Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1601 You are too fickle

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Ning Ruirui felt that the most unqualified person in the world to say such a thing was the hooligan Xia Xia. This guy is the mess, looking for concubines everywhere, and messing with Sister Yiyi and the ninth sister. She also dragged in, and Lan Yiren, the big goblin, the little goblin, the witch Mengmeng and the like, this guy's life is really messed up!

However, after a few minutes, Ning Ruirui agreed with Xia Xia. The place was really messy, because several couples fought on the spot.

First, Lin Jun's man quarreled with his female partner, and then another man his female partner found also quarreled with his own woman, and then quarreled and quarreled, and more messed up things happened.

After a while, the two men started fighting, and after a while, the two women also started fighting.

After that, the scene became quite chaotic.

"Ninth sister, it's really messy here, why don't we leave?" Ning Ruirui also wanted to leave.

"Okay, little girl with long legs, let's go play in another place." Xia Tian agreed immediately, "I have a villa here, it's fun there."

Ning Ruirui stared at Xia Xia, and suddenly didn't want to go out to play. The rogue opened her mouth to take her to the villa, and at first glance, she didn't want to do anything good.

"Ninth sister, I'll continue to play here for a while." Ning Ruirui immediately changed her mind.

"Little long-legged girl, are you too fickle?" Xia Xia was a little dissatisfied. He thought it would be more fun to play with the little long-legged girl.

"If you want to go to that villa, you can go alone." Ning Ruirui snorted, she wouldn't stay in a villa alone with this rogue, especially when she found that the rogue suddenly seemed to be more interested in her .

This made Ning Ruirui a little more polite. The rogue looked like he wanted to swallow her alive, and now he is reluctant to let her go.

In fact, Ning Ruirui is also a little bit confused. Last time in Guicheng, when she was taking a shower in the hotel, this guy was completely naked. This person didn't do anything to her. Why is she dressed neatly today, but this person looks like Like to be in estrus?

"Girl Jiu, shall we go?" Xia Xia looked at A Jiu, the little girl with long legs became disobedient again, making him want to change someone.

However, Ah Jiu directly gave Xia Xia a blank eye, and didn't even bother to pay attention to Xia Xia.

On the contrary, Ning Ruirui was so angry that men are indeed fickle. It's only been a while, this rogue has turned his interest on Jiujie again!

The most outrageous thing is, why does he still put his arms around her and put his hands on her lap?

"Stop arguing, you all stop arguing!" A scream suddenly sounded, "Someone, call for help, my husband has a heart attack, hurry up and help!"

The originally chaotic scene finally became a lot more orderly with this scream. Whether it was a fight or a quarrel, it basically stopped, and then looked at the source of the sound together.

After that, they saw a man lying on the ground, unconscious, and a woman squatting beside him, looking very anxious.

"Is there a doctor? Hurry up and help, the ambulance can't come all of a sudden, my husband may not be able to wait for that time, please help and call if there is a doctor..." The woman looked panicked.


Many people have already looked at Ah Jiu subconsciously, and some people have spoken directly.

"Don't worry, Miss Jiu from Yiren Pavilion is here."

"That's right, Miss Jiu will definitely help."

"Miss, don't worry, there is a doctor here."


All of a sudden, Ah Jiu seemed to have become popular, and the woman's eyes were also bright, and like everyone else, she also looked at Ah Jiu: "Miss Jiu, are you here? Great, Miss Jiu, please help save my husband..."

"Miss Jiu, look..." Chen Long also looked at A Jiu. In fact, he originally wanted to ask Xia Xia for help, but in his opinion, looking for A Jiu was the same.

When the scene was chaotic before, Chen Long deliberately didn't deal with it. The reason was very simple. He wanted to use the chaos to divert everyone's attention. For example, now, no one cares about He Ya's affairs.

But now, if it is about to die, Chen Long can't ignore it. After all, this is his place. If something happens here, he will also be responsible in the end.

"I'll take a look first." Ah Jiu responded at this time, and then walked towards the sick man.

However, she only took two steps when she found that she couldn't move.

"What are you doing?" Ah Jiu was a little annoyed, and turned to stare at Xia Xia.

The reason why she couldn't move was because she was hugged by Xia Xia, and it seemed that Xia Xian didn't want to let her go.

"Nine girls, what am I doing?" Xia Tian was a little surprised, "With so many people, what can I do."

Ah Jiu was angry for a while, this bastard was clearly hugging her, and he said he didn't do anything. Besides, did he actually know there were so many people?

"Let go of me first and save people quickly!" Ah Jiu was a little unhappy, "If you don't want me to go, then you can go by yourself!"

"Nine girls, I said that your medical skills are not good." Xia Xia shook his head, "Everyone is dead, what else is there to save."

"What? People are dead?"

"No way? Already dead?"

"To die so soon?"

"Who is this person? He actually said that Miss Jiu is not good at medicine?"

"I don't know, this person seems to be Miss Jiu's man..."

"But isn't he still holding Ning Ruirui?"

"Why is Ning Ruirui like this? Didn't he have a boyfriend all the time?"


While everyone was discussing, they subconsciously kept away from the sick man on the ground. If the person really died, it would be better to stay away.

"My husband isn't dead, he really isn't dead yet, Miss Jiu, I beg you, come here soon..." The woman shouted anxiously again at the moment.

"Let go of me first, even if he dies, I have to check it out." Ah Jiu whispered to Xia Xia, is there something wrong with this bastard? Why don't you let her go?

Even if he wanted to hold her, couldn't he go with her?

"Nine girls, your IQ really needs to improve." Xia Xia shook his head and sighed, "I won't let you pass, of course, because you can't pass. If you want to pass, you may be bombed to death."

"What? Killed?"

"What's the meaning?"

"Is there a bomb?"

"No way? Why is there a bomb here?"


There was some commotion in the crowd, and if there was a bomb, it would be a big problem.

No, there are already so many people who are ready to run away.

"Shen Doctor Xia, do you think there is a bomb here?" Chen Long's expression changed slightly. There are at least a few hundred people here. If there is a bomb, there will be heavy casualties.

"Hey, what do you mean? What bomb?" Ning Ruirui was also a little worried at this time. This is normal. These days, people who are not afraid of bombs are basically only abnormal people like Xia Xia. .

Even Ah Jiu, as an immortal cultivator, was actually a little worried.

"Tell me clearly, what's going on?" Ajiu stared at Xia Xia. She believed that things like Xia Xia would not be fabricated, but the question is, what the hell is going on with this bomb?

"Oh, it's actually very simple. The dead idiot is not the husband of the idiot woman. Then there is a bomb on the dead man. When you go to check his body, the bomb will most likely explode." Xia Xia Lan Yangyang said: "Hey, it doesn't seem right."

Xia Xia looked at the woman: "You seem to want Jiu-girl to go there. So, the person you really want to blow up is actually Ji-u-tou? Well, it seems that you have a grudge against Jiu-tou?"

"What? Is there a bomb?"


"Is this too exaggerated?"

"It doesn't matter, I'll go first."

"That, Master Chen, I still have something to do. I'll go home first."

"He Ya, I'm sorry, I have something to do, so I'll go back first..."


As for whether there is a bomb, in fact, everyone is still not clear, but soon, everyone reached a consensus, that is, they dare not have a bomb, and then go first.

No, some people immediately made excuses to leave, and others followed suit. As the saying goes, the best way to go is to leave is the safest.

But, at this moment, a voice sounded.

"Stop, stop for me!" A stern shout sounded, "If anyone dares to take a step, I will detonate the bomb, and none of you want to go out!"

Hearing this voice, everyone immediately confirmed two things. First, there really was a bomb, and second, they couldn't get out.

Almost everyone immediately stayed where they were, because it was the woman who looked panicked just now, and at this moment, there was no panic on her face, only a trace of coldness.

And everyone can see that this woman is holding something in her hand. Although basically no one knows what it is, everyone has seen the movie and knows that most of it is a detonator.

"You're a disaster star!" Ning Ruirui couldn't help but glared at Xia Xia, every time she met this rogue, there was always nothing good!

"Little long-legged girl, you are not good again." Xia Xia said seriously: "And in fact, you are the disaster star, but when you are lucky occasionally, that is when you met me, otherwise you would have died early. ."

Ning Ruirui was at a loss for words, after all, this is basically the truth.

At least, the latter half of the sentence is true. If it wasn't for Xia Xia, she would have died early, and she might have died very badly.

"Miss Ah Jiu, you'd better come to me right away!" The woman spoke again at this moment, "Otherwise, everyone here will be buried with you!"

"If you're here for me, then you let the others leave, and the two of us deal with our affairs alone." Ah Jiu was calm at the moment, but it wasn't too rare for her.

If she is alone and encounters a bomb, in fact, she can basically run away, but now there are many people here, and there is not much space. If the bomb does explode, she is not sure to keep everyone.

Even if summer is here, she can't make sure everyone is safe.

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