Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1609 It's all your fault

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"I'm not interested in counting those old accounts with you!" Yi Xiaoyin was a little annoyed, "The things of the past have passed, I don't want to continue to care about you, but you don't count Ah Jiu's current problems on my head, After all, it's all your fault!"

"Wife Yiyi, I didn't tell you about the past." Xia Xia said lazily: "What I told you is about the present, because you are always avoiding me now, so Jiu girl always remembers it. In the past, if you are happily with me now, Jiu Yatou will naturally not have nightmares again."

After a pause, Xia Xia said again: "By the way, Mrs. Yiyi, do you know that Jiu Yatou can actually bite people? She actually bites me when she has nightmares, which is outrageous."

"How could she bite you when she's dreaming..." Yi Xiaoyin felt wrong when she said this, "Xia Tian, ​​you bastard, what did you do to Ah Jiu last night?"

"Wife Yiyi, don't think that I won't be able to hit you if you are far away from me, I didn't do anything to Jiu girl, I have something to do in Xueshan, she has to come to play with her, we will sleep in Xueshan's house at night. After a sleep, by the way, did I tell you, Mrs. Yiyi, that I also have a house on the snowy mountains? If you like, you can come and live here." Xia Xia digressed as he spoke.

"I knew what you did to Ajiu!" Yi Xiaoyin was very angry, "Xia Tian, ​​you are so greedy!"

"Wife Yiyi, you really need to be beaten. I just lent my bed to Jiu to sleep for one night." Xia Xia was a little unhappy, "Anyway, it's all your fault, wife Yiyi, because of you. If you don't want to continue to play with me for more than ten years, the ninth girl will have nightmares all day long, um, wife Yiyi, you'd better correct your mistakes."

After saying this, Xia Xia directly hung up the phone, and he decided to let this Yiyi wife reflect on her mistakes.

Abroad, in the hotel, Yi Xiaoyin was a little annoyed, this bastard hung up her phone first!

In the past, he would never take the initiative to hang up her phone, but recently it has become more and more outrageous!

No, just hang up, what's the big deal, why is she struggling with these little things?

What annoyed her the most was that the bastard must have molested Ah Jiu. Now it made Ah Jiu very sad. He didn't know where he went, but the bastard actually said that it was all her fault?

According to his logic, she has to be his wife obediently, so that Ah Jiu won't have nightmares?

Yi Xiaoyin was angry for a while, but gradually calmed down. Then, she found helplessly that, in fact, although Xia Xia's bastard's logic was very bastard, it was not completely unreasonable.

If the relationship between her and Xia Xia is good, Ah Jiu may indeed gradually come out of that incident, and for the past ten years, she has kept a distance from Xia Xia, in fact, it is always reminding Ah Jiu and letting her Ah Jiu gradually fell into the shadow of that incident and was completely unable to extricate herself.

"Why is this bastard coming out?" Yi Xiaoyin gritted her teeth secretly, still complaining about Yue Qingya, "Why didn't they take this bastard away?"

If Xia Xia knew about Yi Xiaoyin's idea, he would most likely approve of it. Why didn't Sister Shenxian take him away?

He actually didn't mind going with them to Xianyun Continent. As long as he was with them, he could be anywhere. There was no difference in this world or that world.

But the problem is, now that he can't live in that world, it's a big trouble.

"Wife Yiyi is disobedient, Jiuyatou ran away, little Yiyi's wife is very busy, and that girl Beibei refuses to accompany me, little girl with long legs now has no advantages other than long legs..." Xia Xia returned again On the top of the snow mountain, lying on the snow, muttering to himself, "Ah, long-legged girl, next time I see you, you must stay with me for a month..."

Xia Xia never thought that he would think so much about the long-legged girl. After all, he could see it almost every day before, so naturally he couldn't talk about missing it, but now that Ye Yumei is gone and everyone is gone, he begins to realize that This kind of nostalgia really goes deep into the bone marrow.

"Long-legged girl is really poisonous, I seem to have been poisoned by her." Xia Xia muttered to himself, then closed his eyes, um, remember the time they used to be together in your mind.

After a while, Xia Xia muttered to himself again: "The long-legged girl should also miss me, right?"

At this moment, Xianyun Continent.

In the famous mysterious sea of ​​the Immortal Cloud Continent, a small island suddenly appeared one day, and this island was the Immortal Island.

On Fairy Island, two peerless fairies are playing a game.

"Xiaomei, you seem a little restless, miss that little pervert?" The fairy in white smiled lightly.

"Just say it if you want him, I don't want him!" The black-clothed fairy snorted softly, "You have to avoid him every day, or he will never end. He hasn't changed a bit for so many years!"

"Xiao Mei, everyone knows that he is most infatuated with you now." The fairy in white smiled sweetly, "At this moment, he is probably thinking of you."

"Can you play chess well, don't talk about him?" The black-clothed fairy was Ye Yumei, she was a little upset, when she talked about the pervert, she unconsciously remembered his greedy appearance in front of her, all kinds of unknown The taste comes to mind together.

The white-clothed fairy Yue Qingya smiled softly at this moment, stopped talking, and continued to play chess.

"Sister Yue, why are we going back?" A voice came at this moment, and another fairy in a white dress flew in, "I want to go home, I want to be a little rascal!"

"Mengmeng, we won't be going back for the time being. You should play here for a while." Yue Qingya raised her head.

Looking at Liu Meng who just came in, this witch Meng Meng has always liked to entangle summer the most.

"Sister Yue, you can play here, I can go back alone to accompany the little villain." Liu Meng pouted, "It's not very fun here, not even ice cream."

"Mengmeng, I told you before that if we go back now, we will harm him." Yue Qingya sighed softly, "I miss him too. I have been with him for the past 30 years. In fact, I don't think I'm used to leaving him alone there, but we must let him practice the eighth needle against the sky, otherwise..."

Yue Qingya didn't continue to speak. Obviously, she and Liu Meng both knew what was going on.

"Okay, Sister Yue, then I'll find a few more people to fight and play." Liu Meng pouted, turned around and flew out again.

"Are you sure he will cultivate well over there?" Ye Yumei couldn't help but ask at this time, "Even if we all leave, it's not difficult for him to find a few women with his skills."

"Xiaomei, believe me, just to find you, he will try his best to cultivate." Yue Qingya smiled lightly, "Right now, what I am most worried about is whether that little pervert can find a way to cultivate the eighth needle against the sky. Woolen cloth?"

"Do you really believe in the rumor about the Eight Needles Against the Sky?" Ye Yumei asked again.

"Xiaomei, I know you don't like her all the time, but she also cares about her man very much, so she won't talk nonsense." Yue Qingya nodded lightly, "She has sent people from the entire Ji family's dynasty, Looking for records of eight needles against the sky, I hope she can find something useful."

"I can't find any records. There has never been any rumor that the eighth needle against the sky has been successfully practiced in Xianyun Continent." Ye Yumei said lightly: "I don't think the record she found before is not necessarily the same. it is true."

"Okay, Xiaomei, whether it's true or not, we can only pretend it's true." Yue Qingya's voice was soft, "I know you care about that little pervert, but now, we mainly have to rely on That little satyr finds a way on his own, after all, he is the one who knows the Eight Needles Against the Heavens best."

"I don't think we can wait like this forever. After a while, we have to send someone over to take a look." Ye Yumei said, "If the pervert doesn't know the seriousness of the matter at all and continues to mess around there, it will be a waste of time. already."

"Don't worry, I will arrange all these things." Yue Qingya smiled lightly, "You, you just refuse to admit it, I know you miss him too."

"I didn't!" Ye Yumei snorted softly, "I'll take my vacation here!"

"Well, Xiaomei, you're right, don't worry, there is nothing in this world that we can't solve together. Now, let's take a good vacation."

A chess piece fell, Yue Qingya smiled lightly: "Xiao Mei, it's your turn."

Top of Snow Mountain.

Summer suddenly jumped up, and then ran wildly on the snow-capped mountains.

ten minutes later.

In summer, I return to lie down on the top of the snow mountain.

"I still can't find the way to the past." Xia Xia felt a little depressed. He really wanted to go there to find the long-legged sister and the fairy sister, as well as his bunch of beautiful wives, but the problem was that in this snowy mountain, there was no way to go to The channel of the Immortal Cloud Continent.

Even if there was, he didn't find it.

The eighth needle against the sky, how exactly should I practice?

Six needles are gods and seven needles are immortals, and eight needles can reverse the sky.

Xia Xia once thought that the eighth needle should be the meaning of becoming an immortal against the sky, but later he gradually discovered that it does not seem to be so simple, because in fact, the seventh needle against the sky can overcome the calamity, and in theory, after the calamity, it can be Immortal.

But he and the long-legged sister have successfully survived the calamity, but they didn't actually become immortals. Moreover, what kind of state is the so-called immortality?

In fact, no one can solve this problem now. Even in Xianyun Continent, no one has truly become an immortal. Sister Shenxian and Sister Long-legged are also familiar with the matter of cultivating immortals. In fact, the matter is not clear, even the empress of the Ji Dynasty cannot know the specific situation.

Most importantly, how did the eighth needle against the sky work?

In fact, Xia Xia didn't know about this matter until now. He used to think it didn't matter, so he didn't study it seriously, but now, he has to study it.

The problem is that even if he wants to study now, he doesn't know where to start.

"Forget it, let's practice until the Tribulation Transcendence Period first." Xia Xia felt that no matter what, the basic conditions for performing the eighth needle against the sky should be met first.

However, who should I go to now to improve his skills?

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