Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1611 You should perform well

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

The exclamation came from Sun Yun, Ning Ruirui wanted to move subconsciously, but found that she still couldn't move, and Xia Xia was still holding her.

"Little long-legged girl, you can't go down now. You can't be seen by the idiot man below with your beautiful appearance." Xia Xia said seriously.

"Hey, I'm just a swimsuit. It's nothing to be seen. Besides, even if I don't want to be seen, it's my business. Why do you care so much?" Ning Ruirui said angrily, this person cares There are too many, and she is wearing a normal swimsuit, and it is a more conservative kind. Where it should not be exposed, it is definitely not exposed at all.

"Sister Ruirui, brother-in-law is right. You are so beautiful now, especially your legs. You can't just show them to others, but only to me and my brother-in-law." Shi Chun said quickly beside him, "You You don't have to go downstairs with your brother-in-law, I'll go down and have a look, it seems that Sun Yun's weird boyfriend is here, I'll just beat him up."

After Shi Chun finished speaking, he disappeared, and Xia Xia said to himself: "Well, I seem to like this little liar more and more like Chunchun."

"She's a rogue like you, of course you like her!" Ning Ruirui snorted softly, "Also, don't bother me, just go to Shi Chun to accompany you, she is also very beautiful, and her breasts are better than mine. It's big!"

"Well, no, Chunchun's legs are not as long as yours, and she looks like Hanhan's little liar who likes to trick people." Xia Xia said seriously.

"Who is Hanhan?" Ning Ruirui couldn't help asking.

"Oh, it's Sister Yunman's cousin, the scumbag who gave Sister Meng a loan shark at the age of ten." Xia Xia said casually.

Ning Ruirui had a headache when she heard it, so she decided not to ask. What is Sister Yunman's dream, she wasn't sure who they were, there was no way, this bastard knew too many women.

"Hey, let me go, I'm going to change clothes." Ning Ruirui struggled, "and your hand, don't move!"

Gritting her teeth, Ning Ruirui said angrily, "Hey, Xia Xia, you rascal, I'll make it clear to you, don't think you've made me worse by washing the pulp for me, so you can mess with me, even if you really want to. I'll be your little wife, and you have to come after me honestly, and don't take advantage of me like this!"

"Little long-legged girl, I'm so handsome, shouldn't you be chasing me?" Xia Xia was a little puzzled, "Nobody has a chance to be my wife, I'll give you a chance now, you should behave well."

"Hey, look in the mirror and tell me, where do you think you are handsome?" Ning Ruirui said angrily.

"Little long-legged girl, I don't need to look in the mirror to know that I am handsome everywhere." Xia Tian smiled, "You are different, you only have good-looking legs."

"Take your hand off my waist!" Ning Ruirui gritted her teeth, why does she only have beautiful legs?

"Oh, little girl with long legs, your waist is not bad, it's soft and comfortable to hold." Xia Xia added.

Ning Ruirui felt a little more comfortable, the rascal finally said something human.

Huh, no!

This hooligan is still molesting her!

Ning Ruirui came back to her senses, she felt that she was going crazy, otherwise, why didn't she care about being molested by Xia Xia?

Could it be because she has been used to it because she has been molested by this hooligan too many times recently?

This can't be done, she can't get used to being molested by this rogue, otherwise, the rogue will definitely molest her more times.

"Hey, I'm going to change clothes, please let me go!" Ning Ruirui snorted, "Don't you want me to be seen by other men like this? I'll change into normal clothes."

"Okay, little girl with long legs, go change your clothes." Xia Xia finally let go of Ning Ruirui this time, which made Ning Ruirui speechless. Does this dead hooligan really think of her as his?

She just wears a swimsuit. He actually thinks that he can't show it to others. He thinks it will make him suffer. She thinks it's okay. After all, when she was diving or swimming before, she didn't wear much.

"Hey, do you know that I have participated in diving competitions and swimming competitions before?" Ning Ruirui couldn't help asking.

"I don't know, what's the matter?" Xia Xia was obviously unfamiliar with this.

"Don't you know that when I was diving, I was wearing the same clothes I am now? And swimming is similar. Oh, in fact, when I participated in volleyball competitions and gymnastics competitions, I looked very good." Ning Ruirui snorted softly. , "If you feel like you're at a disadvantage like this, don't hit me, so you won't be at a disadvantage."

"Really?" Xia Tian was a little confused, "Oh, I'll take a look first."

Xia Tian took out his mobile phone and started searching. Although he didn't play with his mobile phone often, he still understood the simple operation.

"Well, little girl with long legs, you weren't very good-looking when you were a child... um, your gymnastics skills are okay... diving is also ok, and you wear a lot of clothes... oh, you look better when you play volleyball. Now..." Xia Xia muttered to herself while watching, and Ning Ruirui, who had not left, had the urge to vomit blood.

At this moment, Ning Ruirui understood that Xia Xia really cared about her figure the most. When she played volleyball, she had grown quite tall, especially her long legs were already against the sky.

"Well, it's actually alright, little girl with long legs, you are better looking now. Fortunately, you know me, otherwise you will always be the same as before, and you are not qualified to be my little wife." Xia Xia obviously told Ning What Ruirui just said didn't really matter too much. After all, it was nothing at all.

After thinking about it for a while, Xia Xia said again: "Well, it still seems to be a bit of a disadvantage. In the future, the little girl with long legs is going to be my little wife. You can't just show these videos to people."

So, Summer sent a message to the good baby.

"Little long-legged girl, don't worry, no one will see it in the future, I will delete all the good babies." Xia Chao Ning Ruirui giggled, "This way I won't suffer any losses."

Ning Ruirui was speechless for a moment, then turned around and left. She should change her clothes, not because she was afraid that others would see it, but because she was afraid that it would cause chaos in the summer.

Ning Ruirui felt that she should dress more conservatively in front of summer in the future. Well, she has to find a way to cover her long legs and wear looser pants that don't show legs.

Just as Ning Ruirui disappeared from the pool, Shi Chun rushed up again.

"Brother-in-law and brother-in-law, come and help me deal with the strange creature below, I'm afraid I can't help but kill him!" Shi Chun ran to Xia Xia and dragged him downstairs, "Brother-in-law, let me tell you, Sun Yun that Ex-boyfriend, really weird!"

Shi Chun spoke quickly: "That wonderful woman took a fancy to a rich girl, then dumped Sun Yun and ran here to show off Sun Yun. When she found out that Sun Yun lived in a super villa, she suddenly felt that Sun Yun was richer and said she wanted to get back together. Saying that Sun Yun deliberately lied to him and said that he wanted Sun Yun to compensate him, I really want to kill him!"

"Then kill him." Xia Xia said casually.

"Brother-in-law and brother-in-law, you can't just beat someone to death. That person is just a weirdo, but I feel pissed off just beating him up. Brother-in-law, you've always been good at trolling people. Come and help me tame him." Shi Chun Er has already dragged Xia Xia to the first floor, and then pointed over there, "Look, brother-in-law, that's the weird one. He just drove a BMW and wanted to show it off."

In the living room, in addition to Sun Yun, there was a young man. This man was pretty good-looking. He was tall and had the potential to be a little white face.

"Sun Yun, you found a new boyfriend so soon?" When the young man saw Xia Xia, he immediately became angry, "Okay, it turns out that you cheated first, but you still go around and tell others. I dumped you..."

"You idiot, do you think I'll be as blind as you?" Xia Xia was immediately dissatisfied, what kind of eyes did this idiot look, how could he be Sun Yun's boyfriend?

His taste is not so low.

"That's right, this weirdo has no vision at all. It would be a blessing for him to find a girlfriend like Sun Yun. He actually dared to dump Sun Yun!" Shi Chun added immediately.

Looking at the weird man, Shi Chun shouted again: "Hey, damn weird, this is my brother-in-law, don't talk nonsense, or my brother-in-law will beat your mother and don't know you!"

"Brother-in-law? Haha, Shi Chun, do you think I'll believe it?" The strange man looked at Shi Chun, "I think he's a lover, right? I thought it was strange, you two are not children of a rich family, why? Can you live in such a big villa? This villa is worth at least several hundred million yuan. After a long time of trouble, you two were taken care of together?"

"Chunchun, have you always pretended to be a child of a poor family?" Xia Xia looked at Shi Chun in surprise, "You really are a little liar!"

"I didn't pretend. My family has no money. My dad doesn't go to work now. I even ask my sister for pocket money!" Shi Chun pouted, then glared at the strange man: "Hey, It doesn't matter if you say that my brother-in-law takes care of me, don't say that my brother-in-law takes care of Sun Yun, my brother-in-law will really beat you!"

"Yes, my taste is not so bad." Xia Xia agreed, "Chunchun, you can kill this idiot directly. His life is a waste of food."

"Brother-in-law, it's not good to kill people. Besides, there are a lot of idiots in this world, so you can't kill them all." Shi Chun obviously had a relatively normal view, "Forget it, I'll kick him out. "

Looking at Sun Yun's bizarre ex-boyfriend, Shi Chun shouted fiercely: "Hey, are you going to get out? I'll beat you up if you don't care!"

"Beat me? Come on, Shi Chun, others don't dare to beat you because you look good, I don't want to eat you..." This person seemed to have some resentment towards Shi Chun, but before he finished speaking, he With a scream, he flew out.

"You are talking too much nonsense." But it was Xia Xia who came out.

"I'll go out and have a look." Shi Chun ran out, and ran back in less than a second: "That strange flower actually ran away!"

"Who ran away?" Ning Ruirui walked down at this time, and before Shi Chun could answer, Ning Ruirui immediately said, "Hey, summer, look at the news on the Internet!"

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