Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1610 Work harder than you

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Ah Jiu ran away, the little girl with long legs is not very obedient, Chunchun is a little liar, Bei girl is still flying around, and she is not obedient, the most obedient is Xiao Yiyi's wife, but Xiao Yiyi's wife is basically skilled It's the worst. It's too slow to rely on her to improve his skills. After thinking about it in the summer, he doesn't think there is a suitable object.

"It would be better if Mrs. Yiyi was willing to help." Xia Tian thought so, but unfortunately, it seemed even more difficult for Mrs. Yiyi to be obedient.

In the summer, he just lay on the top of the snow mountain thinking about what to do next, but after thinking about it for a long time, he still has no clue. His wife is not there, and many things are out of his control. In the past ten years, he has Basically, the goal can be achieved with any needs. Even if the long-legged girl is reluctant to tell him how to remove the thousand knot feather clothes, she is still willing to take off her clothes most of the time.

But now, he wants to improve his skills as soon as possible, and he can't find the right person to help.

"I still have to find a more obedient wife." Xia Xia muttered to himself, but the problem was that he wasn't in the mood to look for a wife everywhere. It seemed that he still had to find a way to educate Jiuyatou or Yiyi's wife.

It would be easier for him if they were more obedient.

"Let's look back at the port first, it's too boring here." Xia Xia suddenly disappeared from the top of the snow-capped mountain. Lying here, it is easy to think of the long-legged girl, and it is easy to think of Ji Qingying, the demon girl.

In summer, he likes Snow Mountain, but the premise is that Snow Mountain has a wife to accompany him, and he actually doesn't like staying here alone.

Wanggang, Xiangxue Lake Villa.

In the swimming pool, a mermaid is swimming there. Well, this may be more beautiful than a real mermaid, because she is Ning Ruirui.

"Wow, sister Ruirui, your posture is so beautiful. As expected of you who have learned synchronized swimming, I don't even know how."

"Wow, sister Ruirui, just do that pose again, it's so beautiful and sexy..."

"Sister Ruirui, your legs are so beautiful..."

"Sister Ruirui, you look better than before..."

The one who kept exclaiming by the pool was naturally Shi Chun, and Ning Ruirui was indeed not only swimming, but also playing tricks in the water from time to time.

Of course, Ning Ruirui didn't actually perform for Shi Chun, but after being washed by Xia Xia last night, her strength increased sharply, and her body was a little uncomfortable, and she was using this method to adapt to the sudden strength. .

It's a really nice approach, but it's also quite aesthetic.

Well, it's not only beautiful, but also very sexy, causing Shi Chun to be amazed from time to time next to him, looking very envious. Of course, in Ning Ruirui's view, this Shi Chun also looks like a hooligan.

Ning Ruirui is now another very sexy and beautiful synchronized swimming outside of yoga in the water, and even jumped into the air and then dived sexy. The whole set of movements is not only difficult, but also very provocative.

"Wow, Sister Ruirui, you have to be careful with this action, don't do it in front of your brother-in-law, or your brother-in-law will probably not be able to help immediately turn you into his real concubine." Shi Chun exclaimed again exaggeratedly. .

"Well, this action is very beautiful, you can do it again, little girl with long legs." A familiar voice sounded at this moment, and Ning Ruirui was surprised when she heard this voice.

"Hey, you rascal in the summer, don't look at it!" Ning Ruirui stopped playing tricks, just sat in the pool, basically burying her whole body in the water, only her head was exposed.

"Why aren't you allowed to look at it?" Xia Xian was a little puzzled, "Your swimsuit is pretty, but there's a lot of fabric."

Ning Ruirui was a little annoyed, this rogue is too much, although she is not a three-point swimsuit, she can't say that there is too much fabric, right?

"Sister Ruirui, brother-in-law is right, your swimsuit is too conservative, it's not worthy of your sexy pose just now." Shi Chun spoke to Xia Tian next to him.

"Chunchun is right, little long-legged girl, wearing so many clothes is not suitable for seducing me." Xia Xia said solemnly: "Also, you don't have to hide in the water, I can see it anyway. Very clear."

"Hey, why did you come back alone? What about Sister Ninth?" Ning Ruirui simply stood up and walked out of the pool with her beautiful long legs, because she knew that Xia Xia was right.

The water in the swimming pool is very clear, even ordinary people can see it clearly, let alone in summer. The reason why she hid her body in the water before was just an instinct.

"Nine girl ran away alone, so I came back alone." Xia Xia said casually: "Little girl with long legs, let me discuss something with you."

"What do you want to do again?" Ning Ruirui stared at Xia Xia and intuitively told her that it was probably not a good thing for Xia Xia to discuss with her.

"Do you want to become more powerful?" Xia Xia looked at Ning Ruirui seriously, "I can make you do more difficult movements, you just can dance ballet in the pool, but I can make you Do you want to try ballet dancing in the sky?"

Ballet in the sky?

Ning Ruirui imagined the scene and felt that it should be really beautiful, but such a beautiful thing will not fall from the sky out of thin air.

"I'm not interested in dancing." Ning Ruirui decided not to ask what Xia Xia wanted to do at all, and simply refused, "I won't try!"

"Little long-legged girl, didn't you say you like to challenge the limit?" Xia Xia looked at Ning Ruirui, a little puzzled, "Why are you so aggressive now?"

"I don't like to pick

The battle is over, isn't it? "Ning Ruirui snorted softly, when she talked about this matter, she felt stuffy in her heart.

You must know that in the past few years, whether in various sports competitions or in extreme challenges later, every success has brought Ning Ruirui a great sense of accomplishment, and this can actually make her mentally obtained great satisfaction.

For Ning Ruirui, this kind of psychological satisfaction is actually more important. However, since she met Xia Xia, she began to feel that whether it was her previous sports performance or the extreme challenges she faced later, it seemed that they were all the same. becomes meaningless.

In the eyes of others, her Ning Ruirui is a legend and a myth, but Ning Ruirui feels that now she is like a joke, because these things are easy things for immortal cultivators to do.

To put it simply, whether Ajiu or Yi Xiaoyin do these things, most of them can do better than her, and now, Ning Ruirui has found that the only thing she can do better than them seems to be her legs?

Her legs are long and perfect, no matter who she compares with, her legs are more beautiful.

In the eyes of this rogue Xia Tian, ​​it seems that this is her only advantage. As for her other hard-earned achievements, it seems worthless.

"Little long-legged girl, it's really wrong for you to be like this, long-legged girls are prettier than you, and they work harder than you." Xia Xia shook his head, "You will never be as good as long-legged girls, um, I think You can't even be a concubine, you can only be a concubine."

"Did I say I want to be your wife?" Ning Ruirui said angrily.

"Actually, it's not bad to be a concubine." Shi Chun said next to him, "Brother-in-law, will I be your concubine in the future?"

"Why in the future?" Xia Tian looked at Shi Chun and asked casually.

"Because now I just want to be your sister-in-law, so that I can openly let my brother-in-law help me with things, and at the same time, I don't have to sleep with you." Shi Chun blinked and said.

Ning Ruirui was dumbfounded, this Shi Chun really dared to say anything.

"Doesn't I suffer in this way?" Xia Xia said to himself, he stared at Shi Chun for a while, then looked at Ning Ruirui, "Well, forget it, it's a disadvantage, I still prefer it now. Little long-legged girl."

No way, who makes summer want to have long legs now.

The so-called love house and Wu, before she knew it, Xia Tian began to transfer some of her obsession with Ye Yumei's long-legged girl to Ning Ruirui.

"Hey, I won't talk nonsense with you, I'll go downstairs first." Ning Ruirui was about to leave at this time, however, just after taking a step, her feet suddenly slipped.

Then, she fell into Summer's arms.

"Little long-legged girl, you have to be careful when you walk." Xia Xia smiled.

"Do you think I don't know that you did the trick?" Ning Ruirui was a little annoyed, "Let me go!"

Ning Ruirui is also a real cultivator now, how could she walk and wrestle? The only explanation is that Xia Xia did tricks and then deliberately took advantage of her.

"Little long-legged girl, I really didn't do this." Xia Xia looked innocent, "It's that little liar Chunchun who attacked you."

"Sister Ruirui, I actually wanted to molest you, but my brother-in-law moved faster than me, so you can't blame me." Shi Chun smiled and admitted it readily.

Ning Ruirui's rhythm is a little crazy. It's not the most terrible thing to meet two hooligans at the same time. The scary thing is that these two hooligans are actually a man and a woman!

"Brother-in-law, sister Ruirui is really getting better and better now." Shi Chun said and stretched his hand towards Ning Ruirui's long leg, "There was a small scar here before, but now it's flawless, um , or brother-in-law, your eight needles against the sky are amazing."

"Don't take advantage of me." Xia Tian took out a silver needle and plunged towards Shi Chun.

Shi Chun hurriedly retracted his hand.

"Brother-in-law, you're too stingy. Sister Ruirui's legs are yours, and your things are mine too, so it's also mine, how can you say it's taking advantage of you?" Shi Chun pouted, "I'll talk about it later. I want to be your little concubine too, can't you just let me go first?"

Ning Ruirui has only one thought at the moment, that is, this Shi Chun is really suitable for being a little wife for Xia Xia, because these two people are really good match, they are both crazy!

"Ah..." An exclamation suddenly came from downstairs, "Shi Chun, Shi Chun, come here!"

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