break up with me suddenly?"


Hearing this word, everyone's eyes began to become a bit exciting. Even Ning Ruirui, who was hugged by Xia Xia, was a little surprised. She first glanced at the short-haired woman, and after confirming that the other party was a woman, she looked at He again. Ya, I didn't quite understand the situation in my heart.

On the contrary, Ah Jiu has calmed down about this, because she already knew about He Ya's situation.

Chen Long and He Ya didn't look very good at the moment, because He Ya's previous affairs were actually a secret, and no one else knew about it, but now with such a fuss, I'm afraid everyone will know it.

Originally, if He Ya was really gay, such a mess might not be too bad, because it might be good for her to make it public.

At least, she can live the life she wants in the future.

But the problem is that He Ya is not really gay, and now she has been cured by Xia Xia, she is about to marry Chen Long and have children, and now such a thing happens, I am afraid whether it is for Chen Long or He Ya, will have a bad reputation.

And the Chen family and the He family will obviously be affected.

"Hey, it's a bit strange." Xia Tian said to himself at this time.

"What's so strange?" Ning Ruirui was a little curious. She seemed to have forgotten that she was still being held by Xia Xia. Of course, she might be used to it.

"This woman obviously likes men." Xia Xia was a little surprised, "Well, it seems that she is pretending."

"Divine Doctor Xia, you said that Jun Lin...is that woman, she likes a man?" Chen Long heard Xia's voice, and hurriedly came over and asked in a low voice.

Because He Ya was relatively close, she actually heard what Xia Xia said. She, who was going to say something to that short-haired woman Lin Jun, also looked at Xia Xia in surprise, and stopped talking at the same time.

"Yes, um, she was sleeping with a man when the two of you were sleeping." Xia Xia said casually, "I think she is here to trouble you on purpose."

"Yaya, Lin Jun seems to be approaching you on purpose, and now we have to completely distance ourselves from her." Chen Long said quickly.

"Well, Aaron, you can deal with it." He Ya obviously believed Xia Xia's judgment and immediately made a decision.

"Shen Doctor Xia, do you have any evidence that Lin Jun likes men?" Chen Long looked at Xia Xia again, "Of course I believe your judgment, but if there is no substantial evidence, others may not believe it."

"It doesn't matter if they believe it or not." Xia Xia obviously didn't care about this.

"Hey, if you have a way, do them a favor." Ajiu stared at Xia Xia, she obviously understood Xia Xia's style, and he didn't care much about things that had nothing to do with him. If she didn't speak up, Xia Xia would probably be too lazy to help. of.

"Ninth sister, I think this hooligan must be talking nonsense, I don't believe it." Ning Ruirui snorted softly.

"Little long-legged girl, I don't believe in my husband's concubine. She is not a good concubine. You will be beaten like this." Xia Xia said seriously.

"Hey, when did I become your concubine? I didn't agree again." Ning Ruirui was very dissatisfied.

"Chen Long, don't you dare to speak? I knew you must have used some despicable and shameless means!" Lin Jun shouted again over there, and at this moment, everyone else was looking at Chen Long and He Ya, Clearly waiting for a response from their side.

"Hey, do you have any evidence?" Ning Ruirui couldn't help asking.

"My words are evidence." Xia Xia said lazily: "Well, little long-legged girl, seeing that you are very good now, I will satisfy your curiosity."

Xia Tian hugged Ning Ruirui's slender waist, which felt good in his hand and felt in his heart. He felt like he was hugging the long-legged girl, so he decided to show his skills again in front of this little long-legged girl.

Well, this little long-legged girl should be more obedient.

If the long-legged girl has always been so bad in the future, he can let the more obedient little long-legged girl accompany him, which will be more perfect.

"Yaya, tell me, what did this bastard Chen Long do to you? You tell me, I will definitely do it for you..." Lin Jun continued to yell, but this time, before she finished speaking, she had already was interrupted.

"Hey, did I say you have a mental illness?" It was Xia Xia who answered the question, "What does Chen Long do to He Ya has nothing to do with you, your man is over there, he is with another woman right now. Together, shouldn't you go to him?"

As soon as the words of the summer came out, the crowd suddenly became a little excited. What does this mean?

think? Lin Jun still has a man?

In fact, many people who were present knew Lin Jun. Many people actually knew about the rumor that Lin Jun likes women. Of course, He Ya also likes women. They had never heard of it, so they just saw Lin Jun appear. Everyone was a little excited when they accused Chen Long and said that He Ya broke up with her. After all, in this circle, He Ya likes women, which is also a big gossip.

But, at this moment, they suddenly discovered that the plot seemed to have suddenly changed?

Lin Jun actually has a man? This seems unlikely?

Everyone looked at Xia Xia together, trying to find out who Xia Xia was, and when they saw it, everyone became a little sad and angry. The banquet hall on the second floor, which was originally quite quiet, suddenly became a little noisy.

"Who is that? Next to him, is that the ninth miss of Yiren Pavilion?"

"Really, it seems that he is very close to Miss Jiu... Well, he just hugged Miss Jiu."

"Yes, but is he still holding another person? Then, why does that look so familiar?"

"Grass, that's Ning Ruirui!"

"Who's this bastard? Actually hugging two beauties, one is Ning Ruirui and the other is Miss Jiu?"

"It's outrageous, where did this kid come from?"


At this moment, almost all men are staring at Xia Xia. For people of their identities, hugging from left to right is not a big thing. There are often such opportunities to play on the scene. However, with the identities of A Jiu and Ning Ruirui A woman, it is absolutely impossible to hug each other!

For them, such a woman could have the opportunity to meet, and it is already unknown what luck has come, but now, right in front of them, there is a son of a bitch, who actually hugged both at once, in such an open situation!

Privately, I don't know what this bastard is doing with the two of them!

Many people have already fantasized in their minds the scene of being together in private with two big beauties in summer. Although the picture is indescribable, it makes them passionate, and they can't wait to practice it with their female companions right away.

"Who are you? What nonsense are you talking about?" Lin Jun's angry voice woke everyone from their reverie, and her words also reminded everyone that they seemed to have misunderstood the key just now.

The key now is not the question of hugging by this bastard, but is Lin Jun really still a man?

"I never talk nonsense, your man is over there, um, it's you, what are you hiding?" Xia Xian pointed at one of the men, then shook his head, "Hey, I think your taste is very strong, your girlfriend Much better looking than this sickly-brained fake man."

This time, everyone looked at the man that Xia Xia pointed to. This man was also quite young and good-looking. He wore a pair of glasses and looked very gentle, and the female companion beside him was indeed quite beautiful. Although it can't be compared with Ning Ruirui, Ajiu and the others, to ordinary people, she is also a great beauty.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" The dissatisfied voice came from the beautiful woman, she looked at Xia Xia, "Don't talk nonsense here, Ah Hao is not such a person!"

"Hey, I just thought you looked good, but your IQ turned out to be so poor." Xia Xia shook his head, "Although my little girl with long legs is also quite stupid, she is much smarter than you, and the good-looking people are smarter. "

Ning Ruirui was a little annoyed, pinched Xia Xia hard, and then tried to take the guy's hand off his lap, not wanting the hooligan to continue taking advantage of her.

Well, the operation failed.

"Believe it or not, they were sleeping together an hour ago anyway." Xia Xia said lazily: "Oh, by the way, I want to tell you some bad news, that fake man is pregnant, She has only slept with your boyfriend recently, and it should be his child, so you may have to break up with him."

"What?" The beauty's face changed drastically, she suddenly took a few steps back, moved away from her man, and then looked at her man: "Ahao, I'll give you a chance, if you admit it now, I can ignore it, When nothing happened, but if you don't admit it now, and it's verified by me later, then we're all over!"

"Actually, you've already finished playing." Xia Xia took another sentence at this time, "You have an affair with that one, um, just the one over there..."

Xia Xia shook his head with emotion: "Little long-legged girl, I think we should play in another place. This place is too messy."

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